
Chapter 1956 The Legacy of the Son of God 1 Combination

Chapter 1956: A Combination of the Legacy of the Son of God
Bowang Sea is located in the depths of the spirit world, where the sky is gray and the sea is pitch black for many years.Although the spiritual power is not low, there may not be many monks who really dare to come here to practice.

The endless black sea water can not be seen from a distance.After Yi Tian stood in the sky and inspected it, his face couldn't help but feel a little moved.It is definitely not an easy task to find the hidden relics left by the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu here.

After stretching his divine sense, he scanned the entire area for thousands of miles and found no trace of anyone.When he was wondering, Yi Tian suddenly found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the edge of the divine sense were about the same intensity as his own, galloping towards his direction.

I can't say more about it, it should be the one-eyed Crimson Pupil Demon, and it is estimated that the time agreed by the two is coming soon.I originally spent some time refining the fire essence, but I didn't expect that my cultivation base would improve a lot after refining, and then I flew all the way here just to maintain a normal speed, but I found out carefully that I The evasion technique has also been upgraded by one level.

That's why the Crimson Pupil Demon suffered this quarter of an hour, so Yi Tian turned around and greeted him in the direction he came from.

Half a moment later, the two met unexpectedly in the air, and Yi Tian has now recovered as a demon cultivator.What appeared in front of the Crimson Pupil Demon was a full-fledged flame prison demon monk.

After the two met, Scarlet Eyed Demon looked at him, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.He didn't know Yi Tian before, but he just thought that this person would be a strong enemy.

But now, under the instruction of the Demon Saint Bao Tan, it is natural to have a detailed understanding of Yi Tian's true identity.Even Yi Tian didn't have a proud record in living in the spiritual world, but the Scarlet Eyed Demon dared not be careless.

Facing a person who has been repeatedly praised by the devil sage, he can't take it too seriously.

After meeting again, Yi Tian always felt that the other party looked at him with a strange look, and he secretly became wary, but he still pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Fellow Daoist Crimson Eye Demon is really punctual, so please lead the way Right. After all, you proposed this matter, and only you know the specific location."

"What Daoist Yi said is, then follow me, the secret place is not easy to find," said the Crimson Eye Demon, then turned around and led the way and flew towards the depths of the Bowang Sea.

Yi Tian was taken aback for a moment, then pulled out and set up the escape technique to follow behind him, and the two of them flew about a hundred feet apart for most of the day.

Looking around in the sea area where the divine sense goes, there is no land. Such a land boundary is really a good place to kill and rob.Yi Tian moved his lips and lowered his head to transmit the voice and asked, "How far is the Scarlet Eye Demon?"

"It should be almost close," said the one-eyed, scarlet-eyed demon leading the way without looking back, "It's probably thousands of miles away."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw him turn his head to the side and look into the distance, and then there was a little doubt on his face and he said, "Why is there still someone here?"

Yi Tian followed the direction he was looking at by using the Eye of Heavenly Demon to check, and saw that there were two rays of light coming towards the direction of the two of them outside the direction of the detection of the divine sense.It seemed that they were not aware of the existence of the two of them, but they were heading in the right direction.

These two were Jue Dao Song Li and Dugu Jackie Chan from the Heavenly Demon Clan who had invited him to go to Bowanghai together.

A few of them are within the reach of the divine mind of a monk in the integration period, even if they have a certain level, they are not too far behind.Soon when they flew eight thousand miles away, they both found the existence of the two.

The two divine senses stretched out from the air and swept over the two of them several times before locking on.Knowing that he couldn't avoid the one-eyed Crimson Pupil Demon, he was startled for a moment, then returned to normal, turned around and said: "It seems that someone from the same company is here, let's go up and have a look."

"It's your fault that the Crimson Eyed Demon said it. Since you have made an appointment to explore the secret treasure of the Holy Prince, why did you inform others?" Yi Tian said with a displeased expression, pretending to vent his anger.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, forgive me, but in fact, these two people have not received my appointment," Fei Tongmo replied with a face of shame: "I really didn't know that they would come here, and this combination of spiritual cultivation and magic cultivation is also out of date. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that Dugu Jackie Chan's mouth said that the secret support of Lingxiu was Song Li, the guard of the gate."

Yi Tian guessed this situation early in the morning, otherwise how could he have intercepted Qing Lianyun's transport ship so accurately with the news channels of Yan Lei and An Ming.

But these words can only be kept in the heart, this is not a good opportunity to find Song Li for liquidation.In a blink of an eye, it seems that Scarlet Eye Demon can't call them. Speaking of which, it is also a coincidence to meet Dugu and Jackie Chan.But everyone's purpose is the same, so the next itinerary will be interesting.

Not long after, the two met unexpectedly in the air, and Yi Tian and Fei Tongmo looked at each other with no expression on their faces.Song Li on the opposite side was slightly taken aback when he saw such a battle, the smile on his face gradually disappeared and was replaced by a solemn look.It is obvious that the two demons in front of them are powerful people, and any one of them can surely beat him.

However, Dugu Jackie looked at Yi Tian for a while, then turned his eyes to Yi Tian and swept back and forth several times, showing a look of surprise on his face, "Dare to ask, this fellow Taoist is the Holy Emperor of the Flame Prison Demon Race."

It turned out that he didn't recognize his true identity. Speaking of which, now that he was pretending to be a monk of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, it was inevitable that he would be mistaken for the Flame Prison Demon Emperor himself.At the moment, I wanted to speak back, but the sound transmission voice of Scarlet Eye Demon came from my ear: "You don't have to worry, Fellow Daoist Yi, but I will just help you out."

Yan Bafei took a step forward and said, "This is fellow Daoist Yi Tian, ​​the Great Elder of the Flame Prison Demon Clan, and also my best friend, the Demon Emperor himself."

As soon as the words came out, Dugu Jackie was stunned for a moment, and then his face returned to its original state. As for Song Li who was on the side, there was a look of expectation in his eyes again.Slowly flew forward, cupped his hands and said, "I've met Elder Yi Tian, ​​Xia Jue Dao Song Li."

Yi Tian spat in his heart and said inwardly: "Crimson Tongmo is also very nervous, so he revealed his real name. In this way, he is tantamount to self-inflicted. Naturally, what kind of character Jue Dao Song Li is can be associated with it. Pretend to be a demon."

Now that both spirits and demons are overwhelmingly powerful, if Song Li doesn't know how to choose at this time, he will have lived for thousands of years in vain.

He and Dugu Jackie are just in a state of cooperation, but they have a relationship with Xi Tianying with him.If you really encounter any problems, it is more reliable to believe in monks of the same family.

And now that the strength comparison has become two-on-two, he also has confidence in his heart, and his words are naturally much more free and easy.

(End of this chapter)

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