
Chapter 1958 Holy Son's Legacy 3 Getting Started

Chapter 1958 Three Introductions to the Holy Son's Legacy
In the ruins of the underwater island, Yi Tian and Giving met unexpectedly, and the two seemed to have a very tacit exchange.Later, they walked together and continued walking towards the depths of the stone path.

Yi Tian found that although the surrounding area had been abandoned for a long time, the stone buildings left behind could vaguely detect the shadow of the Buddhist Leiguang Temple.At the moment, I also find it very interesting. Since Qiu Yu, the devil prince, sealed half of his heart here, why would he build a Buddhist temple here.

It is unbelievable for a demon monk to place his secret treasure in a Buddhist temple and say it.But Yi Tian could guess in his heart that Master Jie Ding's half-a-minute Buddha-like heart must have tortured the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu to the fullest.

Such a Buddha-like heart demon is suffering in his heart all the time. No wonder the master of precepts gave up half of his heart and placed it here.If he were to do the same, Yi Tian was thinking that he suddenly heard Song Li shouting in front of him through voice transmission: "Friend Yi Daoist, take a look here, maybe you will find something."

Following the direction Song Li pointed at, Yi Tian saw a Buddha statue more than ten feet high in the distance.The difference from other places is that the left half of this Buddha statue is normally seen in the temple, while the right half appears in the form of a demon.

I said in my heart: "This is the form of good and evil meditation practiced by Master Jie Ding's 'One Thought Buddha and Demon'. I didn't expect that it could be carved into such a shape."

Taking a closer look, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the face of the stone Buddha statue turned out to be that of Master Jie Ding and Prince Qiu Yu.It's just that half of the heart on the left side of the stone statue is missing. After Yi Tian's visual inspection, it seems that there is only half of the heart left.

Immediately, I was startled and said to myself: "Isn't it implying something? This is the place where the devil prince buried half of the Buddha's heart, so the stone statue in front of him is also a half-devil and half-Buddha, and the left heart is missing a piece just to deal with it." This is the scene of Prince Qiu Yu abandoning the Buddha's heart."

After staring at it, the remaining half of the heart seems to be the same color as the half-magic state on the right.Yi Tian cheered up and stared at the half Buddha's face, only to see that half of the Buddha's face showed distressed, doubtful and entangled expressions.

After seeing all these situations in his eyes, Yi Tian gradually had various doubts in his heart, although there were some unspeakable weirdness, but he couldn't express it.Perhaps the only way to find the answer in the secret store is to continue to investigate.

Soon Song Li walked around and came back, and then asked through voice transmission: "Did you find anything special to point out?"

Pointing at the Buddha statue in front of him, Yi Tian replied, "Only here is the most special one, but the entrance to the hidden place can't be found?"

Just as he was talking about his spiritual thoughts, he noticed that there were two spiritual pressure fluctuations coming quickly behind the temple. Needless to say, they were Scarlet Eye Demon and Dugu Jackie Chan.Thinking about being able to find here at their speed is not much different.

Yi Tian and Song Li looked at each other and then stood apart to keep a certain distance. Under such an environment, they should not appear too familiar to avoid suspicion.

Shaoqing saw the two people walking from the northwest direction of the temple ruins closed, and when they saw the scarlet pupil demon and Dugu Jackie Chan first, they showed a slightly startled expression, and then returned to their original state.

Crimson Tongmo came forward and lowered his head to transmit the voice and asked, "Did you find any suspicious traces here?"

"The stone statue in front of me is the most suspicious, but I haven't found any clues to the entrance to the hidden ruins. I think I can find some clues based on the information that fellow Taoist Crimson Eye Demon knows," Yi Tian replied.

After looking at the stone statue in front of him, Crimson Tongmo immediately nodded and said, "I have the key here. I don't know what I will face after entering. Be careful, everyone."

These words were transmitted separately, and immediately attracted the attention of the three of them.I saw the Crimson Eyed Demon stepping forward to take out half of the ancient spirit stone from the storage ring.It seems to be engraved with some kind of array pattern, which is of the same origin as the array pattern on the half-demon, half-Buddha stone statue in front of him.

Reaching out and gently inserting the ancient spirit stone into the heart on the left side of the stone Buddha statue, Yi Tian saw that the heart of the Buddha statue was completely patched.

Then the whole stone statue aroused the spiritual pattern from the heart, and the spiritual power transmitted from the heart connected to the pattern on the ground, shining white spiritual light within ten feet around.

A look of surprise flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, he was no stranger to such formations, could it be the formations at the entrance of the passageway deep in the secret realm in Daleiguang Temple.

From various indications, even after falling into the demonic way, the master of precepts still has not completely demonized his original mind.And there are still a lot of Buddhist shadows.

Just thinking about it, I only heard a slight vibration under the ground.Immediately afterwards, a halo shot out from the forehead of the Buddha statue just hit the stone wall three feet away in front of it.A door of light appeared above, then shook violently, and then divided into four parts, which were placed in front of the four people.

After seeing it, the Scarlet Eye Demon stared at it and said: "This is the four-element teleportation array, which seems to be the only way to enter the secret store. But it seems that each door is a one-way teleportation, and it can only be used once. look."

"Let's go in, since we've come here, we still have to try, otherwise this trip is really worthwhile," Dugu Jackie said via voice transmission.

Crimson Tongmo also showed hesitation on his face, as long as he entered separately, he would definitely part ways with the three people in front of him.But inside, he didn't know what else he would meet. He had received a secret letter from the Demon Saint Bao Tan before, and if he got separated here, it would be difficult to deal with it later.

After thinking about it for a while, Scarlet Eyed Demon's footsteps did not move, as if he had been hesitating.On the other hand, Song Li stood on the sidelines and observed the situation. On the surface, his side was the weakest, and he should not be the first to jump out due to emotion and reason.However, Song Li also had a relaxed look on his face when he thought that he would be able to part ways with everyone after entering.

Among the three, the one he was most unsure about dealing with was the Crimson Eyed Demon, but even if he encountered him inside, he only had a one-third chance of encountering it. It was better than being awkward and at a loss when getting along outside.

It was Yi Tian who went forward and chose the first cyan light gate, and then said via voice transmission: "So I'll come first, everyone has no objections."

Fei Tongmo hesitated for a moment but nodded, but Jue Dao Song Li stepped forward and said, "Please give me the first place. I think Fellow Daoist Dugu thinks so."

Dugu Jackie was startled when he heard the words, and then realized that there was something in Song Li's words.No matter which demon cultivator goes first, he will be at a disadvantage. Instead of doing this, he might as well enter the secret store first, so that his own situation will also improve accordingly.

The Crimson Pupil Demon lowered his head and chatted privately through voice transmission, and then saw the Crimson Pupil Demon nodding his head.Then Song Li flew straight towards the light gate of the first green dragon mark that Yi Tian had selected before, with a flash of inspiration all over his body, and disappeared after three breaths.

Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, selected the light of the second white tiger mark, and then jumped in.

(End of this chapter)

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