
Chapter 1988

Chapter 1988
Since the outbreak of the catastrophe in the spiritual world, spiritual cultivators and demon cultivators have been fighting each other in the fringe areas of the three factions. With the efforts of many spiritual cultivators, the war has been suppressed within this range and has not spread to the hinterland of the three factions.

Occasionally, some demon squads sneaked into the hinterland and ran for thousands of miles, and they would be surrounded by more spiritual cultivation teams.Moreover, it is a big problem to fight in the off-site logistics supply, so the demons have gradually shrunk their forces and no longer waste their strength to harass the spiritual hinterland.

In this way, the focus of both sides returned to the frontal battlefield again. Zheng Tingyun, the commander of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, frequently launched battles during this period, and sent people to attack from all over the place to regain the area originally controlled by the demon army.

Obviously, after receiving Yi Tian's message, she knew that Dugu Jackie Chan, the commander of the demon army, had died at this time, and the movements of these demon army became chaotic and disorderly when the dragons had no leader.Such a good opportunity is naturally not to be missed, and Zheng Tingyun also learned that the betrayal of the Scarlet Eyed Demon has affected the plan of the Demon Sage, so naturally he wanted to give him a severe blow while the Demon Army was in chaos.

And in Luoxia City, which is hundreds of thousands of miles away, in the hinterland of Taiqing Pavilion, it is a different scene at this time. Today is a good day for the eldest son of the old Hua family in the city to marry a Taoist couple.The woman is the first daughter of Xiang Donghui during the distraction period of the Taiqing Pavilion. This marriage of the two families can be regarded as a strong alliance within the Taiqing Pavilion sect.

But the strange thing is that both Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and Lihuo Palace sent people to congratulate them one after another, and people who didn't know it were just to watch the excitement.But those casual cultivators who knew the details all rushed to Huafu, no matter how you say it, it is always right to be familiar.

As the host, the Hua family naturally did not dare to neglect, and opened up an exclusive area in the mansion to receive the two groups of visitors.These are all powerful factions in the spirit world. The Hua family's attachment to Taiqing Pavilion naturally came forward as Taiqing Pavilion's disciples and masters.

The original head of the family was Hua Yuxin, but in recent years, with the frequent wars in the spiritual alliance and the entry into the Lihuo Palace, she has already seen that the position of the head of the family has been passed on to the next generation of the Hua family.Counting it, Hua Yulin and Hua Yuxin are already the elders of the Hua family, and now the monks who are mainly in charge of the family are the monks of the Huashen stage.

As for the reception of casual monks, they are arranged in other courtyards, and the visiting monks here are extremely mixed.The strength of the monks who came here ranged from the golden core stage to the transformation stage, and some of them came here because of their reputation and wanted to make friends.Some low-level monks even want to find someone to learn from a teacher under the guise of visiting.On weekdays, they couldn't even see the monks of the three sects, so they finally found an opportunity and naturally wanted to try their luck.

Among these people was an inconspicuous young monk, whose spiritual pressure fluctuations were just like those of the Nascent Soul Stage, he walked slowly through the area where the casual monks gathered and came to the Hua Family Courtyard.From the looks of it, it looked like he was shopping, but his walking route was familiar, not like it was his first visit.

Since the first battle at Jiemen, Yi Tian did not go directly to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, but took a detour to Luoxia City and his party first.This was the first stop of my ascension to the spirit world back then, and it was a refreshing feeling to revisit the old place.

After talking with Xiang Donghui before, Yi Tian simply wrote a letter and asked him to take it to Hua Yulin.I knew in my heart that Xiang Donghui was also the first disciple of the distraction stage in the Taiqing Pavilion. Although I don't know if he can advance to the fusion stage, he is now the leader of Zhou Feiyang, the late monk of the fusion stage.

Such importance should not be underestimated in the Taiqing Pavilion. The Hua family's status as a rising star is nothing more than Hua Yuxin's status.It can be seen that Xiang Donghui's proposal to marry his daughter-in-law this time is nothing more than to find a strong backer.However, for the time being, there are no powerful figures in the Hua family's direct line, and the two families are happy to learn from each other's strengths through marriage.

In the final analysis, we still rely on strength to speak, Yi Tian thought about slowly stepping into Hua's other courtyard.There are still a few people here who want to cultivate as much as myself, and Yi Tian loses interest after his spiritual thoughts pass by.The potential of these casual cultivators has been almost exhausted, and today's visit to the Hua family is just to find some connections to eat and drink.

Just thinking about it, a strange feeling came to my heart, and I walked a few steps to a quiet courtyard.There were not many people going in and out here. After Yi Tian walked in, his eyes glanced at the monks in the main hall, and then his pupils froze.I saw two people sitting in the main hall, one of them was a casual cultivator in the late Jindan period.Another late Nascent Soul elder sat in an empty seat beside him, holding a jug of spiritual wine in his hand, and began to drink it himself.

That old man was none other than the second elder of the guard of Huangquan, Ji Ruilin. With his late-fit monk restraining his breath, he was here pretending to be a Nascent Soul monk, so he couldn't really be here to participate in the celebration of the Hua family.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian walked forward slowly, and when he came in front of He Ruilin, he bowed his head and said, "Fellow Taoist is here to pour and drink for himself, isn't it just waiting for me?"

"It's your kid here," Yan Ruilin pointed to the empty seat opposite and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, please take your seat."

The two asked and answered as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. The late Jindan casual cultivator who was next to him slowly stood up and walked out of the other courtyard, leaving only the two of them here.

Later, Yi Tian opened a sound-proof barrier before asking: "Why is the old man waiting for me here?"

Xi Ruilin smiled without saying a word and looked at Yi Tian for a long time before replying: "I went to Qin Huaige from Qingtian Pavilion, and I paid a lot of money to see the future of the Nether Dynasty."

"That's really congratulations on being old," Yi Tian said with a smile, "So you really got what you wanted."

Gently waving his hands, Ruilin said, "Sect Master Yi, do you know what price I paid for this divination?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned. Since Huan Ruilin said so, it seems that it cost a lot.After thinking about it, he asked: "Suwen Qin's first seat is also different for divination. Personal fortune divination does not cost much, but if it is the fate of the dynasty or involves the safety of the world, I am afraid it will be expensive."

Xi Ruilin nodded and said: "Sect Master Yi is really insightful," and then stretched out two fingers to signal: "I spent so much."

"200 years of lifespan," Yi Tian said lightly, "Fellow Daoist Hide is really willing to part with it."

However, Xi Ruilin smiled disdainfully and said, "It's 2000 years of life, Sect Master Yi, do you think my generation is worth it?"

His face twitched slightly, and then Yi Tian showed a dignified expression and looked at the person in front of him. You must know that although the second elder guarded by Huangquan is in the late stage of fusion, his lifespan is also running out. Since he is willing to spend so much The price must be for extraordinary things.After thinking about it, Yi Tian sighed and said, "Fellow Daoist Huo really did something beyond my expectations. It seems that spending such a price must have paid off."

(End of this chapter)

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