
Chapter 199

Chapter 199

Among the several mountain peaks deep in the blessed land of the inner gate of the Chiyang School, three monks fought in a trapped formation about three miles away. The sound spread throughout the inner gate, but no one came.

Qu Yifeng controlled the Chiyang Fire Sword and fought with Jin Sheng who performed the same trick. The two of them tried their best for each blow, one wanted to escape, and the other desperately blocked it.Not far away, there was another monk who was recovering his spiritual power quickly. After half a stick of incense was gone, his whole body faintly showed spiritual pressure, which seemed to be almost recovered.

With one finger of Yi Tian's right hand, he was manipulating three fire flywheels to surround him, and he shouted, "Little song, step aside, let me meet the first foundation-builder of Chiyang Sect's inner sect." The fire escape technique flew over.

Seeing that he was controlled by Yi Tian's flywheel array, Jin Sheng's face shook a few times, and he said angrily: "Since you want to die, then accept the move," and then commanded Chiyang Huojian to swing away Qu Yifeng's attack, He spit out a mouthful of true fire from his mouth and ignited himself completely.

Seeing this, Qu Yifeng yelled: "Be careful, it's the Chiyan Armor in the Chiyang True Fire. This is a trick that can only be used in the Jindan stage. The whole person's strength can be doubled in an instant," turning his head and looking at it. After Yi Tianhou, Qu Yifeng's eyes widened even wider.

On the contrary, Yi Tian sneered and said: "I thought it was a great move, it turned out to be left over from playing," after all, a burst of flames ignited all over his body, wrapping himself up, under the surprised eyes of the two He used exactly the same trick as Jin Sheng.

This time, Yi Tian was preparing for a quick battle, so he no longer tried to attack. Since he knew that the Chiyan Armor was Jin Sheng's ultimate move, Yi Tian didn't mind letting him try the clan's strength.

After Yi Tian also used the True Flame Armor, in the eyes of Qu Yifeng and Jin Sheng, the two people looked exactly the same, but Yi Tian was observant, and his True Flame Armor was obviously smaller than the opponent's , the color is slightly brighter, it should be because the Xuanyang real fire is more condensed.But I don't know how powerful it is.

After a phantom flashed past, Yi Tian took the lead, controlling the fire flywheel to slowly force Jin Sheng towards him.Jin Sheng, who was standing in the opposite air, also noticed Yi Tian's attempt, and was anxious. The Chiyan Armor cultivated in the Foundation Establishment Stage could only last for a quarter of an hour, and the spiritual power consumption was too great to last long.

With the idea of ​​breaking through forcibly, Jin Sheng took the initiative to fly towards Yi Tian, ​​trying to directly force Yi Tian to submit by relying on the failure of the Chiyang Fire Sword and Chi Yanjia.

Seeing that the menacing Jin Sheng Yitian just twitched his lips, he directly took out the Fire Emblem Shield, pinched the magic formula in his hand and simultaneously cast the three strongest spells in the Xuanyang True Fire Foundation Establishment Period, the Spiral True Fire Shield, the True Fire Shield Flame Armor and Xuanyang Flywheel Formation.

There was only a violent collision sound in the air, and the two people wrapped in flames collided with each other, like fireworks exploding in the air.

Qu Yifeng on the side opened his mouth wide, and he had never seen such a scene before.After the explosion, there was no such thing as the expected stalemate between the two of them.

Instead, Yi Tian's shield directly bit Jin Sheng's Chiyang Fire Sword, and then the three flywheels succeeded in besieging again.But this time the flywheel was stuck on the red flame armor and couldn't bite anymore. The serrations on the flywheel were completely stuck by Jin Sheng's red flame armor, and it didn't move, but Jin Sheng couldn't bounce the flywheel away.

After the two stalemate in the air for a while, Yi Tian just smiled at Jin Sheng and said: "Brother Jin's inner sect's foundation establishment is only mediocre, it seems that you lost," and then a golden flame flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian's overall strength improved again, and he shouted: "Fen", three small flywheels suddenly separated from the middle of the fire flywheel, and then wrapped in a trace of golden flame, it directly cut Jin Sheng's red flame armor.

When Jin Sheng was about to die, he heard Yi Tian's voice transmission: "Three of your subordinates and two companions all died in my hands. Don't be an undercover agent in your next life. And your Chi Yanjia trainer Not bad, but it’s a pity that meeting Xuan Yang’s heirs makes him nothing.”

Jin Sheng, with a pale face, opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but saw the head and body separated, and then his brain went blank and he couldn't speak.

After collecting the heads of the three people, Yi Tian directly threw the storage bag to Qu Yifeng and said, "The head is yours, and I will share the things with you later." .

Qu Yifeng, who was on the side, was also stunned. After measuring the strength of himself and Yi Tian, ​​he did not expect that the gap would become wider and wider after more than ten years.After catching the storage bag, he also showed a bitter expression. After that, it was really a world of difference.

Then there was determination in his eyes, now Yi Tian is definitely the number one target he wants to catch up with, and he admires Yi Tian from the bottom of his heart. He killed three opponents in the late stage of foundation establishment in less than three quarters of an hour. In the Chiyang faction, Yi Tian can walk sideways.

After the two finished cleaning up for a while, Yi Tian shouted: "Let's hurry up, Yan Jungang hasn't responded for so long, it seems that he is also in trouble."

Qu Yifeng nodded and said: "Brother Yi, let's go, hurry up and help Brother Yan."

After speaking, the two flew up in the air at full speed, and headed towards the forbidden fire cave of the Chiyang faction.After the battle just now, Qu Yifeng was completely convinced, so he followed Yi Tian closely when he was on the road, and flew as fast as he could.

Yi Tian also threw the bottle of spirit wine in his hand to Qu Yifeng, and the two of them rushed to replenish their spirit power, not knowing what to face next.

Two quarters of an hour later, Yi Tian came to the lava cave, the forbidden area of ​​the Chiyang faction, but all the restrictions were broken here, and there was also the sound of violent fighting inside.From the sound, it should be that Yan Jungang was fighting with someone, but now the two of them were also puzzled, there was actually a third person besides Chi Yangzi, and it seemed that he was no weaker than Yan Jungang.

The two rushed into the valley of the lava cave, only to see a small room in the middle of the lava cave, but it was airtightly wrapped by several giant vines as thick as buckets.There was an empty cliff mouth above the valley, but it was blocked by a burst of red light film, and the two men were fighting in the air ten feet above the stone house.

Yan Jungang was overjoyed when he saw someone coming in. He had been wrestling with the opponent for a long time but there was no improvement. The key was that there was too much difference in cultivation base. Now a helper came, and the Thunder Gold Hammer in his hand frequently exerted force to break the situation. It's a tie.He also turned his head and shouted loudly: "You two quickly find a way to help the Patriarch out of trouble, as long as the Patriarch comes out, everything will be a foregone conclusion."

Yi Tian saw that Yan Jungang's opponent turned out to be Zhuo Lingfeng who was on duty at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. At this time, he saw that he was holding a piece of spirit wood as if he was manipulating the entangled vines in the middle of the melting hole.The other hand was fighting against Yan Jun. If it hadn't been for Zhuo Lingfeng Jindan peak to deal with an early Jindan cultivator, it wouldn't have dragged on for so long.

Zhuo Lingfeng was shocked when he saw the arrival of Yi Tian and the others. Trapped in the lava cave hut was Chi Yangzi in the mid-Yuanying period. Once he escaped from the trap, he would definitely die.Immediately, his hand didn't stop, and he waved the spirit wood in his hand, only to see one of the vine veins besieging the stone house in the middle, coming towards Yi Tian and Qu Yifeng.

Suddenly a gap was revealed, and Chi Yangzi, who was trapped in the house, was finally able to release a trace of his consciousness. After scanning the situation of the molten fire cave, a loud voice came out: "Junior Brother Zhuo, I have no idea." I never thought that you were the one who played tricks, disciples and grandchildren, work harder to help me break the entanglement of the vine veins, and after I go out, these tricksters will definitely be punished severely."

Zhuo Lingfeng also became angry from embarrassment: "Chiyangzi, after I finish cleaning up your disciples and grandchildren, I will greet you well." Then the magic power in his hand increased by three points, and the balance of power that Yan Jun just managed to balance on the opposite side changed again. Became a disadvantage.

Seeing the vines attacking, Yi Tian and Qu Yifeng hurriedly dodged, and pits half a foot deep were pulled out where the vines passed.Yi Tian took a closer look at the vine veins, and suddenly became suspicious. Why are these giant vine veins so familiar, as if he has seen them somewhere.With a wave of his hand, the three flywheels rushed over, and the rotating gears left traces on the vine veins, but they couldn't cut off the vine veins.And Qu Yifeng controlled the Chiyang Fire Sword and kept looking for opportunities to split that vine.

After a few rounds, only saw the piece of spiritual wood in Zhuo Lingfeng's hand flashing blue, and suddenly a flower bud about two feet in size appeared on the side of the head of the vine.After Yi Tian saw it, he felt really distressed. This thing should be the half-pack of ghost face flower seeds that he gave to Liu Yue. Somehow Zhuo Lingfeng spawned it, and it became so big. He yelled at Qu Yifeng. Said: "This is the vine of the ghost face flower, the stem of the flower bud."

Zhuo Lingfeng, who was in the air, was stunned when he heard it: "I didn't expect you, a kid with a lot of knowledge, to recognize this sixth-level spirit plant ghost face flower."

After hearing this, Yi Tian cursed wildly in his heart, I brought this thing out from the ruins, it really is a thief shouting "stop thief".But on the face, he turned to Yan Jungang with a solemn look: "We all made a mistake, Zhuo Lingfeng is the real 'Ye Xiao', the real dark son of the White Bone Sect lurking in the Chiyang Sect."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone including Chiyangzi exclaimed in amazement, while Yan Jungang nodded and said, "Now I can also be sure that it is him, the undercover agent of Baigumen who has been lurking in the Chiyang faction for nearly 400 years."

And Chiyangzi's angry roar came from the stone house: "Zhuo Lingfeng, is it really you? Could it be that you were responsible for the Chiyang split 300 years ago?"

Zhuo Lingfeng who was in the air laughed a few times and said: "That's right, Chiyangzi was originally 400 years old and we all started at the same time, but I am better than you in every way, and my cultivation is also one step ahead of you, but I can form alchemy The moat has stuck me for a whole hundred years, and I didn't realize that I could never surpass you in this life until after I formed the alchemy, but when I learned that you needed to recuperate in the lava valley after being injured, and couldn't easily get out of the valley, it was a godsend to me."

"Is it because of this that you betrayed the master's sect? As far as I know, it is absolutely impossible for your background to have anything to do with the Baigumen," Chi Yangzi asked suspiciously.

"That's true. I should have been a member of the Chiyang Sect, but since you advanced to the Golden Core, I found that I have no hope of forming a core, so I ran into Liu Yue from the White Bone Sect during a trip. , we made an agreement at that time, he will help me form the golden pill, and I will vote for Li Baoxiao to join the Baigumen, as long as you are trapped and then deal with your disciples and grandchildren, the Baigumen Nascent Soul monk will take over, but it is you time of death."

This time, Chi Yangzi in the stone house was silent, and a sigh came after a long time, but then he saw bursts of mana fluctuations, as if he was about to force open the vines of the ghost face flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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