
Chapter 1995 Jinglou 1

Chapter 1995 Jing Lou One
I met Qin Huaige in the Qingtian Pavilion, and then he used divination to find out the secret history of the sect for himself.In the phantom of the divination, Yi Tian found that he was actually fighting a Lingxiu.The person who fought was Miao Dizi, Feng Lingzi's closed disciple.

Speaking of this person, he is also extremely mysterious. After disappearing in the spirit world 5 years ago, it directly led to the disintegration of the dominance of Luo Tianxian Palace's family.Afterwards, the three disciples from the original branch of Luotian Immortal Palace stepped forward to reorganize the sect forces and finally maintained the situation in the spirit world.

Speaking of which, the news I found from the demon world only mentioned that the founders of the three sects also went to the ruins of Luo Tianxian Palace, and after their return, their strength improved and they started a new stove.

If Miaodizi was still in Luotian Immortal Palace back then, this matter would not have happened.There are still many intriguing unsolved mysteries in it.

After coming out of Qingtian Pavilion, Yi Tian turned around and flew directly towards the scripture building at the inner door of Taiqing Pavilion. In the entire spiritual world, there are only three sects of scripture buildings that may find some clues.

Although there are two monks at the combined stage in the entire Taiqing Pavilion now, Qin Huaige's consumption is too high after divination and needs to be repaired.As for the other one, it is Qing Lianyun, who returned to the sect to practice in seclusion after fighting against Mistress Anming on the Demon Disaster Battlefield last time.

Yi Tian didn't intend to disturb her, but took out a communication jade slip and wrote down the message, then activated it directly.Then he turned around and flew straight towards the scripture building. The disciples in charge of the Taiqing Pavilion are at most as cultivated as Xiang Donghui, so Yi Tian hid himself and sneaked into it to avoid trouble.

When I came to the scripture building, I broke through several restrictions all the way and went straight to the deepest part of the scripture building.There was an old man in his sixties sitting cross-legged in front of a restraint outside here, the fluctuations in his spiritual power were completely restrained, and his real cultivation could not be seen.After Yi Tian saw it, his face was slightly moved. This person was sitting cross-legged on the floor outside the restriction like a mummy.

There is no trace of anger on his body, he is completely like a living dead.Ke Yitian knew in his heart that the Taiqing Pavilion would never send such a person to guard here.

But now that I am already in the late stage of the fusion, I can't see clearly the details of the other party. There are only two possibilities. Open other people's investigation.

At the same time, more than once in Yi Tian's mind, he wondered whether this person might be the clone of Master Wu Yuan, but after looking at the meeting, he denied such thoughts in his heart.

After looking at it, Yi Tian restrained his breath, concealed his figure and walked forward slowly. There was no sign of leakage of spiritual power along the way, and no waves were aroused.

When he walked in front of the restriction and was about to stretch out his hand to break the restriction, he suddenly noticed that the old Taoist who was sitting cross-legged suddenly moved his eyelids slightly under the slight movement of his spiritual thoughts.

Yi Tian stopped his hands and turned his eyes to glance over, and saw the other person's gaze meet, after the Taoist's lips parted slightly, an old voice sounded in his ear: "I don't know that Sect Master Yi is here, the old man Zhou Feiyang is polite. "

"Zhou Feiyang," Yi Tian muttered and then said with surprise on his face: "Didn't Xiang Donghui say that Mr. Zhou has already been sent to reincarnation? Why are you still here?"

"It's rare that Donghui still remembers the old man," Zhou Feiyang's voice came again: "The old man's master agreed to guard the scripture building here for the sect a thousand years ago, and wait until his life energy is exhausted until he enters reincarnation."

It turned out that Yi Tian nodded, but secretly said in his heart, "This old man is an old spirit. It is said that Zhou Feiyang was only a monk in the mid-stage of fusion, but being able to find his whereabouts shows that his strength is not weak, or he has practiced some secrets." magical powers.However, seeing that there is no vitality on his body, he looks lifeless, probably on the verge of exhaustion of life energy. '

"I have already visited Senior Uncle Wuyuan and Senior Brother Qin when I came here this time, and I want to look up the historical records of the sect that have been recorded for more than [-] years. I also ask Senior Brother Zhou to give me some pointers," Yi Tian said with his hands clasped.

"Sect Master Yi doesn't need to be too polite, please forgive me for being inconvenient to get up and return the gift," Zhou Feiyang said: "I have a jade tablet beside me, which is the key to unlock the restriction. Sect Master Yi can do as he pleases."

His eyes glanced at an open brocade box next to where Zhou Feiyang was sitting cross-legged, and there was a simple jade tablet in it.After nodding his head, Yi Tian replied, "So many people are bothering you," he stretched out his hand and pulled the jade tablet from the air and placed it on the palm of his hand.

After lightly injecting spiritual power into it and mobilizing it, a beam of spiritual light shot out from it onto the restriction.After three breaths, there was a crack in the restricted light film, and Yi Tian walked in slowly.

After arriving in Neizhong, the divine mind hadn't let go of the search, and suddenly Yi Tian found himself falling down involuntarily.After adjusting in the air, after ten breaths, he realized that his feet seemed to have touched the ground.Unexpectedly, there is a private space opened up in the deepest part of the scripture building. After Yi Tian settled down, he glanced over and found that he was still in a huge library.

There are ten-foot-high bookshelves everywhere in front of you, on which are stored scrolls of forbidden and sealed jade books.After quickly unfolding Yi Tian's divine thoughts, he scanned and found that these jade books were marked with secret magic powers or top-level exercises stored in the Taiqing Pavilion.

Even the spatial supernatural powers "So Close to the End of the World" that I have studied abroad are included.

Go forward and gently raise your hand to release the restriction on the bookshelf It's rubbings.

Unexpectedly, the Taiqing Pavilion preserved the Zongmen's skills so well, but even so, it was still somewhat different from the one he got from Qionghuaxie.At least relying on this 'closer to the horizon' spatial supernatural power in his hand, what is recorded in Feng Lingzi's secret encounter magical power is a practice called 'Time and Space Reverse Shuo'.

It's just that the Taiqing Pavilion only lists the methods of opening up space separately. After searching the jade slips, Yitian finally found that it said that "this magical power is the first part of" Time and Space Reversal". The second part of "Time Backward" can achieve the strongest effect. '

After thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian still gently put away the supernatural power jade slip and put it back to its original place. To him, these things are considered tasteless.Since the Taiqing Pavilion kept this jade slip here, I don't need to add anything to it.

Slowly stepping into the depths of the book collection space, Yi Tian Shennian quickly locked on a bookshelf in an inconspicuous corner.The labels here are all the chronicles of the spiritual world, ranging from the present to the establishment of the sect tens of thousands of years ago and even longer.Yi Tian frowned slightly, and blurted out: "I really want to come here."

(End of this chapter)

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