
Chapter 2000 Second Coming 3

Chapter 2000 Second Advent III

After contacting Hua Yulin and Liang Bufan, Yi Tianlue made a small plan to mobilize all the disciples stationed in the Taiqing Pavilion in Qingfeng Old City.Then he asked his hard-core brother-in-law Hua Yulin to lead people to surround the front hall of the City Lord's Mansion, leaving the huge backyard of the City Lord's Mansion empty for Yi Tian to inquire at will.

After arriving at the room of Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Devil, Yi Tian found that it had become the meeting hall of the Taiqing Pavilion sect. After the magic marks were removed, even the utensils used by the Prince of the Devil, Qiu Yu, were gone. was removed to go.

It is by no means easy to find out any clues like this again. Fortunately, there is a beast king and Taoist beside Yi Tian who can perform time-reversing skills, so that he can go back ten thousand years or even the ancient times of the spirit world. Everything that happened here is presented one by one.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian summoned the Beast Monarch Taoist and told all the things he had investigated recently.

After waiting for a long time for Yi Tian to finish speaking, the Beast King and Daoist agreed, "You are right. Qiu Yu has made achievements after occupying this place for so many years. But even he hasn't brought up the Xin Mi of Qingfeng Old City. It seems to be a problem. Not small, if you want to find out the whereabouts of that Miao Dizi, you can only start from here."

"Please also ask fellow daoists to perform a retrospective time for me to see what happened here," Yi Tian said.

After realizing it, the Beast Lord stretched out his hand and drew a three-foot-sized Tai Chi pattern in the air, and then activated the exercises to make the Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish spin rapidly.

Shaoqing's Taiji pattern turned into a Dao light curtain and then showed a flashback of time, and Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, carefully stared at the mirror image in the light curtain and slowly checked.

The video shows that this place has been used by Taiqing Pavilion monks as the headquarters meeting hall for nearly a thousand years.Knowing that it only changed in the early millennium, Yi Tian found that the magic traces in the scene were slowly re-gathering, which should have been gradually cleared during that period.Then what made my eyelids twitch was that the scene where I met the demon prince Qiu Yu's pet Suanni beast here also slowly emerged.

After this period, for a long time, this place was still banned, with magic marks all over the place.Until ten thousand years ago, the scene of the confrontation between the devil prince Qiu Yu and the master Wu Ye once again appeared in the inside.

I have seen that kind of scene a long time ago. It was that time when Patriarch Wuye fell into the Zen of good and evil practiced by the devil prince Qiu Yu and was forcibly divided into two people in black and white. The previous internal column start.

Skimming through these known scenes, Yi Tian said: "Fellow Daoist, please quickly go back to the scenes of the previous thousand years. I want to see the situation of Qingfeng Old City before it was invaded."

The beast king nodded and replied: "As you wish, let's see."

In the light and shadow, Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, has ruled here for a thousand years, and Yi Tian doesn't need to do more research and judgment on this, after all, Qiu Yu hasn't found anything in the thousand years, and he doesn't need to waste any more time up.

As soon as the camera turned, Yi Tian suddenly saw that the scene here had returned to the style of the Lingxiu sect again. He thought that Qingfeng Old City had not yet fallen at that time.It's just that in the light and shadow lens, the demon prince Qiu Yu, Master Wu Yuan, Patriarch Wu Ye, and the ruthless master of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect appeared at the same time.

When Yi Tian saw it, he hurriedly called out: "Fellow Daoist, please suspend this paragraph and let me read the contents in reverse."

Afterwards, only four monks in the fusion stage met here, among them Qiu Yu was not afraid of one-on-three.This made Yi Tian feel lingering fears, wondering where the devil prince Qiu Yu got the confidence to fight against three with one.

The four people in the scene seemed to be discussing something, and Patriarch Wu Ye didn't make much statement about it. Instead, it was the Wuqing Master of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect who was trying to argue with Yu Qiu Yu about something.

It's a pity that this kind of time travel can only restore the mirror image of the characters that happened at that time, but I can't hear their voices and conversations.It would be most appropriate to ask the three parties involved to verify this matter, but Master Wu Yuan made it clear that he kept silent about it.And Patriarch Wuye, who looked at his own family in the mirror image, has always remained silent about this, even if he tried to ask him, he couldn't ask anything.

The only one who can have a clue is Uncle Wuqing, but Yi Tian weighed in his mind and still couldn't make up his mind.

Not long after, the camera in the scene changed again, and the three Mahayana monks had already gathered before the arrival of the devil prince Qiu Yu. It seemed that this discussion meeting was held just for this matter.Uncle Wuyuan seemed to be in charge of that meeting, although the other two people insisted on opposing this matter, they finally compromised.

Yi Tian secretly said in his heart, "It seems that Uncle Wuyuan had anticipated the matter of the old city of Qingfeng long ago, and it was also a matter of his decision to give up the old city to Qiu Yu under his leadership."Just don't know what it is for? '

There was a puzzled expression on his face, Yi Tian still couldn't figure out the intention of Master Wuyuan, what could make Master Wuyuan give up his moral lineage and foundation.After a flash of thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind, a light suddenly flashed in front of Yi Tian's eyes, and he blurted out, "It's definitely related to Miao Dizi of Luo Tianxian Palace, otherwise Master would never give up the foundation of the sect so easily."

"Boy Yi, do you want to see the situation here in the Middle Ages?" Beast Monarch Taoist asked tentatively.

After regaining his senses, Yi Tian cupped his hands and replied: "Please also ask fellow Taoists to use spells to let me have a glimpse of the situation in the Luotian Immortal Palace in the Middle Ages."

Hearing the words, the Beast Lord flipped his hands one after another and sacrificed several formulas, and then pointed at the phantom a few times.The slow motion in the phantom sped up again, showing the situation in the hall ten thousand years ago one by one.

At the beginning of the period, the most reappeared were my patriarch and two uncles, and then more people appeared 5 years ago. In addition to the three of them, there were also three monks with immortal demeanor. I think it should be me The ancestor of the school, the founder of the three sects.

After such a scene lasted for a short time, even his master seldom appeared. Until 5000 years ago, only three of them appeared in the mirror in turn or together.Three thousand years later, suddenly a figure flashed out, making Yi Tian frowned.This person is seven feet tall and his face is like a crown jade. He looks like he is 20 years old.

The clothes on his body are very different from those of the monks of the three sects today. The word "Luo Tian" is displayed on the back of the clothes. He sat cross-legged here for a long time and thought that this place should be one of the places where he retreated and practiced.

Yi Tian could vaguely perceive from the area between his brows that it was a bit similar to the boy brought by Feng Lingzi in Qionghua Pavilion when the Beast Lord cast back time and saw Feng Lingzi.Immediately blurted out: "This is Miao Dizi's real body."

(End of this chapter)

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