
Chapter 2018

Chapter 2018
In the forbidden area of ​​the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, Yi Tian ascended the mountain peak and entered the thatched hut where Uncle Wu Ling practiced in seclusion. After sitting down, he asked and answered how he obtained the unique skill of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. They all got away with it.

Later, seeing that Uncle Wuling didn't intend to pursue this further, he felt relieved.Suddenly Wuling asked to perform the Lingyaohua Qianshu by himself, and Yi Tian knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.I am proficient in using this technique, but when I came to the mountain this time and saw the sword marks on the stone wall, I realized that there are still many gaps.

Yi Tianji took out the Taiyuan wooden sword from the storage ring and manipulated it in his hand, turning it into thousands of filaments and breaking it apart.Then he linked his hands together and pointed at the scattered filaments and said: "Come together," the filaments in front of him instantly condensed into a lightsaber that was exactly the same as before.In the end, the seal was cast again and the third form of Lingyaohuaqian'Back to Basics' was used, and the light sword turned back to the appearance of Taiyuan wooden sword after a cyan halo appeared on its body, but if you don't use your spiritual sense to distinguish carefully at this time I can't see the difference above.

Yi Tian thinks that he has cultivated this technique to a very high level, even three points better than Lu Jianling.But when Wu Ling saw it, he sighed and said: "It's still not good enough, just take a closer look."

Hearing this, Yitian put away the spirit sword in his hand, turned to let go of his divine sense and swept over.I don't know when Wuling's chest flashed a little white light, and a phantom of a lightsaber flew out, hovered in the air and landed in front of him.

Then Wuling used the same Lingyaohua Qiansan style, and then retracted the spirit sword again, turning it into a sword-like mark and landed on Wuling's chest.Yi Tian was shocked when he saw it. The three-style sword moves that Wuling used just now seemed to be almost the same as his own, but there was no fancy in them, and they were sharp and restrained.

If it is for those who have no eyesight, it looks similar to ordinary monks who have just learned sword control.Ke Yitian knew in his heart that with such power, even the Nether Emperor might not dare to face it head-on.

After ten breaths, he tried his best to calm down the agitation in his heart. Yi Tian turned around and thanked him: "Thank you, Master Wu Ling, for your reminder. Today, I have benefited a lot. I will definitely learn from it when I practice supernatural powers in the future."

"You can be taught, but you are more suitable to be a swordsman than Lu Jianling," Wu Ling said lightly, but there was a flash of approval in his eyes.Perhaps Yi Tian was able to react in such a short period of time and found his own gap, or he admired Yi Tian's qualifications.

Later, Yi Tianzheng said with a straight expression: "The disciple came here today to worship the mountain according to the ancestral system according to the order of the master, and secondly, because he has some doubts in his heart and wants to ask the master to clarify the doubts."

"Oh, even Wuye is evading me at this time, it seems that it must be not easy," Master Wuling stretched out his hand to stroke his beard and said, "If I guess correctly, it is probably about Zongmen Xinmi."

"Exactly," Yi Tian nodded back.

"Let's talk and listen, if I can answer, I will tell you," Wu Ling said after thinking for a while.

"During this calamity, this disciple has confronted the clone of the Demon Saint Baotan twice, and his strength is extraordinary. If you only talk about the clone, he may not be my opponent, but his methods and spells are hard to guard against. ,” Yi Tian said softly.

"Oh, it seems that you have also seen some clues," Wu Ling said without changing his face.

"I have met Uncle Wuyuan from the Taiqing Pavilion before, and he didn't explain much about it, but when I mentioned the sect senior, Miao Dizi, he told me to treat him with courtesy no matter what ,” Yi Tian said.

"That's right, Senior Brother Wu Yuan is right, so what is the question in your mind?" Wu Ling asked.

"The master told me that Mo Sheng Bao Tan was the disciple of Miao Dizi's master ancestor back then, and the elder brother Wu Xiang of the unknown generation. I don't know if this is true?" Yi Tian asked with a concentrating expression.

Sighing helplessly, Master Wuling nodded his head as acquiescence, and Yi Tian asked again after seeing it: "I am also very curious, why Master Wuxiang fell into the magic way back then, although it is natural to have both mysterious and yellow qi It can be maintained in a stable state, so why would he be willing to switch to yellow qi?"

"Actually, there is also the reason for Master Miaodizi." Wu Ling shook his head and said, "We are not too clear about what happened back then, but the masters once told Master Miaodizi that he was enslaved by the fairy world. What happened after the conflict."

"Emissaries from the Immortal Realm," Yi Tian said with a startled expression, "Could it be that the Immortal Realm can also send people down to earth? You must know that it is definitely not a trivial matter for such a high-ranking figure like them to come down."

"In the final analysis, it is the reason of Luo Tian Xian Palace. All the causes and effects start from Luo Tian Xian Palace," Wu Ling explained: "I am not very clear about the specific situation of Master Miaodizi's negotiations with him. Not long after that, Senior Brother Wuxiang took Senior Uncle Miaodizi and left the spirit world, and entrusted all the affairs of the sect to the three masters who were the elders of the sect at that time."

"So that's the case, it seems that if I have a chance, I have to go to the deity of Demon Saint Baotan to confront him face to face," Yi Tian said after thinking about it.

"Actually, with your current state of cultivating both mysterious and yellow qi, the demon saint Bao Tan will definitely try to lure you into becoming his heir," Wu Ling said.

"Speaking of which, he has already shot once," Yi Tian then told about the Mosha Fire Origin Essence, in which he plundered the part about the Beast Monarch and the Daoist, and only said that he felt that there was something wrong with it, and finally checked it carefully The problem is found below.

After hearing this, Wu Ling nodded in disbelief and said: "Actually, the demon sage Baotan came to discuss the invasion of the demon clan and we also got our approval. You must know that the plane where the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit is located is a circle. If any world changes To be extremely strong will definitely break the balance, and then it will cause more serious problems."

"The disciples have known about this for a long time, and the balance of the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit must not be easily broken, otherwise it will cause the interface to become unstable and collapse," Yi Tian replied.

Wu Ling nodded and said: "This evil disaster was originally planned to last for a thousand years, and we will take action after you can't maintain the situation. It's just that you suddenly appeared as a variable, which was unexpected by the devil, but The evil disaster is over, but the monks from the ten tribes of the demon world who should have been consumed have not achieved the set goal, I think Bao Tan will definitely provoke another invasion of other planes."

"This matter is entirely possible, but I don't know which plane Demon Saint Bao Tan will choose to invade," Yi Tian said with a worried expression.

"The cause of this matter is yours, so you are also duty-bound," Wu Ling said with a smile: "It is necessary to closely monitor the movements of the demons, maybe you have to bring people across borders to help, the impact you have brought will definitely need you to take action Just do it."

 Thank you Taoist Crane Dance Shenzhou for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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