
Chapter 2042 Helping Hands 2

Chapter 2042 Helping Hand II

Under Yi Tian's planning, he originally wanted to find Dugu Yaoxiang and put him back in the Demon Realm. With his identity and status in the Demon Clan, he could at least maintain the current situation.Although Yi Tian really wanted to see the scene of the Heavenly Demon Clan slumping, it would never happen if there were two Mahayana monks under the command.

Next is the issue of ownership of the authority of the Heavenly Demon Clan. During the Great War of Demon Disasters, the only surviving monks of the fusion period of the Heavenly Demon Clan fell into his hands. Now the only ones who can take the lead are those monks of the distraction period.Rather than letting Dugu Jackie find another spokesperson, it is better to put Dugu Yaoxiang back directly.I believe that with my understanding of him, even if I meet him, it will be easy to deal with him.

It's just that I just made up my mind and sent a message jade talisman to inform Zheng Tingyun, but I didn't expect to receive a help talisman to encircle and suppress Dugu Yaoxiang in the next moment.This time, there was also a monk at the early stage of integration, and Yi Tian was secretly worried that someone would spoil his plan, so he went to Canglong Castle thousands of miles away to find someone.

If Dugu Yaoxiang fell into the hands of Taoist Yulong, he would naturally be punished on the spot.Not long after arriving at Canglong Fort, Yi Tian noticed that Taoist Yulong had also arrived, and he led a large group of troops directly to the outside of the foreign trade area in the south of the city.

This is the gathering place of the monster race, and there are countless monster monks of the three religions and nine streams.It is just like this that Dugu Yaoxiang can hide the demonic aura on him by being in it.Unexpectedly, Taoist Yulong was not an ordinary person. After taking out the tracking jade plate spirit tool, he directly followed the evil breath and walked into the foreign trade area to find someone.

He also knew that if all the people here were dispersed forcibly, another chaos would be caused. These are trivial matters. If Dugu Yaoxiang took advantage of the chaos and escaped, it would be really thankless.The people of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance finally found his whereabouts, such an opportunity can't just be ruined in vain.

After Yi Tian saw it, he disappeared and rushed in from the other side of the Yaozufang City. Although he didn't know where Dugu Yaoxiang was hiding, but because he had been in the demon world for a long time and dealt with the monks of the Tianmozu It is still easy to find some clues in my experience.

This Yaozufang City covers an area of ​​seventy or eighty miles, and there are dozens of streets in it, and each road is at least dozens of miles long.Yi Tian walked through several streets and suddenly felt that there was a faint trace left behind by a demon monk in front of a Yaozu business.Although it's been a long time, but with my own cultivation, I can still clearly feel a slight trace of the evil force floating in the air.

Going forward, Yi Tian hastily performed kung fu to clear away the remnants of the evil force in the air, and then looked up to see that there was a restaurant called 'Yao Lefang', which was seven stories high, but what came from inside was There are many alien monks in the hell world.

Slowly walking into the restaurant, Yi Tian glanced over and found that all the demon cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage were running around in the restaurant.The big shopkeeper sitting on the first floor is a monk of the Huangquan clan in the stage of transforming gods, and the customers who come in are mixed with various monks, and their cultivation bases are like that of the Yuanying stage.

It seems that this place has become a trading and gathering place for low-level monks.Yi Tianyin lost his figure and strolled from the first floor to the top floor until he reached the Tianzihao room on the top floor before stopping.Then in a blink of an eye, he looked at the forbidden light film in front of him and shook his head, then took out an array and rearranged it.

After three breaths, the remaining aura of the evil force in the whole building was cleared by the formation, and then the light and shadow all over Yi Tian's body flickered, and he walked directly towards the forbidden light film in front of him as if he had entered the land of no one.The forbidden light film didn't change, and Yi Tian jumped through it.

When I came to the inner room, I saw two monks sitting facing each other, one was a monk from the Qilin clan in the demon world, and his cultivation base was in the middle stage of distraction. Yi Tian remembered that this person seemed to appear at the Beast Clan Conference in the demon world, following the leader of the Qilin clan, Guo Linsheng. His descendants are named Guo Hui.Another person wearing a gray cloak is the real Dugu Yaoxiang who the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance has been trying to track down.

The two chatted inside for a while, and they didn't seem to notice Yi Tian's existence at all. Suddenly, Guo Hui took out a jade talisman from the storage ring, and a few words appeared after a golden light flashed on it.Immediately, Guo Hui said: "People from the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance of Dugu Fellow Daoist are chasing after me, I wonder how you plan to deal with it?"

"I don't know if you have any confined space here that can cut off the demonic aura on my body," Dugu Yaoxiang said, "They must have chased here by following the aura."

"I don't think that will help," Guo Hui hurriedly replied, "It is said that the person here is a monk at the integration stage, and my methods are completely useless against high-level monks."

"I'm the one who got involved with Fellow Daoist Guo," Dugu Yaoxiang said with a dark expression.

"At this point, let me go down and procrastinate for a while. Fellow Daoist Dugu, wait for the opportunity to leave. I can procrastinate for a while," Guo Hui said, stood up, stretched out his hand seal to open the restriction barrier, and retreated directly.

When Guo Hui left, Dugu Yaoxiang sighed softly and said to himself, "Where can I live in the vastness of the world?" After speaking, he stood up and was about to leave.

Suddenly a sentence came out of nowhere in the room: "If Fellow Daoist Dugu leaves at this time, will there be no place for him?"

"Who is it?" Dugu Yaoxiang looked in front of him vigilantly, only to see a hazy figure appearing and then slowly walking forward and sitting down in front of him.

"It's you, when did you come?" Dugu Yaoxiang exclaimed.

"It's been a while, I've heard the conversation between you and Guo Hui just now," Yi Tian said lightly.

"What do you want?" Dugu Yaoxiang sized up the humanity in front of him with a tense expression.

"I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here without any problems. After all, we are fellow Dugu Taoists who have met before. Why don't you sit down and chat slowly," Yi Tian pointed to the empty seat in front of him and comforted him.

"Well, it doesn't matter, it's just a nod to deal with me with your current cultivation base." Dugu Yaoxiang showed helplessness, his whole body was like a deflated ball, and there was a look of despair in his eyes.Then he sat back to his original position according to his own instructions, and in the late stage of distraction, he couldn't help himself in front of the monks in the late stage of integration.Rather than struggling to the death, it is better to resign to fate, not to mention that the person in front of him still knows him, at least he can have a good time.

After sitting down, without waiting for Yi Tian to speak, Dugu Yaoxiang said: "I don't know why Sect Master Yi came to me. If it is for the pursuit of the spiritual alliance's arrest warrant, I will still struggle to the death anyway."

"I'm afraid Fellow Daoist Dugu is powerless in front of me." Yi Tian sneered and said, "It seems that Fellow Daoist Dugu has lived here for a long time. If you go out now, I will take care of Taoist Yulong and bring the brigade. surround you."

"Impossible, Guo Hui will hold me back for a while, as long as I have ten breaths, I can leave calmly," Dugu Yaoxiang argued.

"I'm afraid Guo Hui is bringing Taoist Yulong up to get you at this time," Yi Tian smiled and at the same time stretched out his hand and typed out the Taoist formula. The whole room trembled instantly and everything showed layers of shadows.

(End of this chapter)

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