
Chapter 2044 Protecting 2

Chapter 2044 Protect Two

Taking advantage of this excellent opportunity to protect Dugu Lonely, Yi Tian slowly expressed all the doubts in his heart.After tracking down the secrets of Luotian Xiangong in the ancient spirit world, Yi Tian was also very interested in what happened in the demon world during the same period.Or they are interested in the situation after Master Huiming entered the demon world.

It is reasonable to say that Uncle Wuxiang, also known as Master Huiming, is a figure in the middle ages of the cultivation world, and it is also 6 to [-] years ago.And what is the relationship between the Demon Saint Baotan being a monk from the Heavenly Demon Clan? Maybe if we can find out the reason, we can follow the vines to find the weakness of the Demon Saint Baotan or Master Huiming and Master Miaodizi. clue.

Dugu Yaoxiang deserves to be regarded as an outstanding figure in the Heavenly Demon Clan. Not only is he second to none in strength, but he is also proficient in the general history of the Demon World.The chronicle of the demon clan given was obviously also carefully sorted out and verified.

After engraving this chronicle, Yi Tian checked it carefully before returning the original to Dugu Yaoxiang.Later, he said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the ten ancient clans in the demon world have undergone tens of thousands of years of changes, leaving only the current seven clans."

"That's right, the demon world has been caught in chaotic battles for many years." Dugu Yaoxiang also sighed and said, "Actually, tens of thousands of years ago, the demon saint Bao Tan tried to use force to end this chaotic situation." It’s a pity that I don’t know why but I still gave up in the end.”

"I guess there must be a reason, just like the demon sage violently drove all the unconstrained one-eyed demons to extermination before, is there any reason to stop after doing this," Yi Tian joked.

"It's true, the war of extermination of the clan has already started, unless it is because of something that can't escape, so it will be stopped," Dugu Yaoxiang said: "However, in the entire demon world, there are not many people who have seen the demon saint violently smelt his real body. The number of slaps, or the Mahayana monks from other realms are lucky enough to meet."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian was also very puzzled. The ones he saw and fought against were all clones of Demon Saint Baotan. Speaking of his true self, I am afraid that the only time he missed him in the abyss of the Demon Realm.Moreover, the three masters kept silent about the matter of the demon sage's violent tempering of the deity. I tried to ask them, but they were all vague, indicating that there must be something strange about this matter.

For the current plan, we can only make a further judgment by patiently going down to the Minglun Temple of Daxue Mountain in the Buddha and Spiritual World to find the clues left by Master Huiming during his lifetime.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly ripples appeared in the surrounding formation space, and then the surrounding landscape shook, and the space where the two were located overlapped with the outside world again.Dugu Yaoxiang was startled and found that the two of them had indeed returned to the Tianzihao room.

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, suddenly the barrier at the door flashed a halo, and a messenger jade talisman flew in and landed in front of him.Reaching out to take Yi Tian and holding it in his hand, sweeping it with his divine sense was Zheng Tingyun's reply to himself.The jade talisman said, "Tingyun agrees with Yi Zongzhu's proposal very much, but this matter must not be made public, let alone the people in the spiritual cultivation alliance know too much inside information, otherwise things will change and the overall situation will be unfavorable." '

It seems that Zheng Tingyun agreed with her strategy, but she tactfully stated that this matter still needs to be done in secret, at least to those people on the scene.

Yi Tian naturally knew who she was referring to, but after taking three breaths, he frowned slightly and said: "No, this message jade slip contains my spiritual pressure fluctuations, so it unintentionally connects the outside world with my formation I'm afraid this fluctuation of spiritual pressure cannot be hidden from Taoist Yulong."

Dugu Yaoxiang was shocked and said, "How could this happen?"

"This was my negligence. Originally, my Jade Talisman of Communication was made by special casting, so even I could receive it in the Sumeru space I created. That's why the dark hand left on the communication talisman can directly find where my real deity is," Yi Tian said with a helpless wry smile.

"Then what should we do?" Dugu Yaoxiang asked hastily.

Yi Tian didn't answer, but quickly stretched out his divine sense to investigate, and after three breaths, he found that Taoist Yulong had gone and returned.Not only that, at this time, all the monks of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance in Canglong Castle have received the information, and at this time they are all dispatched one after another towards the southern rent trading area.

After briefly explaining the situation to Dugu Yaoxiang, the latter looked over with a pale face and helplessness, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Yi Tian, ​​on the other hand, quickly restrained his spiritual power, and then a burst of demonic force burst out, transforming himself into a demon cultivator.Then he took out the breath-suppressing cloak and put it on, stretched out his hand and grabbed Dugu Yaoxiang, and then flew out through the window.

With my own strength, I can naturally come and go without a trace, even in the face of Yulong Taoist, there is no need to worry.But it's not the same if there is an extra burden around him. After pulling away and dodging the place, it just blows a breeze.

The monks below the integration period around the restaurant are completely unable to detect the changes inside.Even Taoist Yulong didn't pay attention at first, but the pointer in the jade plate in his hand suddenly trembled, and then turned to the east.

With a cold snort, Yulong Taoist shouted: "I'll see where you are going, Nie Yi." After the spiritual light appeared in his whole body, his whole body rose from the ground and chased towards the east.

Canglong Castle's defensive restraints trembled slightly, and then the defensive light film cracked a hole as big as ten feet, and a black and red figure escaped from it and flew directly towards the gate.

Yi Tian flew with Dugu Yaoxiang all the way, and at the same time took out the messenger talisman and informed Xi Tianying to let him open the gate passage leading to the demon world.The short distance of [-] miles was reached within a hundred breaths under Yi Tian's full speed flight.From a distance, the passage of the gate of the realm was slowly opened, and there was a continuous stream of evil spirits coming out of it.

Yi Tian bowed his head and said: "Friend Dugu, the time is just right, don't give up, I will send you directly into the passage of the gate, and the rest depends entirely on you."

When Dugu Yaoxiang saw the passage of the gate, he also had a happy face, then he bowed his hands and thanked him: "Thank you, Sect Master Yi, for your help. Don't you know when we will meet again today?"

"Fellow Daoist Dugu, you don't need to be polite. I will come to the Demon Realm again in the near future. I hope that Fellow Daoist Dugu can improve his cultivation to one level and become the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan. Let's have a good time by then," Yi Tian said with a smile .

After ten breaths, the two came to the outside of the gate. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gently pushed Dugu Yaoxiang directly into the passage, and then cast a spell to close the gate of the passage.After doing this, the magic light all over his body converged and returned to his real body, and then summoned Xi Tianying to briefly explain himself, and then told Xi Tianying what he had been tracked by Taoist Yulong behind him, and asked Xi Tianying to deal with it. It disappeared into the air out of thin air as if it had never appeared here before.

(End of this chapter)

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