
Chapter 2071 Immortal Fragment 2 Uniform

Chapter 2071 Immortal Fragment Twelve Uniforms
In the tree house in the eye of the formation, Yi Tian practiced the first level of the "Hunyuan True Solution" to the Xiaocheng realm, and then wanted to consolidate his cultivation. Break into the formation.

After walking out of the study, he looked up and found that it was the two seniors of Luo Tianxian Palace who had an affair with him before.Speaking of which, these two people should be the attendants of Uncle Wu Ang. They came here to explore together, but in the end they sucked in a large amount of Chaos Source Power and lost their minds and became Chaos Beasts.

For them, Yi Tian will always feel some unbearable feelings, after all, these two people are also implicated.It's just that there are still some doubts in my heart, and I don't know how they became like this. Logically speaking, the process of losing their minds after absorbing a large amount of chaotic energy in general spiritual practice should also be very long, and it shouldn't be like this.

Originally, I planned to check the body of Uncle Wu Ang.It's a pity that he was directly burned into coke by the flame-leaving spell he cast.And it seems that the two in front of him can be used as test specimens for him to investigate carefully.

After learning the exercises of the two, Yi Tian was not polite this time, he reached out and took out the Taiyuan wooden sword to sacrifice the exercises, and then manipulated it to cover the opponent's head.The two people on the opposite side also greeted them with the supernatural powers of Lingyao Huaqian and 'calling the wind and calling the rain'.

It's just that this time Yi Tian used the source of chaos to activate the exercises, so the originally blue sword silk turned gray and white.What surprised Yi Tian was that once the tricks of the two sides were staggered, they turned into a one-sided trend. The sword silk formed by the Lingyao Huaqianshu performed by himself could directly break the opponent's sword silk.As for the wind dragon gathered after casting 'call the wind and rain' on one side, it was directly split in half by its own sword wire.

Never thought that his martial arts and supernatural powers would be so strong, Yi Tian was stunned and then thought of the key point.In the fragments of the fairy world where the immortal power and the chaotic source power are mixed, the magical powers he used naturally became sharper after receiving the blessing power.As for the two opponents, they were only spiritual practitioners, and they became like this after being invaded by the power of chaos.

The exercises they perform are still driven by the original spiritual power, so they are naturally inferior to their own.

After one move, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't miss the rare and excellent opportunity, stretched out his left index finger to sacrifice a ray of flames, and flicked towards the two in front of him.

The ray of flames rolled in the air and became bigger and bigger, and after ten breaths, it had turned into a huge fireball about three feet in size.At the same time, Yi Tian nodded towards the fireball under the seal of his right hand, and said in his mouth: "Fen."

With the sound of 'zizz', the green fireball split into two and turned into two one-foot-big ones, respectively attacking the two people's faces.At this time, Yi Tian's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Seeing Li Yan's real fire attacking, those two hurriedly used their supernatural powers to take over this move, but the kung fu performed by their hands was swallowed by Li Yan's real fire as soon as it came into contact.

It wasn't until the two regiments were close to the real fire that the two of them hurriedly pulled away and dodged away.One of them, Shunyi Kailai, hadn't stopped yet suddenly let out a scream and rolled his eyes upwards.A spiritual light flew out of Niwan Palace on the forehead, but it was grabbed by a big hand that appeared out of thin air from under the upper cover.

After Yi Tian succeeded in one blow, he sealed the Nascent Soul and stored it in the prepared baby lock bottle.The other person turned and evacuated hastily when he saw it, his face was shocked, and his speed was instantly increased to the extreme under the flash of light around him.

But not long after he flew out, he suddenly crashed into the crack that appeared out of nowhere in the air, and after a breath, another crack opened at the other end of the formation space, and the man flew out of it and faced Yi Tian's place impartially s position.

Within the range of the array he set up, Yi Tian displayed the space supernatural power of 'Close to the End of the World' to easily play with the opponent between applause.Seeing the monk Yi Tian who was flying towards him, he also moved, and after three breaths, he dodged directly to his side. The old trick was repeated and the opponent was severely injured, and his Nascent Soul was forced out of the Niwan Palace and locked into the spiritual weapon.

After doing these things, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took back the Liyan real fire that he had sacrificed. After turning around, the cloud head fell and flew back to the wooden house where he was practicing.

Returning to the temporary mansion, Yi Tian placed the bodies of the two on the ground in front of him, and then stretched his spiritual sense into their bodies to inspect them carefully.Soon there was a little strangeness on the face, the physical strength of the two people had almost reached the peak of the later stage of fusion, but the cultivation base could not match it.

It is expected that after tens of thousands of years, the physical bodies of these two people will reach such a state under the nourishment of the primordial power of chaos and the power of immortality.After taking out the baby-locking bottle, the divine mind stretched out to check the two people's Nascent Soul spirit bodies before discovering the clue.Alienation has already occurred on the two Nascent Souls, and there are imprints of immortal power, chaotic spiritual power and ordinary spiritual power on them.

The difference from their own Nascent Soul is that their Nascent Soul has a gray head and nearly half of their upper body is colorful.As for the other parts, it is the same as the normal Nascent Soul.

After examining their bodies, it was found that the changes were consistent with the Nascent Soul.

It must be that the source of chaos invaded their divine sense, and they were unable to control themselves, and finally their minds were completely corroded over time and turned into so-called chaotic beasts.

Thinking that even the black fish dragon in the fairy world couldn't escape, the two of them naturally couldn't be more difficult.

Silently thinking that they were worthless, Yi Tian lowered his head and pondered again. Since the supernatural powers performed by using this chaotic source force have such powerful effects, why don't the true immortals of the fairy world use them widely.In other words, there should be some misfortune, and the collapse of the fragments of the Luotian Immortal Palace's fairy world is very likely to be involved in this matter.

It's just that the clues I have found through investigation are still too few to find effective clues.The exploration in this world can almost come to an end.If you want to dig deeper into the secrets of Luo Tianxian Palace, you can't find the interface where Master Feng Lingzi once went.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian put away the remnants of the two people in front of him and the baby lock bottle, threw them into the storage ring, closed his eyes again, and began to practice silently, mobilizing the source of chaos to run the Great Zhoutian.

A few years later, a wave of spiritual pressure suddenly appeared in the ruins of the Chuangong Hall, and then the vines that had grown around slowly shrank back.There were only green traces left on the ground, and a figure flew out of them into the air holding a multicolored crystal seed in his hand.

In the air, Yi Tian locked onto the location of the first building group, then restrained himself and flew towards it quietly.I still remember that there are many wine utensils refined from the high-level precious material Wannian Qingxuan chalcedony, and these things are a waste if I hold them in my hands, and I can refine them and mix them into spiritual weapons to refine them beyond the heavens. A level spirit weapon comes.

(End of this chapter)

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