
Chapter 2073 Coincidence 2

Chapter 2073

On the way to Rising Sun City, Yi Tian accidentally found a foundation-building monk Xia Minyu to go with him. The main reason was that this person's spiritual root, together with his supernatural powers, was especially suitable for practicing Lihuo Palace.Therefore, Yi Tian couldn't help but have the idea of ​​accepting apprentices, but his status is not small, but even accepting apprentices should not be too hasty.In addition to spiritual root aptitude, one also needs to consider one's character and Taoism.

After walking for hundreds of miles together, they suddenly noticed several spiritual pressure fluctuations from the direction of Rising Sun City galloping towards the direction near the two of them.Judging from the strength of the spiritual pressure fluctuations, the cultivation base of those who came was only Nascent Soul stage monks.But for Xia Minyu, he was already a big man who looked up to him, but Yi Tian wanted to see how he would deal with the situation.

If you immediately abandon yourself and run away alone, you will naturally fail to pass the test of character.

Hearing the roar in the air from a distance, Xia Minyu who was beside her was shocked.For him, these Nascent Soul stage monks are very powerful, even the cultivation base of the Patriarch of his aristocratic family is only as good as that of the late Jindan stage.

Then he said in a trembling voice: "Friend Daoist Yi, should we take shelter first, I believe those high-ranking monks will not take us seriously."

"Well, who told us that we were unlucky to go out and encounter such troubles." Yi Tian shook his head pretending to be helpless and said: "Let's not move for now and believe that they will pass by soon."

Xia Minyu also nodded frequently, and then both of them restrained their aura.But I didn't expect that the other party seemed to have pinpointed the location of the two of them and flew straight towards here.

There are also many low-level monks within hundreds of miles, but Xia Minyu didn't expect that the light from the sky was flying towards the two of them.Immediately, his face was ashen and his hands began to tremble involuntarily, but Yi Tian, ​​who was standing aside, observed carefully calmly.At least so far, Xia Minyu's reaction is reasonable, and from a normal perspective, it is inevitable that he will feel guilty when he suddenly faces a high-ranking monk.

And he didn't abandon himself and escape immediately, so he passed the first test.

After three breaths, the light in the air stopped in the air thirty miles away from the two of them, and then turned around to confront the chasing monks behind.Guessing that they couldn't get together in two sentences, the two in the air fought directly.

When Xia Minyu saw it, he naturally looked fearful and said, "You Daoist Yi, take this opportunity and let's leave quickly."

"No, those two Nascent Soul stage monks shot frequently, and the aftermath of their spells and supernatural powers will affect the people in the air nearby. Now is not the best time to evacuate," Yi Tian said and glanced over, only to see the latter Although there was a hint of disappointment on his face, it made sense to lower his head and think about it.

At the same time, Yi Tian felt that the aftermath of the fight between the two began to spread and affect all directions in a disorderly manner.If such spiritual pressure fluctuations hit the monks in the foundation building period, it would be enough to kill them.I saw Xia Minyu took out a magic talisman from the storage bracelet, activated it with all his strength, and covered both of them.

Obviously, he also has a good eye to know how to deal with such an unfavorable situation. Yi Tian glanced at his heart and understood that this magic talisman was at most only refined by the monks of the Jindan stage, facing the monks of the Nascent Soul stage The aftermath of the confrontation can only last for an hour or three quarters at most.

Needless to say, this kind of talisman must be a talisman left to him by his elders, Xia's parents. Xia Minyu's ability to take it out at this time seems to be taking good care of his friend.

The talisman flew to the top of the two people's heads and turned into a white film of light, which covered the two squares where the two were standing.It's just that this thin layer of light film seems to be broken by blowing a bullet, but it can't defend against the aftermath of the supernatural powers displayed by the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

He yelled: "Friend Daoist Yi, please help us inject spiritual power. My cultivation is too weak to use the power of the defensive talisman."

Before the words fell, the wave of spiritual pressure that skipped in the air swept through the magic talisman defense and blew the light film buzzing.

After stretching out his hands and pretending to seal, Yi Tian sacrificed a trace of weak spiritual power from his right hand. Although he restrained his spiritual pressure fluctuations to the intensity of the foundation building period, the sacrificed spiritual power made the shaking The optical film stabilized.

After listening to the sound of the wind blowing from the outside, the two continued to inject spiritual power into the defensive talisman. After maintaining this for more than half a moment, they finally noticed that the movement in the air became smaller.

It took a long time for Xia Minyu to recover and panted, "It should be all right, I don't know if the monk in the air has left."

"I don't know, let's stretch out the divine mind to check it out," Yi Tian said, but he had already checked out the movements in the surrounding area thousands of miles away.After the two Nascent Soul cultivators in the air fought each other, Niu Renjie from Rising Sun City eliminated each other with three blows.

He was cleaning the battlefield right now, but he seemed to be paying attention to his side.Later, I saw him slowly lowering the cloud head to the sky where the two of them were, and stabilized.Then he sized him up with surprise and asked, "Who are you, and why are you here? Could it be the accomplice of the loose cultivator thief?"

Such words were mixed with the divine power of spiritual pressure fluctuations, Xia Minyu felt as if his heart had been hammered hard after hearing it.Yi Tian wanted to help him quietly, but he stopped later, wanting to see how this kid would face high-ranking monks.

It was only after ten breaths that Xia Minyu regained his strength, stretched out his hand to put away the defensive talisman, turned around and looked up, then arched his hands and said, "Xia Minyu, a disciple of the Yangxia family, met Commander Niu in the last ten days."

Niu Renjie in the air glanced over and stopped on Yi Tian, ​​his eyes flickered a few times showing a trace of suspicion.Then he asked: "What is your identity as a monk, please report your name quickly?"

"Scattered repairs and easy days."

After hearing this, Niu Renjie's expression became even more suspicious, but he couldn't tell why. He just felt that this person looked familiar, and he didn't know where he had seen him.The name also sounds ordinary, but it seems that I have heard it before and can't remember the source for a while.

Then he looked at the defensive talisman in Xia Minyu's hand again, and saw that the talisman became dim and colorless at this time, obviously because his spiritual power was exhausted.But Niu Renjie is not a fool, determined not to believe that a mere low-level defensive talisman can withstand the aftermath of the fight between two Nascent Soul stage monks.

Later, he said again: "It's not very peaceful here, I think you are going to Rising Sun City to participate in the Zongmen selection, so I might as well take you for a ride."

Then he involuntarily took out the gourd spiritual weapon, which turned into the size of ten feet after casting a spell, and then motioned to the two of them to come up and return to Rising Sun City with them.

(End of this chapter)

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