
Chapter 2082

Chapter 2082
A hundred years later, Lihuo Palace finally enriched the source of outer disciples after five rounds of selection.Among the first batch of selected monks, many of them have successfully formed alchemy within 50 years, and successfully exchanged for the status of outer sect disciples of Lihuo Sect.

Xia Minyu, a disciple personally selected by Yi Tian, ​​was also among them, but his identity has become a quasi-inner disciple.Only after 300 years of cultivation to the realm of breaking the alchemy and becoming a baby, can the previous word 'Zhun' be removed.Moreover, he has a special status, and Yi Tian gave him the standard requirement to choose two of the four ways of "Dan, Qi, Array, and Talisman" within 300 years, and the level must be raised to the quasi-human level.

Otherwise, it would be unreasonable for him, the great disciple of the sect master to treat him equally with ordinary outer disciples.As for the content of these four subjects, you can find the first direct disciples in each house in the sect to teach their skills.

For Xia Minyu, this is already a great opportunity for him. For example, those outer disciples are considered a great opportunity, but it is his luck to put them in front of him now.

Leaving aside the trivial matters of the sect, Hua Yuxin and Cheng Bufan, the head disciple of the distracted period, will handle these matters.Yi Tian and Han Liu explained that the purpose of their itinerary is to go to the Buddhist and spiritual world, and then quietly left the sect.

Now hundreds of years after the evil disaster, the newly opened Pojun City near Jiemen has developed into a decent shape.Yi Tian also guarded for many years back then, but he was half-coerced and half-invited by Taoist Yulong to go to the depths of the spirit world and never came back.

After flying over the city of Pojun in the air, his divine sense penetrated and swept across the audience, and found that the monk at the integration stage guarding the city is none other than Taoist Yulong.It is estimated that it is time for this guy to know that this place is an important place. When he is away, he must have high-ranking monks in order to be able to restrain the alien monks in the city.

Yi Tian just took the communication jade talisman and wrote down the message and then sent it out. It is better to win Taoist Yulong himself.After all, everyone still has a little overlap, and he seems to have a lot of experience with the three schools of the spirit world. With his identity, he can integrate those casual cultivators in the spirit world, and being their spokesperson also plays a pivotal role in the spiritual alliance.

Soon after passing Pojun City, the gate of the spiritual world slowly appeared in the distance, and Yi Tian stretched out his spiritual sense and quickly locked on Xi Tianying's position.With his current cultivation level, he is only a short step away from entering the integration period.As long as there is a little chance, it will be a matter of course.

In the air, Yi Tian didn't deliberately restrain the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body to the lowest level, so Xi Tianying still noticed his arrival very quickly.A ray of spiritual light flew out from the valley far below, and then stopped in the sky above the only way he had to pass.Then I only heard a voice from far away: "Brother Yi, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, why did you come to the gate this time?"

Flying forward, he stopped a foot away from Xi Tianying, and with the light fading away, Yi Tian sized him up and said, "This time I'm going to the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm, and I invite you, the gate guard Open the passage door for me."

"Actually, it's fine to just enter directly as you," Xi Tianying also knew that he wanted to stay on the old relationship for a while.At the same time, it can be regarded as showing the relationship between the two parties again. In the final analysis, being so open-minded is to secretly support him as the gate guard. After all, Xi Tianying has not really crossed the bottleneck of the integration period.Even if the monks of the three sects have no objections, there are still dissatisfied people in the spiritual alliance.

The guards of the gate of the world are very important, and the three sects of the spiritual world will not be at ease in any case.It's just that in this battle, three of the three sects lost two integrated stage monks, and the three sects had to recuperate after the disaster, so it was inevitable that there was no time to take care of it here.Originally, Yi Tian himself had guarded here for a while, but he couldn't let the master of a sect guard the gate for a long time.

Therefore, it is the most important thing for Xi Tian to improve his cultivation and enter the integration stage.Yi Tian glanced over his face with a gratified smile and said: "Brother Xi has not been neglected these years, I think your advanced stage is not far away, and you need to invite Taiqing Pavilion to send a body-fit monk to help you. Only in this way will you have time to get out of retreat and advance."

Xi Tianying also sighed with emotion: "Yes, this matter is also urgent, but I am confident that I will break through the bottleneck of the integration period within 80 years, and there is at least a [-]% chance of success."

"Sixty percent certainty seems a bit low," Yi Tian sighed.

"That's not bad. Many monks at the top of the distraction stage will try it with a [-]% to [-]% chance," Xi Tianjiu explained hastily.

Reaching out his hand to take a jar of flat peach wine from the storage ring and sending it over in the air, Yi Tian smiled and said: "It's not easy to brew, but the effect is amazing. Brother Xi can try it out and have a drink later. It’s not too late to take it out and use it when it’s time to break through and hit the bottleneck.”

Xi Tianying took the wine jar with a suspicious look on his face and said, "Does this wine really have such a great effect? ​​You must know that I need a lot of spiritual power when I advance because of the problem of practicing exercises."

After speaking, Xi Tianying gently pushed aside the sealed talisman on the wine jar, then gently stretched out his fingers to dip it in, put it in his mouth and licked it, and after taking three breaths, his eyes flashed and he said: "What a pure spiritual power! , I am afraid that the spiritual power contained in the heavenly high-level alchemy refined by the top alchemists in the three schools of the spirit world is not as good as it."

"That's natural. The raw material of this flat peach wine is a species left over from the fairy world, and I added several top-quality materials to make it," Yi Tian said with a proud face.

Re-sticking the seal on the wine jar, Xi Tianying put it in his pocket and then cupped his hands and said, "Thank you so much, brother Yi, I will work harder this time, brother, and I must not disappoint your kindness."

Yi Tian said with a smile when he heard the words: "I hope that when I come back this time, I will find that you have entered the integration period, then let's sit down and have a good time."

"It's a good deal," Xi Tianying said, but his face changed, and then he bowed his head and said: "Brother Yi, where is the destination of your trip this time? I heard that you killed a lot of people in the evil disaster." The monks in the demon fusion period, now the news has spread to other planes, I'm afraid you will have to pay more attention when you walk outside in the future."

Yi Tian's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked via voice transmission: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't do much in the disaster. How did you know that I killed many monks in the fusion period of the demon race?"

"Tch, I still don't know your style, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger," Xi Tianying said disdainfully: "But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and those demon monks naturally re-examined the invasion after returning. After passing through, it is not difficult to find the clues of your attack, although the last thing has not been fully confirmed, but it is said that the news came from the mouth of the one-eyed demon monk from the demon world, so the credibility is still very high."

(End of this chapter)

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