
Chapter 2085

Chapter 2085
After entering the 'Shituo Temple', Yi Tian remembered the token of the City Lord's Mansion that he got when he served as the guard in Pojun City outside the gate of the spirit world.Then he took out these things as his identity verification. Na Deyun was also a person who knew the goods, and then he checked them with the people in the precept hall of the temple.

After a while, he finally confirmed his identity. Speaking of which, the Spirit Realm Breaking Army City has become famous over the years.There are also many people who know this place in the Buddhist and spiritual world. Later, after De Yun left the main hall, he informed himself and told him to leave quickly through the back door of the temple.

Yi Tian just smiled lightly and then walked out from a corner of the 'Shituo Temple' according to the instructions.After reaching a place where no one was outside, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body converged, and his figure gradually became blurred, and finally disappeared in place.

After performing the concealment technique, Yi Tian quietly returned to the 'Shituo Temple' according to the original route. After passing through several halls, he found that the monk with the highest cultivation level here was only that of the late stage of transformation, and no one like Deyun's cultivation level. many.

Later, when he went outside the forbidden area where the abbot of the temple was located, he glanced over and found that the strength of the restriction remained here was only set by the monks in the distraction period.After a gleam of blue light flashed across his body, Yi Tian took a step and went directly through the forbidden barrier and entered the interior.

After a while, Yi Tian found that the forbidden area in the 'Shituo Temple' was simpler than he imagined.Except that the aura is much stronger than the outside world, basically there are only some simple stone tables, stone benches and stone beds left in the interior.It seems that the eminent monks in the temple are all ascetics, Yi Tian thought with emotion that Buddhist monks should first hone their minds when they practice, and they don't need to pay attention to some superficial things like spiritual practice.

As he walked, his spiritual sense detected a distracted monk in the late stage sitting cross-legged in the depths of the cave.Fortunately, his cultivation base is a whole level higher than his, so the other party cannot discover his existence.

After a short walk in the cave, he came to the monk's retreat.Yi Tian glanced over and found that the person in front of him was a skinny old monk, sitting cross-legged in front of the stone wall with his back to himself.

In front of him was a huge smooth stone wall, without any patterns engraved on it, but the words 'Taixu Dreamland' were engraved on the stone rock above the top beam.

Apparently it was no accident that this old monk sat cross-legged here, and the smooth stone wall in front of him also had a lot to say.Yi Tian glanced over it several times but couldn't find any tricks for the time being, but in his heart he believed that there must be something strange here.

In the depths of the cave, Yi Tian found Yi Tian and sat down quietly, then stared at the stone wall and looked at it.

I don't know how long it took to suddenly hear a 'click', and the restriction outside the cave was opened.A voice came and said: "Regard Master, the special envoy of Daleiguang Temple Monk Jieding has arrived in the temple, and came to watch the 'Serving Tuo Jade Bi' by appointment, and please show me, Master."

"The precept has arrived," Yi Tian's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he didn't expect to meet him again.And the 'Shituo Yubi' mentioned by the messenger must be the smooth stone wall in front of him.

Turning his gaze away, Yi Tian began to search every inch of the stone wall, but this time he still didn't find anything.

The old monk who sat cross-legged in front of the stone wall gave an 'hmm' for no reason, and then said: "Please, Mr. Special Envoy, come and understand the 'Shituo Yubi'. Whether it can be done or not depends on chance."

"Yes," after the outside voice fell, the cave restriction was closed again.Yi Tian didn't care about it for a while and could only take a step forward, and make plans after Monk Jieding came again.

After waiting for a short time, I heard the Buddha's call again from outside the restriction, and then the monk in front of me stretched out his hand and gently brushed open a gap in the restriction.Later, only the sound of footsteps came, and Yi Tian looked up to see that it was the precept monk visiting.At this time, he was wearing a gray monk's robe and holding a rosary in his hand, but nothing else.

Yi Tian admired the discipline very much, this is the standard attire of ascetic monks in Daleiguang Temple.Has anyone ever known that hundreds of years ago he was Chi Wuji, the young master of Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world?

But at this time, the cultivation base of the precept monk has reached the peak of the distraction stage. If there are no accidents, it is appropriate to enter the integration stage within a hundred years.Yi Tian also felt a burst of emotion in his heart, the method of reincarnation and recultivation in Daleiguang Temple is really powerful.Monk Jie Ding's aptitude at this time is already in the super-grade category, and his cultivation base is also nothing to say.

Although I am now stronger than him by a big level, the speed at which he has caught up is amazing.It is estimated that it will not take a thousand years of effort for two people in such a state.In the future, it will be much easier for monks who enter the Mahayana period to cross the bottleneck of the Mahayana period because they have the memory and aura of the top ten.

But monk Jieding walked up to the skinny old monk, folded his hands together and said, "Jingding monk of Daleiguang Temple, please refer to Senior Brother Dexiu of 'Shituo Temple'."

It turned out that the old monk was also from the generation of 'Germany'. I think he was of the same generation as the De Chong De Jing I met back then.

On the other hand, Jie Ding's name is very interesting. His dharma name is obviously two generations higher than Dexiu's, but at this time it seems a bit messed up.

Only Dexiu slowly said: "It's the reincarnation of the Buddhist monk of Jieding, okay, okay, even though you call me senior brother, I can't afford it."

"Brother, you don't need to worry too much, and you don't need to focus on appearances," Jie Ding said in an easy-going tone: "The one standing in front of you is only monk Jie Ding, not a divine monk."

"Such an old monk has a lot to worry about," Dexiu hurriedly replied, "Today is the divine monk who came here at an appointment, so I naturally want to open the door of convenience."

After saying that, Dexiu pointed to the stone wall in front of him and said, "This is the 'Shituo Jade Bi' handed down from generation to generation in my 'Shituo Temple', but the old monk has not found a trace of it after studying here for thousands of years. It’s also because chance doesn’t lie with me.”

The monk Jie Ding replied: "The matter of chance is personal, but we monks seek longevity to face difficulties. Even if we cannot achieve consummation in this life, we can use the method of reincarnation and re-cultivation to make progress in the next life. There was a moment of success."

"What the monk said is true, but my Theravada Buddhism is only practicing in this life," said Dexiu, who seemed to hesitate to speak.

On the contrary, Monk Jieding smiled and said: "Abbot Dexiu is in a state of mind. There is no place in the world where there is no shelter. Besides, there is no distinction between Buddhism and Mahayana, but the younger monks forcibly divide them. If Dexiu If you have the wish, you can go to the Great Leiguang Temple."

The implication of the words is naturally to clarify the stakes in it, and Dexiu bowed his hands and thanked: "Thank you, the divine monk, for your guidance."

(End of this chapter)

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