
Chapter 2119 Interrogation 1

Chapter 2119 Interrogation One
After the 'Sin Domain Cliff' was broken into, it didn't cause too much disturbance, after all, the cultivators detained here were at most only distracted.It is also unique that Monk Zhixing locked himself here. As for Kun Lingzi and Pei Tie who came to make trouble, one has already subdued the law, and the other died in the ice prison.

As for the fight between Xiong Erbao and Kun Lingzi over the 'Sin Yuya', it was also seen by the gang of criminals below.Then there were three body-fit monks. Under such an environment, it would be foolish to slip away from the five body-fit monks.

After Putian arrived, he summoned the warden again, and after some explanations, the order of the 'crime cliff' was maintained again.

Then the four rushed back to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas with the unconscious Kun Lingzi all the way.There were a lot of problems this time, and everyone had to sit down and discuss it carefully.

As for Kun Lingzi, Yi Tian didn't take it seriously at all, the Yuan Ying who had his own Yuan Ling imprisoned and locked in him couldn't mobilize any spiritual power.Even if his cultivation base surpassed his own, he would be doomed if he was locked by this spiritual weapon.

In the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Yi Tian stayed temporarily in Putian's cave, and then found a secret room to put Kun Lingzi in it.This time I have a lot of questions to ask him, after all, this person has something to do with Emperor Nether, so naturally he needs to take care of him.

Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the middle of the stone room deep in the cave of Lord Putian, and the unconscious Kun Lingzi was lying on the ground far in front of him.After stretching out his hand to offer sacrifices, the spiritual light directly hit his forehead, Yi Tian closed his eyes and waited.

After ten breaths, Kun Lingzi said softly, then got up and opened his eyes to look inside first.After three breaths, a bitter smile appeared on Kun Lingzi's face, and his wife looked at the person in front of her and shook her head helplessly.

Standing up, he walked slowly up to Yi Tian and stopped a foot away, then arched his hands together and said: "I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, and I don't know seniors, please make atonement."

Speaking of which, Kun Lingzi's Yuanying is locked up now, and he can't adjust his spiritual power up and down.At this time, he naturally knew how to advance and retreat, and the person in front of him could just move his finger casually and kill him.

Yi Tian slowly opened his eyes and stared at Kun Lingzi in front of him for a while, then pointed to the empty seat in front of him and said, "Sit down and talk."

Kun Lingzi walked up slowly, found a seat in front of him and sat down, before he could speak, he said first: "Dare to ask You Gao's name?"

"My name is Yi Tian, ​​a cultivator in the spiritual world, and I don't know many people who are not well-known," Yi Tian replied lightly.

Kun Lingzi thought about it for a while, then showed surprise and said: "Your Excellency is the new suzerain of Lihuo Palace. I heard that you rarely appear in front of the world. It is a great honor to see the real person today."

"Oh, you've heard of my name," Yi Tian asked with a smile.

Kun Lingzi said with a serious face: "I heard that hundreds of years ago, there was a catastrophe in the spirit world, and the three factions of the spirit world united many loose cultivators and established a spiritual alliance to fight against it for nearly a hundred years. Although there is not much information about you on the frontal battlefield, more information about you is obtained from those gossips. You also know that these gossips are often more reliable than the official ones."

It turned out that Yi Tian was also stunned, he didn't expect that the news about himself had spread out long ago.Although it is not through any formal channel, it is not difficult for the listener to grasp the key points from it.

Smiling and shaking his head, he continued, "Do you know why I didn't hand you over to Daleiguang Temple today?"

"Yi Daoyou, of course you have the reasoning behind it. I wonder if it is because I have been in contact with the savage special envoy. This has some effect on you, so you are lucky enough not to send me to the city lord's mansion," Kun Lingzi asked tentatively.

Yi Tian nodded and said with a serious face: "It is extremely taboo for Emperor Youming to stretch his hands into the world of Buddhas and spirits. I hope you can tell everything. If the information you provide is accurate, maybe I will I will let you go, and I will not pursue your previous traditional crazy brain auction."

Hearing this, Kun Lingzi showed a gleam of joy on his face and hurriedly replied: "Fellow Daoist Yi also asks you to ask questions. I will try my best to cooperate."

In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't cooperate, his Nascent Soul is restrained by himself, and at worst, he can find out the problem clearly under torture.It's just that Yi Tian didn't like to use this method, and because of Kun Lingzi's other purpose, he gave up such a plan.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "How did you know that Pei Tie?"

"Then Pei Tie came to the world of Buddhist spirits with a violent talisman. Naturally, he came to me to plan to enter the 'Sin Realm Cliff', but I didn't know the relationship between him and Master Zhixing before," Kun Lingzi said. Said.

That's not wrong, Yi Tian paid close attention to Kun Lingzi's expression in the underground ice prison of the 'Sin Yuya' before.At that time, after learning about the relationship between Pei Tie, Zhixing and Luankuang, Kun Lingzi was also slightly surprised, which is unmistakable.

"Then how long have you been planning, why are you doing it now?" Yi Tian said again.

"It's been a few years, and I've only observed the defensive formations and facilities on the 'Sin Yuya' side. It would be no problem if I went down alone. But it would be a bit cumbersome to bring Pei Tie, and we originally estimated that Daleiguang It will take at least a whole day for the reinforcements from the Zen Temple to arrive."

"I didn't expect you mantis to catch cicadas, and I'll go to the oriole," Yi Tian joked.

Kun Lingzi showed embarrassment on his face and could only make amends with a smile: "You Daoist Yi is very powerful, how can we escape your discernment after a little trouble."

"Let me ask you, have you ever seen that savage real body?" Yi Tian asked solemnly.Speaking of Luankuang, he has never seen his real body, so he still wants to check it out by making indirect remarks.

Kun Lingzi thought for a while but shook his head and said, "To be honest, I'm not familiar with Luankuang. Every time Pei Tie contacts him, it's through cross-border messaging."

"Then, have you ever seen a ferocious spectacle turning into a god?" Yi Tian asked.

Kun Lingzi fell into deep thought when he heard the words, bowing his head and thinking hard as if he was thinking about something.Shaoqing said weakly: "Actually, there was a time when Pei Tie was in contact with Luankuang, the spirit restraint on his body broke out, and that time, Luangkuang stopped the restraint on him through the cross-boundary void gate."

The pupils in Yi Tian's eyes narrowed and said: "There is such a thing, then what did you see?"

"I only saw the savage face, and everything else was blurry." Kun Lingzi thought for a while and replied, "Also, he seems to be standing on top of a large number of corpses, all of whom seem to be beheaded by him. "

(End of this chapter)

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