
Chapter 2173 Origin

Chapter 2173 Origin
The resource allocation for the 'Liuyang Present World' day finally came to an end, but at the end of the meeting, Yi Tian received a summons from Wan Gang to invite him to the house.

After arranging the affairs of the Xinglin faction and the Sanxiu alliance, Yi Tian quietly left with a secret body technique, and then quietly sneaked into the flying vehicle of the wild horn tribe.When he came to the main cabin of the barbarian transport ship, Yi Tian found that there were two auras of monks in the fusion period remaining here.

One of the weaker ones is a monk in the early stage of fusion. Yi Tian checked and found that it was in harmony with the breath of the three-headed dog monk from hell.I didn't expect that Wan Gang would ask him to come here this time, and it is estimated that the matter that I want to discuss with myself will have something to do with him.

It's just that Yi Tian is a little puzzled, what is going to involve the hell three-headed dog clan.

When I came to the main cabin, I saw that Wan Gang and Po Yu had been waiting there for a long time. After seeing Yi Tian, ​​he walked up to them without showing any signs of expression. After greeting the two, he found a vacant seat opposite Wan Gang and sat down. .

After Po Yu'an sat down, Wan Gang said, "This time I take the liberty to invite Fellow Daoist Yi here because I have important matters to discuss."

"Oh, I don't know if this time it is related to fellow Daoist Broken Domain?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

Po Yu, who was sitting opposite, looked straight and said: "Thanks to Yi Daoyou's generosity in this trip to the 'Sword Mountain and Fire Sea', our family can get more than double the amount of 'Brimstone and Fire Source' compared to the previous few times." .” Speaking of this broken field, there was a trace of gratitude on his face.

Yi Tian smiled and nodded to signal him to continue. Although it was more than doubled, Poyu also took out a lot of patriarch's treasures in exchange for this.But in general, he still took a lot of advantages, and everyone took what they needed and everyone was happy.

"Actually, I invited Daoist Yi to come here this time mainly because of the secret treasure that Emperor Youming left in this world," Wan Gang said inappropriately: "Does Fellow Daoist Yi know about it? "

Speaking of this, Yi Tian remembered that he had verified that the Huangquan clan occupied the palace originally left by Emperor Youming in this realm as the clan's residence.Moreover, under the blood lineage theory that Yan Qiu is now promoting, all the mixed-race children in the Huangquan clan are gradually expelled, and the news of the palace of the Nether Emperor gradually spread outside.

But the most interesting thing is that the former Nether Emperor had a hell three-headed dog demon pet with a beast-controlling collar on it.This thing has a natural suppressive effect on the three-headed dogs of hell. It is blunt to say that whoever can get this thing can directly enslave the three-headed dogs of hell.

No wonder Po Yu was seen during this meeting, I guess he should be very concerned about this matter.There must be something that he cares about very much in Emperor Youming's palace.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian nodded his head slightly, and then glanced over Po Yu, only to see that there was an anxious look on his face at this time, as if he had something to say.Immediately he waved his hand and said, "Fellow Daoist Broken came here specially to think about it and he has something to say. I always like to be straightforward and straightforward."

Hearing this, Poyu glanced at Wan Gang who was standing aside, then coughed lightly and said, "Actually, this time, I am Daoist Tuo Wangang, and I am asking Fellow Daoist Yi to help me out, mainly because I want to recover from the secret treasure in the Palace of the Nether Emperor." Find a spirit treasure among them and destroy it completely."

"Oh, why does Fellow Daoist Broken Domain care so much about that Lingbao?" Yi Tian seemed to be thinking of something but asked calmly.

"I'm ashamed to say that Lingbao was originally used by the former Emperor Youming to tame the spirit pet, but it has a natural suppression effect on our monks, so I have this plan," Poyu explained.

Needless to say, it must be the beast control collar, but Yi Tian didn't reply directly.After all, if I go there this time, I will definitely meet Yan Qiu. Although I have some issues with him, I don’t want to directly bring the conflict to the table. After all, I will cooperate once in the future to find the entrance to the fragments of the fairy world in the Netherworld. Just tearing the skin apart like this is afraid that it won't be easy to see each other at that time.

Wan Gang, who was on the side, would naturally be someone who knew the inside story, and then hurried to help: "Yi Daoyou doesn't know, this beast control collar has always been a thorn in the side of the hell three-headed dog clan, and I can't wait to get rid of it immediately It’s just that I didn’t have any clues before, so I didn’t know how to start. Fortunately, after hundreds of years of planning, Daoist Broken Domain finally found a chance, so he bowed his head and begged me for help.”

It turns out that Yi Tian learned something similar from these words, and he can make Poyu bow his head to ask for help, explaining the urgency of this matter. For him, the three-headed dog clan of the Jade Hell is already in front of him and needs to be resolved urgently. up.After thinking about it, he asked: "I don't know why Daoist Broken Domain thought of taking action to solve this matter now?"

Hearing the words, Poyu turned his face straight and said: "At first, I was going to procrastinate, but when I saw Mo Feihong from the Black Dragon Clan in the VIP room of 'Sword Mountain and Fire Sea', I knew that Yan Qiu was ready to make a move."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Fellow Daoist Yi doesn't know about this matter. In hell, my family and the black dragon family are in conflict. There is no small friction, but our two families will always appear in the battle of high-ranking monks," broke Domain said.

"Then why?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "As far as I can see, you and Mo Feihong didn't talk to each other this time, and it doesn't seem like you have a deep hatred?"

"Actually speaking, it goes back to ancient times. My Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan and Black Dragon Clan belong to two opposite extreme species of 'Sky Cage Dungeon' respectively," Poyu explained: "My clan is the spirit of fire origin Spiritual creatures produced after condensing mutations, while the Black Dragon Clan is born from the essence of the water source. I think Daoist Yi should be able to understand this explanation."

In this way, these two races have been facing each other for nearly tens of thousands of years. Although there has been no hatred in the past and no hatred in the present, the ancestral memory and blood inheritance information have preserved the grievances and resentments of the two races intact. down.Now suddenly there is news of a spirit treasure that restrains the three-headed dogs from hell, and it must be good intentions for Yan Qiu to go to Mo Feihong to make a move.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian sighed and said: "Being involved in such disputes for no reason, I'm afraid it will be difficult for a while. How can I help fellow Daoist Broken Realm?"

Hearing this broken domain finally showed a little joy on his face. Although it was not easy to ask someone to take action, he didn't care so much for the future of the entire race.Then he opened his mouth and said: "The younger generation of my faction mixed into the Huangquan clan and lurked for hundreds of years, and finally found the exact location of the hidden entrance in the Palace of the Nether Emperor. I just heard that there is a unique space inside, and there is a forbidden knot at the door. The world is sealed, and the seal will be weakened every 500 years, with an interval of about half a day, so I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to come with me and go into that space to investigate."

"Why is it just you and me, friend Daoist Wan?" Yi Tian frowned slightly after hearing this, and glanced at Wan Gang who was sitting on the side.

"Yi Daoyou, you don't know, if I make a gesture this time, Yan Qiu will be alerted, and the conflict between the two groups will not be something our family can bear now," Wan Gang said: "So After weighing it up, I still recommend you to Fellow Daoist Broken Domain."

"Then how many people from Yan Qiu's side will enter?" Yi Tian asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be Mo Feihong and Biluo Yaoji," Wan Gang thought for a while and said, "Yan Qiu will definitely not take it lightly if he wants to be in charge of the Huangquan Clan."

"But if Yan Qiu is outside, how can we sneak in under his nose?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Po Yu said without the slightest timidity on his face: "We need to ask Fellow Daoist Wan Gang and Fellow Daoist Shi Jinming to help us in this matter. After holding back Yan Qiu, we will buy time for us. It only takes an hour. "

"So this is your plan," Yi Tian said angrily, "Although it is true that you are pestering Yan Qiu outside, he is not a fool, so why would he obediently take the bait, and we have to hide it from his eyes and ears. It's not an easy thing."

After all, Yi Tian glanced at Po Yu, the significance of which is self-evident. It's no problem for him to hide it from Yan Qiu, but with Po Yu's slightly inferior cultivation base, it may be a bit difficult.

But Wan Gang hurriedly explained: "This matter is the key to asking Fellow Daoist Yi to help. With your strength, it is no problem to bring fellow Daoist Broken into the realm. And rely on the three heads of hell in the secret storehouse It is not difficult to find that spiritual treasure according to the information left by the ancestors of the dog clan."

Po Yu also hastily echoed: "Friend Daoist Wan said yes, we didn't intend to conflict with the other party after we entered, so Fellow Daoist Yi may not necessarily need to take action. And based on the information I know, the location of the 'beast control collar' is hidden , the idle person is naturally not easy to find."

"But this time there is also that Biluo Yaoji, his true self is the current Emperor Youming, are you sure to find that Lingbao before her?" Yi Tian asked.After all, there is a lot involved in this matter, and I don't want to just confront Biluo Yaoji again, and the other party seems to be secretly looking for me to join forces in this matter, but I have to deal with this relationship well.Otherwise, it is definitely not the result you want to see because of small losses and big damage.

Hearing the words, Poyu showed a calm expression and said: "You can rest assured, Fellow Daoist Yi, although he is ferocious, but his mind and soul are incomplete, and many key memories cannot be retrieved, such as those in the hell world. This is the information about the palace of the former Emperor Youming. If he can remember, why did he wait ten thousand years before sending his avatar here."

It is also true that if the madness and soul are intact, they will not easily give up the palace secrets left here in the previous life, but the visit of the Biluo Yaoji this time is quite unexpected.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian asked again: "So what do you need to help after you take you into the secret store without telling Yan Qiu?"

"There are two traps that need to be solved by Yi Daoyou and I." Poyu thought for a while before saying, "In this way, even if we enter a moment later, we can arrive before Mo Feihong."

"Since that's the case, it's not a difficult task, but I want to know what price Daoist Broken Domain will offer me this time?" Yi Tian tried to ask.Offending people for no reason is not what I want, and the business of offending people also depends on whether it is worth it.Since Poyu invited three monks in the fusion stage to help him this time, he would naturally have to pay a corresponding price.

His face twitched a few times, and then he took out a jade box from the storage ring and handed it over, "I heard that Daoist Yi's real identity is the suzerain of a sect in the spirit world, so you must look down on things that are easy to see." It’s eye-catching. Here are the remnants of the spirit world exercises collected by our ancestors in the early years, if you don’t like Yi Daoyou, it’s okay, I’ll look for other spirit treasures.”

After Yi Tian took it, he gently opened the seal talisman on the seal of the jade box, and then lifted the lid and glanced over, only to see a broken jade slip in the jade box.At first glance, it looks like it was cut diagonally from the middle.He took it out and put it in his palm to examine it carefully, his expression remained unchanged but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

A lot of characters from the spiritual world were engraved on this jade slip, but there were also a lot of original texts in golden seal script mixed in.It is obvious that this jade slip was originally an annotation, and the content should be an analysis of the content of the golden seal script above.Judging from the lines, it should be a book about alchemy. Although I am proficient in refining tools, I also have a deep understanding of alchemy.Although it is not as good as Poison Master or Yao Lao, but compared to ordinary alchemists, it is naturally much stronger.

It's a pity that there are only half of this broken jade slip, if you can get it all together, you can know the essence of alchemy recorded in it.But Yi Tian knew that he was destined to meet such an opportunity today, so naturally he couldn't let it go easily.These alchemy scrolls are priceless treasures for the sect, and they are written in golden seal script, which is naturally worth seeing.

Although half of it is still missing now, it will be able to be assembled that day. After thinking about it, I put the jade slip back into the jade box and closed the lid to put it in the bag.Then he turned around and said seriously: "Since Fellow Daoist Broken can come up with such a valuable thing, I will be disrespectful. This time, this matter still requires the efforts of many parties. I don't have a big problem here, but I still need Fellow Daoist Wan and Fellow Daoist Shi." Just make a timely move to hold Yan Qiu back."

Seeing that he agreed to Po Yu so neatly, his complexion softened, and he naturally breathed a sigh of relief.Then he turned his gaze to Wan Gang and said, "Since Fellow Daoist Yi agreed to help, then Fellow Daoist Lao Wan will have to come forward for the next thing." After finishing speaking, he took out a steaming 'Brimstone and Fire Source' from the storage ring and handed it over. past.

When Wan just saw it, the pupils in his eyes froze, then he took the hand and scanned it carefully with his divine sense, with a satisfied smile on his face, he said: "Fellow Daoist Broken is really bold, and he paid a lot of money for this matter, so I take it for granted." Do your best and rest assured."

I didn't expect that they would use the 'Brimstone and Flame Source' they had just obtained as bargaining chips. Judging from the weight, it probably accounted for one-tenth of the broken domain share.Sure enough, these 'brimstone and fire sources' are hard currency in the hell world, and can be used by several big clans.

(End of this chapter)

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