
Chapter 2179 Secret Palace 5 Demon Spirit

Chapter 2179
After tidying up the two stone statues, Yi Tian learned from the demon spirit of the hell three-headed dog clan's predecessor "Po Liu" that in the hidden palace, except for the weapon "evil star" and There is also a private copy room outside the Tiger Talisman.It contains some secret techniques about the exercises practiced by the Nether Emperor.

This is definitely a great thing for Yi Tian. After many investigations, he found that the current Emperor Youming seems to be very crazy, and he has never shown his real body to others.Everything is given orders through his avatar.

As a result, people can't help but give birth to infinite reverie. Yi Tian has long been suspicious of such a violent behavior. It is estimated that there must be some big problem with his body, otherwise how can he integrate himself like this over and over again? deal with his avatar.

And the last time I met the furious second clone, Biluo Yaoji, in the 'Mountain of Swords and Sea of ​​Fire', but her attitude was ambiguous and she didn't know what kind of medicine was bought in the gourd.

After sending the spirit of 'Poliu' into reincarnation, Poyu stepped forward, offering two auras in his hand, and then struck directly at the stone gate in front of him. The sound of "咔咔咒" came, and the stone gate was slowly pushed open a three-foot-wide opening.There was a large amount of black evil energy floating out of it, and it took a full half a moment for the black evil energy to dissipate.

Later, Yi Tian stretched out his mind and swept across the stone room, and found that the space inside is not very big, only about three feet in size.There is a stone platform in the middle with a jade box on it.

When Po Yu saw it, he looked overjoyed and hurried forward to the edge of the stone platform, stretched out his hand to open the jade box and swept his spiritual thoughts into it.After the three breaths, with a dignified look, he reached out and closed the lid of the jade box and put it away.Yi Tian's divine sense also sneaked into it and scanned it, and then found a simple black collar inside, needless to say, it must be the 'Beast Control Collar'.

However, Po Yu hastily closed the jade box and did not allow himself to investigate further.After a while, he turned his head and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Daoist Yi, for your help this time. The purpose of this trip has been completed. I don't know whether you will leave with me or explore this palace again." What about hiding?"

After thinking about it, Yi Tian said seriously: "Since this is the case, you can leave first, since I came here, I naturally want to check other places in this palace secret store, maybe there will be some opportunities exist."

Hearing this, Poyu's face relaxed, and then he hurriedly replied: "If that's the case, then I will leave first. After this time, if you are free, please come to my family's resident for a rest, so I can show my friendship as a landlord .”

"This matter can be discussed later," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Well, I will definitely visit when I have free time."

He reached out and took out a Jade Talisman of Communication and sent it across the air: "You Daoist Yi, but if you need it, you can contact me directly, as long as you are not facing Yan Qiu from the Huangquan Clan or Biluo Yaoji The characters below should help each other wholeheartedly."

Yi Tian naturally couldn't understand the meaning of his words. For the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan, they still have scruples about the No. [-] clan in the Hell World, as well as the Bi Luo Yao Ji and You Ming Boy.

Fortunately, Breaking the Territory knows the seriousness, and this time he entrusted his own help to retrieve the Lingbao so quickly.In any case, I owed a huge favor, and I still have to pay back this debt of favor in the future.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian reached out to take the communication jade talisman and put it in the storage ring, then smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said: "Fellow Daoist Broken Domain, this is a serious word, but I will come to visit when I have time in the future, fellow Daoist first." Take a step, I still have something to stop for a while."

"It's easy to say, easy to say," Poyu bowed his hands and said goodbye after finishing speaking, Chase turned around and flew away towards the passageway when he came.

After three breaths, Poyu disappeared without a trace, Yi Tian just shook his head helplessly when he saw it.Then he walked into this stone room and opened his mind to search around.Previously, Poyu was a fan of the authorities, and he was concerned about the Lingbao 'Beast Control Collar' in his heart. After getting it, he didn't care that it was an indoor situation.

But Yi Tian was a bystander. After scanning with his divine sense, he found that there were still many words engraved on the three walls of the stone room.After scanning through the divine sense one by one, it was found that what remained on it was the refining method of the 'beast control collar'.What shocked me was that the words on the walls were all written in spiritual script.

Needless to say, the former Nether Emperor must have been proficient in the characters of the spirit world in order to refine the 'beast control collar' one by one.Taking out a blank jade slip and talisman pen in his hand, Yi Tian quickly recorded the words on it.

This thing doesn't have much effect on myself, but if it is in the sect, there is an extra way to pay for high-level monsters.After a while, he carved all the words on it, Yi Tian took out the magic knife, stretched out his hand and waved it, sacrificed several Heavenly Demon Blades, and then chopped directly at the words on the stone wall. After the sound of "噗噗", the black Heavenly Demon Blade flew out and wiped out all the writing on the stone wall, so that the method of refining the beast collar collar recorded here was directly cleared, and now I am the only one who has this in my hand today. The method of refining treasures.

After finishing these, Yi Tian calmly put away the jade slips and magic knife in his hand, and his whole body turned into a black wind and disappeared in place.

It took Yi Tian a quick drive all the way along the passageway when he came, and it took him half a moment to rush back to the five-fork intersection at the previous entrance.After taking out the map of the hidden palace in his hand, he checked it, and now he has to go to two places, one is where the tiger talisman is stored, and the other is where the former Emperor Youming's private study is located.

Speaking of which, these two places are very important to me, so it's not a problem to go to one place alone after calculating the time.But if you go to both places, you will definitely meet Biluo Yaoji and Yan Qiu.

With one enemy against two, I can retreat completely, but this will naturally expose my identity, and it may not be a good thing for my future actions in hell.At least Yi Tian is not ready to turn against them.

But now that the situation is imminent, I can't allow myself not to make a choice. After thinking about it for a while, he sighed helplessly, and then Yi Tian's figure flashed and he went directly to the passage marked on the map for storing tiger charms.

Wearing a breath-suppressing cloak on his body and restraining the spiritual pressure fluctuations to the limit, Yi Tian's figure only stirred up a slight breeze in the air, and then quickly shuttled through the passage.

Like the passage leading to the 'beast control collar' before, Yi Tian flew straight here for more than half a moment before seeing the exit of the passage.After exiting the passage, they came to a thirty-foot stone room. The difference from before was that there was no other hidden inner room in this stone room.

In the middle of this stone room is a five-foot-square stone platform, on which is placed a simple and simple stone tiger talisman.Yi Tian didn't expect that this spirit treasure was not directly stored but placed directly on the stone platform.

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly after he swept his divine sense, it was the formation runes clearly depicted on the ground within ten feet around the platform.If you force your way in, you will definitely touch the formation pattern and at the same time trigger the formation prohibition.

After sweeping the corner of the stone room with his divine sense again, Yi Tian found four statues in the southeast, northwest and outside of the stone platform.Judging from the pattern of the pattern, it seems to be the four spirits guarding the formation in the spirit world, but the guardian beasts around the formation are not the blue dragon, the white tiger, the vermilion bird, and the basalt.

I glanced over and saw that the statues of the four spirit guards here are exactly the black dragon, stone, Huangquan and wild horn monks in the hell world.

Unexpectedly, the former Emperor Youming would use these monks to guard this place. Needless to say, these stone statues should also suppress the souls of these four tribes of monks.

At this time, Yi Tian was also very disdainful of the actions of the former Emperor Youming, and detained the spirits of these masters and sent them to the stone statues to seal them, and then kept them to guard the secret treasures of the palace.This kind of action was so overbearing that no one dared to resist the former Nether Emperor when he was alive, and once he fell, all the oppressed races would rise up and start rebelling against his tyranny.

Nowadays, it is not easy for the Nether Emperor to restore the grand events of the Nether Dynasty 5 years ago. Naturally, these oppressed races will not let him succeed easily.

But there is still a question that has always puzzled Yi Tian. These races must have left the legacy of their ancestors, but I don’t know why the Huangquan tribe has come so close to the Nether Emperor. Are they really not afraid of killing donkeys in the future?

After three breaths, Yi Tian put his mind away and began to think about how to break the formation, and took out the formation-breaking awl and held it in his hand.After that, he quietly flew to the stone statue of the monks of the Southern Horn Tribe. After scanning the surface of the stone statue with his divine sense, Yi Tian quickly found several nodes connecting the formation.After raising the formation-breaking awl in his hand, he slowly stabbed at the positions of these nodes.

As soon as the formation breaking awl touched these nodes, a flash of light suddenly flashed on the defensive formation in the middle.Immediately, the formation runes underground quickly lit up, activating the surrounding formation barriers.

Fortunately, he didn't enter the formation easily, Yi Tian glanced over and found that the Four Spirit Guardian Formation was completely arranged according to the pattern of the spirit world formation.If you act rashly, you will definitely touch the ban, and the statues around you will be besieged when you activate it.

Fortunately, now that his formation-breaking awl penetrated the node, he cut off the connection between the statue of the barbarian monks in the south and the main formation.Without one of the four spirit guards, it is naturally impossible to form an effective attack restriction. Next, you only need to break one more to get the tiger talisman easily.

Just as he was thinking that suddenly a halo flew out from the stone statue of the Horn tribe, Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that in the middle of the halo was the spiritual infant of a monk of the Horn tribe.It's just that the spirit baby fell into a coma, Yi Tian thought for a while and stretched out his finger to sacrifice the spiritual power to the halo.

After three breaths, the spirit infant of the monk of the Horn tribe reacted, and opened his eyes after moaning softly.

When he saw himself, his face was vigilant and he shouted: "You demon cultivator dared to break into the palace of the Nether Emperor, how brave you are."

Seeing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Dao Lingguang to imprison the spirit baby, and then said: "The Nether Emperor has passed away for 5 years, and now you are the largest race in the hell world. Report your Name, I won’t embarrass you for the sake of familiarity with the chief of the Barbarian tribe, Wan Gang.”

"Hmph, don't deceive me with sweet words, the old man Wan Qingshan will never bow his head to others at will," the spirit baby scolded.

"It turned out to be senior Wan Qingshan," Yi Tianting smiled faintly, and then he waved behind him to release the imprisoned aura and said, "I'm afraid that senior has been detained here for tens of thousands of years. It’s not what it used to be.”

"Is that so?" Wan Qingshan looked at it with a vigilant look and then asked, "Then tell me what it's like outside now."

"The two clans of the Huangquan clan and the Manjiao clan are fighting for hegemony. Although the Stone clan has a large number of people, they are limited by congenital defects and can only make a compromise." Then Yi Tian briefly explained what he saw in the hell world now. Down.

After hearing his own explanation, Wan Qingshan's demon baby's face became more and more dignified, and after looking at the statues of the Huangquan tribe around him, Wan Qingshan sighed and said: "Back then, our two tribes supported each other all the way. Coming here, I never thought that the current world would become so unbearable."

"Times have changed, senior," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "It was under the suppression of Emperor Nether that all the races in the hell world got together. To put it bluntly, it was just a group to keep warm."

"Your statement is very interesting, but it is true," Wan Qingshan said with a trace of desolation on his face.

"Now that the pressure on the head is removed, the minds of the major races in the hell world that were originally united will become active," Yi Tian explained: "Speaking of it, this is also the general trend. Without the pressure, the major races must fight for the living space resources, there is no doubt about that.”

"Well, since you said that you have an old relationship with the head of the barbarian tribe, do you have any tokens to prove it?" Wan Qingshan asked.

Yi Tian thought for a while that he only had the token of the Manjiao Chamber of Commerce on his body, and he didn't know if it could be used together.After thinking about it, he reached out and took out the knife in front of Wan Qingshan for him to look at, and said in his mouth: "I have some connections with the Chamber of Commerce of the Horn Tribe. secret."

After seeing the keepsake jade tablet, Wan Qingshan softened his face, and then said: "It is true that the style of this jade tablet is indeed a token passed down from generation to generation by my Manjiao tribe, so what you said is at least six or seven points true. Believable."

Hearing this, Yi Tian's expression didn't change, but he underestimated in his heart, Wan Qingshan in front of his feelings was still worried about himself.However, if you put yourself in another person's place and think about it, you will be the same as the other party. At least for now, it seems that you can't gain full trust.

After thinking about it, he sighed softly and said: "This time I came here to investigate the Tiger Talisman of the Tiger Roaring Army. This thing is of great importance, and it may have an impact on the future situation in the hell world and even the nether world. How can I get rid of the Four Spirits Guarding Formation and get the Tiger Talisman Gold Seal?"

"It's enough to destroy the four guardian spirit statues," Wan Qingshan said lightly.

"In this case, the senior has no place to live. Do I need to take the senior out to meet the contemporary patriarch of the Horn tribe so as to confirm what I said before?" Yi Tian asked in an orderly manner after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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