
Chapter 2181 Secret Palace 7 Treasure Retrieval

Chapter 2181
After releasing the guardian spirits in the other three statues in the Four Spirit Guardian Array, Yi Tian immediately cast a spell to send them all into reincarnation.All these actions were performed in front of Wan Qingshan, so Yi Tian naturally wanted to reassure him first.After all, there are still many things to ask him, so I have to express it no matter what.

And Wan Qingshan also had a thoughtful look on his face after seeing the other three true spirits flying into the void.After taking three breaths, he sighed and said, "Let them take a step first, and I will follow."

"Senior Wan doesn't need to be so sentimental," Yi Tian hurriedly explained: "The times have changed, and now is no longer the period when the Nether Emperor ruled the Three Realms."

"Yi Xiaoyou is right," Wan Qingshan nodded and said, "A hegemony is conquered by strength, but usually a hegemony is maintained by force, and once the backbone is gone, the whole dynasty will naturally fall apart. "

"That's exactly the case, so the former Nether Emperor, who was as strong as the middle stage of Mahayana, could not escape such a fate. The root cause is his domineering behavior," Yi Tian pointed out sharply.

"That's true, but several of us had doubts about his practice of reincarnation in the Buddhist sect. It's a pity that the emperor was too powerful back then and naturally he wouldn't listen to our words," Wan Qingshan said with a sigh.

"What Senior Wan said is true. It's a pity that Emperor Youming insisted on going his own way and practiced the secret art of reincarnation in the Buddhist sect. He was afraid that his soul would be killed by other Mahayana monks, so he used the method of soul division. But he didn't expect that after reincarnation It will be more trouble to collect the soul again," Yi Tian joked.

"Perhaps as you said, Emperor Youming is no longer suitable for this era," Wan Qingshan said seriously: "So what he is doing now must be stopped by someone."

Hearing this, Yi Tian knew that Wan Qingshan seemed to disapprove of Emperor Youming's actions.Speaking of which, he was trapped in the stone statues guarding the four spirits for tens of thousands of years, so there is always a bit of resentment among individuals.Even if Wan Qingshan still has some nostalgia for the Emperor Youming back then, I am afraid that it will be diluted with the passage of time.

As far as Wan Qingshan is concerned, the only thing that he can still worry about now is his barbarian tribe.

Yi Tian knew that if Wan Qingshan returned to the Barbarian Horn tribe, he could improve the strength of the whole tribe by giving Wan Gang a little guidance, but this is the general trend and he cannot stop it.After all, in the Hell Realm, there is still a two-power struggle between the Horn Clan and the Huangquan Clan. The foundation of the Sanxiu Alliance is not stable at this time. If you want to participate in this battle of interface forces, you need at least thousands of years of dormancy to cultivate your strength. just work.

After making a plan in his mind, Yi Tian turned around and said again: "The past is over, now please let me know how to collect this Tiger Talisman Gold Seal, with my eyesight, I can naturally perceive that this thing is extraordinary. products, if you want to earn income intact, you may need some special methods."

"Boy, your eyes are as bright as a torch." Wan Qingshan's demon spirit stood on the Tianmo knife and turned his head to look at the golden seal on the stone platform in the center of the formation in the distance, and said: "The tiger amulet gold seal is originally guarded by the spirit of the weapon. It is the realm of hell." The soul of the fierce beast 'Lie Kuihou'."

"I don't know what this 'Lie Kui Roar' is?" Yi Tian asked in puzzlement, "Why have I never heard of this kind of beast before?"

Wan Qingshan said with a smile: "This 'Lie Kui Hou' has the blood power of the beast 'Kui Niu' in the fairy world, and it is a close relative of 'Gie Feng Hou'. Only then will he be able to kill him, and then extract his spirit and put it into the golden seal of the tiger talisman."

"In this way, the power displayed by this golden seal is also extraordinary," Yi Tian said: "But if I make a rash move, I will definitely be attacked by the true spirit of 'Lie Kui Roar'?"

"That's true, but I think Xiaoyou Yi's strength is not weak, so using strength is the next strategy," Wan Qingshan said: "Fellow Daoist, you might as well use the kung fu technique that restrains attributes, and it should be easy to subdue him." After finishing speaking Wan Qingshan's Nascent Soul returned to the magic knife again and stopped talking.

After hearing this, Yi Tian thought for a while, then reached out and took out an alms bowl and a string of Buddhist beads to sacrifice in his hand.Then he stretched out his hand and raised the magic knife to sacrifice the Heavenly Demon Blade to strike straight at the four spirit seal array on the ground.

A half-foot-sized Heavenly Demon Knife was sacrificed and slashed at the light film on the Four Spirit Seal Formation. With a 'bang' sound, the black Heavenly Demon Blade hit the formation defense and got stuck on it.After doing it again in Yi Tian's hands, he pointed at Tianmo's blade, and the Tianma's blade exploded in an instant.The Heavenly Demon Knife, which was originally half a foot in size, suddenly became larger and exploded the formation mask directly.

After the white halo flashed in the air, the formation barrier that originally surrounded the stone platform was forcibly broken, and Yi Tian flew in front of the Tiger Talisman Gold Seal in a flash.After raising the golden bowl in his hand, he flew directly to the top of the golden seal, and a golden light shot out from it and enveloped the tiger talisman.

Yi Tian glanced over and found that the gold seal of the tiger talisman was only three inches in size, and the whole body was engraved with spirit patterns.It looks like a fierce tiger waiting for an opportunity to attack, and the biggest difference between this tiger talisman gold seal and the expected one is that it is not divided into left and right halves, but a whole.

Yi Tian raised his spirit power and manipulated it to take it away, but suddenly a roar sounded from the mouth of the tiger charm, and Yi Tian was restrained on the spot.Then Youdao True Spirit rose slowly from above the Tiger Talisman, condensing and forming in the air.

Yi Tian swept his mind and found that in front of him was a monster with the body of a bull and the head of a lion. It should be the 'Lie Kui Roar' without a doubt.Even if it has been placed here for 5 years, the evil spirit on this 'Lie Kui Roar' is still extremely powerful.

Guarding his mind, Yi Tian snorted coldly and said: "A mere demon spirit dares to be presumptuous," stretched out his hand and pointed to the golden bowl above, and immediately raised the golden aura to shine on the head of 'Lie Kuihou' and pressed it down.

The voice of "Ho Ho Ho" sounded again, and the demon spirit of "Lie Kui Hou" seemed unwilling to be restrained and resisted vigorously.Unexpectedly, this 'Lie Kui Roar' would still have such strength after tens of thousands of years of being sealed into the Tiger Talisman Gold Seal. Yi Tian only felt that the golden bowl controlled by him could no longer completely restrain it. As the resistance gradually strengthened, the golden bowl on top of his head seemed to be Some trembled slightly.

Sure enough, these heavenly spirit weapons could not suppress the spirit of monsters with the power of the blood of the fairy world even under the restraint of attributes.After thinking about it, Yi Tian twitched the Buddhist beads in his hand and put them on the head of the 'Lie Kui Hou'.After a golden light fell, the golden Buddhist beads were placed around its neck to forcefully suppress his breath.

And the golden bowl above the head did not appear to be trembling anymore, after the 'Lie Kui Roar' was suppressed, it fell on the golden seal of the tiger talisman again.

(End of this chapter)

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