
Chapter 2186

Chapter 2186
Yi Tian returned to the residence of the Huangquan Clan at the entrance after escaping from the hidden palace of Emperor Youming.Originally thinking that he might meet Yan Qiu or Mo Feihong, Yi Tian himself was fully prepared.After all, it's always a bit embarrassing to face the host's face uninvited, and it's inevitable to have a haha ​​and get away with it.

But what I didn't expect was that after I came out, my divine sense spread out and searched. It seemed that Yan Qiu hadn't returned to the Huangquan tribe's residence, and Mo Feihong was also missing at this time.

After thinking about it in my heart, a name came to my mind, and at the same time I thought to myself, "Bi Luo Yao Ji, this is what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, but she doesn't seem to be too hostile to me, and she once said to get myself out of trouble." Later, I found an opportunity to go to the 'Kilao Mountain' to find Qiu Mingzi, but I don't know what the origin of that person is. '

Just when he was thinking that he suddenly noticed a wave of spiritual pressure thousands of miles away and was flying towards the residence of the Huangquan tribe in his spiritual sense. From the breath, he could tell that it was Yan Qiu himself.

Fortunately, he has a higher cultivation base, so even at such a distance, the opponent cannot detect his whereabouts.Thinking about it, Yi Tian chose the opposite direction and deliberately staggered away from Yan Qiu to rush outside the Huangquan Clan's garrison after displaying his concealment technique.

Such a staggered stay until Yan Qiu rushed back to the clan, and he had already left the territory of the Huangquan clan.Then Yi Tian glanced back at the Nether Emperor's palace behind him in the air, then turned around and flew towards the meeting ground agreed with Wan Gang before.

After flying in the air for a day, a medium-sized cultivation town appeared in front of my eyes. This place is called 'Shen Ri Fort'.

Coming to the 'Shen Ri Fort', Yi Tian restrained his breath and went directly to the City Lord's Mansion in the stronghold.I heard that the Manhorn monk staying here is exactly the Wan Bo'e I saw in the Buddha Spirit Realm back then, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of clone at this time, and it is estimated that his cultivation has not been lowered in these years.

In addition to Wan Jiaolan's relationship, Yi Tian felt good about him. He found Wan Bo's evil retreat outside the cave in the city lord's mansion. middle.

Shaoqing opened the restraint and Wan Boe hurried out of it. When he saw his face stunned, he cupped his hands and bowed his head and said, "Senior Yi is here, and this junior is welcome."

Hearing him address Yi Tian like this, he knew that the status of the two had been separated a lot, but he still missed the old relationship and naturally he would not put on airs of a senior.

"Fellow Daoist Wan hasn't seen you for many years, don't you come here without any problems." Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "I see that your cultivation base is not slow to improve, and it is estimated that after a thousand years, you will be able to reach the state of Dzogchen in the late stage of distraction. The realm of the integration period."

Wan Bo hurriedly apologized when he heard the words: "Senior Yi is absurdly praised. I was lucky enough to improve my cultivation base because of my senior's gift in the demon world. It's the limit."

Speaking of it, Wan Bo'e is quite self-aware, and he also gained a lot of benefits back then.Thinking of Wan Jiaolan's situation, Yi Tian felt a little guilty and said, "You must know about Wan Jiaolan's matter, right?"

Mentioning Wan Bo's evil, he said with joy on his face: "Since it's a great blessing for Jiaolan to be favored by fellow Daoist Yi, I would also like to ask Senior Yi to treat her kindly. I am very grateful."

Thinking of this, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Please don't worry at this time, although I can't give her a title, it should be no problem to maintain it until she reaches the state of integration."

After hearing this, the naked jealousy in Wan Gang's eyes flashed away, and then he expressed gratitude: "I just hope that after Jiaolan's cultivation is successful, I can go back to the Manjiao Clan to support the younger generation of the family. It's just wishful thinking, but it doesn't matter so much for the benefit of the family."

"Oh, it's not surprising that Fellow Daoist Wan has such an idea," Yi Tian said with a smile, "Well, I'll take what you say, and I won't interfere with Jiaolan's decision at that time."

"Thank you so much, Senior Yi," Wan Boxi hurriedly thanked him again after hearing this.

"I came here specifically to find Wan Gang. I wonder if he is in the city at this time?" Yi Tian asked.

"The patriarch hasn't arrived yet, but he sent a message in advance to wait until Senior Yi arrives to entertain him. He may arrive a few days later," Wan Boxi replied.

"Oh, is that so?" Yi Tian frowned slightly: "So you can find a cave and let me rest for a few days."

"Senior, follow me easily," Wan Bo'e replied hastily.

Immediately, Yi Tian followed Wan Bo'e all the way to the Dongtian Paradise area deep behind the 'Shen Ri Fort'.Here, Wan Gang had prepared the cave for himself a long time ago, and after entering the inner chamber, Yi Tian could finally calm down for a while and make some repairs.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and opened the barrier, and then took out the 'Phantom Mirror' and began to examine it carefully.Speaking of the only fairy wreckage I got in the palace of the former Emperor Youming this time, the refining of this thing is quite exquisite, and a large amount of immortal spirit power has been poured into it to have such an effect.

It's a pity that for tens of thousands of years, the 'Phantom Mirror' has not been nourished by a sliver of fairy spirit, and it has been reduced to a spiritual weapon after the inner fairy charm is broken up by myself.

Fortunately, the body material of the 'Phantom Mirror' is not bad, even after tens of thousands of years of aging, the quality has not dropped.

Holding the one-foot-sized mirror in his hand, Yi Tianshen stretched in and scanned all the designs of the utensils inside, and at the same time took out a blank jade slip to engrave the patterns one by one.

Afterwards, he took out the Artifact Refining Atlas from the Secret Sect Scroll of Luo Tianxian Palace and began to check it. After a while, he found a similar formation pattern at the end of the Artifact Artifact.It turns out that in the instrument spectrum handed down in Luo Tianxian Palace, there is a record of the shape of the spirit mirror and the pattern of the spirit treasure. Among them, there are three pieces that can be refined by oneself, namely the 'Demon Mirror', the 'Haotian Mirror' and the 'Phantom Spirit Mirror' .

I remember that the 'Demon Reflecting Mirror' that I once refined when I was in the demon world came from this, presumably it was also passed down from the spirit world to the demon world tens of thousands of years ago.

Among the three spirit treasures, the 'Phantom Spirit Mirror' is the most widely used, but it is also the weakest in power.The scene it conjures has no distinction between races, but it is also the easiest to target.A cultivator with both black and yellow cultivators like himself can mobilize his spiritual power at will to restrain the mirror image.

And the "demon mirror" is the trump card to deal with monster monks. Under the light of this mirror, the transformed monsters have nowhere to hide, and finally they can only obediently show their true colors.But it is useless for spiritual or magic cultivation, so I don't show Yitian's first choice.

As for the 'Haotian Mirror' I had already refined it once when I was in the lower realm, but at that time it was only able to deal with those Nascent Soul stage monks because of the limitation of precious materials and the problem of refining techniques.But on the Tianlan Continent, the Nascent Soul stage monks have almost stood at the apex of the cultivation world, so it was enough at that time.

As for Feisheng, after he came to the spirit world, he thought about refining a 'Haotian Mirror' again, but in addition to the precious materials, there were also restrictions on refining techniques, so he couldn't proceed at this time.

Knowing that you have obtained the wreckage of the 'Phantom Mirror' from the Secret Collection of the Palace today, you will have sufficient materials.

It's just that the 'Haotian Mirror' that I want to refine is used to deal with the mad man, and the reason is because of his incomplete mind and soul, which is very easy for the 'Haotian Mirror' to be restrained.

But it is not easy to refine the Lingbao to deal with Mahayana monks, Yi Tian carefully checked the jade slips in his hand and his face sank.According to the records in Luotian Fairy Palace's Artifact Refining Secret Code, it is not difficult to refine the aura embryo of the 'Haotian Mirror', you only need to gather enough 'Xianming Stone' and 'Scorching Glazed Glass' for enough time to refine it Then you can.

But this is only the first step in refining, and the refined spirit treasure can almost reach the peak level of the spirit weapon in the spirit world.But the second step is to 'infuse the spirit'. The imbue the spirit described here is not the injection of spiritual power, but the power of immortality.Only by injecting a large amount of immortal energy into the spiritual weapon can its quality be raised again beyond the peak of the spiritual world's heaven-level spiritual weapon to the realm of quasi-immortal weapon.

After all, my cultivation is only at the peak of the late stage of fusion, and even after being promoted to the Mahayana stage, I can't directly refine the fairy weapon.Secondly, even after infusing a large amount of immortal energy, the quasi-immortal weapon needs to be warmed for a long time to exert its due power, and at the same time, it can also maintain the inner immortal energy so that it will not be consumed too much and directly slack off .

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the fact that he was about to join forces with Yan Qiu and others to explore the fragments of the fairy world in the Netherworld, he really couldn't make up his mind to refine this treasure.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and remembered the refining method of the 'Haotian Mirror' in the jade slip in his hand, and then put the jade slip away in his mind and began to deduce the refining process.

Now I plan to refine the embryonic form of the spirit weapon 'Haotian Mirror' before going to the Netherworld, so that after entering the fragments of the fairy world, I can wait for the opportunity to find the power of immortality and pour it into the spirit weapon.

At noon after sitting cross-legged in the cave for several days, Yi Tian slowly opened his eyes. At this time, the color of confusion in his eyes was gone, and it was replaced by clarity.During this period of time, I have repeated the entire refining process in my mind more than ten times, and it can be said that I have achieved a foolproof level.But Yi Tian knew in his heart that the deduction process was still different from the actual operation, and even the slightest mistake would ruin the entire refining process.

Moreover, the 'Xianming Stone' and 'Scorching Glazed Glass' in the 'Phantom Mirror' in his hand are only enough for him to refine once, if he makes a move, there will be no turning back, so Yi Tian dare not try it casually.

After sitting for a while, there was a ripple at the door, and a voice said: "You Daoist Yi, you have been waiting for a long time, the old man is late."

He stretched out his hand to open the opening of the barrier, and saw a figure come in through it, and Shaoqing walked to him in front of him, it was Wan Gang himself.

He Jishou saluted and said: "You Daoist Yi has been waiting for a long time, this time because something happened after negotiating with Yan Qiu and others, so I came late."

"Oh, what can hold you back?" Yi Tian asked curiously, after all, after he escaped from the secret palace, he really noticed that Yan Qiu returned to the Huangquan tribe's residence.Counting the time, about five or six days have passed. During this period, Wan Gang should have come back a long time ago. Something important must have happened to make him delay for such a long time.

Wan Gang gave a helpless wry smile, then found an empty seat in front of him and sat down before he said: "This time I didn't expect that Mo Feihong from the Black Dragon Clan would come in to disrupt the situation, so that he directly replaced him." Even Yan Qiu caught us off guard."

"That's right, it turned out to be like this. No wonder I found Yan Qiu returning alone when I left the Huangquan clan." Yi Tian joked, "I thought you could get away easily, but I didn't expect it would take so much time."

"It was Mo Feihong who used his power to oppress people, and it took Shi Jinming and I a lot of troubles to get rid of him," said Wan Gang with a look of resentment on his face.

"Fortunately, this time the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan broke the domain and gave you enough of the 'Brimstone and Fire Source'. Generally speaking, it is still very rewarding," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Wan Gang's face showed a little relief, and then he sighed: "If it wasn't for the future of the younger generation in the clan, I would not accept such a thankless invitation."

The implication is that there is something in the words, among which Wan Jiaolan is indirectly involved.After all, this matter was a deal between him and the real Taliu before, and he didn't expect that Taliu was cut off by him.

Regarding this matter, Yi Tian still had a little disdain for Wan Gang's actions before, but after hearing his explanation, he automatically ignored this time.Anyway, it's no secret that Wan Jiaolan has followed her now, and Wan Gang is also happy to see it.

After all, the Loose Cultivator Alliance has nothing to do with the struggle for hegemony between the two major races in the hell world.But there is an emerging force that cannot be ignored with a late-stage monk like myself behind it. In addition, it has formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the Xinglin faction and has an inseparable relationship with the barbarian tribe. In the future, it will definitely become a hell of left and right powerful forces in the world.

Yi Tian just smiled faintly at Wan Gang's remarks, but it was not just for this matter that he came here today.Thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and took out the Heavenly Demon Knife. Wan just saw Baba's pupils froze and didn't know what happened next.Yi Tian smiled lightly and said, "You don't need to be alarmed, Daoist Wan. Today I will bring you a heavy-weight figure from the secret palace of the Manjiao Clan."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at the Heavenly Demon Knife and said, "Senior Wan, please show up. The current patriarch of the Horn Clan, Wan Gang, has arrived."

A ray of spiritual light slowly rose from the Heavenly Demon Knife and condensed in the air into the appearance of Wan Qingshan Lingying. Then he turned his head and bowed to Yi Tian and said, "I'm so thankful for you, Mr. Yi."

After finishing speaking, the Yuanying spirit body turned his head, glanced at Wan Gang in front of him, and then started to size up. After three breaths, he said, "You are the patriarch of the barbarian tribe of this generation. Who are you, Wan Yi?"

(End of this chapter)

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