
Chapter 2210 Enter 2

Chapter 2210 Entering Two

Finally arrived the 'halo day' in the nether world, which is the day when the dog eclipses the moon in this world.At the moment when the dark night, the high wind, the high lunar eclipse reached its limit, the seven monks in the fusion period jointly attacked and opened the 'Purgatory Asura Sealing Formation' here.Then according to the previously agreed entry sequence, Wu Jue and Changsun Ting rushed in from the void gap in the middle of the formation, one after the other, sacrificed to escape the light.Although the process was not as smooth as expected, it can be regarded as steadily achieving the goal.

As for Yi Tian, ​​who presided over the opening of the formation in the middle, he clearly realized that as more and more people entered this formation, its repulsion was gradually weakening.

However, two of the six nodes on the four sides have been destroyed at this time, and there is no doubt that the 'Purgatory Asura Sealing Formation' here will be closed again after the sixth person enters and the nodes are completely destroyed.

This point was also very clear in the hearts of the five people present. Speaking of four places and five people, some people would definitely not be able to eat meat.It's just that if he stopped at this time, he might be besieged by the other four people in an instant, even the Nether boy would not stop there.

Later, I heard Yi Tian yelling: "Fellow Daoist Nether, it's your turn next, hurry up, don't delay for too long and affect others."

Youming boy's face changed several times when he heard the words, and then he gritted his teeth and withdrew the spiritual power in his hand, then turned to Yi Tian and said, "I hope you can fulfill your promise, otherwise you should know the consequences."

"Don't worry fellow daoist, since what I promised will be as good as it is, I will definitely not break the contract easily," Yi Tian said, pointing to the entrance and saying: "The node has been loosened, fellow daoist Nether, please enter quickly. "

Look up at the 'Purgatory Shura Formation', because the third node began to flicker because of the lack of Nether Boy's spiritual power injection.The Nether boy knew that this was also urging him to enter it as soon as possible, and then he flew straight towards the central position after the aura flashed all over his body.

Speaking of which, the trouble he encountered this time was much smaller than the previous two, and the intensity of the wind blowing head-on was greatly weakened.

With a sound of '嗖', following the figure of You Ming Boy passing through the entrance, the size of the gap in the middle of the formation has shrunk to about two-thirds of its original maximum size.

After Yi Tian saw it, he turned to Wan Gang and Shi Jinming and said: "You two should start together, don't delay or wait until the darkest moment of the'moon halo' to pass the spiritual power of this place When it returns to normal, the seal of the formation will shrink faster."

After hearing this, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming looked at each other, and then both of them withdrew the spiritual power infusion in their hands at the same time, then sacrificed their escapism and flew straight towards the entrance.Obviously, after the three of them passed through the gap in the middle of the formation, the strength of the strong wind blowing out was greatly weakened, and Wan Gang and Shi Jinming basically did not encounter any major troubles one after the other.

After they left, only Yi Tian and Yan Qiu were left on the scene, and there was only a two-foot-sized gap left in the middle of the huge 'Purgatory Asura Formation' above the head, and it was still shrinking with.

At this time, Yan Qiu also had a timid expression on his face. Although the Nether boy had told him that the last spot would be given to him, if he entered, Yi Tianbian in front of him would not be able to pass through the formation ban.

If Yi Tian suddenly exploded at this time, I'm afraid Yan Qiu himself would be powerless to fight.In terms of cultivation alone, he was already far behind. He was trying his best to maintain the formation node at this time, while Yi Tian was just waiting for work.In terms of winning chances, under normal circumstances Yan Qiu would only have one or two points at most, but at this time there is no chance of winning at all.

Thinking of this, Yan Qiu's throat choked up and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. After a while, he asked with difficulty: "Is it my turn, Daoist Yi? I think you won't break your promise."

But Yi Tian said with disdain on his face: "What did fellow Daoist Yan say? How can I return what I promised. Fellow daoist, please do as you please, or the entrance above will be closed."

"Then Daoist Yi will easily give up this good opportunity to enter the fragments of the fairy world of Luotian Immortal Palace?" Yan Qiu asked puzzled: "As far as I know, you will never fight an uncertain battle."

However, Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and did not answer his words directly.Instead, he kept urging: "If fellow Daoist Yan is so polite, does it mean that he doesn't want to go in? If that's the case, then let me go first."

"Where is Daoist Yi, how can I give up so easily?" Yan Qiu seemed to have thought of something and then said: "In this case, I will take the first step. I believe that Fellow Daoist Yi will have a backup, then we Goodbye among the fragments of the fairy world."

After finishing speaking, Yan Qiu stopped the infusion of spiritual power in his hands, jumped up and turned into a yellow ray of light and flew directly towards the gap in the middle of the formation.

After the five people in front entered, the strong wind blowing from it was already very weak, and Yan Qiu passed through it without much effort.In the end, he didn't forget to look back at Yi Tian.

At this time, Yi Tian couldn't see the slightest anxiety on his face, but instead showed a determined expression.This also confirmed his previous guess from the side, Yan Qiu also turned his head and said: "Sly boy," and disappeared into the gap in the formation after speaking.

It wasn't until the previous six people had all entered the fragments of the fairy world that the formation barrier on their heads slowly closed.At this time, the eclipse of the dog on the halo day is almost coming to an end, and a round of white moonlight shines from the sky and shines on the valley around the 'Luofengpo', making it as bright as day.

Yi Tian's hearty laughter came from high in the sky, but he didn't get up while holding the animal skin map in his left hand as a guide for the formation.At this time, Yi Tian put away the smile on his face and said to himself: "Let you go in first, but it's a pity that it may not be good to go early, and you may not get a chance if you go late. I am Luo Tianxian Palace There is no reason for the direct disciples in this world to lag behind others."

After finishing speaking, he lightly tossed the animal skin map on his left hand into the air, and stretched out his hands to quickly form seals.He said in his mouth: "Change."

After three breaths, four arms grew under the left and right ribs, and two heads protruded from the back of the neck.After showing his own Asura method, Yi Tian's six arms cast spells again, aiming at the upper node of "Purgatory Shura Sealing Formation" to inject spiritual power. The sound of 'Ka Ka Ka Ka' came, and the formation split open in the middle, opening the entrance again.

After Yi Tian glanced over, he found that there was no violent wind blowing out of the entrance of the fragments of the fairy world after opening this time.After putting away the spiritual power in his hand, Yi Tian flew directly towards the entrance with a green light all over his body.On the way, he took the animal skin map and took back the statue.

There was no spiritual power around the sealing array, and then it slowly closed again, and the gap in the sealing array was completely closed after Yi Tian's figure passed through the entrance, and finally disappeared over the 'Luofengpo'.

(End of this chapter)

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