
Chapter 223

Chapter 223
The entire school field was full of killing noises, and the previously lifeless puppets moved to the corresponding positions according to the positions on the small chessboard.In this chess game with asymmetrical strength, the red side has been firmly suppressed by the black side since the beginning of the game.

After walking a few steps, everyone on the field also felt the pressure of the black puppet coming, but in everyone's eyes, Yi Tian still looked relaxed and content.At this point, there is no other way but to trust him unconditionally.

Sitting in front of the chess game, Yi Tian looked calm on the surface, but his heart was also chilled.The opponent on the opposite side is also an old Jianghu. The two sides walked about ten steps, and Yi Tian just defended blindly, allocating the left and right resources to the middle line.

In the case of weighing the pros and cons, Yi Tian thought about the optimal plan, taking advantage of the situation where the red square is not fully capable, there are more positions that can be mobilized, and the two main attacking weights, the rook and the horse, will go first next to Shuai to defend and wait for opportunities move.In the front, they took advantage of the mobility of the leading soldiers and cannons to rush across the river, while Shi Xiang firmly held back the opponent's attack in the middle.Receive as many attacks as possible.

Strategy governs strategy, and actual combat is actual combat. This way, Tong Yan and Yan Zhaoxue suffered a lot. Every time they were pushed up to the hard top, the halo around them disappeared, and then they faced the black puppet like a torrential rain. Attack, after the opponent's blow, the protective halo on the puppet will also disappear, at this time the red side can counterattack.

Yan Zhaoxue, as a soldier guarding the central palace, was attacked the most times. Fortunately, she is also very powerful, and often has to fight against the attacking puppets every three steps.Every time it was time to fight back, a cloud of blue flames wrapped around the feather fan was thrown out, and the opponent's puppets seemed to be restrained by the flames, and even those puppets in the middle stage of foundation establishment would be eliminated by her in no time.

After the fifteenth round, Xing Yuan and Duguao, who were chariots and horses, basically had no chance to make a move.And Yang Ling, who was sitting in the handsome position, was also attacked by a crap horse, but his strength was also there. After being beaten and cut, he countered with one move.

In terms of chess skills alone, Yi Tian is far behind his opponent, but in terms of overall strength, the eight players here are basically in the late stage of foundation building, so they can still hold a balance under hard resistance.

After twenty rounds, Yi Tian saw that he had almost consumed the opponent's attack weights, and his middle pawns could advance to the middle palace under the protection of the rook after crossing the river.

With one move to cross the river, Xing Yuan was finally able to show his skills, and Dugu Ao also entered the enemy's camp two steps later, the two of them rushed left and right as if they were in no one's land.

After the Red Fang Zhongzi crossed the river, it was obvious that the opponent was eager to deploy troops back to defend, and now the pressure in the Red Fang's middle palace dropped sharply, Yan Zhaoxue also took the opportunity to sit down and took out some pills to adjust his breath, swearing non-stop Said: "Xiao Yizi, you are sincerely punishing people. After this matter is over, I will never end with you."

Completely ignoring Yan Zhaoxue's reaction, Yi Tian is now concentrating on the chess game, and the red side's great situation cannot be wasted. Now after crossing the river with four characters, the originally barely even balance of power has evolved into a one-sided situation.

After solving the black side's six chariots, horses and cannons that crossed the river, Yi Tian was full of confidence. The threat to his own side had been reduced to the minimum, and even those pawns crossing the river could not break through his middle palace.

Just when he was full of confidence, Yi Tian proudly glanced at his opponent, and suddenly found that the black chess player started to mobilize his defense calmly, and planned to fight Yi Tian.Shocked in his heart, Yi Tian suddenly found out that this chess game is definitely not as simple as imagined, and the opponent must have some tricks that he hasn't used yet.

After thinking about it again and again, Yi Tian realized that there was nothing he could do. With a cannon as strong as Shuidong City, even if he really let him go up to fight against the black general, it would probably be impossible for him to go up and fight against the black general. Moreover, crossing the river like a palace in the middle seems like a good game, but The other black generals ran up to fight hard, and it is estimated that Du Heiyi would not be able to hold on to the ten moves and was directly out of the game.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's heart immediately became chilly, the black side couldn't attack, but what about the red side?If there is no absolute strength, it will only be like adding fuel to the fire, making a wedding dress for someone.

After five rounds, Du Heiyi's middle soldiers should have been able to go straight to the middle palace, but they were mobilized by Yi Tian and escaped.The people who didn't know what to do inside shouted in confusion: "What's going on, can't we all go down properly?"

Under questioning, Yi Tian also explained helplessly: "In the end, you will die, and you all have to rely on your own strength to defeat the puppet in the late stage of foundation establishment. Who is fully sure?"

After hearing this, everyone also came to their senses. This is not just about winning on the chessboard. In the end, you have to actually beat the black general.

Xing Yuan was the first to react, and he also knew that he was the strongest among the eight people, and he was the one to do this.Looking at the huge 'Black General' in front of him, Xing Yuan yelled at the crowd: "Let me try and see if I can succeed with one blow," and several people around him also echoed.

But Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in front of the chessboard, is now starting to encounter difficulties. Xing Yuan is the most powerful person among the chess pieces. According to Yi Tian's original intention, it is better to try it out before he can figure out the strength of the "black general". If you use the trump card directly, you don't know what to do next.

What's more, looking at the light and shadow sitting on the opposite side playing chess, Yi Tian had doubts in his heart, could it be that Tianyunmen is so bad, if it is so easy to break the game, then he underestimated the people who made the layout.

But now that everyone is united, Yi Tian can't disobey everyone's wishes, and said earnestly: "I don't want to be so rash, I want to know which one of you can go up and resist in case of any emergency."

After saying a word, the few people who were excited just now died down in an instant.On the contrary, Xing Yuan said firmly: "It's nothing, I will try my best," and nodded to Yi Tian after speaking.

Seeing that he is so firm, Yi Tian is not good at pouring cold water on him. He turned his head to look at the chessboard, stretched out his right hand, took out the red rook, sank to the bottom and hit the 'black general' directly. With a bang, Xing Yuan moved straight to the bottom line in a halo, and then the entire chessboard formation shook. Before everyone could react, they saw the black general sitting on the throne in the central palace. 'Slowly got up.

Since the beginning of the chess game, "Black General" has been sitting there. From a distance, it is only known that it is a circle larger than ordinary puppets, but when it stands up, it is found that it is more than one foot tall.

With a sound of '嗖', the halo surrounding the 'Black General' puppet suddenly disappeared, and it drew out the saber it was carrying, and then waved to the red car, signaling to come up to receive the move.

Seeing this, Xing Yuan knew that he only had the first blow to attack boldly, and seeing that the protective mask on his body was still there, he felt relieved.Turning his head to look at the 'black general' who was half taller than himself, Xing Yuan gritted his teeth, drew out his long knife and charged forward.

In such a situation, it is a waste of opportunity to start trying. Xing Yuan is the first of the seven absolute swords in the foundation period of the Divine Sword Sect, so he is naturally strong.Although the weapon he used was not the long sword that he was good at, he usually did some research on knives and spiritual weapons.I saw him replacing the sword with a sword, and used the ultimate move of the Divine Sword Gate, 'One Sword Flying Immortal'.

Standing not far away, Dugu Ao's expression was also very serious at this time. He knew that although the spiritual weapon in Xing Yuan's hand was wrong, the power was only a little weaker than normal by three points, even if he wanted to force it. strenuous.

Everyone saw that Xing Yuan's whole body was like a shooting star and concentrated on the "black general" in an instant, and then heard a loud "dang" that resounded from the sky, and the whole school ground swayed for a while.

After a puff of smoke dissipated, I saw that the steel knife in Xing Yuan's hand was held up by the King's Sword in the hand of 'Hei Jiang', and with one move, 'Hei Jiang''s feet went deep into the ground of the school field , until submerged in the knee.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the distance, saw it clearly with his spiritual sense. It seemed that Xing Yuan had the upper hand, but this move with all his strength did not cause any substantial damage to Hei Jiang.

After three breaths, the mask on Xing Yuan's body gradually faded, Yi Tian's face changed and he hurriedly shouted: "Be careful, he is going to fight back."

As soon as he blurted out his words, he saw the red light flashing in the eyes of the 'Hei Jiang', who held the sword in both hands and pushed away the steel knife, and then the whole person jumped up and jumped out of the ground, with a 'swish', Hei Jiang landed his feet on the ground, and with his right hand Holding the sword, he slashed towards Xing Yuan.

Considering that the advantage of the puppet is strong defense, and the general weakness is slow movement and uncoordination.Xing Yuan fought against the 'Black General' for several rounds and found that he was not comparable in terms of strength, and it was difficult for ordinary magic to break through the opponent's defense.Fortunately, my mobility has a big advantage, and I can often use escapism to widen the distance and wait for an opportunity to attack.

Slowly the confrontation turned into a confrontation. Within an hour, Xing Yuan kept cutting out the sword light in his hand, leaving inch-deep marks on the armor of the 'Black General'.Everyone watching from a distance applauded from time to time. If the fight continues like this, it will be a matter of time before the 'black general' puppet will be broken up.

But Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the sidelines of the school court, was full of suspicion. Although Xing Yuan had the absolute upper hand in this trend, it was useless if he couldn't break through the opponent's defense.Moreover, this confrontation has been going on for a while, and I don't know how long Xing Yuan can maintain such a high-intensity spiritual power output.

The opponent is a puppet, so as long as the internal crystal nucleus energy is constant, the current combat situation can always be maintained, but Xing Yuan's movements are a little slower than before, which may be due to the huge consumption of spiritual power.

Suddenly, I saw Xing Yuan's sword light was a little slower than before, and the 'black general' started to fight back, holding the sword in his right hand and connecting the sword light hard. Retreating and taking a step forward, bullying stepped forward and brought Xing Yuan closer.At this moment, everyone was stunned, and Xing Yuan also found out the problem, and hurriedly used escapism to open the distance again.

The next situation became a balance of power, or a slight disadvantage. I saw that the "black general" was playing steadily, slowly closing the distance, and began to fight back frequently.Xing Yuan now needs to draw a considerable part of his spiritual power to maintain the protective shield on his body. Every time 'Black General' swings the King's Sword in his hand, he can leave a three-inch deep mark on the ground, which makes everyone gasp air conditioner.

Xing Yuan also fought more and more urgently. The situation that was good just now has become very passive. I really regret not listening to Yi Tian's advice. Let's find out the reality of the 'black general' first.Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Xing Yuan hurriedly pulled away, then took out a few pills from his storage bracelet, crushed them and chewed them a few times in his mouth, after three breaths, his face became rosy again up.

The long-term and strong spiritual power output just now really made Xing Yuan feel lingering fears, and he would not have been so overwhelmed if he knew it earlier.

The 'Black General' returned to his throne, and Yi Tian found that it seemed to be restricted by the rules of the chess game, and could not go out of the middle palace, and all battles had to be carried out in the middle palace.

At this moment, a few words appeared on the small chessboard: "Kill the black general, and you will be defeated when you leave the palace." '

This time, Yi Tian immediately reminded Xing Yuan: "Fellow Taoist Xing must not leave the middle palace when he kills the general, otherwise he will be judged to have failed."

Standing at the edge of the central palace, Xing Yuan hurriedly looked at the soles of his feet, fortunately they hadn't gone out of bounds yet, he couldn't help wiping sweat from his head, feeling very dangerous.Then he turned around and looked at 'Black General', feeling lucky that he still had a chance, and hurriedly said: "I'm trying, if it doesn't work, I'll withdraw." After speaking, he saw him jumping high with a knife in both hands, injecting spiritual power into the back of the knife Towards the 'Black General', he waved a five-foot sword glow.

After a bang, I saw the 'black general' making a defensive movement with his sword raised. After he was busy, another intermittent scar appeared on his body, which looked more serious than before, but his actions did not Not affected.

On the other hand, Xing Yuan's blow just now did cost him a lot, and he began to take out spirit stones to absorb spiritual power after he landed.Before everyone applauded, the black general walked out from the main seat, and then rushed over with Xing Yuan inserted.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Yi Tian hurriedly reminded: "Hurry up and fight, if you run out of spiritual power, then give up voluntarily, and I will think of other ways."

With a sound of '嗖', Xing Yuanquan used his escape technique, more than doubling his speed. The middle palace of the chessboard in the school field is not very big, about six or seven zhang in radius.In the limited space, Xing Yuan was still thinking about fighting back, so he never left the palace.

It's a pity that things backfired. The 'Black General' slashed and stabbed again and again, never giving Xing Yuan a second chance to use powerful moves. Often after Xing Yuan dodged the attack, before he had time to raise his spirit, the second wave of sword rain came immediately up.

The two sides fought in the middle palace for nearly half an hour without deciding the winner, but Xing Yuan knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely be out.After thinking for a while, he took out a few Buyuan Pills from the storage bag and took them again, and then the spiritual energy wrapped around his body suddenly became stronger, Yi Tian knew that Xing Yuan was going to make a final fight.

Sure enough, facing the rain of swords from the 'Black General', Xing Yuan turned around and poured spiritual energy into the blade, and then went up to meet the incoming sword.

A wave of spiritual power shook away from the clash of swords, and the air wave spread from them in all directions, shaking the puppets next to them a few times.Everyone around also felt the horror of this move, basically it has been upgraded to the power of a golden core early stage monk.

Xing Yuan only waited for one move to succeed, then quickly jumped back, facing the 'Black General' and raised his sword light again.This time, a five-foot sword glow appeared in his hand, and then slowly compressed into a three-inch length, attacking the head of the 'Black General'.

Standing on the side, Dugu Ao shouted: "Condensing the void and turning it into reality, I didn't expect you to have practiced to such a level. If you think about the power of your natal spiritual weapon, you can definitely reach the early stage of Jindan."

"Not yet, I just reached the first level of perfection, Dugu Ao, don't you want to show off your Sky Demon Slash?" After speaking, Xing Yuan flew out of the middle palace, and when he landed, he stood on the ground. After that, he was surrounded by a halo and flew out of the boundary of the school chessboard.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the edge of the small chessboard, saw that as soon as Xing Yuan landed behind him, the knife in his hand flew back to the stone pile automatically, and there was a red rook missing on the chessboard.

Before everyone could react, they saw that the 'Black General' was hit hard on the head, and the entire helmet was blown off, revealing an elm head.All I saw was General Hei dragging his heavy body, slowly walking to the throne in the central palace, then sat down, and sheathed the King's Sword in his hand.The next scene made everyone chatter, only to see the 'Black General' grabbed a 'soldier' ​​next to it, then stretched out his hand to break open his chest, pulled out a piece of spirit core-like thing, and opened himself The breastplate was put in.

After ten breaths, the entire body of 'Black General' exuded a pressure comparable to the peak of the late foundation establishment period, and then its eyes darkened again, and a white light enveloped it again.

People with a discerning eye could see that the killing of the general had failed this time, but Xing Yuan also showed everyone the way, and it was not so easy to break the situation.At least the strongest person can't defeat the 'Black General', now everyone started to commotion, looking at Yi Tian, ​​hoping he can give a clear explanation.

After being stared at by everyone for a while, Yi Tian also got hairy, and the result of this was unexpected.I didn't expect 'Black General' to have a built-in recovery function. Now it seems impossible to deal with the remaining three guards next to him, and there is no way to kill the general again.

After reorganizing his thinking, Yi Tian looked at the black stones on the chessboard, and there were only four black stones left, and most of the strength of the red stones remained except for the most powerful rook.

After a pause, Yi Tian quickly adjusted his thinking and reached out.The phantom of the opponent also defended frequently, and the scene was like dispatching troops again.

Xing Yuan's previous experience reminded everyone that as long as the weapon in his hand hits the ground, he is out of the game, so even Du Heiyi and Shui Dongcheng will be extra careful when clearing the guards.Because those guards are puppets of coercion in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but their strength is indeed comparable to those casual cultivators in the late stage of foundation establishment.And Dugu Ao, as the remaining heavy son who can kill generals, can't spend his spiritual power in other places for no reason.

Shuidong City was the weakest of the eight, and it was a one-on-one exchange, and both parties suffered losses. In the end, they had to throw their weapons out after killing the black elephant.On the contrary, Du Heiyi, as the vanguard, killed the 'black elephant' alive and dragged the 'soldier' ​​to death.

In the chess game, you come and I fight against the red and black for several rounds, and finally Yi Tian forcibly exchanged the single soldier and the double bishop at the cost of one cannon and one pawn.Now on the entire small chessboard, the black side has only one 'black general' sitting in the central palace, and although the red side has four pieces, Yi Tian still looks sad. If Duguao loses again, this game will be a draw.

After thinking about it in every possible way, Yi Tian really couldn't understand why the capable people of Tianyunmen would set up such a cumbersome formation.He looked up at the flag bearer on the opposite side. Although there was only one son left, they still had a chance to draw.

The three people who were out of the game all came up, and everyone discussed the situation on the small chessboard.Obviously it is a one-sided posture, as long as Shuai walks the center line and the horse steps into the second line of the palace, he can force the 'black general' to face off against Dugu Ao.But no one thinks that this is a win-win situation, even Xing Yuan, who is the most powerful, can't handle it, at least everyone still lacks confidence in Duguao's.

After the three moves, Dugu Ao became active. After waiting for so long, he finally got the chance to show his face. Under the eyes of everyone, he rushed towards the 'Black General' with a long halberd in his hand.

With Xing Yuan's wayfinding before, this time he pinned his hope on Dugu Ao's bloody aura coming out of his whole body, directly dyeing the white halo into black red.After three breaths, a black arc of light lit up with the halberd, and there was a hissing sound, leaving deep scorched black marks on the ground where the black arc passed.

Xing Yuan, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, also frowned at the moment and said: "This level of attack is comparable to mine, but the aura is leaking out so badly, I only pay attention to the form and ignore the purpose, it is estimated that it will cause damage to the 'black general' The damage is limited, Duguao is still too young."

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the side, also looked at Xing Yuan approvingly after hearing the words, and praised in his heart: "Sure enough, he is the key disciple of the Excalibur Sect to cultivate the foundation, with such vicious eyes, he really pointed out all the ills of Duguao come out."

Without waiting for Xing Yuan to comment further, the scene had already had a result. The 'Black General' took two steps back obviously under the forceful resistance of swinging his sword, and then exerted force with his hands again, moving the incoming spell to one side, which was considered to be resolved. This trick.

Yi Tian saw it in his eyes, with a look of regret on his face, but Dugu Ao was right about the other name, and his heart was a little arrogant.He used the spell to the extreme, but in fact only eight percent of its power hit the 'black general'.And according to the fact that it has been bettered by Xing Yuan for a while now, it will be at a disadvantage. If it is in the previous situation, this move is basically difficult to move it.

As the halo on Duguao's body dissipated on the scene, the black general also started to fight back, his moves were almost the same as before, the puppet's attacks were just back and forth a few times, there was no big change.

All the people present applauded loudly and cheered for Duguao one after another, but Yi Tian and Xing Yuan were both silent and silent.Then the two turned their heads to look at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Magic spells flew across the chessboard. Although Dugu Ao was using an unsuitable weapon, his strength was there. Every attack was open and closed, making the 'black general' eager to defend.There were even a few hits that knocked it back several steps.

After going on like this for less than three quarters of an hour, the scene suddenly changed, Duguao's offensive gradually weakened, while the opponent's counterattack became extremely ferocious.Seeing that something was wrong, Dugu Ao also panicked, could it really happen again.

After gritting his teeth, he saw that he used the long halberd to push aside the single sword, and then stepped aside, with both hands free to form a few seals quickly.Xing Yuan on the side exclaimed in surprise: "In the late stage of foundation establishment, one can practice the secret of the Heavenly Demon Sect. Even if it is only the first level, it is extraordinary. This Dugu Ao really has the capital of pride."

One sentence attracted everyone's attention, only to see that Dugu Ao's whole body was entangled with black evil energy, and then gradually covered his skin to form patterns like python skin.

Yi Tian looked at Xing Yuan puzzledly, hoping to learn something from him, but the latter just smiled knowingly: "This is the 'Tianmo Real Body' of the Tianmo Sect, although he just came into contact with it A little bit of fur, maybe being able to display the first layer in the foundation building period can be regarded as the best among monks of the same generation, it seems that the martial art competition after that will be very interesting."

In the chess game, Duguao's aura suddenly increased by two levels, and the current spiritual pressure is almost the same as that of a monk in the early stage of Jindan, but Yi Tian knows that this seems to be his last trump card, and he can't maintain this state for long. Two or three spells retreated.

Sure enough, after the transformation, Duguao also showed anxiety on his face. He held a halberd in both hands and directly used the move of the blood demon knife. For a while, the demonic energy was rampant, and the powerful spiritual pressure blew the surrounding people down. Open the protective cover.

He yelled 'in' several black lightning bolts scattered from the top of the halberd, and under the control of Duguao's divine sense, they hit the 'black general' from various angles.

Xing Yuan shook his head and said: "He is preparing to be benevolent if he fails. He is planning to make a move to determine the outcome. He only hopes that the 'black general' can not withstand this move."

(End of this chapter)

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