
Chapter 2244 Arrival

Chapter 2244 Arrival
A white halo flew across the sky quickly, as fast as a middle-stage monk flying at full speed.Among the three people sitting in the cabin, Shi Jinming presided over the control of the assault boat, while Yi Tian and Wan Gang sat cross-legged in the main cabin for repairs.

For this operation, Yi Tian has already introduced the situation he guessed to Wan Gang in detail, and the latter will naturally act according to the plan after he informs him.

However, thinking that using the 'Four Suns Sealing Array' disk to detect the location of the white tiger's array spirit coincides with the direction Yan Qiu sent to ask for help, Yi Tian naturally had to treat this matter with caution.

In terms of estrangement, Yan Qiu is naturally closer to You Ming Boy, but he is also a person who knows that he has to bet on both sides to profit from it.If either side gets stronger, it will be disadvantageous to him, but on the bright side, it seems that his side is now four against one, and the Nether boy has the upper hand.Now that Shi Jinming invited him to form an offensive and defensive alliance to deal with the Nether boy, if he had weighed it, he might not easily agree.

But this time Yan Qiu readily agreed, but asked Shi Jinming to rescue him first.There are many doubts in this itself, but Yitian knows that there are many variables in this operation, so he has to make some preparations for contingencies.

Along the way, Yi Tian didn't deliberately adjust his breath to recover, but took out a large number of precious materials in the storage ring and began to refine the spiritual weapon.Although the time was short this time, he could quickly forge an ice crystal shield, a single strike glove and a blast cloak based on his skill in refining weapons.The ice crystal shield is reserved for Wan Gang. His attack is good but his defense is a bit weak. With this item, his overall strength can be improved by one level.

Although Yi Tian knew that Wan Gang himself also had a defensive spirit weapon in his hand, it was a little gesture of his heart to have one more and not more.Later, after Wan Gang collected the ice crystal shield, he also hurriedly thanked him, and then injected spiritual power into silent sacrifices.

As for the attacking glove, it was reserved for Shi Jinming. When they were traveling together, Yi Tian discovered that he, as the No. 1 Stone Clan monk, had amazing defensive power.Even if I want to break through his defense in the late stage of the fusion, I still have to spend some tricks.It's just that Shi Jinming's attacks are too simple and rude, and they all rely on the strength of the clan's talent and physical body.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian thinks that the characteristics of the attack gloves are very suitable for his innate supernatural powers. In addition, Shi Jinming is not good at flying away, and his speed is his absolute shortcoming.No matter how powerful the attack is without the cooperation of speed, it is useless when facing the enemy. Shi Jinming's size is huge and his strength is extraordinary. If he makes up for his weakness in speed, it will also give Nether Boy a headache.

This wind cloak can increase the effect of the monk's escape speed by [-]%, which is a rare item for Shi Jinming.And he is considered to be the one who knows his true cultivation among these few people, so Yi Tian also treats him slightly preferentially.

After Shi Jinming took over the spiritual weapon and began to sacrifice it, Yi Tian lost control of the main cabin, and drove the assault boat all the way towards the destination.

This time, Yi Tian learned that he was now trapped in a land called 'Tianquepu' on the jade talisman sent by Yan Qiu.But I don't have a map of the fragments of the fairy world, so I have no way of knowing the exact location of this 'Tianquepu'.

Everything can only be searched for where the White Tiger Orb is based on the induction of the "Four Suns Sealing Formation".

After flying for a few days, he opened up his divine sense and explored until there was an invisible wall of air outside the edge of thirty thousand miles, blocking his divine sense back.It is estimated that they should have almost reached the location of 'Tianquepu' mentioned by Yan Qiu, and then Yi Tian summoned the two of them in a low voice.

The assault boat slowly slowed down after flying nearly [-] miles, and after a while, three figures jumped out of it into the air to stabilize their figures.Wan Gang opened his divine sense to investigate, and then hesitantly appeared on his face, and said: "It seems that the area in front of us can shield our divine sense detection, so we must be careful when entering it."

Shi Jinming also tried a few times with a solemn expression, and then echoed: "From the information Yan Qiu gave, we can see that we are not going in the wrong direction, and I have a feeling that we should be almost close. He is probably trapped not far away."

"What Fellow Daoist Shi said is not bad," Yi Tian added, "I see that the area in front of me covers about ten thousand miles away, and the layout of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' has almost reached its limit."

"Su Wen Yi Daoyou is proficient in formations, what's your opinion on the 'Eight Stone Soldiers Formation'?" Wan Gang asked.

"Although my divine sense can't go deep into it to find out what's going on, just by looking at the soaring evil spirit coming out of the sky in the distance, you can know that this formation is powerful," Yi Tian sighed for a while: "If you enter this formation by mistake, I'm afraid There will be a lot of troubles. If you are trapped in it and cannot get out, if you touch the formation prohibition, you will be besieged to death without knowing it."

Hearing this, Shi Jinming and Wan Gang couldn't help but tremble their eyelids. Since these words came from Yi Tian's mouth, they couldn't be wrong.The two of them are trustworthy in Yi Tian's formation skills, and after thinking about it, they also showed a little retreat with fear on their faces.

When Yi Tian saw it, he said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, both of you, the way of these formations is similar, nothing more than there will be some killing formations nested in them. As long as we act carefully and don't touch those forbidden enchantments, we want to get out of them. It's not hard to get out."

"In this case, please ask Fellow Daoist Yi Tian to lead us into the battle," Wan Gang said hastily.

"No hurry, we still need to do some preparatory work," Yi Tian said, taking out two five-inch glass bottles from the storage ring and handing them to the two respectively.Each of the glass bottles contained a red wasp, but its strength was only at level four.

After Wan Gang and Shi Jinming took over, Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. After looking at Shi Jinming, he asked: "Yi Daoyou, is the wasp you gave us too low? Really useful?"

Yi Tian raised his head and laughed, "You two, don't underestimate the wasp in this bottle. This insect is called 'Guiding Bee', which is naturally good for the maze and avoid evil. If you hold one in your hand, Even if the Stone Soldiers got separated from the Eight Formation, they can rely on its innate magical powers to find a way out. As long as they don’t touch the restrictive mechanism in the formation, it’s not difficult to get out of the formation.”

Hearing this, Shi Jinming and Wan Gang's expressions relaxed slightly. If the two of them are not good at formations, if they rush in rashly, they will most likely be trapped in it like Yan Qiu and cannot get out.

I only heard Yi Tian continue to say: "There is a mark I left on this jade bottle, and I can also use the mark induction to find the two of you."

Wan Gang was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "So you really have fellow Daoist Lao Yi, so why don't we go in now?"

"No hurry, let's take a look at the entrance of the formation first," Yi Tian shook his head and said, "As far as I know, the 'Eight Stone Soldier Formation' arranged by the formation master will change the inner path according to the passage of time, I think Only by choosing an appropriate time to enter can the crisis be minimized."

"But after we enter the Fragment of the Immortal Realm, we don't distinguish between day and night. How do you choose the time to enter, Daoist Yi?" Shi Jinming, who was on the side, asked puzzled.

"It's not difficult at this time," Yi Tian replied lightly: "After the fragments of the fairy world fall into the border of the spirit world, time and space will naturally run synchronously. Although we have no distinction between the sun and the moon after entering, I have always recorded the time."

As he spoke, he reached out and took out the hourglass and sundial clock from the storage ring.After lightly holding the sacrifice in his hand, Yi Tian carefully calculated and said: "We have been here for almost 30 days. It is the middle of the night. If you want to break the formation and save people, it is best to wait until noon tomorrow. "

"I don't know why this is?" Wan Gang asked.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "I wonder if the two of you have ever paid attention to the frequency of the fluctuation of the power of immortality in the fragments of the fairy world after you came in?"

Wan Gang and Shi Jinming looked at each other, then shook their heads in confusion, and replied in unison: "That's not true."

"I have tried to pay attention to the frequency of the power of immortality in this world. It may not be detectable in ordinary places, but it can be found in several important architectural blessings in the 'Luotian Immortal Palace'. Between day and night There are still traces of the frequency at which the power of immortality operates," Yi Tian explained.

"I don't know what has changed in the power of this immortal essence?" Wan Gang asked for advice.

"Originally, the power of the immortal essence contained the 'Xuanhuang Qi'. During the daytime, the Xuanqi is slightly stronger than the yellow Qi, and the opposite is true at night," Yi Tian explained, "And I will also have it at noon tomorrow. reason."

"Please enlighten me, Fellow Daoist Yi," Wan Gang asked sincerely.

"In the middle of the night, the yellow qi is exhausted and the profound qi is born, and at noon the mysterious qi reaches the level of emperor prosperity. The so-called yin is born and yang is destroyed. At this time, the yellow qi that is born at this time is weak but it is carrying an unstoppable force, so It is the most chaotic moment when Xuanhuang and Huangqi are stalemate within a day," Yi Tian explained.

"In this way, that moment will also indirectly affect the power of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation'?" Wan Gang asked.

"That's right," Yi Tian replied with a nod, "We took advantage of the chaos of Xuanhuang Qi to directly enter the big formation. At that time, the power of the chaotic immortal essence absorbed by the inner formation base of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' It will greatly weaken its operating speed."

"But once this point of time has passed, the restoration of the power of immortality between heaven and earth will definitely restore the power of the formation," Shi Jinming asked tentatively.

"I've also considered this aspect, because the mysterious and yellow energy is constantly changing, so the big formation will go from one balance to another with the passage of time," Yi Tian explained: "For example, when the 'stone soldier' In the eight formations, when the inner profound qi is stronger than the yellow qi, the trapping formation will be the main one, and when it is the other way around, the killing formation will be the main one."

"In this way, after we enter, we must first deal with the half-day killing formation," Wan Gang said, "Will we be in a difficult formation when the next time the mysterious and yellow energy changes?"

"It's almost like this, that's why I will give you the 'Guiding Bee' and the defensive spirit weapon respectively. I think you should know how to use them properly," Yi Tian said.

Shi Jinming and Wan Gang looked at each other when they heard the words, and saw the surprise in each other's eyes at the same time.Unexpectedly, Yi Tian had already figured out a countermeasure before entering the battle, so the two of them naturally doubled their confidence.

After the clouds slowly descended, the three of them found that there was a thick fog appearing below, and after walking for half a mile, they suddenly saw a ten-foot-high stone tablet in front of them.The three characters 'Tianquepu' are written in gold seal script on it.Shi Jinming looked happy and said, "It's right here, what should I do next?"

"Let's go and have a look first," Yi Tian said, and then he took the lead to clear the way, and the two behind him followed closely. The three deliberately kept a distance of five feet apart.

After traveling for several miles, Yi Tian found that his spiritual sense was suppressed by the dense fog, and at most he could only detect the situation twenty feet away.This kind of fog siege is somewhat similar to the fog siege I have learned, but its power is much stronger.It's just that the fog that I can't get out of can't cut off the spiritual thoughts of the monks in the fit period to peep.

Looking back at this time, Shi Jinming and Wan Gang could still be vaguely seen, but Yi Tian stopped slowly, and then said in a deep voice: "We should have entered the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' within."

"How can you see it?" Shi Jinming asked hurriedly behind him.

"Look at your feet, you should have stepped on a lot of patterns," Yi Tian replied.

Shi Jinming and Wan Gang turned their heads together and glanced over, and they saw a series of densely packed spirit formation talismans under their feet.

"Don't panic, we are still on the periphery of the big formation. This is just a nested formation on the periphery of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation'," Yi Tian said, "Go ahead, don't stay here for long , " After saying that, he took a step forward and walked forward.

After walking for half a mile, Yi Tian looked back and could not find Shi Jinming's shadow behind him. He probed back with his divine sense and found that it was compressed within a range of three feet and could not extend forward.

After standing in place and waiting for a few breaths, there was still no sign of the two of them, and then Yi Tian's expression became serious and he began to carefully look at the surrounding environment.

Unexpectedly, there are many tricks in the inner and outer circles of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', and he actually lost the two middle-stage monks behind him under his nose.

Now that the divine sense is unable to work, the vision can't help being blurred and unable to distinguish the direction clearly.Thinking of this, Yi Tian's heart sank and he knew that he should be enlightened at this moment. Fortunately, he also gave the two of them a "Guiding Bee" and hoped that they could continue to explore with the talent of this spirit insect.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian gave a helpless wry smile, and then took out the formation plate of 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' and sacrificed it in his hand.After the white tiger formation spirit appeared, he pointed out the direction, and Yi Tian locked the direction, put away the formation disk in his hand, and continued walking forward with big strides.Although he couldn't lock Yan Qiu's position, he could find the Nether boy according to the instructions of the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' array.

This time things are getting more and more interesting, but since the big formation here is so mysterious, Yan Qiu and Youming Boy must not be much better.Most of these two people are now trapped in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' somewhere waiting for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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