
Chapter 2277 Rebirth

Chapter 2277 Rebirth
It has been peaceful for tens of thousands of years by the shore of Mingze Lake, and at most it is only a carp dragon in the lake.But recently, on a trail deep in Mingze Lake, a soaring black light erupted out of nowhere for no reason.This black light lasted for more than half a moment before it subsided.

Wan Gang, Yan Qiu and Shi Jinming, who had set up the 'three-star formation' around Mingze Lake, were naturally aware of the things contained in this black light.It's just that the faces of the three of them also have different expressions. For them, facing the Nether Boy is always a little grudge, even if he was reborn and cut off the connection with the original deity and became a new one. individual.

But when they thought that Yi Tian was there to protect them personally, the faces of the three became quiet again. After all, with Yi Tian's relationship, everyone could sit down and talk about it again.How to say that the five of them all have the same goal, and under this premise, everyone is still considered an ally for the time being.

It's just that in the hearts of the three of them, they all have some expectations, at least they hope that the Youming Boy's cultivation base will not be kept too much.It's perfect if there are a few flaws in the work, isn't it?

After the soaring black light dissipated, there was a little sound from the sky above Mingze Lake.Then the formation flags in front of the three of them flew out at the same time, drawing an arc in the air and then converging to a point above the lake.At the same time, a figure appeared at the place where the light spots converged, which was Yi Tian's true self.At this time, he was manipulating the 'Three Stars Trapped Formation' formation disk in his hand to take back the three formation flags together.

Seeing this, the three of Wan Gang hurriedly cast their escapism techniques and flew straight towards Yi Tian's position.After a few breaths, the three escaped lights flew ten feet away from Yi Tian's face, they stabilized their bodies one after another, and then all three of them bowed their heads together.Wan Gang faintly became the leader of these three people and asked directly: "Friend Daoist Yi, is the big deal done?"

"Will it be possible if I take the shot?" Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "But it seems that the three of you have some strange feelings about this."

"Where will it be? It's too late for us to be happy," Yan Qiu beside him hastily interrupted.

However, his smile seemed far-fetched to him, and Yi Tian replied after lightly waving his hand: "The Nether boy is now reshaping his deity, so you can come down with me and have a face-to-face meeting with him, after all, we will all be sitting in front of you from now on." Those on the same boat, supporting each other is the right way.”

After hearing this, the three of them hurriedly suppressed the suspicion on their faces, then followed Yi Tian and slowly landed on the small island in the lake.

Soon the three of them found a young monk sitting cross-legged in an open space on the island in their spiritual thoughts.There are streaks of black spiritual power surrounding it and wrapping it around.From the black aura, one can vaguely see that the person inside is a young man of about 20 years old, whose appearance is about [-]% similar to that of the Nether Boy.

In front of this person is the real appearance of the Nether boy, and the child-like five-short figure is naturally recognizable at a glance.It's just that at this time, the Youming Boy's body is full of lifelessness, only a little aura remains on the Niwan Palace on his forehead.

Seeing this, the three people turned their eyes to Yi Tian with puzzled faces, as if they wanted to ask what happened.

Seeing this, Yi Tian curled his lips and said, "You can just ask Nether Boy for the specific situation later."

The three of them did not doubt that he hurried forward to watch, and after about twenty breaths, the black halo began to flicker rapidly, and Shao Qing was restrained.After the black light dissipated, the inner deity appeared, and between them was a young man with red lips and white teeth.When he opened his eyes, there was a trace of clarity, and by the way, he looked at the four people in front of him and then slowly got up.

He first bowed to Yi Tianji and said: "Only thanks to Yi Daoyou for your help, I can cleanse my soul and reshape my body to become an independent individual. To put it bluntly, today is the rebirth of my Nether boy day."

As soon as this remark came out of Yi Tian's divine thoughts, he found that the three people standing beside him were slightly stunned, obviously they had already discovered that the Youming boy in front of him had returned to the late stage of fusion at this time.Although it has not yet reached the peak, it is not much worse than the previous cultivation base, at most it is a little weaker.

But this situation is not a good thing for them, after all, with the current strength of the Nether Boy, any one of the three of them can be easily captured.At least two people have to attack him at the same time, so how could such a situation prevent the three of Wan Gang from feeling jealous.

But the matter has come to this point and they have nothing to do about it. The three of them looked at each other and could see the shock and helplessness in their eyes.After that, it was Yan Qiu who took the lead in congratulating him and said, "I wish fellow Taoist Youming Boy a new birth. From now on, we will all be in the same boat. Please take care of me."

One word awakened the people in the dream, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, both of whom were hitting snakes with sticks, hurriedly offered compliments.Seeing such a situation, the Nether boy also looked relaxed, then turned around and said to Yi Tian: "Now I have completely cut off the connection with this deity, but I don't know what to do with the remaining body?"

"You Nether boy, the sub-soul you left in the deity should be connected to the Emperor Youming, if you don't kill him, will it have any backlash against his deity?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's natural. If the avatar is destroyed, the deity will definitely be affected, especially if someone like me is destroyed, the cultivation base of the madness will drop by at least [-] percent," the Nether boy explained.

After listening, Yi Tian didn't reply directly, but stared at the Nether boy himself on the ground for a while before he sighed and said: "Now I have two strategies for fellow Taoists to choose from."

"Fellow daoist, please speak frankly," said You Ming boy.

"The worst strategy is to directly wipe it out with the Fa-rectification on the spot. This way, it will be settled once and for all, and it can directly weaken the strength of the Nether Emperor's fury," Yi Tian said: "The best strategy is to take him out of the fragments of the fairy world, and then fight against the Nether Emperor's fury. If you make a move, you can catch him off guard on the battlefield."

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the three people also changed slightly. This strategy sounds feasible, but once they return to the nether world and have to face the madness, no one can tell what will happen.If he was allowed to take back his soul, it would definitely enhance the strength of the deity, so they had naturally considered the matter of stealing chickens without losing money.

You Ming Boy thought for a while and then said in a deep voice: "Yi Daoyou's words are true, but the frenzied soul that remains in this body is my confidant. If I let him get out of the fairy world fragments, I'm afraid I will die." I still have lingering fears, so from this point of view, I'd better choose the worst strategy and destroy them on the spot."

Hearing You Ming Boy's reply, Yi Tian's face remained calm, but he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed in his heart.But thinking about it, the Nether Boy had just cut off the connection with the main body, and now let him keep the savage soul of the Nether Emperor, no matter how you say it, you will feel a little uncomfortable.

Having said that, it would be better to just dispose of the original body of the Nether Boy, after all, it is among the fragments of the fairy world.If his body was dealt with, presumably the frenzied deity would not have thought of the current result even if he knew about it.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian sighed lightly and said, "In this case, did you do the Nether boy yourself or do you need my help?"

Speaking of which, the three people around him all turned their heads to stare at Nether Boy and said with a solemn expression: "Of course I did it myself, this body and the mad spirit trapped me for nearly 5000 Years later, if I can't personally kill his soul, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Then let me listen to you," Yi Tian slowly took a step back to make way for the space.Wan Gang, Yan Qiu, and Shi Jinming also pushed away knowingly, and the four of them lined up ten feet away from You Ming Boy.

But seeing him go forward and stretch out his hand to sacrifice a black magic light, and then slowly press the magic light in his hand on the top of his original body.At this time, You Ming Boy's face showed a stern look, and his hands also mercilessly smashed the whole beam of magic light through the Niwan Palace, which was originally on the forehead of his body.After the black magic light entered, the originally lifeless body suddenly shook violently.

At the same time, there was a weak wave of spiritual pressure coming from the Niwan Palace, and after a scream, a spiritual light slowly rose and formed in the air.What surprised the four people around was that this aura condensed into a savage appearance of the Nether Emperor, but he only had one head.Nothing below the neck.

Generally speaking, no matter how weak this shred of soul is, it will appear as the true face of the deity, but now it seems that it is not the case.Yi Tian had seen the furious first clone in the demon world before, but his appearance was the same as the soul clone in front of him.Therefore, it is natural to not take it seriously when seeing Luan Kuang again this time.It was the first time that the three of Wan Gang around him had seen it, and their complexions changed slightly. They didn't know why this savage soul had such a face.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian bowed his head and the three of them all bowed their heads to transmit a few words, and the tense expressions on their faces slowly relaxed after a while.Later, the black magic light in the hands of You Ming Boy wrapped the furious primordial spirit, and the furious soul that had fallen into a coma suddenly woke up.

After looking around in between, he finally landed on the Nether boy in front of him, and then he called out in a cold voice: "Why did you recast your body, why can't I sense your existence?"

The Nether Boy said calmly with a look of contempt on his face: "I am not your clone now, you have bound me for thousands of years, did you ever think that there will be today?"

The frenzied soul showed panic. He had already discovered that his body was unable to control himself. At this time, he was wrapped in the black glow and the one controlling him was the Nether boy in front of him.

However, even in the unfavorable situation, the savage soul of Emperor Youming was not weak at all. He turned his head and looked around, and his eyes swept across Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming in turn.Finally, it landed on Yi Tian's body, and suddenly his eyes narrowed and he shouted: "It's you again, it seems that you are really my nemesis, and you have ruined my good deeds with three turns and four shots."

Regarding this, Yi Tian didn't show any complacency on his face at all, on the contrary, he directly revealed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body slightly.

The frenzied complexion changed several times in an instant, and then he said solemnly: "I didn't expect your strength to be so fast. I remember seeing you in the demon world, but you were only at the level of the middle stage of fusion. Unexpectedly, it has only passed a thousand years. Less than one Leaped into a person who can sit on an equal footing with me."

"Fellow Daoist Frenzied praised you. In fact, the times have changed. You will always be surprised when you always look at new things with old eyes." Yi Tian said disdainfully, "You don't allow others to be the same as you are." Change, is it only those old and stubborn people who have ideas. I didn't expect the majestic Lord of the World to be such a person, which really disappointed me."

"Hmph, don't be complacent, if it weren't for my incomplete mind and soul, how could the lower three realms trap me? Back then, even Miao Dizi of your Luotian Immortal Palace was only stronger than me," said furiously. The split soul said angrily: "Damn it, something went wrong when I performed the 'Soul Scattering Secret Art' back then, so I can't fully recover my soul in this life."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was also stunned. He didn't expect that Emperor Youming's previous life also knew the ancestor of the sect Miaodizi.In this way, he can be regarded as one of the insiders, as he said in his mouth, if he is really allowed to collect the scattered souls scattered in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, his strength is far from what he can match now.

It's a pity that heaven fails to fulfill people's wishes. Naturally, a sinful person like him cannot get his wish.After thinking about it, Yi Tian thought about it in his heart, and he shot and killed the first and fourth furious clones one after another.Now it is possible for Nether Boy to kill his third soul, and after that, the soul of Biluo Yaoji can be disposed of. I am afraid that all the main souls that the savage deity spread will be wiped out. Seven or eight.

A thought flashed in Yi Tian's mind, and Yi Tian's thoughts turned to Yan Wenjing again.This old brother was once able to rival the existence of madness, if his spirit was absorbed back, it would be very bad.At least his strength is stronger than the combination of Nether Boy and Biluo Yaoji.

With a slight change in his complexion, he bowed his head and had a few words with Nether Boy through sound transmission, and the latter's expression became extremely serious after hearing this.After three breaths, he stretched out his hand, raised the magic light in his hand, and clicked a few times on the furious soul in front of him.

In an instant, a dark ghost fire ignited for no reason, wrapping the frenzied soul and refining it continuously.

"What are you doing?" The frenzied ghost cried out anxiously: "You must know that even if you get rid of me, you still can't escape the pursuit of this deity. Speaking of which, this deity should be able to sense my situation at this time. , you will not be able to escape the end of being killed."

The Nether boy replied calmly: "This is a fragment of the fairy world. No matter how powerful the madman is, he will not be able to detect the specific situation here. At most, he will think that I am in danger, and I will not run away sometimes. I won't feel at ease for a day until I bring out the savage deity and completely kill him."

"Don't you think that joining forces with these people can deal with this deity?" After enduring the burning of the ghost fire, the ferocious soul subconsciously shouted: "I tell you that my deity has recovered the original form!" Sixty successes, as long as Yan Wenjing is absorbed, it will be restored to eighty successes, and none of you will be able to escape by then."

(End of this chapter)

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