
Chapter 2291 Return

Chapter 2291 Return
When Yi Tian returned to the demon world again, it was already ten days after the battle in the Nether world. During this period, he first used the demon world to send the monk Jieding and his party to the gate leading to the Buddha and spirit world.After saying goodbye, he first went to Ten Thousand Demon City to meet the Poison Sage of Xinglin Gate by himself before going back to other interfaces.

This time during the trip to hell and the nether world, I was also a deep poison master and his sect was able to settle down the forces of the casual cultivator alliance in the hell world.

Afterwards, Yi Tian deliberately took the time to have an in-depth discussion with a trace of the remnant soul of Uncle Wuxiang on how to deal with the demon saint's violence.But the result is that I feel a little guilty. Now, no matter in terms of the strength and cultivation of the two, or the strength of the sect and the demon world, they cannot match them. Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt a little discouraged. up.

If I deliberately want to go deep into the demon world to find the eye of the demon world, I have no clue, and the only Asura Saint Emperor Luo Qin who has been there is also missing.It seems that all the clues are cut off in front of him. If he wants to make a breakthrough, he must wait for a suitable opportunity to appear.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian gave up the idea of ​​going directly to the Demon Realm. Since Uncle Wuxiang mentioned the matter of Asura Holy Emperor Luo Qin, he might as well go to the Asura Realm to investigate.Although Luo Ziyan definitely didn't know the reason for this, there must be someone else who would know something inside.

The word Luo Yilan, the first queen of Asura, appeared in his mind, and Yi Tian had a plan in his mind.Back then when I was in the Asura Realm, I had already come into contact with the first Asura Queen Luo Yilan, but unfortunately my cultivation level was far from her at that time, and even if I wanted to ask something, I was powerless.

But time has passed and the situation is different now. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Yi Tian restrained his cultivation to the appearance of the stage of transforming gods, and then performed the Thousand Faces Technique to change his appearance into an ordinary monk in the spirit world.Then through the contact point of Jiuxian Mountain in Wanyao City, he successfully boarded the merchant ship of the Cross-Border Chamber of Commerce and prepared to sneak into the Ashura Realm.

A few days later, a huge merchant ship slowly came to the Asura Realm from the cross-border gate. Because the mark of Jiuxian Mountain was inserted on the ship, there was only routine interrogation along the way.Yi Tian sat in the cabin and enjoyed the rare peace. He has been busy running around all these years, and it seems that he has no free time.

On the contrary, this journey gave me precious leisure time, and I used my spiritual sense to check the moment I passed through the gate.Now there is a brigade of guards guarding the Asura Gate, and the highest cultivation among them is only a monk in the early stage of distraction.

As for King Xun who is guarding the gate of the realm, he is in the Xingyuan three hundred miles away at this time, but he is only guarding this place in a symbolic sense. He doesn't bother with general matters and usually entrusts the people below to handle them.

It took more than half an hour for the entire merchant ship to pass the security check of Asura's guards. When the merchant ship slowly left the airport near the boundary gate, Yi Tian found a dozen auras rushing towards the airport from a distance. The location flew over, and at the beginning was a familiar spiritual pressure fluctuation.After a little thought in his mind, he recognized that it was Mi Boji, the head of the royalist faction in the Asura world, but it was obvious that the strength of the other party was far from his own, and it was impossible to find his whereabouts by ordinary means.

Thinking of Mi Baiji's family-passed exercises designed to serve the royal family of Asura, Yi Tian also quietly restrained the aura on his body to the limit, and disappeared in place as if he had never appeared before.

In the air outside, Mi Boji, the leader of the royalist faction, led a group of subordinates to fly quickly in the air. After he had missed the merchant ship, he paused for a moment, and then quickly stopped in the air. He turned his head and looked behind him. The slowly sailing merchant ship had a suspicious look on its face.

The attendants beside him didn't know why the master made such a change, but they all stopped in the air and guarded the master's house from left to right.

Only Mi Boji said: "Come on, wait a minute, do you know which merchant ship is leaving the port ahead?"

Some eloquent men under his command recognized the origin of the merchant ship, and hurried forward to inform Mi Baiji.After three breaths, four bodyguards at the transformation stage hurried forward and stopped the merchant ship.

Then Mi Boji slowly flew forward and landed on the deck. After revealing his identity, the owner of the ship naturally did not dare to resist.Then Mi Boji first comforted him with a good voice, and then walked slowly towards the cabin.

Not long after, he arrived outside the cabin where Yi Tian was, and after a short stop, he reached out and knocked on the cabin door and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Mi Baiji, please see me."

Unexpectedly, he could find his whereabouts through the secret technique and supernatural power. Yi Tian thought about it and deliberately wanted to test Mi Baiji's strength, so he sat cross-legged in the room calmly and ignored him.

After a while, there was a rush of footsteps, and it was the owner of the merchant ship who came over, took out a forbidden jade bottle, and opened the hatch from the outside.Shaoqing saw a familiar figure walking in slowly, it was Mi Baiji himself.But he didn't let the people behind him follow in, he just stepped into the cabin alone.

After walking a few steps slowly, he stared at the space where Yi Tian was sitting for a long time, but there was an expression of uncertainty on his face.In his mouth, he said lightly: "It shouldn't be, I have never failed in my occult skills before, but I don't know how I failed this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mi Baiji was slightly taken aback, and after a breath, his face trembled a few times before revealing a look of ecstasy.Then his complexion returned to normal, he hurriedly turned his head and walked out of the cabin, and then left the merchant ship with a group of people under him.

After the merchant ship flew several miles away, Mi Boji let the people around him leave temporarily, and he slowly lowered the clouds and took a rest in an open space on the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Mi Baiji saw Dao ripples appearing in front of him, and then Youdao's figure slowly transformed from emptiness to the appearance of Yi Tian himself.His knees softened, Mi Baiji was about to kneel down to prostrate, but he suddenly felt that he couldn't bend down no matter what.A voice from the void rang next to his ear, "I didn't expect that after all these years, your cultivation level has also risen to the stage of distraction."

"Your Excellency, I have heard that His Majesty Prince Yi has shown great power in the demon world and joined hands with Jiuxian Mountain to defeat Yan Peigong's rebellion. I really admire you," Mi Baiji replied hastily.

"Oh, you've heard about those things," Yi Tian said lightly.

With a straight look on his face, Mi Baiji hurriedly replied: "Not only that, there were also traces of His Majesty the Prince during the catastrophe war in the spiritual world 500 years ago. Although the news came one after another, the subordinates knew that the Holy Emperor didn't want to be too ostentatious, so You will act quietly."

"Oh, it seems that you are very concerned about my whereabouts," Yi Tian joked.

"It's not because of my lowly position, but because of Her Majesty's orders, so I don't dare to be negligent," Mi Baiji said.

Mentioning Luo Ziyan, Yi Tian's face naturally became a little unnatural.To put it bluntly, I and her only have the name of husband and wife but not the reality of husband and wife. Back then, I also estimated the affairs of the spiritual world sect, so I didn't dare to have any intention of revealing my deeds.

But thinking about how Luo Ziyan has been left out in the cold all these years, she couldn't help but sigh after thinking about it.There was a moment of silence on the scene, but fortunately, Mi Baiji is also a man with a clear eye, and he can guess a little bit of the inside story when he sees Yi Tian's expression.

Then hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry about it. It will take hundreds of years for Her Majesty to retreat, but she will always keep your whereabouts in her heart."

"That's right, I didn't want to make Ziyan worry too much when I concealed something back then. After all, the sect's affairs were still undecided and I couldn't be alone," Yi Tian sighed.

"Now that Prince Yi is the great suzerain of the spiritual world, although he can't have too much contact with our family on the surface, but he has taken good care of our royal family in secret. This humble official has long been aware of this," Mi Baiji said hastily.

Although he didn't make much publicity about his succession as the suzerain of Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world, some high-level insiders always knew about it.Moreover, during the period when he was in power, he also adopted many mutually beneficial strategies for the Asura world.

Unexpectedly, Mi Boji was also well-informed and could find his whereabouts so quickly, and he could deduce that it was because of him from the attitude of the spirit world towards the Asura world.

After some emotion, Yi Tian tried to ask: "Is Zi Yan also aware of what you just said?"

"As the empress's confidant, the humble official mainly collects what happened in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit," Mi Boji said with a smug smile on his face, "Especially, he will pay special attention to the heart of Lord Yi. But the humble official also knows Matters are prioritized, and some information will naturally be kept in order to prevent Her Ladyship from getting emotional."

"For example?" Yi Tian asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I will ignore some things about Prince Yi's action to protect his comrade Qing Lianyun in the Taiqing Pavilion during the war of evil disasters," Mi Baiji said sternly, and at the same time glanced over his own expression.

Yi Tian showed a little embarrassment on his face, sighed and said: "Ai Qing is really able to understand my difficulties. Speaking of these things, it has always been a problem of mine. I don't know how to face it."

"Why should Prince Yi be so disappointed?" Mi Baiji hastily explained, "There is a saying that a man is as high as the sky, and his heart is everywhere. Everything that Prince Yi did in the midst of the evil disaster in the spiritual world was for the benefit of the sect. And Her Excellency may not really mind this, after all, Mrs. Prince Yi, you and her are close friends, and Her Ladyship is absolutely assured of your character."

"Then you will suppress the matter about Qing Lianyun," Yi Tian said angrily: "You don't need to do this in the future, let Zi Yan know what's going on, I believe she should understandable."

"My lord, Prince Yi, can be so frank with the empress, I admire him very much," Mi Boji said, then changed the subject and said, "Actually, in the world of Asura, the strong are respected, like the other two princes who have three wives. Four concubines. Although you have a special status like Prince, but with your cultivation base and strength, there must not be much resistance from Her Majesty the Empress."

"I don't know what progress Luo Ziyan has made over the years in terms of her cultivation base. It stands to reason that she should have raised her cultivation base to the fusion stage," Yi Tian asked.

"Your empress is already a monk at the early stage of fusion, and the realm is the same as that of your lord prince thousands of years ago," Mi Boji said, looking at Yi Tianlai with a glint in his eyes.But after reading more than a dozen breaths, he still didn't see any certainty, and then he sighed softly and said, "My lord prince's cultivation level must have been improved again, I'm afraid that his current cultivation base can be regarded as the real No. 1 in the Asura world. Alright."

"You have a bit of vision," Yi Tian nodded, but he didn't want to mention his real cultivation, instead it would be more beneficial to keep a little mystery.

After thinking about it, he changed the subject and asked: "I don't know if Luo Yilan has appeared in the dynasty now?"

"It's rare to ask about the humble position of the first empress, I only know that the empress will have frequent contact with her," Mi Baiji replied hastily.

"I remember that I designed Luo Yilan to take away the body of Zaifu Jidi, but because of the difference in gender, I believe her cultivation may not be able to improve greatly," Yi Tian muttered.

Mi Baiji's eyes flashed brightly and said: "Your Excellency Prince Yi also considered this point when he came here, so he made this arrangement. I believe Her Excellency the Empress should be able to understand your painstaking efforts."

What he said naturally meant that he had designed Luo Yilan to take away the body of a male body-fit monk, so that if his soul could not fully fit with the body, it would definitely leave an indelible weakness.In fact, I was also thinking about Luo Ziyan at the time, after all, if there were two forces in the Asura court, it would be very detrimental to the stability of the dynasty.

Although Luo Yilan had no intention of returning to the court, she had to guard against it.In this way, Luo Yilan's cultivation could be delayed for at least 500 years.

Under the ebb and flow of each other, Luo Ziyan can also immediately improve her cultivation base, narrowing the gap between the two cultivation bases to a controllable range.If the monks in the distraction stage are against the monks in the upper body stage, they will naturally have no right to speak at all.But it would be much better if they were both monks in the fit stage, at least they would have half of the right to speak.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian asked: "I don't know how far the empress is now?"

"The current cultivation level of the Holy Master has been promoted to the middle stage of integration," Mi Boji said, his eyes glanced at the person in front of him, but he found that he couldn't see the real cultivation level clearly.But there is no sense of oppression at all. Compared with the other few monks in the integration period of the dynasty, they are naturally much closer in feeling.

"How far has Luo Yilan's cultivation reached?" Yi Tian asked again.

"Bizhi met Zu Shenghuang once 300 years ago, and his cultivation level at that time was already stronger than that of the current emperor, but he never got to meet him afterwards," Mi Baiji replied.

"Oh, that's easy," Yi Tian said with a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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