
Chapter 2294 Meeting

Chapter 2294 Meeting
The Great Court Meeting of the Asura Dynasty is usually held once a year, or sometimes the queen will practice for a period of time because she is practicing in seclusion.But every 50 years, there will always be a routine court meeting. Even if the queen does not appear in person, there will be an order for Yunlin to preside over it.

In this way, a total of twenty large and small court meetings have been held in the millennium. Although Luo Ziyan will not appear every time, the following courtiers have become accustomed to it.

Usually the content of the court meeting is nothing more than a concluding speech on the operation of the Asura Imperial Capital in recent decades, and then the major factions propose solutions to emerging problems and implement power to specific departments.

Generally speaking, the rights involved in new things will be allocated to different departments of the two factions in order to achieve the effect of mutual containment.

These are the powers that the cultivators in the transformation stage want to fight for. For the cultivators in the distraction stage, as long as they maintain the stability of the dynasty, it is the most intuitive achievement.

This year's court meeting is also the same, but what is different from the past is that Queen Asura Luo Ziyan appeared in person.After going through the process of the court meeting for a while, he listened to the opinions of the courtiers and assigned the plans and tasks for the next 50 years.

During this court meeting, both Prince Wei and Yun Lin attended as a routine.However, what is unexpected is that the first queen Luo Yilan also appeared in the court for the first time.Her appearance naturally stunned those present. After a little questioning, many people immediately turned to Prince Wei's team.After all, Luo Yilan can be said to be the biggest backer behind Prince Wei.

Those who have a keen sense of smell in the Asura dynasty realize that there is no wind, and there may be some changes in the future dynasty.

After the court meeting is over, there will be a high-ranking Xiu meeting, which is usually just an afterthought between Yun Lin and Prince Wei.But this time, unlike the participation of Luo Ziyan and Luo Yilan, the level of the meeting naturally improved a lot in an instant.

After the court meeting, in the 'Heart Nourishing Hall' deep in the Asura Dynasty, the four monks at the integration stage sat down in the hall and chatted.The maids and guards around the 'Hall of Mental Cultivation' were shielded from the outside of the hall. At the same time, Luo Ziyan also opened the sound-proof barrier to isolate the interior, and then began to chat with a few people.

According to the usual practice, Yun Lin was the first to answer Luo Ziyan's cultivation problems and share her cultivation experience. As for Prince Wei, he was also responsible for educating and educating the Queen, so naturally such tasks would not be missed.

As for Luo Yilan, she sat beside the queen with a serious face. Speaking of which, Luo Ziyan is the master of the dynasty in name, but the two monks at the fusion stage, Yun Lin and Prince Wei, know the difference in their identities. .Luo Ziyan, the current queen of Asura, is nothing more than dozens of generations of Luo Yilan's descendants. If something important happens, she still has to rely on Luo Yilan's wink.

Shaoqing waited until the end of the routine exchange of cultivation experience, and it was Luo Yilan who spoke first: "Nowadays, the number of monks from different races who come to the world of Asura is increasing day by day, and the imperial capital is also becoming saturated day by day. What do you think?"

When it came to the topic, Yunlin and Prince Wei naturally did not change their faces, but there were different expressions in their eyes.Speaking of which, both of them were juniors who had been supported by Luo Yilan, so they also had undeniable full support for her.It's just that Luo Yilan's tone this time seems to be a little slow for the current policy of the dynasty.

Speaking of which, Luo Yilan can be regarded as a conservative in the dynasty, and naturally cannot fully agree with the strategy of opening the door.In addition, when the body was reborn back then, Yi Tian secretly arranged a way to seize the body of a monk of the opposite sex, so that it took thousands of years to eradicate the disadvantages of body seizure.

Upon hearing such remarks, Yun Lin and Prince Wei did not express their views directly, but turned their attention to Luo Ziyan, who was sitting upright.Speaking of which, this open-door policy was also established when Yi Tian was there thousands of years ago. Luo Yilan naturally didn't participate in the discussion because he had no time to clone himself.

It's just that after a thousand years, when she came back to her senses and discovered the drastic changes in the Asura Dynasty, she naturally had a lot of thoughts in her heart.

It is obvious that Luo Yilan is a conservative and takes power very seriously.Now, in the Asura Dynasty, she has the strongest cultivation in the middle stage of fusion, so she has some careful thoughts.

But Luo Yilan is also a master of scheming, and is naturally familiar with the power struggle in the dynasty.She didn't want to jump out and object directly, but first asked a helper to see how the situation was.

As expected, Yunlin and Prince Wei were still quite concerned about her prestige, while Luo Ziyan's expression remained unchanged and no emotion could be seen on her face.

The scene fell into silence for a while, and after ten breaths of silence, Yunlin bit the bullet and said: "Now the Asura world is thriving, and the overall strength of our monks is also the same after connecting with other worlds. improved."

"Hmph, you just saw the advantages and ignored the disadvantages," Luo Yilan said bluntly: "The original strategy that my family pursued was to maintain a sense of mystery in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. After all, if the exercises The outflow will inevitably cause a large number of monks from other races to study, so that after a thousand years, the advantages of our race will no longer exist."

"The old grandmother's words are reasonable, but if we blindly suppress our clan's skills, people will still be watching. If this continues, the mystery of the Asura clan will be exposed by the monks of the other realms sooner or later," Luo Ziyan But said with a frown.

"A lot of foreign monks have come to our Asura Imperial Capital these years, and some of them are trying to explore the secrets of our clan through marriage. This is what I am most worried about," Luo Yilan said.

"It's just that this marriage is a matter of your own will, and I don't think the dynasty can stop it," Luo Ziyan replied: "And now is the era of the Nine Realms of the Spirit, if we don't If monks from other races strengthen exchanges, they will definitely be at a disadvantage in everything. We can't find out what happened in the other realms in the past thousand years."

"Zi Yan didn't expect you to have such a view. If my clan's cultivation method spreads in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, it will become an unstable factor to overthrow the dynasty. You should understand this in your heart." Luo Yilan was aggressive Said.

"I know what the imperial grandmother means, so I think the best way to solve this matter is to control it in an orderly manner," Luo Ziyan said calmly: "The so-called 'blocking is worse than sparse', since it is impossible to strictly control the exercises Why don't you try to select some people with high qualifications to trade and train them under the door. Then after screening their minds, divide the exercises into several steps and teach them separately."

Speaking of this, Luo Ziyan turned to look at Yun Lin in front of her, he hoped that Aunt Yun could come out and say something fair for her at this time.But Yun Lin was a little hesitant about this, instead Prince Wei suddenly said: "My Lady Queen is right, but what the Empress Grandmother said is also reasonable, I think this matter needs to be divided into two steps. Strict control and our Clan intermarriage monks, internally, must strictly select the disciples of the clan to select those with the best aptitude for future use."

It's also kind of muddled to say this, and neither side should offend.Compared to Yunlin, Prince Wei is the executor of these policies, and he has indeed been the beneficiary of the open door policy in the past thousand years.So it is reasonable to say this, but his statement really made Luo Yilan in front of him feel a little inappropriate.

Luo Yilan also felt that she could not agree with Prince Wei's behavior.Now it seems that two of the four have abstained, and she and Luo Ziyan are tied one-on-one.But without the support of the two, this matter cannot continue anyway.

Now that the old fox, King Xun, has been hiding near the gate for a long time and has not returned to court for a long time, Luo Yilan has a feeling of being alone in his heart, and a look of loneliness appears on his face.

Obviously, this era is no longer the Asura Dynasty where Luo Yilan kept his promises. Although the royal family has given enough respect to royal ancestors like her, they still have their own positions in the power struggle stage and there will be no one-sided situation.The only most troublesome thing is that Luo Yilan's cultivation base is the strongest. Based on this point alone, the other three people have lingering fears and dare not make mistakes openly.

At this time, Yunlin and Prince Wei were both watching their eyes, their noses, their noses, their noses, and their hearts, as if they were old monks in meditation.They have all tried their best today, and the next thing is the power confrontation between the two empresses.

Then Luo Ziyan smiled lightly and said: "Actually, there are several high-level monks in my clan, and they are no worse than those from other realms."

"You mean your husband, Yi Tian. I heard that that stinky brat succeeded as the suzerain of Lihuo Palace after returning to the spirit world, but he can only be regarded as foreign aid at most," Luo Yilan said lightly.But when Yi Tian's name was mentioned, a hint of disgust flashed in his eyes inadvertently. After all, he was put on the same line back then. Speaking of which, whenever Luo Yilan thought of this matter, he felt a hundred things that didn't go his way, so when he When Yi Tian was mentioned, he naturally showed displeasure.

Luo Ziyan kept her composure at all, and then said with a smile: "Actually, Grandmother, you still misunderstood your husband, no matter how you say he is your son-in-law, how could he turn his elbows away."

"I'm afraid that if you turn your elbows out, you will obey him after you have a husband, and you still live in the 'Prince Yi''s mansion all day, do you think I don't know what you're thinking," Luo Yilan said angrily: "It's in vain that you trust him so much, but have you ever seen him come back to you in the past thousand years?"

Luo Ziyan didn't feel ashamed when she heard the words, instead she said with a smile: "Actually, my husband has been sitting in the hall today, but he didn't speak out."

As soon as this remark came out, the three people in front of them all showed surprise, and only a person like Yi Tian would do such an unspeakable thing if they could hide it from them and make fun of it under their noses.

Luo Yilan's eyes immediately turned to the empty space on one side, only to see a vague figure slowly appearing, and after three breaths, the real face was realized from the blur, but it was Yi Tian himself.At this moment, he looked at the three of them with an apologetic smile on his face, and Shao Qingji said: "The three fellow Taoists, Yi Tian, ​​are being polite."

After Yun Lin and Prince Wei glanced over, their eyes were full of surprises, but they couldn't find out Yi Tian's real cultivation level after scanning back and forth with their divine sense.But speaking of it, he should be better than the two of them, and then Jishou returned the salute with their faces stunned: "Prince Yi hasn't seen him for many years, he still looks good."

Only Luo Yilan's eyes flashed a look of surprise, and after looking back and forth, Yi Tianhou suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face: "Your cultivation base has improved so fast, I didn't expect that you can achieve the peak cultivation in the later stage of fusion in just a thousand years. for."

Before she finished speaking, Luo Yilan's expression suddenly changed again, but this time her expression changed from surprise to horror.In his mouth, he murmured and asked: "Why is your cultivation like this? Have you already crossed that chasm and become a monk in the next realm?"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the other two people present also showed unnatural expressions. It is not a bad thing for Yi Tian to appear suddenly today.But they couldn't see Yi Tian's cultivation level, which made them feel a little guilty. As Luo Yilan said, if Yi Tian really crossed that natural moat, he would no longer be of their generation.But look at Yi Tian's lifespan is less than [-] years old, if this is the case, then it is definitely a mythical existence in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Yunlin didn't need to believe Luo Yilan, but she lowered her head and asked Luo Ziyan a few words through sound transmission.After a while, his complexion also became extremely exciting.At this time, she didn't know how to deal with herself, the cultivation world respected cultivation, even if Yi Tian didn't say anything, her heart was beating.

On the contrary, Luo Ziyan's face was calm and she looked like she was watching the show, which made Yun Lin, who was sitting on the side, calm down a little.

At this time, Yi Tian smiled and said: "No matter what your cultivation level is, I am still your son-in-law in terms of seniority. The so-called broken bones and connected muscles are still a family."

After hearing this, Luo Yilan's face turned better. After ten breaths, he regained his composure and asked again: "Then have you reached the next level?"

"It's whatever the grandma said, but is it really important?" Yi Tian joked, "You and Ziyan are sitting in the Asura world, and it's natural for me to echo you in the spirit world." Report that the dynasty has been prosperous for a long time."

Hearing this, Luo Yilan's face softened a little, and then he looked at Yi Tian and sighed: "Why did you suddenly appear today, don't tell me that you came to see us specially, Don't say these deceitful nonsense. Tell me why you are here, I don't believe you will show up so easily."

Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "The Eye of the Demon Realm."

As soon as this remark came out, the other three people were confused. Only Luo Yilan's complexion changed slightly, and his chest seemed to rise and fall rapidly before he calmed down.

Then there was a wry smile on his face and he said: "It seems that you have really reached that level. If so, you should think about how to improve your cultivation and ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible. Why do you have to go into that muddy water?"

(End of this chapter)

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