Chapter 23
The county magistrate of Hewan County did not know what good luck he had this year. Recently, there have been many happy events.

First, the White Horse Gang eradicated the Green Bamboo Gate and took over the business of the Green Bamboo Gate.

In this way, the bonus money that brother Wang Gui takes every year will be doubled again.

In less than two months, the leaders of the White Horse Clan, Wang Gui, Ren Binghai, and Tu Jiaojiao died suddenly. I thought that Hewan County would be in chaos again.

However, the influence of the White Horse Gang was indeed strong. Within three days, the new gang leader Wang Bao quickly integrated the help under the leadership of the elder Ren Kui of the White Horse Gang, and he was docile and tactful in cleaning up all the sand.

A few days ago, Wang Bao, on behalf of the White Horse Gang, came to send this year's bonus to the county magistrate, and the bonus was more than expected. This cola broke the county magistrate and praised Wang Bao repeatedly.

Beishi recently established a chamber of commerce. The president of the chamber of commerce is Wang Er from the White Horse Gang. I heard that when the president was elected unanimously, it was Yi Da from Yiji Miscellaneous Grain Shop.

However, they are self-aware and insist on nominating Wang Er of the White Horse Gang as the president, and he is only willing to take the post of vice president.

The business of the Four Seas Casino is now more prosperous than before, and the gang leader Wang Bao and the elder Ren Kui take turns to sit in it.

New rules have also been set. Every festive season, on the [-]th day of the first day of the year, the guests who come here will receive a third of the profit, and they will also provide free room and board, which can make the businessmen who come and go have a good time. I heard what one-stop service is called.

Wang Bao also told people about his nickname, the second god of gamblers in the Four Seas Casino, and people who did it were always itching to know what kind of big man with three heads and six arms was the one who could win Wang Bao.

But every time you ask Wang Bao, you get a reply, as long as you win the dice bet, he will tell you.

But no one got the answer. The reason is that Wang Bao has never lost a bet until now, and people who have been doing good things for a long time have stopped asking.

Gradually, Wang Bao's reputation became louder, and many people came from afar to see the second god of gambling in the Four Seas Casino.

The initiator of the whole thing, Yi Tian, ​​didn't know that Wang Bao would become so famous, but for Yi Tian, ​​who had already stepped into the realm of self-cultivation.

Worldly fame will only turn into legends, filled with mortals talking before meals and after tea.

I was on my way back to Hewan Village that day, and this time I went back to see my relatives and I was about to travel far to find the illusory way of longevity.

Yi Tian went home this time and brought some gifts for his parents, a few books for his younger brother who just started enlightenment, and bought a nanmu walking stick as a gift for his grandfather. He will stay for a few days before leaving this time after being away for so many years.

Hewan Village is still the same, but the father is old, the wrinkles on the mother's face are more, and the grandfather's waist is more bent.

The younger brother has grown taller, the house he lives in has become larger, and there are more servants in the family.

Half of the wasteland in Hewan Village was bought by the Yi family, and all the migrant workers came for the fame of Mr. Yi.

After Yi Tian came back this time, he also specially asked his grandfather about the ghosts hitting the wall in Yi Hua Mountain.

The old man said that he just heard the news from his ancestors before, and that his ancestors also encountered ghosts hitting the wall in Yihua Mountain.

Later, I didn't know what I saw on the mountain before I walked out of Yihua Mountain. After I came back, I settled here. I have been there a few times and I have never encountered such a thing again.

At the end, he also suggested that Yi Tian take the time to visit the ancestral hall in the clan. The last time Yi Tian went was when he left home to go to the county school accounting room. It has been six or seven years.

Yi Tian did not forget to cultivate for a few days at home, and he still remembers the last time he played against the black robe.

If the blood of the rooster hadn't been able to break through the yin and refine the corpse, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back.

After the last actual combat, Yi Tian realized that his second-level Qi practice was really too bad.

The next time you meet someone who is practicing Qi at the third level, you will definitely not be as lucky as last time, so the most urgent thing to do is to improve your cultivation.

After checking the belongings of the man in black, he found that there was a book called Yin corpse technique in his luggage.

Although it is only the first half of the secret, the content recorded in it still shocked Yi Tian.

The cultivator who practiced the necromancy technique must be a person with the attributes of yin spirit or water spirit root, which conforms to the attributes required by the corpse technique.

The controlled corpse refinement also has different difficulties depending on the level of cultivation in life. Ordinary mortal corpse sacrifices need to use blood sacrifices such as chickens and ducks. Acquired nine-level masters need to use large animals such as cattle, horses and sheep. Innate masters or cultivators need women. Blood, it seems that this man in black has blood on his hands.

This kind of sorcery Yi Tian disdains to learn, but Yi Tian is very interested in the Feng Shui dragon hunting technique taught in the Yin Corpse Technique.

Anyone with a certain status will bury themselves in a place with good feng shui after death, so that they can benefit future generations.

But what Yi Tian didn't expect was that the monks in the cultivation world were the same.

In addition to Yin Corpse Art, there is also a Fire Spirit Jue, which Yi Tian is most interested in, and there is also a fireball art in it.

Although the Fire Spirit Art and the Wood Spirit Art are the basic spirit art of the bad street in the cultivation world, it is a priceless treasure for Yi Tian in the early stage of cultivation.

There is a saying in the world of self-cultivation that a journey of a thousand miles begins, and taking the first step is the most difficult.

Now for Yi Tian, ​​someone sent a stepping stone to let him take this first step. Isn't it a lucky one who is blessed by God.

The Fire Spirit Jue must be practiced, but definitely not at home in Hewan Village.

The place Yi Tian wants to go the most now is to go to Yihua Mountain, first to practice Fire Spirit Art and then to explore the depths of Yihua Mountain, there must be something strange there.

There are still two spirit stones in the luggage, so Yi Tian has three spirit stones in reserve.

Even if you use one of the Fire Spirit Art in Yihua Mountain, there is no problem.

What's more, Yi Tian, ​​who is a fellow practitioner of Wood Spirit Art and Fire Spirit Art, doesn't know if he can do it, because he may have wood spirit root, but I don't know if he has fire spirit root.

However, Yi Tian likes fireball very much. Although its power is a bit weaker, the advantage is that it requires less spiritual power to form seals and requires less preparation time. Fireball can be used as an auxiliary spell to escape from wooden piles.

In addition, the wood attack spells are relatively simple, but they are more useful in support, and can be used to cultivate spiritual plants.

The most commonly used to hinder the opponent's actions when attacking is the vine and wood entanglement.

Fire spells are generally recognized as offensive spells. It is recorded in Fire Spirit Art that after the fifth level of Qi training, fireball spells can be upgraded to Lianzhu fireballs, and the power can be increased several times.

Moreover, cultivating Fire Spirit Art is the foundation of all alchemy and refining tools, so Yi Tian is eager to cultivate Fire Spirit Art and Fire Ball Art.

Finally, there is a map with several Xiuxianfang cities marked on it. Yi Tian has only been in contact with Tong Chi and Heipao Ren. It is expected that there must be other people in this world.

Therefore, Yi Tian thought about communicating with other cultivators. After all, it is extremely difficult to cultivate on his own, and he knows nothing about the road ahead, so he still needs someone to guide him.

Ten days later, in the early morning, Yi Tian put nearly 2 taels of bank notes and a farewell letter in his room and left the house quietly.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to pay homage to the ancestral temple. When I first entered the ancestral temple to worship, Yi Tian felt that something was wrong.

After worshipping, he didn't notice anything, Yi Tian remembered to open his spiritual eyes, glanced inside the ancestral hall, and suddenly found that there was a square thing behind the third row on the second floor.

So I stepped forward and moved the row away to find a half-damaged wooden seal, which felt cool on my hand.

Looking at the words under the seal has already taken half of it, and the other half can barely read a few words but he doesn't know them. In the end, Yi Tian can only smirk that his knowledge is too shallow to read.

After leaving the ancestral hall, Yi Tian went directly to the village master to ask if others did not recognize these fonts.

In the end, even the Master couldn't tell, just said that this thing should be worth a lot of money.

Judging from the quality, it should have been carved from the finest golden nanmu wood, but unfortunately it is somewhat damaged.

Yi Tian didn't know either. After all, the things in the ancestral hall were some years old. After putting away the seal, he thanked the master.

After Yi Tian left the village, he rode into the mountain on horseback. After walking for a while, he found that there was no road ahead, so he put the horse on a meadow by the side of Yihua Mountain, and walked into Yihua Mountain alone.

This time when he entered the mountain, Yitian quickly found the flat bottom of the valley where he practiced last time according to the location in his memory.

Sitting there, Yi Tian read the Fire Spirit Art from the beginning to the end several times, and even was able to recite it before preparing to start practicing.

With the first experience, Yi Tian still prepares Qi San and a piece of Lingshi this time as a contingency.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian felt the surrounding fire spirit rushing into his body frantically when he was inhaling qi into his body this time, and his meridians suddenly swelled up a bit.

Fortunately, Yi Tian has been practicing Wood Spirit Art for three or four years. His body has been nourished by the wood-type spiritual energy, and his ability to withstand varicose veins has been greatly strengthened.

Otherwise, the first time you practice cultivation, you will make yourself a crippled person.Fortunately, even the spirit stones were saved this time, as the saying goes, there are gains and losses.

As for the fireball technique, it seems that it was born for Yi Tian, ​​and it is handy to practice.

Yi Tian experimented with the fireball technique in the valley, and in the end he was able to practice three bursts of fireballs. At night, the whole valley was ignited and caused a big fire. Yi Tian had no choice but to pack up and walk first.

The villagers in Hewan Village thought that the thunder caused the mountain fire. At night, when they saw the flames in the valley from a distance, they were afraid that the mountain fire would spread.

Fortunately, it rained that night and extinguished the wildfire, and the villagers went home and went to sleep in peace.

The initiator, Yi Tian, ​​was sitting on a big tree and resting at this time, and the fireball burst just now exhausted the spiritual energy in his body.

So I had to find a place to meditate and reply.This practice is more effective than before, and the absorption of spiritual energy is much faster.

Yi Tian guessed that it might be due to the fellow practitioners of the two departments, a stream of cyan true energy and a red true energy in the internal vision dantian continuously merged together.

The fused orange-yellow infuriating column is thicker than the original.Now that Coke is bad, it is obvious that he is more suitable for cultivating Fire Spirit Art.

Otherwise, his Fire Element Spiritual Root is stronger than Wood Element Spiritual Root, so he will get twice the result with half the effort.

After the excitement, Yi Tian also secretly made plans for the future. Since the Fire Spirit Art is fast to practice, it can be practiced as a major practice.

The Wood Spirit Art can be minored. Since I have this luck, I will have the opportunity to learn to try refining alchemy in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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