
Chapter 2313 Disagreement

Chapter 2313 Disagreement
Yi Tian inadvertently found the whereabouts of the one-eyed demon cultivator Du Tong in the imperial capital of the Yan Prison Dynasty. Although there was no way to find him for a while, according to his own experience, he should be sure that Du Tong should be in the city at this time.

Although he had no way to find him, according to the clues he found in the warehouse of the Tianmozu station, Yi Tian was still planning to use a trick of 'throwing bricks to attract jade'.

After finding a place in the city where a high-level trade fair was going to be held recently, he took out a scrap of 'Brimstone and Fire Source Essence' found in the hell world as bait.

After sending the precious materials to the casual repair alliance, he also became a guest of the trade fair.What he didn't expect was that he would meet Dugu Canglang of the Sky Demon Race in this trade fair.However, although this person came aggressively, he also frightened everyone present at the trade fair, but Yi Tian's eyes were completely unaware.

However, among the participants, there were three monks wearing cloaks that caught Yi Tian's attention, and one of them even bid for the precious material 'Brimstone and Fire Source' he provided.

The thing that the other party exchanged was actually a copy of "The Record of Strange Records of Hundred Races in the Demon World".The eyesight of everyone present naturally thinks that this thing may not be worth the value of the Jiyang precious material 'Brimstone and Fire Source'.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that the Demon World had only recorded the deeds of the ten major races since ancient times. To say that the coexistence of these hundreds of races had to be pushed back to the ancient times.As for whether the person in front of him is Dutong himself, he is not sure, but the information contained in the jade slip taken from his hand is of great use to him.

Thinking of this, Yitian naturally unceremoniously sent a direct message to the host of the trade fair to finalize the bidding.

Although this deal seems extremely uneconomical in the eyes of outsiders, it is exactly the opposite for Yi Tian.

The moment the host announced the deal, Dugu Canglang, who was sitting on the lower left, turned pale with a 'shua' face, and then said in a deep voice: "I don't know which fellow Taoist likes to delve into the general history of the Demon World so much, like this" Demon World Hundred Years" Clan Yiwenlu' Just looking at the name is nothing but superficial. As far as I know, there are ten major demon clans in the demon world. Where do the hundreds of clans come from? I hope you will think about it carefully and don't be caught by some hearsay. Bewildered by the news."

Speaking of this, Dugu Canglang's threatening gaze was not concealed at all. He couldn't find the owner and could only vent his anger on the bidder in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the burly monk in the cloak seemed to completely ignore his words, and said in a deep and cold voice at this time: "Ignorant boy, you only know that the Heavenly Demon Race is the dominant family in the Demon Realm, but how did you ever know that in ancient times this The Demon Realm is jointly controlled by other races."

Such words did not leave any room for Dugu Canglang, and at the same time it also showed that this person was completely unafraid of the might of the Heavenly Demon Clan.When this person opened his mouth to reply to Dugu Canglang, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the side, frowned slightly, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face inadvertently.

Although I can't be completely sure that the person in front of me is Dutong, but at least I can be sure with [-]% to [-]% certainty.After thinking about it, he stood up and walked towards the podium.

Such behavior of myself naturally caused the attention of everyone in the trade fair, and many people had a look of watching the show in their eyes.As for the host, he recognized the person, and immediately said with a helpless look on his face: "Since the owner has come forward in person, then this exchange transaction is up to you to decide."

Without hesitation, Yi Tian took out a storage bag and put a sufficient amount of magic stones in it as a deposit, and then gently threw it to the host.He stretched out his hand and took the jade slip into his hand, and at the same time gently picked up the tray and gave it to the burly monk.

This kind of movement was done in one go without being affected by the people around him at all, and the burly monk didn't say much after he finished the thing and put it into the storage ring, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, fellow daoist," Dugu Canglang, who was sitting on the seat at this time, seemed to be the first to lose his composure, stood up and said, "The share of the hell world'sulphurous fire source essence' in your hand is willing to use two Doubling the price to bid, and ask fellow Taoists to cut the favor for the sake of the Heavenly Demons."

"Boy, don't you use your power to overwhelm others, and move out the name of the Heavenly Demon Clan at every turn," the burly monk said with disdain: "In my eyes, there are a few magic eyes that the Heavenly Demon Clan monks can enter. , but you are not inside."

"Bastard, how dare you talk to me like that? Could it be that you are tired of living and don't want to leave this imperial city of flame prison alive?" Dugu Canglang seemed to be completely enraged, the fury on his face was revealed without any concealment out.

At the same time, Yi Tian also felt that the other party glanced at him with anger, as if he even included himself in it.For such a situation, I didn't feel any sense of oppression at all, so I quietly changed my voice and said, "Is the 'you' mentioned by the fellow daoist also included?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present retreated one after another, but their eyes showed a look of watching the show.

Dugu Canglang was going to fight two, although there were two distraction stage monk guards behind him, it seemed that the two monks wearing cloaks in front of him were not easy to mess with.

The burly man turned around, looked at Yi Tian, ​​and then spouted at Dugu Canglang: "Boy, your cultivation level is only so-so in the Heavenly Demon Clan, not to mention that I can't stand threats all my life. This time, there is a new prize in the "martial arts competition" meeting of the Flame Prison Dynasty. I heard that Yan Lei brought out the "Flame Prison Fire Essence" that the Flame Prison Dynasty has treasured for tens of thousands of years. Speaking of which, I will definitely decide , you better not dream of that son-in-law."

This remark was tantamount to a naked challenge, but everyone present also learned of such a shocking news, and started whispering and chatting in private.

The allure of the 'flame prison fire essence' is indeed not small, and it is said that it is a royal treasure in the flame prison dynasty, and it is shown at this 'martial arts contest' meeting, which also shows how much it is valued.

Although Yi Tian knew about this at the first time, he was quite curious in his heart and wondered how the Dutong learned about it.In fact, there are only a handful of people who know about this matter, and the leak of the news must be someone close to Yan Lei or a high-ranking royal family.

Thinking that Dutong has penetrated into the top power of the flame prison demon dynasty at this time, but Emperor Yanlei didn't know it at all.Yi Tian admires such a character, but fortunately, he met him today, otherwise, if he continues like this, I am afraid that the flame prison dynasty will be overthrown by him one day.

On the scene, the atmosphere was dignified for a while, and there was a sense of arrogance and a big fight if there was a disagreement.The host of the Loose Cultivation Alliance hastily came forward to appease all parties. Although he knew that this was Dugu Canglang's problem, he was more or less clear about the identities of the two people in front of him.If there is a problem at this juncture, it will inevitably lead to accountability from the Flame Prison Dynasty. At the same time, the Loose Cultivation Alliance will not easily offend the two big clans in the Demon Realm at the same time when it is developing.

I just heard the host say: "You two, please wait. Since this incident was caused by a transaction competition, it is my responsibility to resolve it. I also invite the two of you to cooperate with Dugu Daoist Let’s have a private meeting, and let the subordinates handle this matter properly.”

Hearing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, if Du Tong left at this moment, he would have nowhere to look for.This is also so good that while chatting, you can also inquire about his fiction and reality.

Dugu Canglang didn't expect that the organizer of the Loose Cultivation Alliance here would have such a proposal, but after thinking about it carefully, as the master to intervene, he held back the anger on his face and said: "Okay, I will give the master a three-point favor , we have something to sit down and talk about.”

But the burly monk snorted coldly and said, "Boy, you are also qualified to sit down and chat with me. I can come and go as I like, and no one can stop me."

All the people frowned slightly, it seemed that the master was not easy to get along with, and even the boss failed to keep him.

At this time, another monk wearing a cloak who was sitting on the side stood up and seemed to have a whispered conversation with the burly man.Then only the burly man said: "Okay, I'll also give you a little noodle for the Loose Cultivation Alliance. If that's the case, let's choose another place for private chat."

In this way, the host showed a little joy on his face, and then stretched out his hand to pinch the Taoist formula to open a gap in the passage, and then said: "It's a shame, this leads to an open space three thousand miles outside the city, you can go there and discuss it in detail." ".

Seeing this, Yi Tian stepped forward without any hesitation and was the first to enter it, followed by the burly man and his companions.As for Dugu Canglang, he was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand to signal, and led the two bodyguards behind him to follow directly.

Through the space passage, Yi Tian found himself in a forest in the wilderness.There was a rustling sound coming from behind, and one didn't even need to look to know that they were the ones following.

After the last Dugu Canglang and his party landed on the ground, the host's voice came from the gap in the passage and said: "Let's have a good discussion here, and I won't accompany you."

It is obvious that the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance also want to stay out of the matter, and they can be regarded as relieved after sending all three waves of "Plague Gods" away.

Looking back, Yi Tian looked at the two parties present, but he was interested in the two masked monks in his heart.Obviously, I have been able to confirm that one of them is Dutong, but the monks who can hang out with him will not be so weak in strength.

Judging from the current strength of the monks in the fusion period in the Demon Realm, it is not known which clan's patriarch came together with him.And what can make these two people hang out together must be a common interest.

Yi Tian was a little curious about this, so he still wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about it.

Three people and six people stand in a zigzag shape, about ten feet apart from each other.The atmosphere on the scene was dignified and no one spoke for a while.After half a moment, Dugu Canglang couldn't help but said: "You monk ruined my good deeds today, but it doesn't matter, as long as you offer me the 'Sulphurous Fire Source Essence', you can forget the past."

"You dare to open a dyeing workshop if you give you three points of color," the burly man said disdainfully: "If it weren't for the identity of the person behind you, do you really think that everyone is afraid of you?"

One sentence made Dugu Canglang speechless, but it was telling the truth.At this moment, the anger in Dugu Canglang's eyes seemed to swallow up the three people in front of him.

But at the next moment, the burly man took out the storage bag containing the 'sulphurous fire source' as if he had realized his conscience, and handed it over from the air, saying: "For the sake of Dao brother, this time it will be cheaper for you, take that Bring the 'Magic Golden Wheel'."

Dugu Canglang was a little surprised when he said this, it seemed that he was dismissed, and he felt very upset.But since the person in front of him had given in, he couldn't force him anymore.It's impossible to start a big fight when there is a disagreement. If this is the case, it is his fault now.

It's just that the current state made Dugu Canglang feel very uncomfortable, as if he was being perfunctory.No matter how you say it, it feels very inconsistent with his current identity, but the two behind him seem to want to die down.After bowing their heads and chatting with Dugu Canglang through voice transmission in private, they finally reached a consensus.

Later, Dugu Canglang reached out his hand and took out the 'Magic Golden Wheel' and handed it over lightly, then said: "Okay, if that's the case, let's do it according to the wishes of fellow Taoists."

After accepting the storage bag containing the 'Sulphur and Fire Source', Dugu Canglang went deep into his spiritual sense to check it out, and then put it away.After turning around and gesturing to the two bodyguards, he set off and flew towards the imperial capital of the Flame Prison Emperor.

After ten breaths, the breath of the three of them could no longer be detected in the divine sense, and they must have entered the forbidden barrier of the imperial capital of the Flame Prison Dynasty.

After he left, he saw the two people in front of him slowly coming forward, outflanking Yi Tian from left to right and surrounded him in the middle.Seeing that Yi Tian was so timid, he didn't show any timidity at all. Instead, he looked at him seriously and wanted to see what Dutong wanted to talk to him after he sent Dugu Canglang away so quickly.

However, his accomplice does not seem to be weak, and there must be few people in the entire devil world who have this ability to be able to get together with him.

After three breaths, the burly monk let out a vicious laugh and said, "I never thought that Lihuo Sect Master Yi Tian, ​​a majestic monk in the spirit world, would dare to sneak into the demon world alone. I really have to admire your courage."

After finishing speaking, there was a 'crash', and the burly monk lifted his cloak to reveal his true self, which was the one-eyed demon monk with one pupil.At this time, his face was ferocious, but there was a strange smile on his face.Then he raised his hand and set a [-]-mile radius around him into a restricted space, and then he said: "Brother Mohuang, you don't need to hide it anymore, don't you admire fellow Daoist Yi, why don't you see it today?" Come and meet."

(End of this chapter)

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