
Chapter 2365

Chapter 2365
In the demon world, she finally found Liu Piao Piao, and she was doing well now.Although it is a list of other people's 'Rakshasa girl', it can be regarded as a nourishing life.Her cultivation base is not the strongest in the Loose Cultivation Alliance. Fortunately, the top strength of the Loose Cultivation Alliance is only a cultivator in the distraction period.

With Liu Piaopiao's cultivation in the late stage of transformation, he can be regarded as the mainstay here, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

After the reunion, Yi Tian managed to contact Yan Tong of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. During the period, Liu Piaopiao's identity was not revealed, but he only asked him to help arrange to send people to the remote areas of the Loose Cultivator Alliance in the depths of the demon world.There are no seven major forces of the Demon Race there who believe that Liu Piao Piao's strength can naturally be like a duck to water.

Yi Tian also thought so in his heart. Now that Liu Piao Piao's strength is not good, only if he is placed in the Demon Realm in the later stage of God Transformation, he will naturally not be able to get on the table.But with time and without anyone's interference, her cultivation level can be rapidly improved.What's more, this time, he also left three storage rings for Liu Piao Piao, and the massive resources retained in them are more than the property of any of the seven major clans in the devil world.

When Liu Piaopiao picked up the three storage rings and penetrated into them to investigate, she also showed a look of intense shock on her face.To be honest, she has never seen such a huge amount of resources since she entered the Demon Realm.

However, Liu Piao Piao was not carried away by the huge amount of resources in front of her. After making the selection, she made a selection and sorted all the required resources into a storage ring.And returned the remaining two, although Yi Tian felt puzzled by this.

But Liu Piaopiao's answer is indeed reasonable. According to her meaning, everyone is innocent and conceived a crime. If her cultivation base has been raised to the fusion stage, she will naturally not be afraid.But it is inappropriate to have such a huge amount of resources in hand at the stage of god transformation.

What's more, there are several secret realms in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, and she can also go to these secret realms to experience.If you really blindly rely on resources to cultivate, it may not be a good thing for the future.

Listening to this, Yi Tian naturally looked at him a little high. To tell the truth, with Liu Piao Piao's awakened strength, it would be a matter of time before he wanted to cultivate to his current level.

Originally, he just wanted to leave enough resources for her to save her a lot of effort, but since Liu Piaopiao had his own ideas, Yi Tian felt that it was Lao Huai who comforted her.Everyone has to go his own way, and no one else can replace him.

If Liu Piao Piao wanted to quickly improve her cultivation, she still had to follow her own thoughts.

After staying in Dongshan City for a few days, Liu Piaopiao received an order from the Loose Cultivation Alliance, packed up his bags and set off straight away.

Yi Tian knew that this farewell meant that there was almost no chance of encountering each other in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.Although she didn't say it explicitly, Liu Piaopiao seemed to be aware of it, but her strong personality didn't show any reluctance.

On the contrary, at the end, Liu Piaopiao announced with a solemn expression that they would meet again in the Immortal Realm in the future.

Yi Tian naturally couldn't deny this, and finally sighed in his mouth as he watched Liu Piao Piao's back.

Yi Tian felt relieved after Shi Qianwei and Liu Piaopiao's affairs were settled.Now that I have everything on my mind, I have to concentrate on dealing with how to ascend to the fairy world.

It's just that a thought flashed through my mind, when I met a dragon turtle in the place of fire in Queen Asura's bedroom in the imperial city of Asura Realm when I was in the advanced fusion period.I remember back then that I promised the other party that I would take it back with me if I wanted to ascend to the fairy world.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian was in awe, and after saying goodbye to Liu Piaopiao, he went directly to the Asura Realm via the Demon Realm.

Counting it, this is the third time to go to the Asura world, and it can be regarded as familiar.But Yi Tian didn't want to alarm anyone, including Luo Ziyan.I had met Luo Qin, the first emperor of Asura, during the Battle of the Eye of the Demon Realm.

Although he knew his purpose, he still didn't want to have too much to do with the Asura world.After all, as a descendant of Luo Tianxian Palace, if he gets too close to the world of Asura, it will really arouse people's imagination too much.

Moreover, although the Asura body image that he has cultivated has been completed, it will not be revealed unless it is absolutely necessary.

After quietly flying to the imperial capital of Asura, Yi Tian used his concealment technique to sneak into the imperial city quietly.The monks in the imperial city are not what Yi Tian needs to consider, only the entrance to the fire source of Ashura in the queen's bedroom needs to be dealt with by himself.

Although his cultivation is much higher than that of Luo Ziyan, it still takes a little thought to enter it without knowing it.

After waiting for a few days, Yi Tian took advantage of Luo Ziyan's opportunity to leave the palace to go to the court and quietly opened the entrance and sealed the barrier and entered it.

When he came to the place where the fire originated, Yi Tian chose a direction based on the memories of the year in his mind and flew straight towards the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

I remember that it took me several days to fly there back then, but time has passed, Yitian let go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations all over his body, and after using all his evasion techniques, it took less than three hours to come to the sea of ​​fire area where he met the dragon turtle back then.

After arriving here, I swept away the depths of my spiritual thoughts to the lava below, but after three breaths, I frowned slightly, and found that my spiritual thoughts were blocked by an invisible force after invading ten feet below the lava. .

After sighing softly, Yi Tianyun opened his dantian and shouted, "Senior Ao Ling is here as promised, please come and see me."

Within ten breaths after the words were spoken, a lava fountain ten feet high suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​fire below.Then the whole sea began to boil, and a large amount of lava flowed rapidly towards the surrounding sea area of ​​about a hundred feet.

In the middle of the fountain, the magma was separated from the left and right, and at the same time, a huge black figure slowly rose from it.Then a dragon chant pierced through the sky, and the dark figure faded to reveal the real dragon turtle.Yi Tian looked down at Ao Ling below, only to see that his figure was about ten feet in size, and he was looking up at himself with a puzzled expression.

After ten breaths, Ao Ling slowly flew into the air, and after a flash of spiritual light flashed all over his body, his body shrank to a size of one foot.Slowly flying forward, Ao Ling opened his mouth and asked, "Isn't it agreed with you that it will be once every 5000 years? Why do you only return after 2000 years?"

Before he finished speaking, Ao Ling looked shocked. When he clearly saw Yi Tian himself, he said in surprise, "Why did your cultivation improve so quickly?"

"Senior, there is no need to do this. I am here this time to fulfill my promise," Yi Tian said with a faint smile.

"That's right, I didn't expect that in less than 2000 years, your cultivation could jump across the gap of the Mahayana period, and you have achieved the strength in the middle period of the Mahayana," Ao Ling sighed: "It seems that you really have some strength in this period of time. It took a lot of adventures to get this achievement."

"That's right, before the senior saw me laughing, I had traveled all over the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm before I achieved this achievement by chance," Yi Tian replied: "At this time, my cultivation base has reached the level of Ascension to the Immortal Realm. Strength, so this time I came here to fulfill the promise of the year."

After hearing this, Ao Ling looked at Yi Tian's deity with a dignified expression, and then said: "To tell the truth, it is appropriate to ascend by yourself with your current Mahayana cultivation level, but if you want to take me with you, you will inevitably feel powerless. "

"How do you say this?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"You have to go through the five elements of thunder tribulation when you cross the calamity and ascend to the immortal world. If you bring me, the power of the thunder calamity will increase by at least [-]% because of your karma," Ao Ling said with a sigh, "and I can't help during this period. ."

"Why is that?" Yi Tian asked.

"You also know that I am originally from the fairy world. If you make a rash move when you are crossing the catastrophe, it will definitely attract the attention of the immortal officials of the seeking world," Ao Ling said, "so once I make a move, it will attract your power to cross the catastrophe." Mutation, then you will be caught in a dilemma."

"So that's the case," Yi Tian heard that there was no timidity on his face. He had already considered all aspects of the matter of ascending to the Immortal Realm.The biggest reliance is the seal in the Niwan Palace.It's just that this is a later story, and it will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Furthermore, judging from the strength of the skills he cultivated, even if he really met Ao Ling's said that the power of the thunder calamity was [-]% stronger, he would be able to withstand it.After a pause, Yi Tiancai replied: "Senior Ao Ling, there is no need to worry, I have at least [-]% certainty that I can survive the thunder disaster safely with the completion of my skills."

"Oh, why are you so sure?" Ao Ling shook his head with some lingering fears and said, "As far as I know, the exercises you practiced in Lihuo Palace are strong, but there is a limit. If you can't achieve what I agree with I won't go with you at this stage. Well, I know that you are also a person who keeps your word, go back to practice for a while and come back to find me."

After saying that, he saw that the other party seemed to turn around and dive back into the sea of ​​flames below again.The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slightly, and suddenly a gray-white spiritual power was sacrificed, forming a light film around himself.After three breaths, the film of light changed into a gray-white true flame again, which was the magical power of 'Li Huo Nine Changes' activated by the 'Xuanhuang Shuangxiu' technique.

All the spiritual power in the surrounding air was drawn and poured into the gray flame frantically.Ao Ling in front of him trembled slightly, turned around and stared at Yi Tian in front of him.After showing an undeniable look on his face, Ao Ling blurted out: "This is the True Flame of Chaos, and you have cultivated such a terrifying supernatural power."

"True flame of chaos?" Yi Tian shook his head and said: "I don't understand this, this is the magic power of Liyan that I sacrificed with Xuanhuang Shuangxiu."

There was a hint of surprise in Ao Ling's eyes and said: "So it is, I didn't expect you to have a second trump card, no wonder you have the courage to come and take me out. But the 'True Flame of Chaos' on your body is just a prototype, and it is a great achievement. The realm is still very early, and there is still a lot of distance from Xiaocheng."

"Really, but after listening to Daoist Ao Ling's instructions, I feel more confident. As long as I cultivate this supernatural power to a small level, it will surely take you to the immortal world, and you will be fine," Yi Tian said with great joy.

"If you want to cultivate to the realm of small success, you need at least a huge amount of chaotic source power. If you forcibly extract such chaotic source power from the Nine Realms of the Spirit, it will definitely cause huge chaos," Ao Ling explained.

"Then what should I do?" Yi Tian said with a look of embarrassment at this time.

"With your current strength, you must enter the Immortal Realm if you want to cultivate to a small success," Ao Ling said: "But don't be discouraged, just because of the 'Chaos True Flame' you are cultivating now, the five-element divine thunder can no longer hurt you." You're off the hook."

"So, does Fellow Daoist Ao Ling agree to go out with me?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

With a slight nod, Ao Ling's body changed again after a flash of red aura flashed all over his body. After ten breaths, his body shrank from the original one foot to about one inch.It looks like a newborn baby turtle.Ao Ling immediately flew forward and said, "I have made my body into such a size that I can enter your beast-controlling bag. Then you can come out after you have passed through the Ascension Thunder Tribulation and entered the fairy world."

"Then is there anything I need to pay attention to?" Yi Tian asked again.

"When you cross the calamity, the thunder calamity in the sky will also sense my presence, so the power of the falling thunder calamity will increase," Ao Ling said: "This is not the most important thing, the main thing is that you try your best to enter the fairyland. Don't meet Xunjie Xianguan, or let me go before you meet."

"Why did the senior say this?" Yi Tian asked inexplicably.

"If Xunjie Xianguan knows that I have a relationship with you, he will definitely ask the truth about your origin," Ao Ling said: "As you are a member of Luotian Immortal Palace, there may be some troubles."

"Could it be that Luotian Immortal Palace has such a great influence in the Immortal Realm?" Yi Tian asked.

"You don't know the strength of Luotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm. These are all things for later. After you enter the Immortal Realm, you will slowly experience it," Ao Ling said: "But don't rashly expose yourself when you enter the Immortal Realm for the first time. I can't tell you why the strength of the 'True Flame of Chaos' is, it's all up to you to find out."

"Hearing what senior said made me more curious about the Luotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm," Yi Tian said with a smile, "Is the technique of dual cultivation of Xuanhuang and Huanghuang a taboo in the Immortal Realm?"

"I can't talk about taboos, but as far as I know, those who can cultivate the art of Xuanhuang dual cultivation to great success are all sages on one side, and no matter how bad they are, they are at the level of Daluo Tianxian," Ao Ling explained: "But if you show it early With such strength, one can either enter the great sect and be sheltered, or else it is easy to become a target for others."

"I know the truth that Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, and Luotian Immortal Palace is also undergoing great changes in Luotian Immortal Realm," Yi Tian said: "Before you have no strength, you still have to clamp your tail and be a man. This is what I have been doing for a long time. way of survival.”

"You know best, but your birth background is good. Although something has changed in Luotian Immortal Palace, I am optimistic about you. Maybe your ascension will bring a new atmosphere and I haven't known it yet," Ao Ling said.

"Let's wait and see," Yi Tian smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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