
Chapter 256 tacit understanding

Chapter 256 tacit understanding
The Jindan auction in Shanjian City is still going on, but Yi Tian's thoughts are no longer here.Fortunately, there was a cloak covering his face, otherwise Hong Luanjing would definitely be able to see the confused Yi Tian at this time.

After the appraisal just now, Jiang Zongqin got what he wanted in exchange for what he wanted, and sat happily waiting for the next opportunity.

The sword pellets he took out just now were obviously exchanged for 'Azure Ice Crystal', but Yi Tian clearly remembered that when he was refining the sword pellets, he used a trick to make changes directly on Xiang Tiancheng's sword pellets, although he added some rare materials afterwards But the real thing is the fourth-level top-level spiritual weapon.

Huo Chilian couldn't be mistaken, logically speaking, a craftsman at his level should not make such a low-level mistake, calling a fourth-level spirit weapon a fifth-level one.

A moment later, Hong Luanjing went up to show some of her masterpieces and asked to exchange for some rare treasures.Originally, she was quite well-known as the No. [-] Gold Core Refiner in the Western Wilderness, but whoever called the Spirit Artifact Appraisal was her deadly enemy.If you want to search for some good things on the Tianmomen site, you have to see if the owner agrees.

Sure enough, when it came to the tasting session, Huo Chilian criticized the works that Hong Luanjing was proud of.

Yi Tian, ​​who was distracted on the side, suddenly heard the conversation between the two, his tone seemed a little uncomfortable, and they were tit for tat everywhere.

The two debated for a long time before they heard Huo Chilian laughing and said: "You are Hong Daoyou of the Maiden School? I am very much looking forward to having a competition with you. As for your refining works are indeed top-grade, the reason may be the raw materials or the inscription patterns." The restrictions have not been able to play the most effective."

Knowing that the other party recognized her, Hong Luanjing also took off the hat on the cloak, and said with a smile anxiously: "That's thanks to Huo Daoist for being able to check the change, but the next time I come here to exchange for treasure materials, if it's okay Let’s just draw conclusions.”

"Okay, Hong Daoyou's two fifth-level elementary spiritual weapons can be exchanged for these diamonds. The Yaojing treasure is also worth the money." Huo Chilian also did not engage in unnecessary arguments. Under the scruples.

In the end, Hong Luanjing got what she wanted and exchanged for the materials she wanted. Although her face was unharmed when she came back, there was still a little smug expression between her brows.

Afterwards, it was Yi Tian's turn to exchange. After walking to the center of the field, a humanoid puppet appeared with a raised hand, and then said: "The four-level peak puppet can be exchanged for five-level or above spiritual plant seedlings. If it is a seed, the amount should be enough. .”

As soon as the words came out, several Jindan monks swept over their spiritual senses, and after checking the humanoid puppets up and down, they couldn't help shaking their heads.Golden Core cultivators don't need this thing, and most of them bought it back for their nephews to use as bodyguards in future generations.

But all of you here are old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years, and they always leave a hand behind their backs in private. As for this humanoid puppet, it is just icing on the cake.

And seeing that Yi Tian was wearing the same style of cloak as Hong Luanjing, they naturally knew that the two were in the same group.The confrontation between Hong Luanjing and Huo Chilian just now is still vivid in my memory, and everyone didn't want to offend the master's family, so they all remained silent.

Seeing that no one came forward to exchange after a while of silence, Yi Tian silently put away the things and walked towards his seat.

Suddenly, a voice came from the side of the main seat: "Fellow Daoist, please stay, can this puppet be watched next?" Everyone glanced sideways at Huo Chilian, who was sitting next to the city lord, and seemed to be very interested.

Yi Tian didn't want to have anything to do with Huo Chilian, because last time he was pulling him as a backstop and he couldn't even return to Tianjian City.

At this time, meeting again in Shanjian City is definitely not what Yi Tian thought, but the other party opened his mouth. If he doesn't go there, he will definitely offend the owner of Shanjian City.

After a little hesitation, Boss Yi Tian reluctantly walked over, reckoning that Huo Chilian should have recognized him when he took out the puppet.

But Yi Tian didn't take the initiative to reveal his identity while wearing a cloak, so I guess Huo Chilian wouldn't be so stupid as to expose it in public.

After the sound of 'whoosh', a puppet as tall as a man appeared in front of Huo Chilian.Because it was refined in a hurry, Yi Tian only worked hard on the core structure, and only made a preliminary sacrifice on the external defense, so it can be regarded as making up the numbers.

I saw Huo Chilian glanced at Yi Tianhou, then turned to extend his consciousness to the puppet on his body, and after a while of careful tasting, a playful smile appeared on his face.

This attracted the eyes of the rest of the Golden Core cultivators present. After a long time, Huo Chilian sighed, and then whispered: "You Daoist Yi, I haven't seen you for many years, so don't come here to be safe."

Knowing that he couldn't hide from Yi Tian, ​​he had no choice but to bite the bullet and transmit the voice: "Thanks to you, I made a back for you."

Huo Chilian's face twitched, and he immediately returned to normal and replied: "Brother Yi can leapfrog and kill in the late stage of foundation establishment. He is definitely the most powerful figure I have ever seen among the disciples of the Lihuo Sect."

There were also some Excalibur sect disciples present, and Yi Tian also knew that it was not the time to chat in detail, so he just replied silently: "Go to 'Yougu Lai' to meet tomorrow, and settle the matter at hand first."

After hearing the impatience of the other party, Huo Chilian laughed and said loudly: "I think this puppet, fellow daoist, must have been refined hastily, right? And it took no more than three days to refine it into shape."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback, and thought, "I still underestimated Huo Chilian, but I didn't expect that his refining skills would improve a lot after he formed the alchemy. I finished this puppet half a day ago." But on the face, he said impatiently: "Is there a problem with the length of refining time for the exchanged items?"

Now some people around started whispering, and even Hong Luanjing joked, "It's not a big problem even if the work of the craftsman is just refined and brought to the auction? Does Fellow Daoist Huo also want to pursue this? "

After a naive laugh, Huo Chilian replied: "I'm not saying that there is something wrong with the refined puppet, but that this fellow Taoist made a mistake in the grade," he pointed at the puppet.

Now everyone stretched out their spiritual senses one after another, wanting to find out.

As the instigator, Yi Tian also has doubts. He should be the clearest about what he refines. Could it be that Huo Chilian saw that he cut corners and materials in order to hurry up? In fact, he did so.

I saw Huo Chilian stood up and raised his hand to signal everyone to be safe, then slowly walked forward and knocked on the armor of the puppet with his hand, then turned to Yi Tian and said, "Can fellow Daoist take off the armor?" And the cover, let everyone see the inner structure."

Although he didn't know what he wanted to do, Yi Tian wasn't afraid that this puppet technique would be learned.Pointing to the humanoid puppet's chest cover, with a sound of 'teng', the whole cover popped out, revealing the dark golden metal skeleton and drive core inside.

Immediately, several strands of spiritual consciousness came together and probed into the inside of the puppet, and among them was Hong Luanjing.

After a while, Huo Chilian smiled and said: "Your Excellency, the refining time is probably too short to find materials. The inner skeleton has reached the level of the fifth level, but the outer armor is still the top level of the fourth level. As long as the high-level consumables are replaced, I believe this puppet should be regarded as a fifth-level elementary."

As soon as the words were finished, everyone below showed a look of sudden realization. The difference between the fourth level and the fifth level is too big. The strength of the latter is comparable to that of the early Jindan monks. Basically, as long as the monks with strong spiritual sense can use it Manipulation, can be used as one's own help when fighting with others, no less than spiritual pets.

At the same time, Yi Tian is also introspecting, there is no reason to miss it twice, the sword pill and the puppet are obviously refined by himself, and they are sure that they have not reached the fifth-level strength category when they were just completed.

The facts in front of him made him start to doubt his refining skills. When he engraved the puppet skeleton, it was in its original color, but now it is dark gold. What went wrong, Yi Tian couldn't figure out the effective conclusion.

After getting the identification of Huo Chilian, several monks around obviously had the intention of exchanging.Within half a quarter of an hour, two people expressed their intention to exchange, and Yi Tian looked at the seedlings of Companion Demon Grass and Ningcui Fruit that the two Golden Core cultivators respectively took out.

The Companion Demon Grass can refine the enhanced version of Beast Spirit Pill. As long as the Fat Dog and Chi Yanju are taken in large quantities, they will surely be able to break through the fifth level within a hundred years.

As for Ningcui Fruit, it can be used to refine Ningcui Pill, and after taking it, it will greatly enhance the effect of washing the spiritual power of Jindan stage monks.

Seeing that other people could no longer produce a more useful spiritual plant, Yi Tian took out the same puppet again and replaced the two things.

After the golden core period, many things are priceless in the market, and if you miss this time, you don’t know if there will be next time, so as long as there is a chance, Yi Tian intends not to miss any of them.

This time, Huo Chilian repaid the favor to himself, and he didn't plan to pursue the matter too much last time.We still need to talk about it when we meet, after all, he has been flourishing in Tianmomen for the past few years, and he must have some special channels in his hands, so he must have no shortage of resources.

Take a step back and say that this person must have some connection with his own sect, and he also expressed his feelings last time, but the time was too hasty to discuss in detail.

Taking this opportunity, Yi Tian was going to get a good understanding of the situation in Xia Zhongzhou from his mouth, as well as the information about Shi Qianwei's sect.

After the release of Huo Chilian, Yi Tian's name has also been launched.But as long as someone is interested, it is not difficult to find out his identity by following the clues, and there are monks from the Excalibur School present.

Sure enough, after Yi Tian sat down, a sound transmission suddenly sounded in his ears: "Master Yi Tianyi, is that right? Yin Jie of the Excalibur School has heard the name of the master for a long time, and I would like to pay a visit."

Yi Tian looked up in the direction of the sound, and it was the Golden Core cultivator of the Excalibur School who nodded slightly towards him.

Originally, he was also regarded as an enshrined craftsman of the Excalibur Sect, and his famous work was also a puppet during the Heavenly Sword City Artifact Refining Competition, so it is understandable to be recognized here.

Yi Tian also responded with a nod, which was a default.And the one next to him turned out to be Jiang Zongqin. He probably recognized him, and then the two of them confirmed their identity from the puppet through Qi.

I wanted to hide my name and find a place to practice silently, but now I am sure that there will be inexplicable troubles after being recognized.

(End of this chapter)

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