
Chapter 26 Conflict

Chapter 26 Conflict
Yi Tian walked down the street of Pushanfang with a dejected expression on his face, and found that the spirit stones on his body were not enough for what he wanted to do here.

Oh, and one more thing is affordable, the inns in Fangshi clearly list the worst price for one spiritual stone a day.

Yi Tian knows that cultivators don't need to sleep, and when their spiritual power is insufficient, they just need to find a place to meditate.

But after hearing the explanation from the guy in the inn, I realized that the rooms in the inn are different from the ones outside, and they are built on top of the spirit gathering array.

The aura in each room is stronger than the outside, and even the worst herringbone room is more than double the aura in the outside world. No wonder they charge such a price.

Now for Yi Tian, ​​how to earn Lingshi is the most important thing, although there are still many things to do in his heart.

But even buying a good map of Xiuxianfang City in Dongjiang Country requires three spirit stones, and Yi Tian was so angry that he scolded the shopkeeper who sold the map for being too blackhearted.

After much deliberation, Yi Tian first entered the realm of comprehension, and he has no skills, relying on force to risk his life to make money is not what Yi Tian wants to do.

After walking a few streets, Yi Tian passed a pawnshop called Hengyuan, and found that he could mortgage property for spirit stones, just like a pawnshop in the mortal world.

Apart from the three secret books and the only remaining Lingshi, there is nothing else on him.

Besides, he hadn't eaten for a long time, and he was so hungry that when he passed by a restaurant, Yi Tian looked at the menu on the signboard and was too scared to go in.

Each dish requires at least three spirit stones, and the most expensive eight-treasure Lingzhen costs 50 yuan of spirit stones.

Thinking about it, I didn't dare to do anything excessive, let alone eat the overlord's meal here, not to mention that the patrol team in the workshop are all people who practice Qi training at the fifth level.

The owner of this restaurant is estimated to be enough for Yi Tian to drink a pot. Besides, Yi Tian knows that the first thing to open a restaurant is to have technology, and the second is to have a backstage.

Now Yi Tian didn't dare to make trouble, he just looked at it and left, standing there and thought he was embarrassing.

People have favorable winds and adverse winds, and now Yi Tian is standing on the cusp of adversity, looking at the signboard of Hengyuan Pawnshop, he gritted his teeth and went in.

In the end, he still didn't sell Lingjue, he just dealt with the original jars and jars at a discount.

Then I replaced the original one-foot-large storage bag with a small four-foot-square bag, and stamped my mark.

The storage bag Yitian is not too big, but the inside is messy and has a strange smell.

The victim Yi Tian has to hold his breath every time he takes something, this sin is really unbearable.

Looking at the face of the pawnshop shopkeeper, he didn't care at all, and Yi Tian also admired him from the bottom of his heart. He really has professional ethics and is really meticulous in his work.

Yi Tian also showed the shopkeeper the unnamed pills in the storage bag, and it turned out to be Bigu pills.

The monks can eat for a month without eating, and now all the poor monks use this.

Once you step into cultivating, who cares about your stomach's feelings, you should seize the time to cultivate.

But Yi Tian thinks about why those restaurants are open, isn't this a contradiction, just think about it in his heart, and find out when he has time.

The bigu pill in the original storage bag smelled a strange smell. It may be that the pots and jars were not sealed properly, and the smell of the medicinal pills was all together.

Yi Tian didn't plan to take these pills, and finally exchanged them for a map of Pushanfang with a radius of [-] miles, which was better than nothing anyway.

From the mouth of the shopkeeper of Hengyuan Pawnshop, I learned that there is a drugstore of Derentang on the East Street of Pushanfang, where Bigu Dan can be purchased.

And the price is fair.After coming out of the pawn shop, Yi Tian first chooses to buy Bigu Pill, and then he will solve his stomach problem.

After crossing a few streets, Yi Tian came to the outside of Deren Hall, and looked inside, there was a sign on the door with alchemy.

The hall alchemist in the hall thought it was a big business, and greeted Yi Tian enthusiastically, but when he heard that he was here to buy Bigu Dan, he called a waiter to greet him, and went to rest in the hall by himself.

Only then did Yi Tian know that Bigu Dan is the most common medicine here, and generally speaking, it is used by alchemy apprentices as practicers.

Those who come to buy Bigu Pills are also those below the fourth level of Qi training, and generally do not have many spiritual stones on their bodies.

This alchemist is just watching people order food.

Not daring to offend the people of De Ren Tang, Yi Tian bought a bottle of Bigu Pill with a piece of Lingshi.

After asking the alchemist about the efficacy of Bigu Pill, he couldn't wait to open the bottle and ate three pills in one go, and the frightened worker hurriedly called out.

Before Yi Tian was wondering, he felt that his stomach was bloated and uncomfortable, and the whole person was instantly full.

The alchemist was also in a hurry. He just ate three pills when he told the boy in front of him about the effect.

If you know this one, you can stare at it for a month without eating. It's no wonder that three months of rice is not uncomfortable when it is put into Yi Tian's stomach at once.

The two of them turned pale with fright, and Yi Tian blushed with shame and looked at the alchemist, hoping for a solution, he couldn't stand being so uncomfortable.

The alchemist hurriedly asked the job to get the Huadan water, and explained to Yi Tian that the eaten Bigu Dan could be melted with the Huadan water.

There may be some side effects after taking it, and it is usually used by those who are greedy for appetite before eating a big meal.

Yi Tian didn't have so much time to listen to the nonsense of the alchemist. After the transformation of the pill water came, Yi Tian drank it regardless of how many cups he had. He saw the alchemist and the workman looking at him in surprise.

At the end, my stomach didn't feel stretched, but I felt a pain in my stomach and hurriedly asked where I was going and rushed in.

Pu Siyuan, the young owner of De Ren Tang, was fine today, and happened to come from his shop to inspect.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a lot of jitters in the hall, and I hurriedly grabbed the guy and asked about the situation.

After listening to it, he smiled gracefully, this matter is new, and he also wanted to see this person who almost burst his stomach from eating Bigu Dan.

After all, liveliness does not happen every day, and Yi Tianhou snickered when he saw it.

The person involved, Yi Tian, ​​came out of the inner hall clutching his stomach and looked at the alchemist with a frown.

I thought to myself that all of you people in De Rentang said half a sentence, but this time it was embarrassing.But he didn't dare to say anything more, to save the inexplicable sinner.

Pu Siyuan, the young owner, had no choice but to politely send Yi Tianke out of De Ren Tang, in case something happened to a customer in De Ren Tang, it would damage the reputation of the store.

His young master can't get away with it, so he must send this plague god away as soon as possible.

Yi Tian, ​​who had just walked out of De Ren Tang, heard a thin monkey-like man shouting, "Brother Duan, he was the one who robbed me."

Looking sideways, it was the monkey Xue Zhong who robbed him halfway on the way to Pushanfang, and sneered in his heart as the thief shouted to catch the thief.

Turning around and walking towards the monkey, he saw a burly man behind the monkey, with muscular body, dark skin on his face, and a hammer stuck in his waist, he looked not easy to mess with.

I saw the black-faced man slowly walk forward, cupped his hands and said, "Please give me an explanation from this little brother."

Yi Tian saw that this black-faced man was quite polite, and was about to come forward to talk.

But saw that monkey Xue Zhong ran up to Yi Tian and shouted: "Stinky boy, return my Xue Zhong's things, or I will let you know how powerful Brother Duan is."

This person is Duan Yugang, a friend of Xue Zhong, who opened an artifact refining shop. He has handed down some craftsmanship and will create some elementary artifacts. Because the price is fair, he is also well-known in the market.

It is said that Duan Yugang was favored by Xue Zhong when he was a child, and he knew how to repay his kindness, so every time Xue Zhong had something to do, he would ask him for help to settle it.

This time, Xue Zhong asked Duan Yugang for help after he was robbed.

Duan Yugang frowned slightly after hearing what the monkey Xue Zhong said, and then stared at Yi Tian as if he wanted to ask for an explanation.

On the street, Duan Yugang didn't dare to do it directly, and Yi Tian was also the master who was not afraid of things. Besides, when he entered Pushan Square, the guard said that there were patrols on every street.

If you want to make trouble in Fangshi, you will be driven out by the patrol team.If someone is killed, the patrol will not be polite.

At this time, it is time to pretend. Although Yi Tian did it, he couldn't show weakness like this, so he smiled and said, "There is no evidence, why do you say that I robbed you."

Unexpectedly, the monkey smiled and raised the storage bag and the pawn ticket in his hand and said loudly: "This kid just finished pawning things. The head shopkeeper of Hengyuan Pawnshop said that he came to the pharmacy to buy Bigu Dan. If you don't believe me, you can go and ask. How can you block him right away." After finishing speaking, he looked at Yi Tian proudly.

I have known for a long time that the robbers and the gang who sold the stolen goods, the White Horse Gang that Yi Tian was in before often did this, and usually these pawnshops were responsible for selling the stolen goods.

That Hengyuan pawnshop shopkeeper might have recognized Xue Zhong's storage bag early in the morning, and notified Xue Zhong directly after the person left.

Yi Tian regretted in his heart: "If it wasn't for the urgent situation this time, I didn't expect to be careless. If I had known this, I would have gone to a shop for refining tools or alchemy to exchange spirit stones."

But the shopkeeper of Hengyuan pawn shop didn't dare to show up because he was afraid that he had some ghosts in his heart, and Yi Tian immediately reacted and laughed: "Who doesn't know that you, Xue Zhong, are a scoundrel. Turn back and sell the stolen goods at the pawnshop, can you believe what people like you say, please judge and judge.”

This is the negotiating key of the previous Ren Kui Jiao. The loser is not the loser. Use the momentum to deceive the other party first, and if it is effective, come after it.

Hearing what Yi Tian said, those people beside him also started pointing.

Everyone knows Xue Zhong's personality, and this time he was gloating to see him slumped, and no one came out to speak justice for him.

Yi Tian thought about this period that Yu Gang didn't look like an unreasonable person with a fierce look, otherwise he wouldn't be so polite before fighting, and then tricked him to see the effect.

Seeing that everyone else was whispering, Yi Tian asked the monkey, "Who knows if the person you brought in is an accomplice, maybe one of you robbed the road and the other helped sell the stolen goods."

Whoever thought of saying Duan Yugang's pain point, then he thought that he was also a helper in selling the stolen goods after receiving the favor from Xue Zhong before.

Later, when he realized something was wrong, he stopped it in time, so that Xue Zhong had no choice but to cooperate with the shopkeeper of Hengyuan Pawnshop.

Duan Yugang's face was flushed, his veins were bulging, and he shouted at the top of his voice: "Don't frame a good person", and after speaking, he rolled up his sleeves, as if he was going to come forward to argue.

Yi Tian didn't want to force the other party to be in a hurry, the rabbit would bite when he was in a hurry, not to mention that the black-faced man looked more powerful than himself, and he was the one who suffered the hard way.

The most unfortunate thing is that I still have a little discomfort in my stomach now, and it is not good for me to entangle myself.

While thinking about countermeasures, Pu Siyuan, who was standing behind the crowd, said: "Justice is in the hearts of the people, and you don't have to worry about it anymore. The Pharmacy Hall is still open today, so let's all go, everyone from Pushan Square. Everyone must know the rules." After speaking, he turned around and went in.

The onlookers dispersed in a hurry. They wanted to see the excitement, but Shaodong's family ate and spoke.

People don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, and when they do things here, they forget whose territory this is.

Xue Zhong also made fun of it, dragged Duan Yugang away angrily, Yi Tian glanced at it, saw the anger in Duan Yugang's eyes with disdain, and was not afraid.

The road goes towards the sky on both sides, who will be afraid of who the next time you meet?Go in the opposite direction of them.

(End of this chapter)

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