
Chapter 293

Chapter 293
Clouds follow dragons and winds follow tigers. It is already very difficult to kill the white-eyed ice flame tiger at the top of the fifth level, let alone capture it alive.

Fortunately, Hong Luanjing and the two of them had also calculated the time to advance to the Tribulation Crossing. In the next year, this white-eyed ice flame tiger here would usher in a catastrophe anytime, anywhere.

For this reason, it had to cast a wide net and patrol around its territory from time to time to contain all possible interference factors in advance.

Now the three of them are waiting directly on the hillside a hundred and twenty miles away from Tiger Cave, and Yi Tian has now been drawn into the group.It was obvious that Hong Luanjing didn't want to face Dai Kang alone, and used herself as a shield.

Fortunately, Yan Zhaoxue and her son-in-law banquet were mentioned earlier, so Dai Kang thought he was interested in Yan Zhaoxue.Although the description is getting darker and darker, but at last he has dealt with the matter in front of him.

Now Yi Tian found that Dai Kang looked at him with more kindness and less hostility, and felt helpless in his heart.

With Yi Tian's help, the three of them obviously moved much faster, maintaining the tranquility within a radius of one hundred and twenty miles.The three people lined up in three directions, but any monks who wanted to pick up and passed by or wanted to go in to find medicinal materials were all persuaded by Yi Tian to dismiss them one by one.

When encountering those low-level monks, they will leak the spiritual pressure a little bit, and the monks who know the current affairs will turn around and find another way.Fortunately, he didn't meet a monk of the same level, otherwise Yi Tian really didn't mind coming to use his power to suppress others, so he asked Dai Kang to exert pressure together.

After waiting for nearly three months, Yi Tian, ​​who was on duty in the southwest one night, suddenly saw a blue-white light flashing on the top of a distant mountain.Then, above the sky with this as the center point, blue-black robbery clouds with a diameter of about twenty miles began to gather.

After the three of them communicated with each other, they went directly to the central area. The first one to arrive was Dai Kang, who was the closest. During this period of time, he would show himself first in everything.

Yi Tian knew what he was thinking, so he more or less let him do it, so as to save some conflicts, but Hong Luanjing didn't talk too much in his eyes, but he was very clear in his heart.

After the thunder tribulation fell that day, you could see the flashing blue and white light group rushing into the air from a long distance, and the tribulation thunder that fell in the sky seemed to have found its target, and hit the light group accurately.

After the thunder calamity dissipated, a strong thunderbolt formed again in the calamity cloud in the sky and fell.In an instant, the lightning flashed brightly, illuminating the night with a radius of hundreds of miles as clearly as the day.

It stands to reason that half of the monster beasts of the sixth level would not be able to cause such an effect, unless it is the Transformation Heavenly Tribulation after refining the horizontal bones that has such momentum.

Seeing such Yi Tian's face is also a little worried. According to the intensity of the catastrophe, it is not known how strong the monster will be after the catastrophe.

Fortunately, the whole process only lasted for nearly half an hour, and then the light cluster in the sky began to slowly descend and land on the hillside not far away.

Dai Kang yelled "Go," and rushed forward immediately. Hong Luanjing and Yi Tian also nodded to each other, and then followed closely behind.

The Ice Flame Tiger that had survived the thunder calamity was lying on the platform on the hillside, panting heavily.Most of the fifth-level monsters can speak human words, but the expression is still like a child learning to speak, but after reaching the sixth level, it has greatly improved.

The Ice Flame Tiger roared at Dai Kang: "It's just that you human monks have been wandering outside the king's territory for a long time, it must be disadvantageous to the king." After speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a lot of ice flames towards Dai Kang. Spray away.

The biggest difference between the human race and the monster race is wisdom. Dai Kang saw the ice flame attacking, sneered, took out the spirit beast lasso prepared in advance, dodged the attack and rushed forward.With the beauty in front of him, he was determined not to be cowardly, even if he was staring at the attack of a sixth-level monster.

The two people in the back also took out the beast-controlling ring and the beast-binding rope that they had prepared in advance, and let them go from the side.Using the 'Qingling Famu' to glance at the attributes of the Ice Flame Tiger, Yi Tian found that it was actually a mutant species of water attribute, and it should belong to the branch left by the ancient mythical beast white tiger clan.

In order not to steal Dai Kang's limelight, he had no choice but to reach out and touch his spirit beast bag, and summon the 'Fat Dog' directly.With its help, I believe that it will not take much effort.

With a flash of white light, Fat Dog appeared majestically next to Yi Tian, ​​and the ice on his body opened up and covered a three-foot radius.

Under the bombardment of the Ice Flame Tiger's ice and fire magic, Dai Kang began to seem a little powerless. After all, it was a sixth-level monster. Although it had just completed the tribulation, it could still force the middle-stage Jindan cultivators into a panic under such a weak condition. .

This kind of ancient beast itself is very talented, and after the bloodline is awakened, if it recovers, the three of them will have no choice but to escape.

Hong Luanjing, who was at the side, also made a move, offering a blue real fire wrapped in a blue spiritual sword in her hand, and attacked towards the ice flame tiger.The other hand is ready to make a move anytime, anywhere while maintaining the appearance of offering the ring of beast control.

With the help of Fat Dog, the incoming Ice Fire was already weakened by three points before it got close, which also allowed Yi Tian to get close to the Ice Flame Tiger with ease.

Seeing that the helper came, Dai Kang also urged: "Quickly use the beast-binding rope to restrict its movements."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian sacrificed the nanmu vine with one hand and wrapped it around the limbs of the Ice Flame Tiger, while with the other hand he poured the beast-binding rope into the tiger's feet with spiritual power.

After all, just after the catastrophe, the Ice Flame Tiger was exhausted after a burst of counterattacks, and gradually became weak in attacking.

With the assistance of Yi Tian and Hong Luanjing, the situation soon became one-sided.

In addition, did Yi Tian's vine and wood entanglement spell come out of the rock under the Ice Flame Tiger? After several trials, he finally caught the opportunity and stuck it up and entangled the Ice Flame Tiger's body.

When the opportunity came, Yi Tian didn't hesitate and directly sacrificed the beast-binding rope in his hand.The beast-binding rope drilled under the Ice Flame Tiger's feet like a cowhide rope, and directly tied and locked its four legs, and then Yi Tian pulled the four legs tightly and hung it upside down.

Hong Luanjing seized the gap between the Ice Flame Tiger's distraction, sacrificed the spirit beast ring and put it directly on its head and neck.The Ice Flame Tiger was still trying to struggle after being hanged upside down, but he didn't give in even after the spirit beast ring was tied around his head and neck. He still roared a few times: "You humans don't forget to make me give in, wait for me The first one out of trouble will eat you."

Dai Kang stepped forward disdainfully, and beat the tiger several times in the belly before letting it stop eating.As the person who attracted the attack just now, he was really embarrassed by the Ice Flame Tiger, and several places on his body were scratched by spells.

Fortunately, Hong Luanjing's attitude towards him also changed, and she even brought some elixir to him, which made Dai Kang beam with joy.

An hour later, under the suppression of the spirit beast ring, the Ice Flame Tiger finally succumbed slowly, and his temper was also said to be restrained.Seeing that the matter was almost settled, Hong Luanjing took out a special spirit beast pouch and put the Ice Flame Tiger in it.

Yi Tian also took a closer look at the set of animal traps, which are basically five-level top-level spiritual weapons. As for the spirit beast ring, it is a sixth-level low-level spiritual tool. No wonder it can easily suppress the ice flame tiger.

After the three stopped to rest for a while, Yi Tian proposed to leave. This time the matter was delayed for three or four months, so he wanted to go back early.Seeing this, Hong Luanjing couldn't persuade her to stay, so she had no choice but to say goodbye.

(End of this chapter)

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