
Chapter 297 Fusion

Chapter 297 Fusion
Looking around, Yi Tian found that this is a stone room with three squares, and there are prohibition barriers set by Ximen Jieao all around.If you want to break through by force, it is absolutely impossible to complete the task.

After coming in, I tried to cast a few spells, but they were all bounced off by the light film without exception.Even trying to break the barrier with Xuanyang Zihuo wrapping his hands, he could barely tear apart a five-inch hole in the light film.

In order not to alarm Ximen Jieao, Yi Tian directly stopped doing useless work.When he returned to the cave, he found an open space and sat down.

Stretching out his hand, he first opened a five-foot-sized sound-proof barrier for himself, and then he took out the jade slip of "Girl's True Fire" in it and began to study it carefully.

Presumably the two of them didn't know that this was the lost technique of the 'Kuiyin True Fire' branch of the Xuanyang School.

Ever since Hong Luanjing took out the silk handkerchief, Yi Tian knew he had found the right one.I have used the above sealing technique no less than hundreds of times, and I am very familiar with it.

This time, he just used the reason of refining the spiritual weapon to get the cheat book, although the process seemed a little overwhelming.Fortunately, Hong Luanjing knew the seriousness, even if she directly refused at that time, Ximen Jieao would have used force. Instead of doing this, it would be better to take it out and deal with the matter in front of her first.

Speaking of Hong Luanjing, she is currently being imprisoned in the cave next door.As a Nascent Soul cultivator, Ximen Jieao was not afraid of the two playing tricks, and he immediately untied the two after they entered their respective caves.

In fact, the enchantment he set up is indeed powerful, and it cannot be broken without the determination of the Nascent Soul stage.

This time the two have a clear division of labor. Hong Luanjing is responsible for assisting Yi Tian in preparing the refining and purification steps of the raw materials. After Yi Tian has mastered the 'Kui Yin True Fire', he will leave the level to smelt and shape the spirit weapon and fuse the ice and fire spirit. And the most difficult step is to carve the inscription at the same time.

Although the time set with Ximen Jieao was 20 years, Yi Tian preliminarily estimated that it would only take half of the time. Fire melds.

Although the time is still relatively tight, but I have given an advance schedule. I believe that even if Ximen Jieao is reluctant, he will not directly rush in to destroy his retreat.

After sitting down and reading the secret manual of "Kuiyin True Fire" in detail, I realized that it really matches the original Xuanyang True Fire Jue at hand. Originally, after practicing, it may need to be strengthened with Zixiao lamp, and the fusion step must also rely on Zixiao Xiaozhan finished.

After reading it, Yi Tiancai recalled that Yun Zhongzheng, the founder of Xuanyang, fell thousands of years ago, and the Zixiaozhan and the "Liangyi Spectroscope" passed down from the sect were also missing.

It's no wonder that the Zongmen's three-point situation will be caused. Without these two spiritual weapons, they can neither practice the direct-inherited skills nor deter Xiao Xiao. In addition, the Zongmen's internal divisions are not in harmony, which makes the Chiyang Sect look like it is now.

Fortunately, now I have a whole set of cultivation methods in my hand, as long as I practice step by step, I believe that as long as the golden elixir is perfect, I can try to break the elixir and become a baby.

After sighing with emotion, Yi Tian didn't want to think about it anymore, and took out the spirit stones and set up the spirit-gathering array and started to practice.

In the nearly 30 years since then, the two top refiners on the Western Wilderness Continent's list of weapon refiners disappeared at the same time, which also aroused many people's speculations.

However, people have never connected the two of them together, and when the summons failed, the Excalibur Sect and the Girl Sect sent elite disciples to start looking for the whereabouts of the two of them.

The reason is very simple, because after nearly 80 years, Huo Chi Lian, the weapon refiner of Tianmomen, has bred the fifth-level fire spirit in his hand to the sixth level, and has already started to repair the Tiansha magic knife.

According to the analysis of the news from all parties, Huo Chilian came prepared this time, and he was going to restore the magic knife to its original state in one fell swoop. For this reason, Ximen Kuangao even boasted about Haikou, and then agreed with Beiming Kongjing Another match in Sword Art Online.

As for Yi Tian in the past 30 years, he didn't know what happened outside because of the lack of news.However, the cultivation in front of him has also reached a critical juncture, so he also concentrates on fusing the real fire without distraction.

At the beginning, the cultivation of 'Kuiyin True Fire' was relatively smooth, because they belonged to the same vein, so the cultivation was smooth sailing.In less than ten years of hard work, he has already reached the realm of Xiaocheng, and he is extremely easy to control.The blue 'Kuiyin True Fire' condensed into a small group in the dantian, surrounding the purple natal real fire, but the color was obviously much lighter.

Yi Tian knew that this was the result of no strengthening, so he focused on using Zixiaozhan for strengthening sacrifices for more than ten years.

Based on the previous experience, it is estimated that the time to fully strengthen it is almost 20 years. As for the enhancement here after the fusion, it will take much more time.

It took Lin Lin a total of 25 years to complete these preparations. During this period, Ximen Jieao also came once to interrogate the situation.Yi Tian just said briefly and extended the time by ten years.

In desperation, Ximen Jieao had no choice but to agree to the request, and also sent a message saying that the materials and refining location had been found, and he would go there just waiting for Yi Tian to leave the customs.

Although it took half as long as expected, to Yi Tian's surprise, there was a small problem when the two real fires merged.My Xuanyang True Fire has undergone two sacrificial refinements to strengthen it, and it appears to be much stronger than the 'Kuiyin True Fire'.And the best time for the real fire fusion mentioned in the Xuanyang Cheats is during the foundation building period, because the two phases are not too strong and easy to operate.

Moreover, the most important thing in the fusion of real fire is balance. Once one party is too strong, it will cause failure.But for Yi Tian, ​​there is no time to refine the two spirit fire sacrifices to normal strength.The relationship between strength and weakness can only be made up by manipulation.

Fortunately, my Xuanyang Purple Fire can be regarded as the mutated Xuanyang True Fire, and it doesn't have much repulsion to the 'Kuiyin True Fire'.After five years of continuous efforts, more than [-]% of the real fires have finally been completely fused, but there are still wisps of real fires left in front of the eyes for sacrifice in the Zixiao lamp.

Five days ago, Ximen Jieao sent a message saying that he had retreated for almost 30 years, so he hoped that Yi Tian could hurry up.From his tone, Yi Tian could feel a trace of impatience, but he was also at a critical juncture, if he rushed out now, it would be a failure.

Ignore Ximen Jieao after thinking about it, and concentrate on finishing the final work with one heart and one mind.

Ximen Jieao and Hong Luanjing, who were outside the door, were sitting face to face with four documents in front of them.One each of the jade vases containing the spirit of ice and fire, three pieces of iron ingots refined from Nether Dark Iron, and half of the body of the Heavenly Fiend Demon Knife.

In the past 30 years, Hong Luanjing has suffered enough. Apart from the usual practice, as long as Ximen Jieao gets back the materials, she will give them to her for preliminary refinement as soon as possible.So she was interrupted from time to time to retreat, and there was a lot of resentment in her heart, but she was relieved to see these results. As long as this matter is over, the sea of ​​suffering can be highlighted, so Hong Luanjing is also secretly looking forward to Yi Tian's early sunrise close.

Knowing that after half a month, a jade token of communication flew directly from Yi Tian's retreated cave, Ximen Jieao who was closing his eyes and resting his mind suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to grab the jade token and scanned it with his spiritual sense.Then he said with a smile on his face, "It's time to pack up our things and we're ready to go."

(End of this chapter)

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