
Chapter 299

Chapter 299
It's time again for the three Western Wilderness rankings to be released once in a hundred years. At this time, the vicinity of the holy city is overcrowded, and monks from all walks of life have also taken advantage of this opportunity to come out one after another.

Usually, the ranking of the Heavenly Ranking will not change substantially, unless the Nascent Soul cultivator on the ranking has a major breakthrough, falls or dies, it is generally just a place for various sects to show off their strength.

And the list of people changes too fast, if the new foundation-building rookies who emerged a hundred years ago fail to form alchemy, they will naturally be forgotten by people. If you can't form an alchemy in 100 years, it can only be said to be a moment of glory, or it lacks a little foundation.

The monks focus on how many of the top golden core monks on the ground list can break through pills and become babies, or develop some shocking spiritual weapons.

Huo Chilian, the chief gold elixir refiner of Tianmomen, is the most favored refiner in recent years. Since there were gossip seven years ago that he repaired the Tiansha magic knife, the public opinion in the outside world agreed that this time He is the leader of the list.

Even Ximen Kuangao, the ancestor of the Tianmomen Yuanying, said that he hoped to find an opportunity to compete with Beiming Kuangao of the Excalibur School in ten years' time, and the location was set in Sword Art Online in Xihuang.

Immediately, various versions of rumors spread, all saying that it was because of the Tiansha Demon Sword repaired by Huo Chilian that Ximen was arrogant, and that's why Huo Chilian, one of the parties involved, didn't express his position, which was a tacit agreement. thing.

Now Huo Chilian seemed to have no time to take care of this matter, sitting cross-legged on the futon in the reception room of the Tianmomen resident in the holy city.Sitting in front of him was a monk wearing a fiery red Taoist robe, with red hair all over his head, he looked about 40 years old, and his cultivation base was at the peak of the middle stage of Jindan.

I only heard Huo Chilian say: "Huo Yunbiao, I have been away from the 'Qiankun Yuhuo Sect' for many years, and I have also stayed far away from other places. Why are you still pushing me so hard?"

Huo Yunbiao on the opposite side sneered and said: "Why have you been away from the sect for many years, your 'Qiankun Yuhuo Sect' has always been a branch of the 'Lihuo Sect', so I came here to bring you back to the sect, which can be regarded as recognizing your ancestors and returning to the sect. What's more, the suzerain also contacted the suzerain of Tianmomen, and everyone agreed to this matter."

"Then after I go back, how will the 'Li Huo Sect' mainly deal with me, a traitor to the sect?" Huo Chilian said helplessly.

Huo Yunbiao smiled and said: "What kind of traitor, you will still be in charge of the Weapon Pavilion after you go back. No one in the art sect of refining weapons can surpass you. If you are not the leader, who is qualified?"

After speaking, he looked at Huo Chilian's decadent appearance and continued: "The suzerain has the ambition to reproduce the glory of the sect thousands of years ago, and he has contacted people in Qintian Pavilion in many ways, and from the other party's mouth, he also confirmed that the 'Li Huo Sect' The day of great prosperity is coming.”

Huo Chilian shook his head and said: "Qintian Pavilion should be the current Tianyunmen, so did the other party tell where the sect's token is? As far as I know, Dongao still has a branch. He left with the sect token."

"That branch has now been split into three sects, and the town sect's exercises that have been handed down are not complete, and the suzerain has personally visited Dong Ao to confirm that there is indeed no trace of the sect's token."

After hearing this, Huo Chilian couldn't help but think of a person, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, "I still have one thing on my mind. I want to see if I can defeat that person when it comes out again on the century-old list."

"Forget it, I will accompany you for a while, and after you confirm the weapon list, you will go to the hero meeting of the Maiden Sect with me. The suzerain has sent a message to make friends with the three Western Wilderness Sects. Now I have visited the Excalibur Sect And Tianmomen, I still have to go on this next trip to the Maiden School." Huo Yunbiao replied.

While the two were talking, suddenly someone knocked on the door and said, "Master Huo and distinguished guests from Zhongzhou, please go to the Yishi Pavilion as soon as possible. Elder Ximen is here to invite you."

After hearing this, Huo Chilian stood up with a puzzled expression, pushed open the door and hurried out, while Huo Yunbiao followed closely behind.

After a while, the two of them came to the meeting pavilion where they were stationed, and they saw Ximen Kuangao sitting on the main seat looking at the jade slip in his hand, and sighed for a while.Seeing the two people coming, he just pointed to the seat below, which meant that he would be able to speak later, and then stretched his spiritual consciousness into the jade slip and read it carefully.

On the contrary, all the people around gave Huo Chilian strange looks, some with a little bit of regret mixed in.

It took a long time to see Ximen Kuangao sigh, then turned to the two of them and said, "I came here to tell you something."

Huo Chilian hurriedly stood up and asked: "But the list of the land list came out? What is the result? Where is the Heavenly Fiend Demon Saber refined next?"

Huo Yunbiao also asked with great interest: "I don't know if my junior brother's craftsmanship can be the best in the Western Wilderness."

Ximen Kuaoao's expression changed a few times, then he raised the jade slip in his hand and said, "You have to look at it yourself first."

Huo Chi stretched out his hand to pick up something from the air, took the jade slip, and then unfolded it in his palm. His eyes swept to the list of the refining ground list, which said that the leader marked the sixth-level high-level spiritual weapon'Zhen Tian "Shamo Dao", the names of the refiners behind it are actually Yi Tian and Hong Luanjing.

And the sixth-level mid-level spiritual weapon 'Tiansha Demon Knife' refined by himself ranked second, and the third place was 'Golden Sword Box'.

Huo Yunbiao also scanned a few times with his divine sense, and then asked in puzzlement: "This time, why the first and second refining spirit weapons are the same, did the Heavenly Demon Sect hire another refiner? "

Ximen Kuao's face twitched, and then he said angrily: "My younger brother must have messed up the matter. I didn't expect that I asked someone to repair the spiritual weapon, but he had exactly the same idea. It's really thanks to him to find someone to refine it." It embarrasses me to show the 'True Demon Blade', and now everyone outside thinks that this is a Xibei product in my hand, and they are all watching my joke."

Ignoring Ximen's haughty reaction, Huo Chilian murmured to himself: "I didn't expect your skill to reach such a high level. I can only restore the spirit weapon to the sixth-level middle-level after a lot of hard thinking. I didn't expect you to be able to restore it intact."

Seeing the displeasure on Ximen Kuaoao's face, the two hurriedly quit.

Walking in the corridor, Huo Yunbiao said anxiously from the side: "In this Western Wasteland, there is actually a stronger weapon refiner than you. When do you really want to make friends? You seem to know this person from the tone of the younger brother." Bar?"

A few years flashed through Huo Chilian's mind in an instant, and then he replied with a smile: "Brother Ming Qi, the number one craftsman Yi Tian is my best friend, if you want to make friends, please allow me to send a message , everyone can make an appointment to come out and see you."

So Huo Yunbiao nodded without doubting it, and urged Huo Chilian to contact him as soon as possible.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the volcanic cave mansion of the melting forging mountain range, was using the Zixiao lamp to refine and strengthen the Xuanyang True Fire in his hand, and he has been in seclusion since returning from the wasteland.Even if someone from the Excalibur School and the Maiden School contacted him, he would not look at it.

These years have been disturbed by too many mundane things, and now Yi Tian just concentrates on practicing after completing the exercises.

But this time, after receiving the summons from Huo Chilian, Yi Tian couldn't sit still after roughly scanning it with his divine sense.

I saw it said: "Zhongzhou Lihuozong's special envoy, Huo Yunbiao, Xiezongmen Qi Pavilion's first Huochi Lian worship, please come to the holy city for master Yi to say something."

(End of this chapter)

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