
Chapter 303 Treasure Hunt

Chapter 303 Treasure Hunt
The material warehouse in Tianjian City is still tightly guarded as always. This is the second time that Yi Tian and Yin Jie have come to extract materials.The difference is that those guards seem to have some understanding of Yi Tian's actions. Although there is nothing unusual on the surface, those patrolling guards who pass by will more or less carefully look at the two-time winner of Yi Tian. Huang Jian is the character of the number one refiner.

Yin Jie, who was walking on the side, also greeted those familiar colleagues one by one with a smile on his face.Although he knew that people were not here for him, he still enjoyed the feeling.

The two came to the second floor of the material warehouse with ease, walked around the rows of shelves in front and walked to the old guard on duty.

Seeing the old Taoist reading a book this time, Yin Jie went up to salute and said, "I pay my respects to Senior Brother Huo, this time I will trouble Senior Brother to get the precious materials again."

The old man snorted coldly, turned his head and looked at Yin Jie and Yi Tian who was behind him, and said, "It's you two again, is your name Yi Tian?"

"That's right, I don't know what advice Senior Brother Huo has?" Yi Tian had to bite the bullet and pick up when he heard the other party's name. Even Yin Jie called him senior brother, and he didn't dare to break his etiquette.

After putting down the scroll, the old Taoist said seriously: "My name is Huo Jingyun, and I am the warehouse guard here. I heard that you won the first place in the weapon list twice. It seems that you are a bit real."

Yi Tian felt ashamed and said: "I also made a mistake, it's really luck to win the leader this time."

Huo Jingyun smiled and said: "You can win the championship by mistake, so you can pay it off if you are serious. Recently, there is a gathering of Jindan fellow disciples. If Junior Brother Yi is free, why not go there."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Yin Jie, only to see that the latter said knowingly: "To put it bluntly, this gathering of the same sect is to exchange cultivation experience with a few Jindan monks in private, and then exchange for spiritual weapons and treasures. If Junior Brother Yi still has some leftover spiritual artifacts, it is better to exchange them at that time, except for the Thunder Fire Diamond that appeared at the Tianmo City auction a hundred years ago, there are almost no spiritual artifacts handed down by Junior Brother Yi on the market."

After hearing it, Yi Tian finally understood that the brother Huo on the opposite side obviously came for his own name.And he has also inquired about the spirit weapons that he has passed down for a hundred years. It is estimated that those broken things in Tianmo City back then have been reported by the spies of the sect.

It seems that I have to leave something for this gathering, so I thought about it and replied with a smile: "Senior brother Huo Shengyi will definitely be there, and there will be a few unused spiritual weapons that can be exchanged for precious materials and elixirs .”

Huo Jingyun's eyes flashed, then he stroked his beard and nodded.

Yin Jie took the opportunity to take out Beiming Kongjing's messenger jade tablet, and told Huo Jingyun that Yi Tian went in to select the treasures himself this time.

After reading the information in the jade card, Huo Jingyun replied: "Since it was Master Beiming who spoke, and Junior Brother Yi has made contributions to the sect, then please come with me. But you can only use your divine sense." Probe, just let me know which item you choose." Then he opened the back door and walked in with Yi Tian.

Although he didn't know the rules, Yi Tian nodded in agreement, and then followed Huo Jingyun into the advanced material storage area.

Fortunately, Beiming Kongjing said before that you can choose seventh-level materials, so Yi Tian plans to go directly to the seventh-level material area to check this time.

After mentioning this matter with Huo Jingyun, I saw that he made up his mind a little and then smiled and said: "It's okay, since it was Master Beiming who said it, then Junior Brother Yi should take advantage of this opportunity, please follow me Come."

The seventh-level treasures are all used by monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, so the restrictions here are stronger than the previous ones.Yi Tian knew that it was impossible to open these restrictions without matching jade cards, so he had no choice but to use his spiritual sense to scan the identification cards of those precious materials.

The entire seventh-level material library is not large, basically there are only two shelves with about [-] kinds of materials.But these things alone are too much for me to pick.

Except for the bones of ancient monsters, there are some high-grade ores that I have never seen before. After a closer look, [-]% of the items are marked as coming from Sword Art Online.

Thinking about it, I already got a ticket to Sword Art Online. It seems that I have to search carefully after I go in.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt that something was beating in my storage ring.After quietly stretching the divine sense in, it turned out that the half volume of "Heavenly Artifacts" seemed a little abnormal.As he kept walking, the remnant scroll seemed to have a sense, so Yi Tian was startled, but his face remained calm, and he walked straight towards the direction indicated by the remnant scroll.

Ten breaths later, when he came to a piece of yellow mineral, the scroll suddenly trembled more violently.Now that he was sure that there must be something strange in it, Yi Tian said directly to Huo Jingyun: "Senior brother Huo, I want this black topaz."

After hearing this, Huo Jingyun just turned his head to look at it, then took out a jade tablet from his storage bracelet, and took a photo of the prohibition on it.In less than three breaths, the light film on the black topaz completely faded, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and put the things into the storage bag, and then quickly left the inner room with Huo Jingyun.

After coming out of the material warehouse, Huo Jingyun informed the next two of the time and place of the gathering of the inner sect golden core monks.Knowing that this time it is hard to turn down the kindness, and after the promise, Yi Tian didn't dare to let others dove.

There are still four or five months to go, so I had to find a place to prepare first.Apart from Zheng Rutong, I don't have any acquaintances in Tianjian City.

After thinking about it, Liang Xiang still planned to ask him for help. After the news spread, there was a reply within a quarter of an hour.Zheng Rutong sent him a message to ask Zheng Yong to give up the best refining room in the main store, so that Yi Tian can use it anytime and anywhere.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, only a few people knew about this matter, but Zheng Rutong made a request, hoping that Yi Tian's subordinates would be merciful and not make any big disturbances in the refining room.

But after arriving, I saw Zheng Yong with a respectful face, and interrupted from time to time to ask if the Zheng family needs to do a first-level emergency evacuation work. It seems that this guy can't wait to make trouble here.

Yi Tian just smiled lightly and said, "What kind of plaque does Fellow Daoist Zheng want?"

"Of course it's the 'Tianjian City Puppet Authentic'. You don't know that there are many imitated humanoid puppets on the market, but none of them are as good as mine," Zheng Yong replied unceremoniously.

After nodding his head, Yi Tian went directly into the refining room and locked the door, regardless of the outside situation, anyway, Zheng Yong was responsible for all the things below.

(End of this chapter)

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