
Chapter 31 Choice

Chapter 31 Choice
Naipus Yuanzheng, the back hall of Deren Hall, kept answering Yi Tian's questions, and the two also chatted about the use of red clam blood in their free time.

It turns out that Pu Siyuan's beloved wife Qu Shi has been suffering from a strange disease of extreme cold since she was a child, which occurs once a year.

When the attack occurs, the whole body is as cold as frozen, and the red clam blood can be used as a medicine to treat the wife's disease.

This time it was all thanks to Yi Tian to come back alive, and he also brought back Zhu Haxue.

It's a pity that the Qu family has no spiritual roots. It's really sad that the two of them will be separated by Yin and Yang soon.

Yi Tian hurriedly took out three packs of the air-entraining powder in his storage bag and handed them over to Pu Siyuan.Under the suspicious eyes of the other party, Yi Tian also slowly explained the use of this qi-entraining powder, and Pu Siyuan almost kneeled to Yi Tian on the spot.

The question on Yi Tian was not one or two, and gradually Pu Siyuan couldn't answer it.

Then I had to ask Yi Tian to ask the second uncle Pu Shangen to answer it later.

Yi Tian readily agreed, this kind of thing is easy sooner rather than later, and he can think of countermeasures after he knows it earlier.

When Pu Siyuan left, Yi Tian also asked him to hide his three spiritual roots, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to himself.

Pu Siyuan also swore in front of him that he would never say it to the outside world, which made Yi Tian feel more at ease.

The ancestor of the Pu family, Pu Shan Dao, is a foundation-building cultivation base, and this Pu Shan root is the eighth level of Qi training. He is usually responsible for the family’s practice and answering questions when he has nothing to do.

Being called by Pu Siyuan to answer Yi Tian's question today also gave him enough face.

Yi Tian mainly wanted to understand his own condition. Now, would there be a problem with practicing Wood Fire Spirit Art at the same time in his body.

The answer he got made Yi Tian depressed. It was very difficult to cultivate a spiritual formula to build a foundation.

It is common for practitioners of dual faculties to do this, but only those with great perseverance do this.

Because at the time of foundation building, if only one of the dual systems reaches the ninth level, then the other system will be dragged behind after foundation building.

After the foundation is established, the two systems must be cultivated to the same level before they can continue to cultivate. This is also known to all cultivators.

If you reach the ninth level of foundation building at the same time, you will be subject to double thunder tribulations, it is easy to be unable to bear it, and finally die under the thunder tribulation.

The advantage is that the power of two-element fellow practitioners is definitely stronger than that of single-element, and there are more spells that can be used.

Finally, the fusion of the two spells, the power is more than double the original, as long as it is not a spiritual art of cultivating the two attributes at the same time.

Pu Si Yuan, who was on the side, hurriedly asked what would happen if he cultivated the spirit of mutual restraint. After Pu Shan Dao gave him a glance, he picked up an apple on the table and put it in his hand, and then only heard a slap and saw that the apple was smashed. Exploded.

Yi Tian seemed to be scared for a while, but fortunately, he cultivated the wood and fire twins.

If you are a fellow practitioner of both fire and water systems, you will end up looking at this apple.

As for the fusion of the two elements, haven't I tested it a long time ago, the combination of Escape Pile and Fireball is still very powerful.

Pu Shangen smiled and then said: "It's not absolute, there are two solutions, one is to dissipate all the skills and start from scratch, but there will be traces of the infuriating qi in the body, so pay special attention when cultivating. Accidentally went off the rails.

The second method is to cultivate another series of exercises so that the true qi of Xiangke can be integrated.

For example, fellow practitioners of water and fire, and then practice the wood spirit art to fuse the air of water and fire, but so far it has not been heard that people who have cultivated the three elements can survive the foundation-building thunder calamity.

After listening to it, Yi Tian was relieved. It would be no problem for him to continue to practice in the future, but whether it is a single-type foundation building or a dual-type, it is better to think about it carefully. You can't have both.

Yi Tian has always wanted to join the sect, and only after joining the sect can he enjoy more resources.

However, there will also be more dangers, and the risks and benefits are always proportional.

Pu Shangen also pointed out to Yi Tian that in two years from Minglu, as long as Yi Tian is still in Pu Shan Fang, he can participate in the selection of the three factions.

At that time, Yi Tian could only be selected if he reached the fifth level of Qi training.

The Pu family still has some connections in the Xuanling faction, as long as Yi Tian is willing to help the Pu family.

Yi Tian only promised on the surface, saying that he would consider Pu Shangen's proposal, and the key was to see how his cultivation was at that time.

After thanking Pu Shangen for clarifying his doubts, Yi Tian was about to leave.

Before leaving, Pu Shangen suddenly told Yi Tian that if he wanted to practice refining tools and alchemy, he could come to him.

In Yi Tian's opinion, it may be that Pu Siyuan told Pu Shangen that he had Huo Linggen. Anyway, Yi Tian didn't care what he said, he just said it, as long as he didn't tell the truth.

On the way back, Yi Tian was thinking while walking, but after all, Pu Siyuan's character should be pretty good, so Yi Tian believed that he would not talk about his affairs.

Juxingzhuang's business was booming for two days and then calmed down, and the whole store was still deserted.

People came here to flatter Pu Siyuan, as for Duan Yugang, he was just a fourth-level qi refiner.

There are quite a few people like this in Pushanfang, and it's not that they really want to make friends with Duan Yugang.

Yi Tian is now Duan Yugang's friend and partner. He usually lives in the backyard of the store.

The yard is not big, Duan Yugang assigned the west wing to Yi Tian to live in. The room is also very simple, with a bed and a table, not even a chair.

There weren't many guests coming anyway. Besides, people who cultivated self-cultivation didn't care about this. It was like Duan Yugang sometimes stayed in front of the stove in the shop for several days, and would never come back to the backyard at all.

This made Yi Tian a reality, and no one would disturb him when he practiced quietly in the backyard.

After returning home, Yi Tian sat on the bed, thinking about what he heard today, and the most urgent thing in front of him now is to improve his cultivation.

I need to train to the fifth level of Qi practice within two years. It sounds easy, but the speed of one level a year is only possible for those disciples with higher talents in the sect.

I don't have a master here, and I don't have resources. It looks like it's hanging, but it's unrealistic to ask Yi Tian to return to the plain and unrealistic. Which one is not ambitious.

It's useless to think about this matter, let's take the time to think about learning some auxiliary skills.

It is said that his fire spirit root alchemy equipment has innate conditions, and it is still uncertain which one to choose.

If you practice at the same time, you are afraid that you will delay the effort and end up with nothing.

Suddenly I remembered that there is another Yin Corpse Art among the three spiritual arts on my body, although Yi Tian is disdainful to learn it.

But there are always two sides to everything, and the Feng Shui techniques and some anecdotes recorded in the Yin Corpse Art are still very attractive to Yi Tian.

Originally, to practice Yin Corpse Art, you must learn Feng Shui, let alone corpse refining, where those corpses are buried, and they don't know how to dig graves.

In the next few days, Yi Tian hid in his room and practiced the Wood Fire Spirit Art, trying to train both spiritual powers sufficiently.

Since the last time he played against Tian Fei, he found that the power of the two spells was multiplied together, and Yi Tian decided that he was still a fellow practitioner of the two schools.

There may be a potential Tian Meng outside the Pushan Square. If he doesn't save some trump cards as soon as possible, he will explain it directly if he catches it.

The third level of Qi training can't release the spiritual consciousness, so Yi Tian can't directly rely on the spiritual consciousness to read the refining technique in the spirit stone in his hand.

Fortunately, Pu Siyuan taught Yi Tian to read it directly with his divine sense as long as he put the spirit stone on his forehead.

Even those who are able to release their spiritual sense cannot use it for a long time.

So they also put the spirit stone on the forehead and read it directly.

The name of the artifact refining technique that Duan Yugang gave to Yi Tian was called Refining Tool Zhenjie.

Because the art of alchemy and alchemy are generally inherited, and they are not easily passed on.

If it wasn't for Duan Yugang who took his life in Yitian, how could it be possible to give Yitian a copy of the true solution of the refining tool that he regarded as the lifeblood.

Yi Tian sighed after reading the true solution to the artifact refining, and made a decision in his heart. Alchemy is no longer expected. This artifact refining seems to be really a thing.

Although it is very superficial, there are only elementary skills such as the refining and fusion of raw materials and the production methods of several commonly used spiritual tools.

But Duan Yugang can also support Juxingzhuang's business by relying on these, and it seems that it is still a promising career.

Sitting in front of the stove to strike iron every day is not Yi Tian's willingness.

It is mentioned in the True Explanation of Artifact Refining that if you want to learn Artifact Refining, you must first have the root of fire spirit, and then you can practice the fire attribute spirit art.

Recalling the red aura in Duan Yugang's hand that day in the Black Pool Swamp, he should also be practicing the fire attribute aura.

And the last trick of wrapping the hammer in flames should be his trump card.

It's a pity that if the hammer is broken, it's half useless. Seeing that he's been staring at the stove recently, he probably just wants to make another hammer for himself.

Just thinking about Yi Tian suddenly popped out in his mind that he was dressed as a ranger but had a hammer on his back.

Three drops of cold sweat lie down along the temples. This style of painting is a bit far from what I imagined.

Shaking his head helplessly, he didn't believe that a craftsman was equal to a blacksmith, Duan Yugang was the type that did not mix well, or would he have opened a crafting shop in such a corner.

Think about it, but the flame usage mentioned in the true solution of the refining tool is still very useful to Yi Tian.

There is also a description of fire in the Yin Corpse Jue: "Living the fire is empty, and there is an inherent saying of leaving the middle empty."The description of the fire control method in the true art of refining is "gather into a sharp point, shape but not scattered".

After pondering these few sentences, Yi Tian decided to test it himself. Before, he only cared about the practice of fireball technique and forgot the fundamentals.

I saw the red aura gathered in the right hand, and immediately "on", a ray of fire was angry in the hand.

Then Yi Tian kept pouring spiritual energy into it, constantly compressing the surface of the flame to make it smaller and brighter.

Finally, he took out a few damaged spirit weapons from the storage bag, and put the flame in his hand under the spirit weapon to burn slowly.

I saw that the broken spiritual tools had not changed at first. After a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the spiritual tools slowly softened and decomposed at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, turned into juice and fell to the ground, and then re-condensed into balls. look.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't understand it, it seems that he has changed to Bao, Duan Yugang, an old boy who has no knowledge of treasures, although the true explanation of the refining tool is superficial, but at least there is a general outline of the refining tool, but there are many things below Something is missing, and this concentrated fire control technique is definitely a good thing.

After practicing for a while, I felt that the fire spirit in the body was consumed by half of the true energy. It seems that the refining technique still needs to be practiced from time to time.

Then why did Duan Yugang not use this method to refine the artifact? After Yi Tian read the whole article on artifact refining, he would know that not only is it not used by others, but the concentrating fire control art has high requirements on the purity of fire aura.

In addition, after casting a spirit weapon, it needs to be inscribed with runes to complete a spirit weapon.

Ordinary runes can only be completed with a knife and a knife, and only those high-level magical tools will use flame engraving.

Now Yi Tian finally understands it. It's not that Boss Duan doesn't know how to use it, but he has no interest in learning it at all.

The things built in Juxingzhuang are all street goods, which high-level Qi cultivator will patronize here.

It is enough to draw inscriptions with a carving knife, anyway, most of the people who come here do not know the goods, and Juxingzhuang earning spiritual stones is the foundation, who will think about other things.

However, Yi Tian also gained something, and used the fire control spell to focus on the fire ball.

You can see that the fireball in your hand has become smaller and brighter, and its power has doubled.

The shot made a hole in the low wall of the yard. If it wasn't for Yi Tian's low cultivation, the house might have been demolished.

(End of this chapter)

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