
Chapter 311 Bone Age

Chapter 311 Bone Age
In the main hall of Notre Dame's Palace, several monks were allowed to sit after they rang the gong one after another, but most of them were casual cultivators from aristocratic families, and the seats they were assigned were also seats a little far away.

After about an hour, there was no more sound of gongs. At this time, a few ladies walked in from the front entrance and began to arrange the banquet.

After about half a stick of incense, in the main hall, Hong Luanxin came forward and sang: "Please invite the head and the young master to the table."

Even after several female nuns came out of the apse, the two leading ones were both wearing red shirts and veils. Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power, they should be Nascent Soul cultivators.

Everyone on the field didn't dare to ask for help and stood up hastily. People like Yin Jie and others seemed to have recognized Yan Fanxin and hurried forward to salute: "Greetings, Sect Master Yan." .

The person next to her should be Yan Zhaoxue, but at this moment, her spiritual sense unscrupulously scanned the field, remembering all the situations of the people in the future.

Obviously, when she noticed Dugu Ao and others on the seat on the right, she frowned instantly, and then turned her head to look at the members of the Excalibur Sect.Seeing Yi Tian in Yin Jie's back row, he just pouted his lips, then snorted coldly and stopped talking.

A series of actions made the monks below have a panoramic view, and everyone applauded secretly in private.Obviously, the young master of the Girl Sect doesn't like the people of Tianmo Sect and Shenjian Sect, so everyone will have a joke.

After Yan Fanxin walked to the main seat and sat down, he raised his hands to signal that everyone should also take their seats.Then he bowed his head and gave a few words to the lady next to him, and then a crisp voice rang out: "The maids of my palace thank you all for coming all the way to attend my daughter's son-in-law banquet. Anyone who recruits a son-in-law must have his bone age measured in front of the palace, and all monks who are no older than the 30-year-old daughter Zhaoxue are considered shortlisted."

After the sentence, there was some noise. These monks are human beings who have cultivated for hundreds of years, so how could they not understand the meaning of the Maiden Sect.Helpless people are under the eaves, so they have to follow the rules.

A little later, I saw Hong Luanxin leading a few women to the platform of the second-floor staircase, and with a flash of blue light, he took out a round table, on which was a two-foot-square rough stone, and behind it stood a pole engraved with some number.

At this time, Yan Zhaoxue slowly walked down from the high platform, stood in front of the round table, stretched out her right hand and placed it on the rough stone to slowly inject mana.After a flash of blue light, the buoy on the measuring rod stayed at the position of 210, and a transparent blue light appeared on the rough stone again.

According to Yan Zhaoxue's appearance, it is not too fast to cultivate to the middle stage of Golden Core before the age of 250, at least he can instantly kill more than [-]% of the monks present.

Yi Tian remembered that Baisan was only in the mid-stage of foundation establishment when everyone went on an expedition together 40 years ago. It seems that the Maiden faction also invested a lot in her to make successive breakthroughs in such a short period of time.

There was a lady beside the buoy who drew the scale line after [-] squares above the buoy, and then sent Yan Zhaoxue back respectfully.

Seeing that many people below are a little dazed, Yan Fanxin said again: "The little girl's mid-stage Golden Core cultivation has been wasted for 17 and 30 years this year. All of you present can be selected as long as the bone age of the fellow practitioners does not exceed [-] years. "

At this time, the ancient masters sitting on one side all asked: "I don't know what difference can there be in cultivation base and age?"

Yan Fanxin nodded and said, "The difference in cultivation base can be reduced by 50 years."

After hearing this, the ancient master laughed and said: "It's just right, I'll try it first." After speaking, he walked up to thousands of people and stretched out his right hand to touch it. The scale directly rose to nearly 270, but the rough stone showed an extremely thick golden light.

The female hostess at the side hurriedly sang: "The ancient master of Zhongzhou Qianlingzong is 260 years old and the late Jindan stage," which shocked everyone present.

Those monks at the early stage of Jindan couldn't help but twitched a few times when they saw this, especially Xing Lin's face became extremely gloomy at the moment, even so no one dared to object.

So everyone went forward to take the test one by one in order, and if they couldn't pass this level, let alone the next thing.

At this time, Yi Tian followed Yin Jie secretly thinking about his own situation. In terms of cultivation base, he should be in the middle stage of Golden Core Consummation, but he is definitely younger than her.He used to look old-fashioned in front of her, but it seems that he can only be regarded as her younger brother.

Dugu Ao, who was the second to play, was unambiguous, and directly stretched out his hand to press it. Immediately, the buoy rose to about 230, and the rough stone also flashed a black light.

Although he knew that he was only a few years older than Yan Zhaoxue, his cultivation was much stronger.For Yan Zhaoxue's blue light to shine like this, she needs at least 50 years of hard work.

As the saying goes, the beginning of cultivating immortals may not be smooth at every step, and the further you get to the back, the harder it is to make progress.

Next, several members of the Excalibur Sect also stepped forward to test one by one. Except for Xing Lin whose cultivation base was at the early stage of Jindan, Yin Jie and Xing Yuan were both at the mid-stage cultivation base, and their bone age was only a few years older than Dugu Ao.

Then Huo Chilian and Huo Yunbiao also stepped forward to measure their bone age and cultivation base. What surprised Yi Tian was that Huo Yunbiao was a few years younger than Huo Chilian, but his cultivation base was stable. In the middle stage of Jindan.Both of them also emitted a dazzling red light, but Huo Yunbiao's was obviously brighter than Huo Chilian's.

After they finished the test, it was my turn. When he was hesitating, a mellow voice suddenly came out from behind: "Benefactor, what should be faced is still to be faced. Besides, Your Excellency will definitely not be those who steal and cheat. Why should you care so much?" Looking back at the monk Huiyuan, he said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, master, for your guidance." Yi Tian returned the salute without any further hesitation, and went straight up and stretched out his right hand to touch the rough stone. Suddenly, the scale rose and stopped at the early [-]s, and the whole rough stone shone with a dazzling blue color. Purple light.

After being stunned for a while, he stared at the original stone carefully and looked again and again. I knew that this thing could measure the attributes of aura, but the real fire mutation of my own cultivation is true, but there is a faint blue light mixed in it, which should mean that I have practiced it. Yin true fire' the most direct evidence.

And even the mixed blue halo is three points stronger than Yan Zhaoxue's pure blue light. This must be the effect of strengthening the real fire. Yi Tian ignored the eyes of the people around him and returned to his original seat. .

The lady who sang beside her was also stunned for a moment, and then looked suspiciously at Yi Tian who was walking back, and suddenly there was a sound transmission in her ear, which was exactly the order of the master Yan Fanxin.After three breaths, he heard a voice: "Excalibur School Artisan Master Yi Tian, ​​[-] years old, Jindan late stage cultivation base."

At first hearing, several people turned their heads and stared at Yi Tian for a long time, and even Yin Jie came over and said, "Junior Brother Yi, how did you even reach the late stage of Golden Core when you were over two hundred years old, calling us middle-stage Golden Core?" How embarrassing are the old guys."

In fact, Yi Tian himself was taken aback when he heard it, and he didn't know when he advanced.Looking inside Dantian, he looked at the third-grade golden elixir before nodding thoughtfully.It must be the result of raising the golden elixir to the top grade in the past few years, and then incorporating the 'Kuiyin True Fire'.

Also, the blue and purple spiritual energy revealed during the test is probably the result of the spiritual fire not fully strengthening the balance. It seems that once this matter is over, the yin and yang fire must continue to be integrated into a balanced state.

(End of this chapter)

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