
Chapter 317 Total

Chapter 317 Total
I thought that the monsters in the Sumeru space were raised and raised here, but Yi Tian obviously felt that something was wrong with this shot.The last time I played against the sixth-level Deshan ape, it was basically solved effortlessly.

But now, after holding back a glance, the ancient master seemed a little powerless when he was fighting against the two appendix crocodile lizards, and now he began to feel confused, what is going on with the monsters here, and the gap between strength and weakness is so large.

It's useless to think too much. The ancient teacher next to him has already entangled a male crocodile. In order to make a quick decision, he separated his hands and cast spell attacks at the same time. Yi Tian frequently manipulated the spirit sword to stab at the tail of the female crocodile. Several wooden vines entangled the limbs of the female crocodile.

It's a pity that this time I obviously miscalculated. The two sixth-level monsters obviously still have the skills of berserk, a red light flashed in the eyes, and then the whole body swelled up like it was inflated.In an instant, the monster's movement speed was three points faster, and it could instantly launch a water arrow to attack with just one mouth.

Just as the two fell into a bitter battle, four more flashes of light flew across the sky, as if someone happened to pass by here.

After being attacked by the female crocodile's water arrow, Yi Tianhuang hurriedly used his spiritual sense to investigate the situation of the person who came down, and there was Huo Chilian among them. After thinking about it, he hurriedly took out the jade card to send a message.

Seeing Yi Tian's actions, the ancient master couldn't help but twitch a few times. It was already annoying enough for the two to share the treasure, but now there are four more and they don't know what to do when the time comes.

But seeing the opponents turn around and fly towards the ancient teachers, the faces of the ancient masters were sinking. Fortunately, there are still some cities in the city. Roughly speaking, it is better to score than nothing, and a decision is made in less than half a breath.

He turned his head and sent a message to the person who came. After three breaths, the four people who received the call obviously speeded up and approached the two of them.

Originally, the pair of monsters were dragged into a stalemate by Yi Tian and the other two, but now they realized that there were so many people all of a sudden, they wanted to quit.

Seeing this, Yi Tian also smiled, and stepped up to sacrifice the spells in his hand, not asking to cause harm to the crocodile lizards, as long as they can hold them back.

Huo Yunbiao was at the head of the group, followed by Li Cunzhi and Guo Bingnan from the Loose Cultivation Alliance.The three of them also got Huo Chilian's order and came to the rescue two by two, but they all had joyful smiles on their faces, everyone liked this cheap thing.

A quarter of an hour later, under the siege of six Jindan monks, the two sixth-level crocodile lizards had no choice but to defend and parry. Even in the bloodthirsty state, they still couldn't resist the joint attack of many people.

After withstood the magic bombardment for a period of time, the female crocodile couldn't bear it anymore, and was directly stabbed in the limbs by Huo Yunbiao's flaming arrow, and then was nailed to the ground. After having a fixed target, Yi Tian and Huo Chilian also directly used the spell poured on.

Although the water attribute spell of the crocodile lizard had a certain restraint effect on Huo Chilian's fire spell, but he was able to support it for a while before being directly pierced through the forehead by Yi Tian's flying sword.

On the other side, the three of them besieging the male crocodile easily resolved the battle situation. In less than half an hour, there were two corpses of six-level crocodile lizards in front of the six of them.

After tidying up the monsters, Gu Shidu and Huo Yunbiao hurriedly went down to the side of the crocodile lizard cave to dig out a few spiritual plants, put them into a jade box and store them away.

But at the stage of distributing the loot, everyone had some disagreements. The ancient masters all thought that he found it first, so he got two points for the 'Golden Sun Grass'.

Originally, there were only four spiritual plants, and after he took two of them with a big mouth, it was not easy to distribute them among his subordinates.The scene was extremely embarrassing for a moment, and none of the five people who remained wanted to suffer.

At this time Yi Tian shook his head and said: "I only need the beast soul grass and the skin of the crocodile lizard." Hearing these words, the atmosphere on the scene was relieved.

Huo Chilian next to him also echoed: "I have no intention of recruiting a son-in-law, so I don't want the 'Golden Sun Grass'. Let me share half of the crocodile lizard's corpse."

The remaining three also looked at each other. Since the two of them withdrew, the rest could be discussed. After a while of sound transmission, the three reached an agreement.

Huo Yunbiao and Li Cunzhi each got a copy, Guo Bingnan got the three crocodile lizard eggs found in the cave, and Yi Tian and Huo Chilian each gave a fifth-level spiritual weapon to subsidize Guo Bingnan.

The two of them nodded and agreed in agreement. Of course, the most thing on a craftsman's body is a spiritual weapon. Whoever goes out will not prepare more to prevent exchange.

Guo Bingnan got the spiritual weapon of the first and second refiner in the Western Wilderness, even if it was just a fifth-level practice, he became the person who gained the most this time.

Standing there alone, holding the spirit weapon exchanged in his hand, he thought for a while that recruiting a son-in-law is too far away, and it may not be the right time. The spirit weapon in this hand is the most real. He laughed from ear to ear.

Taking advantage of his free time, Yi Tian said, "Do you guys think the monsters in this world are a bit strange? Some of the sixth-level monsters are very weak, while others are mutated and powerful."

The ancient master smiled disdainfully and said: "It's not easy, I discovered this problem early on, only those monsters near the 'Golden Sun Grass' are powerful, other things are not worth mentioning, most of them are This is a question of 'Golden Sun Grass'."

The other four people also nodded in agreement, and told their respective encounters on the road, which was roughly the same as what Yi Tian described.

Suddenly Huo Chilian's mouth moved a few times, and a sound transmission sounded in Yi Tian's ear.I only heard him say: "Brother Yi, can you continue to explore with me, this is the breeding ground opened by Li Huo Zong Pill Artifact Pavilion back then, and there are some good things in it."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, then nodded and agreed. He, the current suzerain, has no reason to ignore all the things left by the Lihuo sect.Even if it's just a bare-handed commander now, who would have too many good things, and collecting them will definitely be useful in the future when the mountain gate is reorganized.

After getting an affirmative answer, Huo Chilian also directly stated that Li Cunzhi and Guo Bingnan were also on the same trip, which made Yi Tian increase his expectations for this operation.

When the five people were discussing, the ancient master who was on the side said: "Everyone, I have something to do, let's leave it alone." After speaking, he glanced at all the people present, his eyes stayed on Yi Tian, ​​and then turned around He jumped up and flew due west.

After he flew out of sight, Huo Chilian stood up and greeted the four of them: "Let's go, this area should be in the depths of the Sumeru Dimension, and it will take about three months to fly even if it is full power."

After speaking, he raised his hand and took out a model of a flying boat. After hitting a magic formula on it, he threw the flying boat into the air.

In an instant, the wind changed, and the flying boat turned into a small assault boat. Five people jumped on it one after another, and each found an open space in the main cabin to sit down. fly away.

After a flash of white light, the flying boat turned into a meteor and flew across the sky, and another white light flashed half an hour later, but the speed was obviously three minutes slower than the flying boat, but the direction was the same.

(End of this chapter)

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