
Chapter 358 Helper

Chapter 358 Helper
The national teacher stationed in the Ming Kingdom suddenly announced the retreat, which sounds like a trivial matter, and it is common for foundation-building monks to retreat for more than ten years.

Therefore, all the matters in the hands of the national teacher are also shared by the following disciples in the Qi refining period.It was late at night, and the national teacher who was supposed to be retreating in the secret room was lying unconscious deep in the Yangxinyuan.

At this time, a white halo suddenly flew out of the stone statue, and after staying in the air for a while, it circled a few times in the air as if hesitating a little.Then I heard Yi Tian's voice from the side saying: "Quickly seize the house, your spirit will continue to be lost without the carrier, and it will take a lot of effort to restore it at that time."

Then the halo directly rushed into the forehead of the national teacher without hesitation, and disappeared in an instant.Then Yi Tian stretched out his hands and hit a few formulas on the body of the national teacher to stabilize it.

Then I saw the outdated head shaking violently, and after half a quarter of an hour, it slowly calmed down.Suddenly, a bright light shone on the head, covering the whole body in less than three breaths.

Yi Tian, ​​who was watching from the side, said dismissively: "You are still very attached to your appearance. You must know that a cultivator can recast his appearance once he reaches the Golden Core Realm, so why be too obsessed."

It took a quarter of an hour for the light to dissipate, and then a middle-aged man in his 40s was revealed.Then I saw him stepping forward to kneel down to Yi Tianxing and said: "The Brahma mantra prevails, see the suzerain. There is no repayment for the grace of re-creation, and I wish to help the suzerain's hegemony with a mere crippled body."

After Shengxing Kunduoshe, his cultivation base was directly reduced to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and it would take some time to recover to the Dao Jindan stage.But basically there is no hope for the Nascent Soul in this life, so he is also very aware of his situation, and now only by holding Yi tightly can he hope to advance.

After stretching out his hand and throwing the token of Brahma Curse Heaven to Sheng Xingkun, Yi Tian said indifferently: "From now on, you will be the suzerain of Brahma Curse Heaven, and I'm not interested in it."

Sheng Xingkun showed embarrassment on the back of the token and said: "Senior, don't you look down on my Holy Cult? You must know that Ming Wangdao is the master of the southern border. There are Nascent Soul monks in the other departments. As long as my Brahma Mantra Heaven Department pulls up the big Qi will naturally have foreign aid coming, and wouldn’t it be a good thing to have both sides at that time.”

"How much do you know about Prince Ming Shengzi?"

When this remark came out, Sheng Xingkun was also taken aback, and then sighed: "After the fall of the Holy Son a thousand years ago, the King of Ming Dynasty has no leader. If we want to integrate, there must be another Holy Son."

Yi Tian nodded and said: "I also know about this, and isn't the Emperor Yutian Department selecting the Holy Son for so many years?"

Unexpectedly, Sheng Xingkun spat indignantly after hearing this, and then replied with a look of contempt: "Senior, there is something unknown. This Emperor Yutian is self-proclaimed, and his subordinates have trained Shangguan Dingsheng, Zhuge Wudi and Sima Wubai. Candidates want to use this to unify the four divisions. Unfortunately, they have never even seen the appearance of the Holy Son, so they falsely claim that they want to inherit the great unification, they are really stupid."

"Oh, what does the real Holy Son look like?" Yi Tian asked jokingly.One sentence stopped Sheng Xingkun from asking, but he hesitated again and again but did not utter a word.

Then Yi Tian opened a layer of enchantment with one hand to cover the Mental Cultivation Yard, and then made a seal with his hands on his chest, and then stretched out four arms under his two armpits, and two heads appeared behind the ears.

Seeing such a scene, Sheng Xingkun in front of him was so frightened that his feet softened and knelt down, but then a smile of great joy appeared on his face, and he knelt and kowtowed to Yi Tian three times and said: "My subordinate Brahma Mantra Tian Sheng Xingkun, Please refer to the present-day Lord Son, may Lord Son enjoy immortal blessings to rule southern Xinjiang forever."

"How can you be sure that I am the current Son of God? You can't say that I can throw away my burden and leave at any time."

After straightening his clothes, Sheng Xingkun said solemnly: "Holy Son, don't say such a thing. I believe that my lord has experienced ups and downs all the way to this level of cultivation."

Yi Tian frowned and asked, "How did you find out?"

The atmosphere on the scene relaxed, and Shengkun said calmly: "The Brahma Mantra Tianbu has served the Holy Son for generations, so it knows the situation of the Holy Son better than the other three."

"Then tell me about my current situation."

As soon as Sheng Xingkun heard Yi Tian's tone eased, he smiled and said, "The spell my lord cultivates is called 'Asura's Transformation Method', which was passed down from the great master of the upper realm."

"Yeah, keep talking."

Seeing the opponent's appearance, Sheng Xingkun knew that he was right, and then continued: "My lord has to overcome three difficulties in practicing this movement method, namely three points of spiritual consciousness, condensing the emptiness into reality, and the last step of opening all six eyes. "

This is the first time I have heard of opening all six eyes. To be honest, I have not been able to do it until now. Now I can only open four eyes, and there is always one eye on the head that is half asleep.I didn't take this seriously at first, but now it seems that it is necessary to pay attention.

I only heard Sheng Xingkun continue to talk eloquently: "This subordinate also heard the suzerain of the previous generation of Brahma Mantra mentioned it. As for how to solve these problems, you need to think about it yourself, but this subordinate is helpless."

Yi Tian nodded and said: "It seems that you are also a person who understands the inside story. I promised Qin Mingyue to revive the Ming Dynasty, but now the church is divided. I wonder if you have any suggestions?"

When Sheng Xingkun heard Qin Mingyue's name, he burst into tears and said: "Master Shengzi is fortunate to be able to get the guidance of the previous Shengzi. The revival of the Holy Cult is just around the corner. I am willing to share your worries. I don't know if you know the treasures of the Holy Cult. whereabouts?"

"You mean that the sun and the moon have the same brilliance wheel? When I was young, I assisted Le Tongxuan, a girl from the Paradise Heaven, to get the moon brilliance wheel, and then I got the sun brilliance wheel from Qin Mingyue. But now it is temporarily stored in the Great Elder Wen Xin of the Utilitarian Heaven Department place," Yi Tian replied.

Sheng Xingkun thought for a while before opening his mouth and said, "Elder Wen Xin of the Ministry of Utilitarianism still values ​​the unity of the holy religion. As long as the Lord Shengzi shows his identity in front of him, he will definitely get his support."

Yi Tian was puzzled and said: "As far as I know, the Utilitarian Heaven Department has a large number of people, but the factions within the group are mixed, and it is difficult to maintain unity. If it weren't for the great elder who wanted to come, he would have been disintegrated by the other two departments. "

"Holy Son Mingjian, the trend is like this. At the beginning, each of the four books had different effects. Brahma Mantra Heaven is the Holy Son's personal subordinate, so when selecting disciples, loyalty is the first consideration. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the Holy Son speaks Under the order, even the top and bottom of the Death Brahma Mantra will never frown," Sheng Xingkun said proudly.

Yi Tian is also unaware of this. From what we have learned before, compared with revival of the Holy Cult, the Brahma Mantra Heaven Department pays more attention to finding the whereabouts of the Holy Son. This can be seen from Li Xingfeng's actions come out.

Instead, he asked, "What about the other three?"

Sheng Xingkun continued: "Elder Wen Xin's utilitarian Tianbu is mainly responsible for disseminating teachings, searching for information, etc., so he has a lot of people, but his cultivation is not good. The Emperor Yutianbu is in charge of the internal affairs of the church. Responsible for punishment and imparting merit, so although there are not many people, all of them are capable of recruiting and fighting."

"What about the Bliss Department?" Yi Tian said impatiently.

Sheng Kun paused for a while and then smiled strangely: "The Bliss Heaven Department is usually responsible for taking care of the Shengzi's daily life, so I'm sorry for the inconvenience of my subordinates."

Now Yi Tian was choked to the point of being speechless, no wonder Li Xingfeng and Qin Mingyue were vague about the Paradise of Paradise, the reason is here.

(End of this chapter)

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