
Chapter 360 Birthday

Chapter 360 Birthday
Ming Wangdao has taken root in southern Xinjiang the year before last, and here, no matter it is a cultivation sect or ordinary people, it will be more or less involved with it.There are even some small mortal countries that directly listed Ming Wangdao as the state religion in order to seek asylum, and the kings of the country admired Ming Wangdao's culture and directly joined as its outer disciples.

And Gongli Tian, ​​as the full-time department of Ming Wangdao to publicize the teachings to the outside world, also taught without discrimination, and brought in everything that could be absorbed, which made Ming Wangdao develop rapidly in southern Xinjiang.

Although the Holy Son of King Ming passed away thousands of years ago, the work of propagating teachings has never stopped.In the past, Utilitarian Heaven usually selected a group of mortals with spiritual roots from among mortals every year and extradited them to the realm of comprehension.

And Di Yutian is the department responsible for cultivating disciples and punishments within the Holy Cult. These mortal soul boys will be assigned to various key positions after undergoing the training of the Di Yutian Department.As for those disciples with excellent qualifications, they will be cultivated to become candidate suzerains of various ministries.

It is not the first time Yi Tian has heard of these four responsibilities, and he has thought about contacting Elder Wen Xin directly before.But instead, he considered the unpleasant cooperation in Xihuang, and if he appeared rashly, the other party might not cooperate sincerely.

Therefore, as the authentic Son of the King of Ming, he must appear in a public place, as long as he also appears at a large party within the Dao of Ming.

As for the Son’s birthday this time, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity for Yi Tian. At that time, all the forces, large and small, who have come to seek refuge will send people to attend, not to mention the main speakers of the three parts will also appear.

The Utilitarian Tianbu also spent a lot of effort for this birthday, building momentum in all countries in the world.Then at the headquarters of Gonglitian, all the suzerain heads who were attached to the forces were invited over.

Sheng Jian from Cursing Heaven Sect received the invitation as a matter of course, and he belongs to the category of people who can enter the inner hall.Yi Tian was dismissive of this, these festivals and celebrations are all gimmicks, I'm afraid that the most troublesome thing for Elder Wen Xin at this time is the embarrassing situation that he has no successors.

Sheng Jian, the suzerain of Cursing Heaven Sect who attended the birthday banquet this time, took two entourages straight through the checkpoints of Kung Fu Heaven, and finally arrived at his Hongde Hall in the southern Xinjiang headquarters.

There was a long queue outside the hall for this matter, and the monks from all sects who came to watch the ceremony all lined up and waited slowly for the summons from the hall.Yi Tian roughly scanned the number of people in the team, and estimated that the scale of this scene was larger than that of the celebration in Dongao Chiyangzong.

Gonglitian is worthy of being the number one power in southern Xinjiang. Although it has the potential to be secretly surpassed by Emperor Yutian, its power for thousands of years still exists.

For half an hour, Sheng Jian and the two of them lined up in the commuting line, commenting on those dependent forces from time to time, who are the hard-core allies of the utilitarian world, who are respectful on the surface but have small calculations in private .

After keeping these forces in mind one by one, Yi Tian also understood that people like Sheng Jian are obsessed with power, and in the future, he must be relied on to take care of all the forces in the Ming Dynasty.

While they were discussing, suddenly everyone felt a few people flying from the western sky, and they were at least Golden Core cultivators at a glance.

After a few flashes of light, the cluster of lights stopped directly at the entrance of the Hongde Hall, and then a few waiters hurried out to welcome these people in respectfully.

Before everyone could react, two golden lights flashed across the sky, looking in the same direction as the Hongde Palace in the heaven of utilitarianism.

Less than ten breaths later, the two flashes of light stopped at the entrance of the Hongde Hall.Yi Tian quietly used the pupil technique to take a look, only to see two young women with light veils standing at the door.One of them was Le Tongxuan, whom I had known in the early years, and she was still holding the lantern in her hand, and the one next to her was obviously the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator of the Bliss Heaven Division.

All of a sudden, the woman turned her head and swept everyone present with her spiritual sense, Yi Tian was also taken aback by her action, turned his head away to hold back his breath, and then blended into the crowd without making a sound.

Later, I saw that person paused for a while, as if he hadn't found the target, and then he let out a cold snort, which shocked everyone below him.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from Hongde Hall: "Junior Sister Yue, let these disciples go, they are considered members of the Holy Cult after all, they care about the comfort of the Holy Cult, if there is any offense, I will accompany them."

"Little sister, how dare to trouble senior brother, it's just that I offended Tianwei a little bit."

Only Elder Wen Xin replied: "It is also the first time they have seen the Nascent Soul cultivator, so they lost their composure."

At this time, another rough voice came from Hongde Hall: "Le Qingtong, what are you talking about with a group of low-ranking monks?"

"It's just you Shangguan who has a lot of things to do," he turned his head and informed Le Tongxuan after he finished speaking, and then the two of them walked slowly into the inner hall.

After both of them entered, the monks queuing up below all began to bow their heads and discuss.Just now when Le Qingtong released the spiritual pressure, Yi Tian protected both of them. Looking around at this time, many people were shocked, and some of them were weak and even sat on the ground. Big gasp.

Sheng Xingkun quietly asked through voice transmission: "My lord, the situation is a bit unexpected this time, what should we do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw someone from the Hongde Hall come out, and said to the monks below: "Elder Wen Xin ordered all the monks who came to congratulate him to enter the hall at once, and there is an important announcement."

Yi Tian frowned after hearing this. It seems that these people just came here were not kind. Elder Wen Xin is also a good person. Knowing that he is outnumbered, he simply called in all the vassal forces to show him.

Looking back at the bewildered Sheng Jian and Sheng Xingkun, he said: "Let's go in too, find a place to observe the situation first, and I will give you instructions on what to do next." Then he took the lead and followed the crowd with big strides mixed in.

The entire Hongde Hall can be considered spacious, more than enough to accommodate a thousand people.At this time, I saw an old man sitting on the main seat in the middle, which was the Great Elder Wen Xin of the Ministry of Utilitarianism, but this time Yi Tian found that he was more powerless than last time.

Sitting on both sides of him were four monks, Sima Tengyun and Le Qingtong were sitting on the left, while the other two were on the right.Standing behind each of them was a Golden Core cultivator, and Yi Tian knew three of them, namely Le Tongxuan, Shangguan Dingsheng and Zhuge Wudi.

And the person standing behind Sima Tengyun should be the person he newly elected to replace Sima Wubai.

It seems that the good birthday banquet has completely changed now. After entering the hall, all the people bowed down to Elder Wen Xin one after another, and then they were led aside by the waiter to stand and listen.

Ever since Yi Tian and the father and son of the Sheng family entered the inner hall, Elder Wen Xin frowned unnaturally, and then ordered his servants to move a chair to the left.Then he said with a smile: "It's rare for the four tribes of King Ming to gather together in the past thousand years, which is just a sign of the great prosperity of my holy religion."

(End of this chapter)

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