
Chapter 368

Chapter 368
In the Undersea Temple, Yi Tian is concentrating on learning the spiritual world texts. After Ming Yaohui taught for a few days, he can basically translate all the spiritual world texts recorded before.

This temple was used by Asura Almighty Luo Que to rest temporarily. He was also hunted down by Qian Lingzi all the way back then, and the two fought one after another.

After being repeatedly begged for cheap by Qian Lingzi, Luo Que also retreated steadily. If things go on like this, he will definitely be consumed by Qian Lingzi to death.That's why he built this palace as a temporary retreat.

The entire temple is equipped with a high-level formation, as long as it is activated, it is absolutely impossible for monks below the transformation stage to break through it.

After reading this passage, Yi Tian was also shocked. When he just came in, he vaguely felt that someone had broken into the psychedelic formation he had set up.Although no one has broken the seal after several days, Yi Tian still has a stalk in his heart.

If the other party can't come down, then you can't get out, so it becomes a situation of confrontation again.

Fortunately, after learning this spirit world text, I found that there is still a defensive formation that can be used here, and then I turned around and scanned all the writing on the surrounding walls, and suddenly smiled, it seems that Luo Que still left some clues, just right You can try it yourself.Luo Que set up a Shura killing formation in the passage of this temple, and the spiritual world script left on the stone wall of the passage before is the formation pattern.

It was originally deployed to deal with Qian Lingzi, but for some reason it was not activated.Moreover, Luo Que also left a way out for himself, there is also a transmission channel leading to the outside world in this temple that can be reserved for urgent use.

Later, Yi Tian stood up and scanned the hall with his spiritual sense, and found that the walls around the entire hall only recorded the order of opening the formation and the method of manipulation, but the central hub of the formation could not be found anywhere. .

Suddenly, he looked up and saw the scratched wall in the middle, Yi Tian was also a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and his hands were knotted to show the image of the dharma body.Then the six hands moved at the same time, and after six auras hit the stone wall in front at the same time, the entire wall trembled, and then the broken wall on top began to peel off.

After the dust cleared away, a three-foot-sized Asura mural was exposed on the entire wall. Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it. This mural should be the control center of the temple's defensive formation here.

Yi Tian also frowned after carefully looking at the spiritual world text on the mural. According to the description above, the energy required to activate the large formation is very high, and ordinary middle-level spirit stones cannot be used at all.

Looking at the positions of the six hands on the statue of Asura, there seems to be a groove, which should be the place where the burst of energy is placed.

After scanning the storage ring with his spiritual sense, Yi Tianxin took out six Lingjing stones, which were just exchanged from Fanxing not long ago, and some of them were the spoils he got after beheading him.

I didn't expect that it would be used up before it was warmed up, but the enemy couldn't help thinking about it now.

Immediately, each of the six hands took one piece, and then stepped forward to sneak the spirit spar into the middle of the groove at the same time.In an instant, the entire painting was activated, and the lines on the screen lit up along the grooves.

After ten breaths, the whole portrait of Asura's Dharma Body became vivid under the filling of light, the eyes in the middle of the head suddenly opened slowly, and then only felt the entire underwater temple shake violently a few times.

Then the walls of the entire temple seemed to be activated, and a little colorful halo flashed from the passageway, sealing the entrance directly.

Then I saw two white lights flashing from those eyes, shooting towards the ground in the center of the temple.After a while, there was a 'rumbling' vibration sound from the flat ground, and after a while, the stone steps on the ground began to rise slowly.

Yi Tian turned around and looked in the middle, and there was a hollow space directly under the stone steps, and there was a leather scroll inside.It seems that it should be the clue left by Na Luo Que, and then he stretched out his hand and directly took the scroll in his hand.

Before I opened it to look, I heard a 'cracking' sound from the passage.

Less than three breaths later, I saw two figures falling down from the passage, one of them I knew was Tiger Tooth, and although I had never seen the other bird-headed man, Yi Tian could feel the spirit in him The pressure is obviously comparable to that of tiger teeth.

Faced with such two metamorphosis monsters that could rival the monks in the mid-stage Nascent Soul, Yi Tian also twitched his face, immediately put away the scroll, and teleported towards the portrait.

The two monsters were still cautiously exploring the cave passage, but they were suddenly taken aback by the activated formations around them. Unfortunately, the passage was so narrow that only one person could pass through at a time, so the two of them forcibly created the formation with their own innate instincts.

Although protruding stone thorns shot out from the side of the passage from time to time, Tiger Tooth relied on his natural power and extremely powerful defense to clear the way ahead.

After being ravaged by stone thorns, the two monsters also fell to the bottom.Although Tiger Tooth suffered a lot of stone thorns, and some of the thorns were still stuck on his back, drops of blood lay down along the stone thorns, dyeing his whole body blood red.

But when he saw Yi Tian in the temple, his face showed joy, and he shouted: "It's you again, I should have thought that you kidnapped Miss Qingyu last time, this time you can't escape. "

The bird-headed man at the back also locked his consciousness on Yi Tian, ​​and then exerted force with both hands, and immediately saw hundreds of feathers turning into meteor light and hitting the colorful light film.

The colorful light film in front of the entire passage did not break directly after suffering such a strong onslaught, but the degree of solidification of the light film was not as good as before and began to flicker violently. up.

Yi Tian was also feeling depressed at this moment. Logically speaking, the formation Luo Que had set up should be extremely powerful. Didn't it mean that it was impossible to break through at the stage of transformation, and now even two monks in the mid-stage Nascent Soul could break in.

Turning his head to look at the six spirit crystals, the spiritual power in them was almost exhausted, and he secretly regretted: "It turned out that the power of the big formation could not be displayed because of insufficient energy." '

Ignoring so many things in front of him, Yi Tian spotted the portrait of Asura, and then according to the spiritual world text on the wall, quickly made seals on his chest with his hands and pointed at the portrait's head.

In an instant, a three-foot-high light door opened in the middle of the stone wall. Yi Tian didn't care about that much now, and just jumped into it.

Just as the light door was closed, there was a roar of furious tigers from the passageway. It turned out that Tiger Tooth broke through the colorful light film with the help of his partners regardless of the pain on his body.

Seeing that the light gate was closed, the two beasts were too late to follow, leaving only the roar of tigers resounding inside the temple.After a while, water jets suddenly emerged from the stone walls of the entire temple, and then some sea water began to seep from the ground.

Seeing something bad, the two beasts hurriedly moved towards the long distance. Since Yi Tian left from the passage, the entire underwater temple seemed to have been activated and began to gradually collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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