
Chapter 4 Dice

Chapter 4 Dice (Repair)

Accountant Wu and Yi Tian came to the Four Seas Casino as usual, and according to the previously agreed method, shopkeeper Wu was in charge of placing bets.

After a month of actual combat, Yi Tian has already figured out the truth inside.

Among so many gamblers, it is a little tired to see which ones are the dark hands of the casino.

Usually, in order to stimulate the atmosphere, they will win a lot and attract other gamblers to place bets.

There is communication between the dealer and the broker, and these subtle actions indicate that people will be released and closed.

Therefore, Yi Tian's strategy is to follow the broker, and retreat in time when the final closing is over.

As long as Accountant Wu is consistent with himself, the chances of winning are basically great.

According to the gesture of dating Wu accountant, Yi Tian raised his left hand to place an order, and his right hand was double.

In fact, Yi Tian found that the dice player has a rule to follow every time he rolls the dice. Generally, he can practice until he can move the dice freely, and he can roll the dice to the desired time.

There is good luck every day, and if you make five taels, you will stop, no more and no less.

There are also hundreds of taels of winnings in the gambling house every day. The way of ants moving mountains like Yi Tian is generally not noticeable, at least this matter is over.

The two of them looked at each other one-on-one and prepared to leave to count their achievements.

Little did they know that there was a pair of eyes staring at the pair of master and apprentice on the second floor of the casino.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, he greeted Wang Er and whispered a few words in his ear.

Wang Er immediately went downstairs and called a few attendants. Seeing that Wu Youdao's master and apprentice were about to leave the casino, he hurriedly made a face to a few of his subordinates.

Four or five people rushed forward and surrounded the master and apprentice.

Wang Er squeezed in from the crowd and said with a smile on his face: "You two, please stay a little longer, the nobleman is here to welcome you."

Shopkeeper Wu is most afraid of Wang Er. He had corrupted him for dozens of taels last time, and he hasn’t responded yet. This time, he still has lingering fears when he sees it, and stammered and asked, “I don’t know what advice Shopkeeper Wang has.

"You don't dare to give advice, it's just that someone wants to see you," Wang Er said, pointing to the second floor.

Yi Tian looked at this posture as difficult, and sighed in his mouth: "Let's go, stretch your head and shrink your head, it's better to hurry up."Then he strode up the stairs, but Wu Youdao was carried up to the second floor by the guys.

As soon as he went up to the second floor, Yi Tian saw a 40-year-old bearded man drinking tea alone there.

Wu Youdao has been trembling since he went upstairs. When he saw the big man drinking tea, he knelt down and kowtowed incessantly. The old man bears",
This bearded man was Wang Gui, the owner of Sihai Gambling Shop. After sweeping his eyes, he said, "Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."

He happened to come to the gambling house on a whim today to inspect, and happened to see Yi Tianxing and Wu Youdao winning money together.

After inquiring about Wang Er, I knew the reason. After taking a look at Wu Youdao, I looked directly at Yi Tian and looked at him constantly.

Yi Tian was also afraid for a while, what he was doing now was to lose the limelight, and he would not suffer a loss if he took a step back in everything.

Later, it will be fine to beat them to death and refuse to admit it. At most, return the money to them, but I am worried that they will make some unreasonable demands and trouble them in time.

After a cup of tea, I saw a person coming up the stairs, it was the dice player.

Wang Gui motioned Wu Youdao to sit down and said, "Go and gamble one more round." Wu Youdao had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit on it. After a while, he lost all ten bets.

Fortunately, every one or two is just a loss of today's profit.

Wu Youdao got off the gambling table tremblingly, thinking that this matter was over, Wang Gui pointed to Yi Tian and said: "Next it's your turn."

Yi Tian trembled in his heart, this dice player has kung fu, no matter how he bet, he would lose.

But Wang Gui's method is intriguing, and he doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd.

If he goes step by step according to his ideas, he will definitely become more and more passive. It is better to find another way and disrupt his thinking.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian, ​​who was fully dressed, bowed his hands to Wang Gui and said, "Don't blame the nobleman, the boy is not good at gambling, so he admits defeat."

Wang Gui was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Yi Tian, ​​and tapped his fingers on the table, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he said to Yitian: "It's fine for you ants to move mountains, but I like your knowledge of current affairs, so join my white horse gang as a disciple." After speaking, he drank tea at his own pace.

Wu Youdao's eyes lit up, and he finally had no worries about his life.Suffering is suffering for the apprentice. I don't know how the shopkeeper Yi will explain it after returning.

Yi Tian bowed his head and pondered for a while, knowing that today he must agree, at least now it seems that joining the White Horse Gang is imminent, or if he doesn't know how to get out of this gambling house today, he will not know.

He nodded respectfully and replied: "Thank you for your kindness, the boy is very grateful."

The behavior of gangsters like them must be unprofitable, so you have to go back and ask your uncle about this.

After leaving the gambling house, Yi Tiancai found that his back was covered in cold sweat, and hurried back to the grain shop with Wu Youdao.

It happened that Yi Da was patrolling the shop, and without a word, he dragged his uncle into the inner hall, and honestly told the truth about what happened today.

After hearing this, Yi Da sighed, lowered his head and pondered for a while before telling Yi Tian the truth: "This Hewan County originally had two sects, and it is more appropriate to say that they are sects than Jianghu gangs. One is Wang Gui's white horse. The gang controls the East City of Hewan County, and is constantly intervening in the business of the West City and the North City. However, he only has one-third of the shares. The White Horse Gang has three gang leaders Wang Gui, Tu Jiaojiao and Ren Binghai, who are in charge of the casino. , brothel and security bureau. In name Wang Gui is the gang leader, but everything is discussed by three people, but Wang Gui has a good relationship with the county magistrate, so on the surface it represents the White Horse Gang."

Yi Tian blinked and asked: "It's all right, it can be said that it will pull me into the gang?"

Yi Da sighed and said: "In recent years, the White Horse Gang has been aggressively intervening in all walks of life, so there is constant friction with another gang, the Qingzhumen. The Qingzhumen gang started out as a small business and hawker alliance, and later a The entire alliance that Xu Kaishan integrated was renamed Qingzhumen. This Xu Kaishan started out as a medicinal herb, and after making money, he extended his hands to various small businesses and hawkers, and finally unified the North City, which is full of restaurants, grain shops, and wine lists. However, Xishi is his hometown. His medicinal materials are sold in Xishi, where he started his business. In recent years, the White Horse Gang has started to get involved in the medicinal material business with the support of the county magistrate. This touched Xu Kaishan's inverse scale, The two sides are peaceful on the surface, but they are secretly calculating."

After listening to his uncle's introduction, Yi Tian finally had an understanding of the current situation.

This Beishi is the site of Qingzhumen, commonly known as Qingyise, this Wang Gui guessed that he had found out all about himself, and used the name of recruiting disciples to make a move.

One is because he is still clever, and the other is that he knows that Yi Da has no children, and in the future the grain shop and winery will be taken care of by himself.

A nail was buried in Beishi, um, two nails, all of which became mixed.

The White Horse Gang also had the opportunity to reach into this originally iron barrel-like Beishi and fight against the Green Bamboo Gate.

Yi Tian doesn't think that the White Horse Gang will only bet on himself. It is estimated that the White Horse Gang has contacted more than half of the shops in the entire North City, first with lures and then with threats.

Gradually encroaching on Qingzhumen's territory in Beishi.

For Yi Da, it is a dilemma now. The White Horse Gang had approached him before, but he came to the county from the countryside because of the Qingzhumen relationship.

His own grain store and winery all rely on Xu Laoer, the younger brother of Xu Kaishan of Qingzhumen.

There are quite a few offerings made every year, and it is only in exchange for the current peaceful business.

Now the gods are fighting, mortals suffer, and my nephew has been caught by the white horse gang. Although he was released today, he may be tied up for you on the street one day.

The advantage of gangs lies in their deterrence. The ones who really shout and kill are the ones who do it when they can't agree at the end.

But these deterrents are enough for ordinary people, who doesn't want to live a good life.

Yi Tian saw his uncle's worries, and this matter had to be resolved.

In order not to make it difficult for his uncle, he decided to join the White Horse Gang first. It is certainly not easy to survive in the cracks.

But often opportunities also appear here, this time to make a bilateral bet.

(End of this chapter)

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