
Chapter 407 Trial move

Chapter 407 Trial move
Qian Lingyuan was entangled hard by Xiong Batian and couldn't escape at all. Seeing that one of the three people around her was taken captive and the other was lured away, she felt very anxious.Helplessly, the Xiong Batian behind him was cunning and tight, his cultivation level was not weaker than his own, and he also had the talent of monsters. The two were inseparable from each other.

But the more this happened, the more pressure Qian Lingyuan felt, and the longer he stayed here, the more unfavorable the situation would be.Several times, they took out the communication jade card and took advantage of the gap between the fights to contact Shi Ningjun, but the reply they got was that the two were working together to create an formation.

The urgency in my heart at the moment is obviously following the other people's way. As long as you pay attention to this trick, you can see it. It's just that Shi Ningjun was restrained by others, so he was distracted for a while.At this time, Qian Lingyuan hated Xiong Batian and Ming Wang Shengzi so much, and the two joined forces to play a good show, playing Qianling faction like a monkey, but what he didn't know was Shi Ningjun who was hundreds of miles away. He was deeply trapped in the dragon formation and was fighting hard with Yi Tian.

Originally, relying on his own cultivation base, Ning Jun thought that he could stabilize the opponent, but when he made a move, he found that the opponent's tricks were not simple.The moves performed by the full-moon golden wheel can be felt from its power alone, so Shi Ningjun dared not hold back once he made a move.

Although his confidence had been greatly boosted by winning the Emperor Yutian Suzerain in the Hongde Hall, but facing the Brahma Mantra Heaven Shengxingkun in front of him, Shi Ningjun felt a feeling of powerlessness for no reason flashed in his heart.

After the first move alone, Shi Ningjun had already used his stunt, and he had to do it if he didn't want to.But judging from the spiritual pressure on the full-moon golden wheel, it has reached the level of a full-strength strike by an ordinary Nascent Soul mid-stage monk.

If Shi Ningjun didn't try his best, he could decide the outcome with one move, but the man in front of him didn't seem to be eager to attack, and was waiting for him to recover.Although he was shocked in his heart, his face showed that he was not to be outdone. After ten breaths, Shi Ning Jun was ready to give it a go.

And Yi Tian, ​​who was not far away in the air, was also secretly admiring at this time, and he had thought twice about making the trick as soon as he met just now.

After seeing the opponent's attack in Hongde Palace, he has already made a measure, and now the Shining army in front of him has lost three times.

First, Yi Tian has already experienced the trick of pressing the bottom of the box.

Second, Qianlingzong's "Yaojianshu" has been obtained its secret code as early as a hundred years ago. After more than a hundred years of immersion, Yi Tian thinks that even if he can use it like the monks of Qianlingzong .

Thirdly, after kidnapping Shi Qianwei, Yi Tian already had the absolute advantage psychologically, and he was fighting the Shi Ning army in this trapped dragon formation. The power is even stronger and the three-pointer is stronger.

If it was a fight between real monks, Yi Tian believed that the opponent would never last half an hour.Fortunately, it's just a show now, and I have to worry about Shi Qianwei's feelings, or there will be more troubles in a while.

After the other party replied for a while, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to attack again. Instead, he said via voice transmission: "Master Daoist, I have learned the Yaojian technique, and it is indeed extremely fierce. Today, I am fortunate to be able to personally experience the three aspects of the Qianlingzong Yaojian technique. The stunt is not in vain, the next two tricks, I hope fellow Taoists will not hesitate to teach you."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian directly raised the Sunlight Wheel and muttered something, and then slowly raised the golden ball to get ready to go.

In this way, Shi Ning's army is also facing a formidable enemy. The opponent in front of him is indeed stronger than what he has seen before. Judging from the power of his attack, he is probably much stronger than the Emperor Yutian Sect Master Shangguan Wufeng.But what convinced Shi Ningjun was that the opponent's moves had no killing intent, as if they were really fighting each other.

Although the matter is strange, it is also developing in his own favor. At present, Shi Ningjun did not dare to be careless and directly replied: "Since your Excellency is interested in learning the secret method of Qianling, you must wait and see." The two imaginary spirit swords of child and mother were combined into one, and then the spirit sword was sacrificed with both hands, and the seals on the hands were constantly changing.

In less than ten breaths, a white lightsaber appeared in Shi Ningjun's hands again, but this time it seemed to be three points more powerful than when it was used in Hongde Hall before.

With the lessons learned from the past, Yi Tian didn't dare to underestimate it, and instead sacrificed the Rihui Wheel that had been in his hands for a long time. With a 'swish' sound, the ball was like a round of scorching sun, directly illuminating everything in this side of the world.

Xiao Linhang set the time for the trapped formation to arrest people after midnight, because this hour is most conducive to the operation of the large formation.

So when Angel Yi used this trick of 'covering the sun', this time the sky and the earth were illuminated as brightly as day.And the Shi Ning army on the opposite side didn't dare to push it too hard. Just now, he felt a bit of cold power on the moon glow wheel, and it should be strengthened by the gathering of the world's yin aura at this stage to strengthen the power of the move.

But now it is clearly the time when the yang qi is first blooming, but the blazing sun gang baleful qi on the golden ball is so strong, one can imagine the power if it is used when the blazing sun is in the sky.

Following Yi Tian's attack, the entire formation seemed to be responsive, and the sleepy dragon formation in the main hall of the Luoxia Sect began to speed up, and the spirit patterns on the entire formation gradually activated.Then I just felt that the sky and the earth trembled, and the mirror image on the disk also distorted and then became stable again.

Shi Qianwei, who was standing in front of the formation, found that the formation plate of the trapped dragon formation was rapidly absorbing the spiritual power from the spiritual veins through the eight formation foundations to maintain the formation.

When the big shock was just now, it happened to be the moment when Yi Tian, ​​Rihuilun and Shi Ningjun's child-mother phantom sword fought.The two light clusters are like two little suns in the dark night, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​a hundred miles for ten breaths.

At this time, the two people standing in the air were looking at each other, but Yi Tian's eyes showed deep approval, the old man of Shi's family is really amazing.If I didn't rely on holding the spirit treasure and knowing its skills very well, the result of today's game is really hard to say.

But the opponent Shi Ningjun's eyes showed extreme fear. He understood the power of these two moves of Qianling Secret Art clearly, but the opponent actually took the two moves calmly and seemed to be able to handle them with ease. It looks like you really want to try the third formula.

The fight between the two directly blew away the white mist in this area, and after a while, Xiao Linhang and Bo Yunzi appeared fifty miles away.

I saw that Bo Yunzi was already at the end of his strength and was hit by Xiao Linhang's spells one after another, but the sudden dissipation of the white mist shocked him, and then under the successive attacks, he even pointed out a halo Come and shoot directly at the main hall of the Luoxia Sect.

Then I heard him roaring with his magic power at the top of his voice: "Niece Xian, quickly destroy the formation foundation, so that we can break through the formation."

Xiao Linhang on the opposite side turned pale with shock when he heard this sentence, while Shi Ningjun on the other side also showed joy, and hurriedly took out the jade card to send a message.

(End of this chapter)

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