
Chapter 415

Chapter 415
The devilish energy generated in the central part of this nameless island flows out of a half-foot-sized gap in the interface that was forcibly opened by the slaughter.In order to open this gap, the massacre did not hesitate to bloodstain tens of thousands of creatures to activate this formation.

When Yi Tian arrived, he scanned the environment here, not only the monstrous demonic energy emerging from the gap, but also the pattern pattern inscribed with blood near the gap, which made his eyes bright.

Fortunately, he had learned some spiritual literature before, so Yi Tian had already made up his plan. As long as he forced the slaughter out of the gap for a quarter of an hour, he could go up and block the source.

Sure enough, Tu Lu had a sneer on his face at first, but the next scene made his face become annoyed.I saw Yi Tian took out the inscription fluid, manipulated it with mana, pulled it up, and quickly wrote a few characters in the air.

Even Elder Wen Xin didn't know these characters, but as the vanguard officer of the demon world, Tu Lu said angrily with surprise on his face: "Boy, you actually know the spiritual world. Turning it three times and four times ruins my good deeds, so I won't let you stay." After speaking, he did it again, flapping his wings, this time the massacre actually stimulated all the feathers above the two wings, circling to form a black whirlwind that was about to strike.

Elder Wen Xin's expression froze, and at the same time, he summoned Yuhuan back to hold it with his right hand, tapped a few points with his left hand, and the jade ring became golden, and then turned into a size of one foot and flew towards the slaughter.

Ying Xiao on the side also became ruthless, pulled out three feathers from the tail without hesitation, and then cast a spell with both hands to turn the three feathers into three white wind walls to block in front of Yi Tian.

After the sound of spell collisions one after another, the entire island was shaken continuously for ten breaths, and the ground at the center of the spell impact also cracked a dozen or so one-foot-wide gullies in the shape of a spider web.

After everyone stood firm again, the devilish energy in the center of the island quickly flowed back as if it had been drained by the gap.In less than half a quarter of an hour, the original billowing black waves and monstrous devilish energy were all stripped away.

Everyone looked towards the center, and saw Yi Tian re-engraved a circle of inscriptions on the gap, and then the newly written inscriptions seemed to be fully activated in a flash of golden light, bringing the original half-foot gap to life Compressed, turned into a small space node, and finally completely disappeared in this world.

This time, Slaughter's face became extremely ugly, and it was difficult to mobilize the surrounding demonic energy, and his own strength had not yet recovered, so he glanced at everyone angrily, turned his head and ran away.

This demon general can afford to let it go, knowing that he can't do anything today, but he knows how to avoid the important and take the light.Before he had gone far, he saw Zhiying holding the spirit-locking bottle with both hands and saying: "The devil will take the remnant soul of my brother's body, it is not so easy to escape like this."

Tu Lu replied disdainfully: "If the vulture hadn't become greedy when guarding the spirit bottle, how could I have taken it away. To be honest, it is really troublesome to take away the bodies of you monsters, and I will not be able to exert my power if I am very successful. Halfway through, or you can still stand here." After speaking, he stretched out his bare wings and flapped a few times, then flew towards the east of the South China Sea.

Seeing that he was about to run away, Great Elder Wen Xin and Ying Xiao hurriedly chased after him, casting spells in their hands to contain the slaughter.

Unexpectedly, the other party just snorted coldly, and then pointed at Shangguan Wufeng who was trapped by ghost-faced buds not far away.A soaring demonic energy burst out from it and ignited all the surrounding buds and vines, and then a black figure jumped out of it and flew in front of Tu Lu.

Seeing this, the four hurriedly stepped forward to surround the two of them, but the slaughter was not at all nervous. Instead, he took out a spirit sword and chopped off one of his demonized eagle claws.Then he stuffed the splashed black grinding blood and the foot into Shangguan Wufeng's mouth.After the latter quickly chewed and digested it, the strength of the whole person increased significantly.

Then I saw Tu Lu give Shangguan Wufeng a few words, then turned his head and ran away. Seeing that the culprit was the first to run, Elder Wen Xin chased after him with a teleportation.But a black figure next to him stopped him first with a speed not weaker than his.

Now the four people have seen the strength of Shangguan Wufeng after being demonized again. After careful consideration, Elder Wen Xin said: "Ying Xiao, you and the old man join forces to deal with Shangguan Wufeng in front of you, and the slaughter will be handed over to the Holy Son." And Ambassador Zhiying."

The three of them nodded after hearing this, and then Yi Tian and Zhiying avoided Shangguan Wufeng in front of them and chased after the carnage.

Ambassador Zhiying took the lead and chased after them with a spirit lock bottle in hand. These eagle monsters are good at speed, and after chasing them with all their strength, they gradually narrowed the distance from the slaughter to within a hundred miles.

Then Zhiying glanced behind him from the corner of his eyes, and suddenly found that Yi Tian was following behind him at a speed not weaker than his own, and the escape technique activated by the blue and red halo on his body seemed to be a little faster than himself .

The massacre who ran all the way ahead also knew it bitterly. He was not afraid of the two people behind him when confronted head-on, but the spirit-locking bottle had sealed him for more than 3000 years, and now being sacrificed by someone made him feel lingering fear.

The three of them chased on the surface of the South China Sea for two days and two nights, but every time they were about to get close, they could feel that the slaughter suddenly increased the speed and opened the distance again.

It made Ambassador Zhiying's face turn blue and red. Originally, he thought it would be easy to catch up with his own cultivation, but he didn't expect that the other party had the secret skill of flying away.

Seeing that going on like this is not a solution, Yi Tian said through voice transmission: "Senior Zhiying, take the next step to hold back that slaughter." With a flash of purple flames all over his body, his escape speed was more than doubled.

Under Zhiying's amazed expression, Yi Tian instantly shortened the pursuit distance to less than a hundred miles, but he knew in his heart that this speed of escape could only be effective for a while, and the spirit energy in his body was consumed hugely, so he definitely couldn't last half a year of the hour.

But that was enough. The slaughter in front obviously felt that the pursuers behind him suddenly increased their pursuit speed, and he himself also increased his escape speed by three points.

It's a pity that Slaughter also used consumable spells similar to the blood escape technique, and after a long period of uninterrupted consumption of blood in the body, the effect after using the blood escape again was much worse than before.

It didn't take a while for Yi Tian to stop the massacre on the vast South China Sea, and the two met each other in the air and started fighting.Anyway, Yi Tian is not in a hurry when he arrives. He has already informed Ambassador Zhiying of his location just now, and I believe he is rushing here desperately.

On the other hand, Tu Lu looked anxious. He knew in his heart that if he was held back by the person in front of him, it would be troublesome when the person holding the spirit lock bottle arrived behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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