
Chapter 428 Assignment

Chapter 428 Assignment
The gambling fights at the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference never said that it is forbidden to take human life. Although the previous fights were both offensive and defensive, they immediately conceded defeat after suffering a small loss, and simply did not cause any substantial damage.

Unlike Yi Tian and the blood-refined demon corpse, they directly start the real story, and they understand it directly within a quarter of an hour.When Yi Tian slowly landed on the platform, everyone's eyes seemed to have changed, most of them were jealous, and there were few provocative eyes.

Later, the white-haired mouse couldn't speak when it saw Yi Tian, ​​but kept chattering.On the contrary, Li Wang who was standing behind had eyes full of fighting intent, looking a little eager to try.

However, under the stop of the white-haired mouse, he could only turn his head elsewhere with a sense of resentment.

Going forward, Yi Tian put away the Jiaolongya and porcelain bottles on the ground, and then handed two Jianmu fruits directly to Qin Fei.The latter put it away happily, with a smug look on his face.

Then several leading monsters directly announced that the distribution of Jianmu fruit was over, and everyone adjourned the meeting, and came here to pick the fruit after the next 500 years.

As everyone flew into the air, Qin Fei and Banlanhou flew to the side of the platform, and after muttering something, they both drew a blood talisman in front of them.Then they called each other 'seal', and the two blood talismans directly sealed the platform.

Tiger Tooth on the side explained to Yi Tian that the platform here will be blocked by two team leaders every time, and will be unblocked until the next meeting.In addition, there will be a group of sixth-level barbarian warriors guarding around Jianmu, and if they encounter anyone who dares to break through, they will be killed on the spot.

After boarding the sky patrol boat, Qin Fei finally calmed down. The results of the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference were really gratifying. The Qingtian Demon King won four coins, which is the biggest winner after all.

The other three companies didn't lose money either. They took what they deserved, so at least it would be no problem to go back and make a business trip.But Yi Tian has gained a lot, and he has won two seventh-level treasures in a row, which can be regarded as a lot of money.

The flying boat flew at a normal speed for a while and then stopped at a high altitude on the edge of the southern border. At the same time, the three of them seemed to be waiting for someone on the boat.

Half an hour later, three flashes of light flew from the sky, and the speed of the light escaped definitely reached the level of a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After a while, three lights came to the side of the flying boat, and then the hatch opened, and tiger teeth came out to welcome people in.

It was Ying Xiao and his two subordinates who came here. Ying Xiao originally wanted to make a move at the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, but he also made some concessions under Qin Fei's persuasion. Now he came to discuss Jian Muguo as agreed After all, being able to reach an agreement to bring one more piece back is also a great achievement.

The six people in the cabin sat in three pairs and began to discuss, but Yi Tian couldn't talk about Jian Mu Guo, anyway, it was something Qin Fei and Ying Xiao talked about.The rest seemed to be accompanying guests, waiting for the result of the negotiation.

As the two negotiated head-to-head, the key issue was still arguing on the top level of Jianmuguo. Qin Fei was also a master negotiator and proposed a lot of harsh conditions, and Ying Xiao was biting and refused to let go. There will be no substantial progress if you talk about it.

Seeing this, Yi Tian lazily interjected: "Fellow Daoist Ying Xiao, if you can provide a seventh-level peacock tail feather, I can ask Qin Fei to give you another jianmu fruit and reduce the exchange by [-]%."

Ying Xiao and Qin Fei were stunned as soon as the words came out, but Qin Fei understood in an instant, and then echoed: "Since the Holy Son came forward to intercede, I will accept it. I wonder if Ying Xiao can accept it?"

Now Ying Xiao thought about it with a sullen face, and then replied: "To be honest, this Jianmu fruit is very useful to us, but is the request made by the Holy Son a bit too difficult?"

Without waiting for Yi Tian to answer, Qin Fei said: "Why is it difficult for others, the seven-level transformed peacock can only be found at the King of Eagles, if you don't ask for it, who else can you ask for a solution?"

Ying Xiao turned to Yi Tian with a serious face and said: "His Royal Highness, can you tell me what is the use of this peacock tail feather? As far as I know, there are not many treasures in the world that can be refined with such high-grade materials. Basically, those spiritual weapons that only appear in legends can be used. If you can tell me where to go, then I can Bingming Wanying King think of a way."

So Yi Tian couldn't just find an excuse to prevaricate, but this peacock tail feather is the last treasure material for refining the Five Vulcan Fans, so it is bound to be obtained.

After pondering for a while, Yi Tian took out a piece of jade slip, wrote a few words on it, and inscribed the unique mark of Li Huozong on the seal, then handed the jade slip over to Ying Xiao and said, "Take this letter Give it to King Wanying. If he is willing to exchange it after reading it, then please send someone to bring Qi Baocai to the Ming Wangdao Branch of Shegu in the northern part of southern Xinjiang to find me. If he is not willing, it is easy. Please ask him to send a message to me. That's it, of course I will let Qin Fei trade a Jianmu fruit to you as usual, what do you think?"

After hearing Ying Xiao, he was taken aback, as if the decision was made by the Holy Son of King Ming, and it seemed that Qin Fei just wanted to take orders from his subordinates.

After receiving the jade slip, Ying Xiao looked at the seal on it, the surprise on his face flashed, and then he said unhurriedly: "That's fine, let's talk about everything after the Eagle King reads it." , so we bid farewell."

After the three demons left, Tiger Tooth asked dissatisfiedly: "Sister Qin Fei, why did you agree like this? This Jianmu fruit is related to the improvement of the overall strength of the demon king under Qingtian Demon King. Such a deal Forget one, but trading two together for a peacock tail feather isn't worth it."

Qin Fei sneered and said: "Don't worry, when have we suffered a loss, there is no His Highness the Son of God, and we are sure to listen to him."

After hearing Qin Fei's words, Tiger Tooth calmed down, ignoring the two, Yi Tian went back to the secret room in the cabin and began to retreat. The items left by the blood refining demon corpse need to be re-examined.

After instructing Qin Fei to make a phone call, she was told to fly directly to Snake Valley. Although I don't know if the deal with the King of Eagles will be successful this time, it's better to go there and wait for a while.

After entering the secret room, Yi Tian also sat down quietly and took out the crystal coffin to look at it again and again, and then he was surprised to find that this thing was definitely a seventh-level treasure, but it has not been nourished by spiritual energy for many years and it has been used frequently It makes the grade fall to the top of the sixth grade.

Moreover, on the cover of this coffin, a piece of formula called "Blood Refining God's Corpse" was found, and the various records in it were similar to the Yin Corpse Technique obtained before.

Flipping his right hand, he took out the Yin corpse technique secret book, and compared the two sets of secret techniques, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the two sets of secret techniques came from the same clan. The corpse technique is controlled by the spirit of gasification.

Its origin is still in the same line, and now I secretly think about it. With this method of refining the corpse with blood, it can prove the Yin Corpse Art to each other, and it will be very useful to settle accounts with the Yin Corpse Sect after returning to Dongao.

At least from this point of view, it is not a problem to deal with Fu Kecheng.

(End of this chapter)

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