
Chapter 455 The Profound Jade Order

Chapter 455 The Profound Jade Order

The last item in the auction on Neon Island turned out to be an ancient token, and when it was revealed, there was a burst of sigh among the monks present.The well-informed monk looked at the token excitedly, with deep greed in his eyes.

Tang Huinan only heard Tang Huinan say: "Everyone, this piece of Xuan Yu Ling was entrusted by the Benmeng to auction, and the League has also promised that it will never participate in this auction, so please rest assured to bid. The starting price is 300 million Lingshi , each price increase shall not be less than 50."

Originally thought that with such a high price, everyone present would give up, but in fact, it was far from what Yi Tian imagined. The Jindan cultivators around him seemed to be desperately raising the price, and they wanted to go bankrupt. No hesitation.

On the contrary, the reactions of Yi Tian and Zi Yuan seemed out of tune with the fiery surroundings.

He lowered his head and asked about the origin of Ziyuan through voice transmission in private. Unexpectedly, the other party showed a look of contempt before replying: "The biggest treasure in the Wandao sea area is opened every 500 years. The Wandao Tianyu City ', only monks holding this Xuanyu Token can enter."

This aroused Yi Tian's interest, he turned his head and said via voice transmission: "I don't know what kind of place this 'Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City' is like?"

After thinking for a while, Ziyuan replied: "Any monk who enters it can get a lot of benefits from it, and even a golden core monk who has been in it has been broken into a baby within a hundred years after it came out."

After hearing this, Yi Tian asked jokingly: "I don't know when this secret realm will open, I don't have time to wait for hundreds of years for this."

Ziyuan lowered her head and made some calculations before replying: "The last time 'Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City' was opened was 480 years ago, and it seems that there are still less than 20 years left before it is time to reopen."

"That place is really a great opportunity as you said, so is there any restriction on the cultivation of those who enter?" Yi Tian asked.

"Above the golden core stage is enough, but there are quite a few monks at the Nascent Soul stage who go in every time, and you can use things that can make them fight for them."

As soon as Ziyuan finished speaking, Yi Tian said directly in his mouth: "800 million spirit stones."

The price at that time was only mentioned above 500 million, but there were still a few wealthy monks who continued to bid.After Ke Yitian opened his mouth, the whole venue fell silent, and the bidding sound became quieter for a while.

On the contrary, the host Tang Huinan said excitedly: "Is there any other fellow daoists who bid, if not, then the deal will be made directly."

Everyone present did not speak for a long time, and then Tang Huinan announced that Yi Tian was the final bidder.Then he asked with a smile, "Do fellow daoists have any ready-made spirit stones? If not enough, the Bimeng will collect treasures."

Contemptuous of the other party's greed in his heart, Tang Huinan couldn't help but be disappointed by Yi Tian's immediate performance.After taking out the three storage bags, he quickly counted the spirit stones in them, and Yi Tian handed the things to the other party casually.

After getting all the spirit stones, Tang Huinan just twitched his mouth and took the Xuanyu Token directly.

After getting the Xuanyu Token, Yi Tian's pupils froze suddenly, and then he put it away as if nothing had happened.

All the items auctioned by the Loose Cultivation Alliance have been delivered, and the next step is the exchange between Jindan monks.

Ziyuan prepared several things and wanted to exchange them, but suddenly heard Yi Tian's voice transmission: "Let's go, it will be too late."

After speaking, I saw Yi Tian turned and walked towards the exit, Ziyuan knew something was going on and hurried to follow.

After the two left the auction site, they went straight to the exit of the Neon Island, and hurried along the road non-stop. When they reached the gate of the Neon Island, they saw that there was already a golden core monk guarding the broken dragon of the entire city gate. The gate seems to be lowered.

Yi Tian's face turned cold, and he raised his right hand, directly took out the Taiyuan sword and sacrificed a supervision, slashing towards the city gate that was being closed.

After seeing a flash of blue light, several monks at the gate of the city were decapitated in an instant, and even the Golden Core monk who was in charge of the gate was split in half by a sword without even having a chance to send a message.

At this time, Yi Tian didn't pay attention to so much, and directly stretched out his arms to hug Ziyuan, and then kicked his feet to perform the escape technique and flew towards the gap of the city gate that had not yet fallen.

After a cyan light passed, the gates of the city were in chaos, and the cultivators in charge didn't know what happened, but when they saw the cultivators blocking the gates in front of them, they were blasted to nothing.

After a commotion, the guards of the Loose Cultivation Alliance remembered to ring the alarm bell. Suddenly, two extremely powerful divine senses rang out in the city lord's mansion, and then two figures, one black and one white, sprang out of it, towards the person who had fled just now. The direction that the monk flew to chased after him.

After Yi Tian left the city gate, he relied on his memory to fly straight there. He was careless at the auction just now and didn’t check the questions on the Xuanyu card. Has been tagged for tracking.

After getting the things in his hands, he hurriedly took Ziyuan out of the city, believing that the pursuers must be behind him at this time, and after learning the lesson of the giant shark thief, he believed that the opponent he faced this time would be even more difficult.

It's okay to be alone, but it's extremely troublesome to bring Ziyuan, and it's too much of a headache to think about her safety when fighting.

But it would not be his style to leave her alone, and suddenly frowned after flying a hundred miles with Ziyuan in his arms.The pursuers behind had already locked their positions, and they were two monks at the Nascent Soul stage, one of whom was in the middle Nascent Soul stage.

For now, I can only take one step at a time. Fortunately, my escape speed is not slow, even if I bring someone with me, the speed is even faster than the other party.If things go on like this, as long as you go in one direction, you can rely on speed to get rid of the opponent.

While flying away, Yi Tian also directly took out the piece of mysterious jade to wipe off all the tracking marks on it.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators who were chasing behind turned out to be He Tianxiong from the Blood Fiend Cave, and the one behind was a sword cultivator in blue and yellow clothes. His feet were on the spirit sword and he seemed to be flying with the sword, but his speed was not at all. No slower than He Tianxiong.

Suddenly, He Tianxiong roared angrily: "What a boy, you actually erased my tracking mark. It seems that this person's spiritual sense is not inferior to mine, and he is good at flying away. Fellow Daoist Kong Mingzi, it seems that this is the next step." I have to ask you to do something about it."

The sword cultivator at the back laughed and said, "Brother He took out a piece of Xuanyu Token as a bait this time, and it must have cost a lot of money, so my younger brother caught up with him and entangled him. I hope it will be successful." Brother Shi He, don't forget your promise to the Loose Cultivation Alliance."

He Tianxiong nodded and said: "Don't worry, as long as this matter is handled well, I will definitely help you ascend to the position of leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance."

"Excuse me," Kong Mingzi said, stretching out his hands to seal again, and then his whole body leaped away as if merging with the spirit sword under his feet, turning into a beam of sword light.The entire escape speed suddenly increased by more than [-]%, instantly leaving He Tianxiong far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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