
Chapter 46 Escape

Chapter 46 Escape
The territory of Chiyan Hill is several times larger than Dongjiang Country, and the headquarters of Chiyang Sect is in the center of Chiyan Hill.

It is located in the southeast of the Dongao territory, [-] miles to the east until the sea is under the jurisdiction of the Chiyang faction, and more than [-] miles to the south, it borders on the south.

Eight hundred miles to the west, beyond the boundary of the Chiyan Hills, is the jurisdiction of the Xuanling Sect, and after leaving the Tianya Pavilion in the north, it is the central area of ​​Dongao, which is jointly managed by the six factions.

Because there are many active volcanoes in the center of the Chiyan Hills where the Chiyang School is located, and they often erupt.

There are red trees within a radius of two hundred miles of the Chiyang faction's camp, and the closer to the central area, the darker the color of the trees.

Practicing fire-type kung fu in the fire-melting cave of the Chiyang Sect will get twice the result with half the effort.

But there are also abnormalities in extremely hot places, such is the existence of the Ice Soul Cave.

Yi Tian has been walking in the mangrove forest for two hours, and it is more than 100 miles away from the place where the sky survey boat made an emergency landing.

It's not that I can't walk fast, but that there are too many burdens behind me.

Yesterday afternoon, about three hours after setting off from the Tianya Pavilion, he was chased up by three monks from the Bone Gate, and directly attacked the sky patrol boat without saying a word.

Although there were only three people on the other side, there was Yang Mingyang, a master at the foundation building stage, and two helpers at the ninth level of Qi training.

Ning Yuxuan and Gao Shou were fighting against two monks with two qi and nine levels, respectively.

But Fu Haiming was driving the sky patrol boat, so he couldn't completely avoid Yang Mingyang's attack.

In addition, we had to worry about these new disciples and soul boys, who finally couldn't stand it anymore, so they chose to make an emergency landing.

The sky survey boat landed hard on the head with a loud noise, and the people on the flying boat jumped up one after another the moment it landed.

The people who didn't have time to jump out were thrown into the tree by the huge impact. Under Fu Haiming's strict order, some disciples of the Chiyang Sect protected the six soul boys.

If something goes wrong with these people, they will face ruthless punishment from the Discipline Hall when they return to the sect.

Therefore, all the disciples under the sect are all full of energy, and they would rather use their bodies to protect the mortal soul boy than dare them to be injured.

After Fu Haiming and the other sky patrol boats landed, they flew out of the cabin and faced Yang Mingyang who was facing the bone gate.

He knew that as long as he held back the other party in his own territory, the sect would come soon.

The most worrying thing is those mortal soul boys, there is a child with a dual fire-earth spiritual root.

Although the fire spirit root is only [-]%, and the earth spirit root is [-]%, it is completely capable of cultivating Chiyang Zhenhuo, the unique school of the school.

As long as he is brought back, the master will definitely let this accident go.

Fu Haiming, who got out of the sky survey boat, had a miserable look on his face. Looking around, those new monks fell badly.

Some of them were still hanging on the trees, and those who were unlucky had no time to jump out when the flying boat landed, and their bodies were pierced by the wreckage of the flying boat.

Fortunately, my apprentice Liao Fan and another person saved the six mortal soul boys, and some disciples jumped out and fell to the ground, breaking their legs.

Seeing Yang Mingyang from the bone door rushing towards him, Fu Haiming couldn't care less about his chest injury when he landed, so he had to lift up his weapon to fight against the opponent.

He turned his head and pointed in the direction of the Zongmen, and ordered everyone to walk forward quickly, and someone from the Zongmen came to meet him.

When it landed, Yi Tian, ​​Wu Xing and Tang Lin jumped out at the right time.

Yi Tian was lucky enough to hang on the tree and scratch some skin, Wu Xing fell into the bushes, and his clothes were scratched.

Fortunately, no muscles and bones were injured, and there was some blood from the scratch on the hand.

The worst was Tang Lin, who hit a tree when he jumped down, broke his nose and broke his right hand.

Fortunately, all three of them had skin injuries, which were much better than those with broken hands and feet.

There was wailing on the ground, Liao Fan protected the soul boy, but he made a meat pad and was pressed under it, which shocked the inner palace, and several people nearby were blown out and passed out.

Yi Tian jumped down from the tree and saw that there were still many people lying on the ground moaning all around, and there was a burst of confusion.

Everyone was in a state of panic. They thought going to the Chiyang Sect was a new starting point in life, but some people turned into nightmares, and some went straight to the end of their lives.

After yelling a few times, Yi Tian heard Wu Xing's faint echo of peace, and hurried to the bush to pull him out.

Fortunately, the person is fine, with scratches on his body, but the little white face is nothing but panic-stricken.

He yelled non-stop, Yi Tian really wanted him to lie there and be a quiet and beautiful man who was injured.

This boy Tang Lin could endure the pain so much that he had a broken bone. He only groaned a few times before slowly leaning against the tree trunk to prop himself up.

Yi Tian found two people, supported Wu Xing with one hand and pulled Tang Lin with the other, and ran towards the direction Fu Haiming pointed.

It's not Yi Tian's style to stay here and wait for death, his fate is his own. If he gives up the idea of ​​survival, who else can he count on for help?

After the three of them ran for a few miles, they found a place to sit down and rest. Yi Tian found a few branches and cut them into planks.

Wu Xing helped check the injury on Tang Lin's arm, only to hear a click sound as Tang Lin hit the ground with a punch, and a three-inch deep fist mark appeared.

Wu Xing quickly took out some white cloth from the storage bag and tied his arms, and then tied the white cloth with a wooden board.

After the three of them rested on the spot for about a quarter of an hour, they generally recovered some spiritual energy, and their bodies no longer ached.

Under the leadership of Yi Tian, ​​he slowly moved towards the sect of Chiyang Sect.

Since they hadn't reached the sixth floor, none of the three could use the repelling technique to fly, so they had to walk forward.

At this time, the monks near the flying boat were also moving in groups of three or four in the direction of the Chaozong sect.

Liao Fan hurried forward with the six soul boys. At this time, the sky was full of fights, so if he stayed where he was, he might suffer accidental disaster.

After walking forward for a while, he suddenly heard the sound of the wind whistling in the air, and when he looked back, he was shocked, and the fourth person pursued by the other party had caught up.

A few old disciples beside him also rushed to help, only to see that the man in the air flipped his hand and shot out a pink bone spear.

There was a group of green will-o'-the-wisps on it, and the person who was hit was on fire all over. When the helpers on both sides touched their hands, they saw the green will-o'-the-wisp burning their arms along the arms.

In a moment, the three of them were on fire, and no one dared to rescue them when they fell down.

Liao Fan looked at the pink bone spear and the green ghost fire, and shouted: ''This is the seven evil witch of the White Bone Gate, we are not her opponent, everyone run away. ''

After finishing speaking, he dragged the soul boys and ran away, but unfortunately, how could he run past the seven evil witches who were chasing after him in the sky with six mortals.

Although some disciples tried their best to stop them, they only blocked them for a while at most. Liao Fan and Lingtong never escaped from the sight of the Seven Shaw Witch.

After a burst of screams, no one dared to go up to stop it, and Liao Fan had no choice but to drag the soul boy into the woods.

After running a few steps in a panic, he saw a monk in front of him wearing the clothes of the outer sect of the Chiyang Sect, leading two newcomers on their way.

Liao Fan rushed forward immediately, and handed over the five soul boys in his hands to his fellow disciples, while he fled in the opposite direction with the soul boy with two spiritual roots in his arms.

Before leaving, he also called out that he must keep the soul boy, see you at the sect, and then ran away without a trace.

The three of Yi Tian were bored for a moment, but when they heard someone yelling in the background, the Qisha Witch came, everyone ran, and realized that something was wrong.

Yi Tian had to carry one on his back, grabbed one with both hands and then ran away. Wu Xing and Tang Lin also followed Yi Tian's example, carrying a child on their backs and running with Yi Tian.

Three adults and five children ran wildly in the woods, cursing all eighteen generations of Liao Fan's ancestors in their hearts.

This guy did a lot of harm, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he took away the most qualified person, and threw the rest to Yi Tian and the others.

At this time, Yi Tian began to miss his ranger outfit. If he hadn't changed his clothes, how could he have gotten into such a thing.

After running for dozens of miles, everyone started to feel a little breathless. There was no way that monks were human beings, and they continued to consume spiritual energy by running at high speed.

Yi Tian was also exhausted, with three children on his body. Although his spiritual power was deeper than the other two, he gradually felt overwhelmed.

And now he is running in the woods, there are still people in the sky who are constantly looking for these soul boys, and Yi Tian is out of breath.

But the whistling sound in the sky never left, and it sounded like it was approaching.

Look at Wu Xing and Tang Lin, the two are gasping for breath, their spiritual power is not as strong as Yi Tian's, and they were injured just now, they look even more embarrassed now.

In a hurry, Yi Tian signaled the two of them not to stop, and then exerted all their spiritual power to stimulate the whole body of spiritual energy.

With the three children speeding up sharply, Wu Xing and Tang Lin also accelerated directly like Yi Tian.

Three people and five children ran through the woods at the fastest speed. After a quarter of an hour, Tang Lin gradually slowed down, and Wu Xing also slowed down after that.

Yi Tian hurriedly took out a bottle of wine from his storage bag and threw it to Tang Lin, said something to take a sip for Wu Xing to catch up with all his strength, and then continued to run without slowing down.

Tang Lin drank it in one gulp and felt spiritual power surge up, so he changed hands and threw the bottle at Wu Xing.

After the two finished drinking, they used both feet to catch up with Yi Tian with the child on their backs.

In fact, the roads that Yi Tian leads are all in the woods, and never emerge.

I'd rather go the wrong way, and don't show up in the open space in the woods.

The seven evil witches in the sky have been following several people closely, but they can't determine their positions, so they can only roughly estimate their positions.

Looking at the sky, at this time, the Law Enforcement Hall of the Chiyang faction should have received the summons and is on their way here, time is waiting for no one.

Yi Tian led the two of them to dodge left and right in the woods. If you delay for a while at this time, you will have more chances to save your life.

It's a pity that the patience of the man in the sky has worn out, and the bone spear in his hand began to attack indiscriminately into the forest.

Yi Tian felt that the situation was not right, so he hurriedly called the three of them to stop, and took shelter under a big tree, and waited for the person in the sky to be busy for a while before talking.

The five children are now holding on to Yi Tian and the three of them tightly, their eyes are full of pleading, and their mouths are tightly pursed so that they dare not cry.

Now my life is in the hands of these three people.

Yi Tian thought that if he avoided this attack, he would have a better chance of surviving, but he didn't dare to relax his vigilance.

Wu Xing and Tang Lin had obviously recovered seven or eight percent of their spiritual power after drinking.

Yi Tian was also surprised that he only got [-]% to [-]% after drinking a sip, and they can basically recover after drinking a sip, which is a bit big.

Just thinking about it, the little girl behind her suddenly burst into tears, and the three of them showed panic on their faces.

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(End of this chapter)

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