
Chapter 471 Tomb Island

Chapter 471 Tomb Island

Flying all the way, Yi Tian found out that the three of them were trapped in the formation, and it was not difficult to break the formation, but often faced with such a situation, Yi Tian thought it was better to use tricks.

Who knows what kind of monsters will be encountered after the formation is broken, or a monster will appear, which is hard to guard against.

So when He Tianxiong proposed to break the formation, Yi Tian immediately thought of breaking the formation with brute force.

Now when he heard that the other party proposed to break the formation, He Tianxiong also turned his worries into joy and said: "Then there will be fellow Daoist Lao Yi, and we will wait here for a while."

After nodding in response, Yi Tian flew directly to the front and took out Luo Geng with his hands to find out his position first, and then took out three formation-breaking awls and muttered something in his mouth.

After three breaths, the formation-breaking awl that was directly activated by the spiritual energy spun rapidly in the air, and then Yi Tianmeng pointed forward, and the three magic awls rushed out in the pointed direction.

After flying about two miles away, the magic awl seemed to be stuck in the air after being pierced by an invisible film of light.Yi Tian immediately stretched out his hand and tapped it three times, and the dharma awl became bigger in response to the sound, and directly opened three one-foot-sized holes in the air.

When Yi Tian saw it, he shouted to the two people behind: "Let's go out now," and then the first one, Feidun, rushed forward and filed out of the hole.

When He Tianxiong and his son saw this, they hurriedly followed and jumped out from the two nearby holes.

After leaving the formation, the three of them looked up at the sky and found that there was no change at all, it was still a dark cloud, but the small island in front of them became more and more clear.

Then He Tianxiong took the lead and flew towards that place, followed by Yi Tian and He Yiming.It is believed that this relic should be somewhere in a cave on this small island.

After the three of them turned around in the air, they all scanned the island below with their spiritual sense, and then Yi Tian didn't speak directly, but frowned, because the places where his spiritual sense swept just now were all located on barren hills grave.

These tombs were buried in one direction in an orderly manner. Looking straight along that direction, the continuous tombs finally converged at the foot of a mountain on the island.

Seeing this threatening scene, even He Yiming shivered.Such large-scale tombs are indeed rare.

Moreover, this place is not a mortal dynasty, and it is impossible for a large number of tombs to appear for no reason. Obviously, this is intentional by the monks.

He Tianxiong, who was used to seeing big scenes, was just slightly taken aback at this moment, then turned around and shouted: "Let's go down and have a look."

After ten breaths, the three of them followed the burial direction of the tomb group and came directly to the foot of the mountain at the source, only to see a stone door standing in front of them, and the words engraved on the door had long been eroded by the wind and could not be seen clearly.There are only two grooves in the middle, one upper and one lower, which are vaguely visible, and it looks like it needs to be opened with a key.

At this time, looking at the scene in front of him, Yi Tian walked up slowly, took out the half key in his storage ring, looked at the shape, and then gently filled it into the groove on the upper side.

He Tianxiong took out his other half of the key after seeing it, and after Yi Tian left, he went up and put the key into the groove in the lower part.

Then I heard a few 'clicks' from inside the door, and after the ground shook violently a few times, the door slowly opened.

Looking at the dark passage inside, Yi Tian said to He Tianxiong: "Why don't you let your son go first, and fellow daoists in the middle, how about I be behind?"

After hearing this, He Tianxiong secretly said, "This kid is very cautious, let him go first must be because he is afraid of plotting behind his back."Such an arrangement is reasonable. After turning around and talking to He Yiming in a low voice, he saw that the boss of the latter reluctantly took out a night pearl, opened the protective cover and probed into the passage without hesitation.

He Tianxiong followed closely behind and walked in, while Yi Tian kept a distance of about ten feet when he entered, so as to make He Tianxiong in front feel at ease.

After going deep for only half an hour, the three of them came to a large tomb room. After scanning the hall, there were nine coffins arranged in threes and threes.A red blood mark was engraved on each coffin board. Although they didn't know what these symbols meant, the three of them searched the tomb with 12 energy.

After bypassing the nine coffins, the three of them came to the following passage. They saw that there were moss all over the place, and there seemed to be a slight sound coming from the front.

He Tianxiong immediately said: "Look ahead, there must be a main tomb with such a large tomb passage, and there should be valuable things there."

Yi Tian, ​​who was not far behind, also shook his head. At first, he thought it would be some kind of ancient relic cave, but he didn't expect it to be a big tomb, which is really unlucky.

But after exploring here, he retreated and felt unwilling, so he had to accompany the He family and his son to explore further.

When the three of them had just walked halfway through the passage, suddenly a row of lights on the wall illuminated the way ahead, and then heard a sound of 'clicking'. Looking back, there were several gold-armored corpses at the entrance of the passage behind. Walked in slowly.

Yi Tian immediately yelled at He Tianxiong: "Go forward quickly, it seems that the owner here has woken up, and he doesn't seem to welcome us very much."

He Tianxiong also noticed the situation behind and immediately replied: "Yi Daoyou, find a way to delay the golden armor corpse behind, my father and son will clear the way ahead."

After speaking, he jumped up and ran to He Yiming in front of him to take his place, and then the two rushed forward quickly.

Yi Tian just sneered at what the two of them did, but it's not a good thing to be cut off.Then he took out a talisman and activated it directly, then blasted towards the golden armored corpse walking towards him.

But Yi Tian himself took advantage of the gap between the roar and used the escape technique to fly towards the front of the passage.

It didn't take half a moment for the three of them to file out from the passage, and when they came out, they all stood still and glanced with their spiritual sense. After that, the faces of the three of them coincidentally showed a burst of embarrassment.

Directly here is a tomb in the shape of a palace, and in the middle is a crystal coffin, in which there seems to be a person lying.

But none of the three dared to go forward, because the crystal coffin was surrounded by a white flame for protection, like a formation.

The greedy look in He Tianxiong's eyes flashed at this time, the things in front of him are definitely not so easy to get.

Also, the batch of golden-armored corpses in the passage are obviously the guards guarding this place, and after taking care of these golden-armored corpses, there is no way to talk about it.

I only heard Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "He Daoyou, let's join hands to deal with those golden armor corpses first."

He Tianxiong nodded and replied, "That's exactly what I meant."

Then turned to He Yiming and said: "Be careful not to let the golden armored corpse get close to you."

The latter nodded and hurried towards the center of the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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