
Chapter 499

Chapter 499

After entering the inner court, the four of them found that there were actually two seven-treasure golden lotuses on the center of the pool. They thought it was a good thing, but both Cui Zhenzhen and Huang Wanting turned extremely pale, as if they felt that the situation in front of them suddenly became extremely difficult.

This made Yi Tian and He Tianxiong hesitate, there must be something strange about it.Cui Zhenzhen had previously mentioned cooperation to obtain treasures, and Huang Wanting also said that the guardian of the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus is a black flood dragon.

But when the four of them came here, none of the monsters came out, but the more this happened, the more uneasy the four of them felt.

After Cui Zhenzhen took a closer look, he turned to the three of them and said, "Everyone, next we may face a mid-level or even late-level ink dragon. Do you have any countermeasures?"

After thinking about the meeting, Huang Wanting seemed hesitant to speak, and she and Cui Zhenzhen met each other's eyes, and both of them remained silent.

After thinking for a while, He Tianxiong replied, "I have a spiritual pet, I can try to send it to lure the dragon." After speaking, he slapped the spirit beast bag and summoned a blood centipede.

This blood centipede looks fierce with its teeth and claws open, and its strength is around the sixth level.But as soon as he landed on the ground, he hurriedly ran towards the door, as if he wanted to stay away from the pool.

Yi Tian understood in his heart that the division of levels between these monsters is still very obvious, even if a level [-] blood centipede encounters a monster with a higher level than it is not the same.

Seeing that his spiritual pet is so worthless, He Tianxiong's face is also dull, no matter how he urges the blood centipede to move forward, he just refuses to move forward.

Seeing this, Cui Zhenzhen frowned and asked, "So, what else can the two fellow Taoists do?"

Seeing Huang Wanting's silence, Yi Tian laughed in his heart and then said slowly, "I have a method but I don't know if it will work or not."

"The plan will be settled, no matter if the method of Yi Daoyou works or not, let's try it first," Huang Wanting said.

After deeply despising the other party in his heart, Yi Tian immediately took out a jade box, put on a glove on his right hand and closed his breath, and opened the jade box, suddenly a foul smell came out from it.

Then the gloved right hand gently pinched a cluster of yellow ointment-like objects, and shot it directly into the pool water with a flick of the finger.

After three breaths, the originally calm water in the pool began to ripple, and then an incomparably powerful spiritual pressure gradually came out from the pool.

Directly in front of the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus, a one-foot-sized black dragon head slowly appeared on the water, with both eyes sweeping at the four people in front of it, and finally resting their eyes on the jade box held in Yi Tian's hand .

Suddenly, a dragon chant resounded through the entire inner court and silenced the four of them, and then only Mo Jiaolong yelled: "You disturbed my dormancy and wanted to take advantage of the nasturtium, you really want to die."

After speaking, everyone couldn't help but just open his mouth and a water arrow sprayed towards Yi Tian.The four people present also had different complexions, Cui Zhenzhen and Huang Wanting were delighted that Mo Jiaolong seemed to be eyeing Yi Tian, ​​so the two of them would be more confident in taking the treasure.

Although he knew early on that it would be a thankless task to divert Jiaolong away, but Yi Tian's goal was different from theirs, and he would not be so stupid as to sacrifice himself to help others.

Immediately after flicking with ten fingers, the yellow ointment covered the entire wall of the inner court, and the smell of the demon dragon came from all directions, making the other three present frowned deeply.

I saw that Mo Jiaolong raised his head and let out another dragon chant, then sprang out of the water with a 'swish' sound, but four claws had grown from the bottom of his two-foot-long body, and he opened his mouth to face Yi Tian. Several water bombs were sprayed at the location.

The water bomb the size of a fist directly formed ripples visible to the naked eye in the air, and hit Yi Tian's protective shield at a very fast speed.

Under the hard top, Yi Tian's whole body was directly sent flying three feet away before he stabilized his figure. In a blink of an eye, the other three people also started to fight.But their target is obviously not Mo Jiaolong, but the Seven Treasure Golden Lotus flower above the pool.

The Mo Jiaolong turned around in the air and then attacked the other three people, entrenched on the top of the golden lotus for a while and did not leave easily.

Cui Zhenzhen shouted coquettishly: "Everyone, if we don't work together to solve it now, then none of us will be able to get the treasure." That Mo Jiaolong greeted him.

After hearing this, Huang Wanting and He Tianxiong looked at each other and made a decision in an instant. They all sacrificed spiritual weapons in their hands and cooperated with Cui Zhenzhen to attack together.

And Yi Tian also put away the things in his hands, took out the Taiyuan sword, and chanting words in his mouth, manipulated the flying sword to stab the Mo Jiaolong's tail.

Mo Jiaolong snorted coldly and said: "Greedy human cultivators want to plunder the spirit treasure that the old man has guarded for thousands of years, and you will pay the price for it," and then coiled up to protect the seven-treasure golden lotus.

The magic spells of the four struck the Mo Jiaolong's body and made roaring sounds, but after the smoke dispersed, they saw that all the spells were blocked by the dragon scales on the Jiaolong.

The most powerful one is Cui Zhenzhen's ten-fingered bloody hand, which can only leave a faint red mark on its dragon scales. As for the spells of the other three people, they failed to achieve success.

But Mo Jiaolong didn't dare to move out casually with one enemy and four plus he had to guard the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus. He just relied on his own talent and the water bombs he spewed out to defend and counterattack.

There was a stalemate on the scene for a while, but now the four of them became a little anxious.If it continues like this, it is definitely not a solution for the opponent to occupy a geographical advantage.

Reluctantly, there was no good way for a while, so he had to continue to use spells to restrain his opponent, at least so that Mo Jiaolong could not save too much effort.

The four people and one beast maintained a stalemate offensive and defensive state for an hour, only to see another wave in the water below, and Shaoqing was another black dragon sticking out its head.

Yi Tian was stunned when he saw it. It seems that the information here is wrong, one is so difficult, and now there is another one.After scanning carefully with his spiritual sense, he found that the one in the water was obviously just a newly formed dragon, and its strength was around the sixth-level intermediate level, which was much worse than that of the old dragon.

But the four of them couldn't handle even the immediate matter, not to mention a new opponent, so they couldn't help but feel withdrawn.

Suddenly the two flood dragons uttered two long chants, which made the four of them feel in a trance for a while.With a flash in front of Yi Tian's eyes, he saw that little flood dragon also jumped out of the water, its one-and-a-half-foot-long body hovered in the air, and then attacked him with its teeth and claws.

Just as the other three were taken aback, they saw that old flood dragon also started to move.After parrying the three spells, the black dragon claws in the depths took the initiative to grab Huang Wanting's head.

(End of this chapter)

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