
Chapter 52 Mithril

Chapter 52 Mithril
Staying in the herringbone refining room, Yi Tian felt helpless for a while, and now he knew why Ning Yuxuan wanted to tell him that he would give him a piece of mithril after the task was completed.

This month's sect mission is to smelt Mithril for forty days.

Every new disciple was assigned fifty catties of mine, but they were required to hand over 20 yuan of mithril ingots at the end.

Although according to the standard of Qidian, each mithril ingot must be refined into the shape of a square ingot in the shape of three or two.

But for [-] catties of mines, only [-] catties of mithril are required to be handed over. It is conceivable that there will be a lot left in it.

As long as you are not too unlucky, this task is still full of oil and water.

Seeing the indifferent look on the faces of the new disciples, but the old disciples looked worried, Yi Tian felt bad in his heart, and hurriedly asked someone else to ask.

It turns out that it depends on the character of the work, if the ore you get is a poor ore, it will be hard.

The full calculation is only enough for the task requirements. If the fire consumption is counted, it is definitely not enough.

If you can't complete the task, you have to use your own contribution points to fill in. If you don't contribute points, then use your spare time to be a fire boy in the refining room. That's a chore.

The period of the task is forty days. After completion, you can come out early, or you can come out before the deadline, but you cannot overdue.

Every refiner can bring a storage bag in, and as long as he pays a full share when he comes out, the manager of the hall will not care about other things.

Each piece of mine is equivalent to a sect contribution, and after completion, it will be [-] points in total. If it is not enough, it will be miserable. Each piece needs to be supplemented with two sect contributions.

After listening to the steward's words, Yi Tian himself also broke out in a cold sweat, this rule is too scary.

Also, after working hard here for more than a month, it is only [-]:[-], and if you can't finish it, you will lose money.

It seemed like a luxury to use up [-] points in the Sutra Pavilion yesterday.

No wonder Zhuo Lingfeng looked at him with disdain. He thought he was the second generation of Xiu. The remaining [-] points can be put to good use.

After taking the ore bag, each selected the refining room and went in.

Yi Tian didn't dare to care about the time, and after entering the door, he saw that this herringbone room was not small, and there was a hearth stove in the middle.

Wei Wei feels that there is aura mixed in the flames, there are benches on both sides to sit on, and the innermost is a resting space, Yi Tian looks at it and sits there to practice.

Thinking too much is useless, Yi Tian still has to hurry up, first activate the spiritual energy in both hands, directly lift the flame to a height of ten feet, then find a few small ore in the ore bag and throw it into the furnace, and then start to smelt.

I had smelted mithril in Juxing Village before, although it was a small piece, it felt similar.

What's more, his cultivation base is still on the fifth level of refining, and now that his cultivation base is advanced, he doesn't feel tired when refining.

Sometimes it is also about character. Yi Tian calculated that fifty catties of ore would yield six catties of mithril.

There is no problem with the bonanza. The ore that I just threw in is about five kilograms, and the mithril juice refined after eight hours is poured into the mold to make three pieces, and there are still three pieces left.

This makes Yi Tian happy, so he can finish it all by himself in less than [-] days.

But just now, the spiritual energy consumption was quite large, and after a while of practice, I had to meditate to recover.

Taking advantage of the rest, Yi Tian just took out the Xuanyang True Fire and the True Solution of the Xuanyang Refiner to take a look.

It turned out that the prerequisites for the cultivation of Xuanyang True Fire were even more stringent than that of Chiyang True Fire. Not only should there be more than [-]% of Fire Spirit Roots, but also at least [-]% of Wood Spirit Roots.

It is necessary to nourish Fire Spiritual Qi with Wood Spiritual Qi to improve the progress of cultivation, and its power is also greater than Chiyang True Fire.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian thought of the possibility that Chiyang True Fire should have originated from Xuanyang True Fire.

It should be that the follow-up part of Xuanyang True Fire was lost, and the seniors of the sect created another spiritual art.

And the requirements for practitioners have also been reduced.

It is no problem to cultivate this Xuanyang real fire and qi training according to your own situation, but you can't show it to others, if you are not asking for trouble.

It seems that in the future, people can only say that he is cultivating Fire Spirit Art.

If you ask why the power is greater than others, then use the wood and fire double cultivation to prevaricate, anyway, you can't say that you are practicing Xuanyang real fire.

After reading the jade slip of Xuanyang's real fire, Yi Tian went on to look at the real solution of Xuanyang's Item Refining.

There are also some fourth-order and fifth-order spiritual artifact inscription maps, but Yi Tian can't use them now.

Refining spiritual tools requires the use of natural flames such as Samadhi True Fire or Tiangang and Earthshade. If you don't reach the Foundation Establishment period, you cannot cultivate Samadhi True Fire.

Moreover, Yi Tian is not sure that he can control the natural flame of Tian Gang and Di Sha during the Qi training period.

After watching it, I saw a name flashed in front of Yi Tian's eyes and looked back carefully.

I only saw that it was clearly written in the True Solution of Xuanyang Craftsmanship, and the common method for engraving inscriptions on spiritual tools was to use an inscription knife.

However, it will damage the surface of the aura and reduce the quality of the aura. If it is engraved with the real fire of samadhi, it will be no problem.

At the end, there is a passage that records that if the true fire of samadhi is made by the Xuanyang true fire of this sect, coupled with the inscription technique of concentrating and gathering together, the quality of the spiritual tool can be raised by one level, that is to say, the fourth level is the top. The rank has become a fifth-level spiritual weapon.

This sudden news broke Yi Tianle, but he turned his head and thought that these two spiritual formulas have been stored in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for so many years, someone must have read it.

But I haven't seen anyone sent by Chiyang to practice. These are also mysteries.

Then look at the true artifact refining solution that I spent a hundred spirit stones from Duan Yugang, it should be the missing part of this Xuanyang artifact refining solution.

The ancestors of his Duan family must have been related to the Chiyang faction back then, but why did it spread to Duan Yugang?

And only to become a third-rate refiner and blacksmith?These things will have the opportunity to investigate later.

Since Xuanyang True Fire is so powerful, it must be effective in smelting Mithril.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's eyes are full of fiery heat, and he has settled down. He will practice Xuanyang True Fire first. Anyway, he has already mastered it.

Let’s put the real solution of the refining tool first, and then learn it when you have time. The task of this sect is to be done first.

In the lobby of the Chiyang Pai Hall, the people who took over the task of smelting mithril this time stood in line and stood there waiting to hand over the mithril ingots, which were [-] ingots according to the regulations.

However, two of the first few people did not make enough, and finally had to use the Zongmen contribution points that they finally earned to fill the hole.

That expression was like a broken magic weapon.

The person in front of Yi Tian, ​​Huang Zian, also entered the Hall of Qi when the three factions were selecting disciples, and he was not on the right track with Wan Rui.

So I didn't make much noise along the way, and passed the assessment in the same field as Yi Tian.

He is a relatively low-key person, and he has heard of Ning Yuxuan's strength, knows his judgment, and understands the strength of Yi Tian's Item Refiner.

And the second trial in the Ice Soul Cave that day, although Yi Tian and the four were sitting at the entrance of the second-floor passageway to bake a fire.

But there are always people who will notice. For example, Huang Zian squinted and peeped to see the fierce man behind him sneaking into the passageway on the second floor. It is estimated that he went down to see it.

I knew the chill in the Ice Soul Cave, and the chill in the middle of the night was blown into my bones.

Although the protective cover was opened, it still couldn't resist all of it. If it wasn't close to the entrance on the first floor, the cold air there would be weaker.

It is estimated that he will crush the jade card in it, and that Wan Rui is the best lesson.

For those who dare to go down to the second floor, it must be a great man, and he is still in awe of Yi Tian, ​​at least he can't do it himself.

But now Huang Ziang doesn't have time to think about it. This time, he thought that smelting mithril would be an easy task, but he didn't expect that the [-] kilograms of ore that had just started smelting still had a surplus.

In the end, it was all poor mines, and his spiritual power was poor, and he even smashed it once.

The whole spoon of mithril juice was knocked over on the side of the stove, and it was impossible to turn off the stove and take out the ingredients.

When the forty days are up, you can only take out 19 yuan of mithril ingots, and the rest will be deducted from the sect's contribution points.

Looking at Yi Tian at the back, seeing the person in front shaking so badly, it is probably also a bad luck.

Moreover, the rules of the Qi Palace cannot be directly deducted from the task.

One thing is the same thing, after paying the contribution points first, then go to the back to receive the task reward.

If you can't deliver it, then you have to be a fire boy for half a month, and you won't have a rest.

Thinking of being in the company of Wan Rui, Huang Ziang was worried for a while.

I used to laugh at others before, but now it's all half a catty.

A 20-year-old is short on time, and it is not easy to reach the ninth level of Qi training in ten years.

Forty days ago, when Yitian watched the complete piece of Xuanyang True Fire during the refining period, he realized that fortunately, the spiritual art in the Qi training stage is divided into three layers, corresponding to the low, medium and high levels of Qi training.

Now that I have practiced the sixth level of Qi, it is considered the peak of the middle level, and I can practice it to the second level, so it took 30 days to practice the first level of Xuanyang True Fire.

But the task didn't wait for anyone. After the practice, Yi Tian took the shot with all his strength and smelted the remaining Mithril ingots within ten days.

Although there were also cases of poor spiritual energy, luckily there was still a little bit of spiritual energy. In the end, one hand controlled the fire, and the other held the spirit stone to restore spiritual energy.

After I finished, I looked at the spiritual stone slag in a place, and I spent more than ten yuan.

Completing the task is important, Yi Tian doesn't care about these things, when the bell outside the refinery rings, Yi Tian comes out with Mithril ingots, counting as many as 25 pieces.

It seems that this Xuanyang real fire really works. Ning Yuxuan's exhortation seems to be no problem, but he needs to ask clearly what he wants this thing for.

Seeing that the task is about to be handed in, the person in front of him is really dawdling and procrastinating.

Yi Tian took a look and recognized that they came together this time, and he came over to say hello on the sky survey boat.

Counting the mithril ingots in his arms, it seemed that one piece was missing.

Yi Tian was in a hurry, and he saw Ning Yuxuan when he came out just now. The two of them nodded to each other and had already agreed, and went out to see each other later.

Huang Zian was holding his mithril ingot tremblingly and went to cross, and suddenly saw a hand stretched out behind him and held a mithril ingot in his arms.

I heard Yi Tian say impatiently behind him: "Come on, I'm still in a hurry."

Huang Ziang took a deep breath and strode up to hand in the task.

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(End of this chapter)

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