
Chapter 520 Hometown

Chapter 520 Hometown
The news of the strange treasures in the Black Pool Swamp spread everywhere, but those monks at the Jindan Stage and the Foundation Establishment Stage knew that it was just the aftermath of the monster beasts after the catastrophe, and it was a high-level monster beast, so Everyone chose to be silent tacitly.

Monster beasts like this usually go to live in one hundred thousand mountains after they survive the catastrophe. It is rare for a level [-] monster beast to be produced here like Black Pool Swamp, so there is no need to explore at all.

On the contrary, some low-level monks appeared in groups near the Black Pool Swamp, wanting to go inside to find out.But the fourth-level monsters remaining in the swamp would not let them succeed, and a new hunting and anti-hunting kicked off.

At the same time, Yi Tianzheng, the instigator, flew towards Hewan Village alone, with two beast-guarding bags pinned to his waist.Because of Feigou's request, he didn't want to be alone, so he had no choice but to put him and Qingyu together again.

But now the fat dog's body has become bigger again, almost catching up with the Chiyan horse's size, so the whole animal imperial bag suddenly looks much smaller.

Moreover, it is troublesome for the fifth-level animal-controlling bag to pack the sixth-level spiritual pet. Yi Tian is going to wait for the opportunity to find some good materials to refine a large-scale animal-controlling bag.

After flying over the mountains and mountains, I vaguely remember the topography of the year, but 300 years later, this Hewan County has long been expanded into Hewan City.After Yi Tian found a foothold outside the city, he leisurely strolled along the road at the gate of the city.

In the past 300 years, this small county town with a radius of more than [-] miles is now surrounded by mountains and rivers, drawing water from the Changqing River as a moat, and occupying a radius of [-] miles to build a city.

Although the inner city was still built on the basis of the original Hewan County, the expanded space of the outer city looks impressive, as if it has become a fortress town.

Walking on the streets of Hewan City, Yi Tian quickly found the location of Four Seas Casino according to the location in his memory. Now it is still a casino, but the banner above has changed. Looking up, he saw the inscription "Sanjiang Casino" '.

After inquiring, I realized that there was no White Horse Gang here, and the surrounding residents didn't even know that there was such a Jianghu sect here.

However, someone mentioned that the 'Five Tigers Golden Knife Gate' is the largest faction in Hewan City, and there is also a 'Qingming Sword Sect' in the north of the city, which is also quite strong, and [-]% of the industry in this city is divided between these two factions. go.

Yi Tian just curled his lips and smiled helplessly. The same thing is always repeated in the world, just like the White Horse Gang and Qingzhumen back then.Although time has passed, the characteristics of the local people have been completely preserved.

After leaving Hewan City, Yi Tian arrived in no hurry, just vaguely walked to Hewan Village according to the small road that he entered the city back then. It arrived in just half an hour.

After returning to Daohewan Village, he suddenly discovered that there are still descendants of the Yi family from back then, and they are still the big family in Hewan Village.Taking advantage of the night, Yi Tian slowly touched his original home, and found that dozens of houses with blue bricks and red tiles had been built in a row.

At this time, a group of clan elders in the entire Yi family were sitting behind the living room in the middle of the Jiujian Hall, and they seemed to be waiting for something. The maids were walking back and forth in the house, as if they were very busy.Looking inside, it turned out that several midwives walked into the owner's house.

A group of bigwigs were happily discussing something, when they heard a loud cry from the back hall, they all stepped forward to congratulate the person in the middle.

I only heard a deep voice saying: "Go to the ancestral hall to pay homage to the ancestors immediately after seeing the child." Everyone around also nodded in agreement: "What the Patriarch said is to thank the ancestors for their protection and ensure the safety of Yi's family. good."

After everyone left, Yi Tian's figure slowly appeared in the main hall, and then disappeared in a flash, and then a sapphire pendant appeared on the newborn's neck in the inner hall.

After leaving the Yi family compound, Yi Tian directly aimed at the hinterland of Yihua Mountain. His fate started from here, and he didn’t go back to check it out before, but this time he took this opportunity to go again. have a look.

The situation in the mountain was as usual, especially after the cold air rose at midnight, the whole mountain forest was wet.Based on my memory, I found the big locust tree back then. The hole in the tree below was filled with stones that I had filled up, and now it is full of weeds.

Stretching out his right hand and performing the Controlling Art, he removed all the stones in the tree hole one by one, and found the stone door.Open the stone door and walk into it slowly. Yi Tian groped around where the two skeletons were before, making sure there was nothing missing.

Back then, I had the courage to enter the cave by mistake, but now it seems that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.Usually there will always be some defensive restrictions in these caves, and once someone breaks in by mistake, they will immediately attack in self-defense.

Sitting on the stone futon, Yi Tian closed his eyes and meditated, recalling the situation when he found Li Huozong Lin Yi and Wu Zhen here.Back then, I was ignorant and knew too little about the cultivation world. According to my current experience, Lin Yi must have surpassed Wu Zhen in cultivation.

For example, if an outer disciple of his own Chiyang sect wants to sneak attack an inner disciple, it is tantamount to talking in sleep, even if he uses poison, it is difficult to succeed.

As for the Lihuo Sect, those who could enter the inner sect were disciples of the Golden Core cultivation level, and the foundation-building stage monks attacking the Golden Core stage monks would definitely use the egg to hit the stone.

But this Wu Zhen succeeded. Could it be that Lin Yi was seriously injured at that time so that people could take advantage of it.

He touched the ten words on the floor of the stone futon with his hand that he had scratched back then, the scratches on the bottom of Xuanling Mountain, Xuanyang School, and Bingpo Cave were still there.A clear light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes immediately, because he had formed a celestial relationship because he wanted to contribute to the revival of the Xuanyang Sect and even the Lihuo Sect.

Returning to Dong Ao this time was officially for this matter. The Iron Sword Sect Xuanling faction took advantage of the death of their ancestors and drove their descendants to the Chiyan Hills. This account must be settled carefully.

Thousands of years have passed since this incident, and only the ancestors of the three factions can remember those incidents.If you want to unify the Xuanyang faction without bloodshed, you must find a way on the ancestors of the three factions.

Many disciples in the sect had to accept their presence, even those new Yuanying monks would not dare to make a mistake if they wanted to.

In this way, Yi Tian thought about the way to go in the cave, and half a day later, the figure sitting cross-legged on the stone futon gradually faded until it disappeared completely.

Then the stones outside the tree hole rolled into the hole automatically until the roots of the whole locust tree were completely buried.

(End of this chapter)

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