
Chapter 542 Palace Exam

Chapter 542 Palace Exam
The banquet in the Dragon Palace was still going on. On the surface, it still looked harmonious, but as long as you pay a little attention, you can find that the whole banquet is divided into two groups, the Jiaolong clan and the Thunder Dragon clan.

The sea beasts that can participate in the meeting are all sea creatures with high bloodlines and successful transformations. Among them, the transformed sea beasts on the Thunder Dragon King's side seem to be inferior to the nephews on the Flood Dragon King's side.Although Yi Tian and Mo Wentian are sitting on the upper left side, after glancing at the entire hall, it is not difficult to find that the transformation forms of the Jiaolong clan on his side are relatively complete, and few of them retain the characteristics of sea beasts. Just a horn.

It's just that the Jiaolong clan seems to have slightly fewer nephews than the Thunder Dragon clan. On the other hand, except for the Leilong King sitting on the right, who looks like a human, the descendants below him will more or less retain the obvious characteristics of the Dragon clan.Many of the people present on the opposite side are dragon heads, and the better faces still retain the appearance of dragon scales and dragon skin.

After the Flood Dragon King showed his favor, the descendants of the Flood Dragon Clan next to him all raised their glasses to him one after another. No wonder the monks who can be treated with courtesy by the patriarch have some backgrounds.

Yi Tian gladly accepted these compliments, and returned the compliments one by one, and after all the communication, he finally touched the situation at the banquet.Now, although the number of Jiaolong people on my side is small, they are all superior in strength. On the other hand, the seats of the Thunder Dragon people on the other side are just a lot of people.

After drinking for three rounds, the Dragon King waved his hand away from the general maids, then he stood up and raised his wine glass and said loudly: "All fellow Taoists who came to watch the ceremony can come to witness our millennium event. I am very grateful. Let's drink together." He raised his glass and took a full drink.

Yi Tian just scanned the surrounding environment, then picked up the wine glass in front of him with a smile and complimented those non-dragon monks.But in his heart, he looked at the Jiaolong King differently. Most of the foreign monks present were sitting on his side, and it seemed that the Jiaolong King wanted to make more friends with foreign monks this time.

On the other hand, Thunder Dragon King's face was quite calm, the two pursued different paths, one was to strive for excellence rather than excess, and the other was to have as much as possible.

Later, I saw Thunder Dragon King who was sitting on the side and said calmly: "Brother, why don't we finalize the list of people selected for this time."

After hearing this, the Jiaolong King just replied indifferently: "There is still some time before the celebration, Brother Lei, please be safe, be restless and be restless."

We all know that these two are at odds with each other, but it is not common to compete directly in this half. Suddenly, the relaxed atmosphere in the hall is suddenly broken. It's like chicken blood.And those monks who came to watch the ceremony all kept their mouths shut and drank and poured themselves, and stopped talking at all.

Seeing that the scene was a little cold, Jiaolong King had no choice but to speak again: "If this is the case, then we will use the old method to decide."

Thunder Dragon King nodded and replied: "That's right," he clapped his hands after he finished speaking, and then a pair of tortoise spirit guards carried a large millstone and walked out of the back hall, and after placing it in the main hall, they turned upside down. Dragon King Yitong scattered after saluting.

Then the Thunder Dragon King turned his head and said to the general descendants: "All the disciples of the clan who have reached the sixth level or above and have successfully transformed themselves and are no older than [-] years old can come forward and try."

As soon as the words were closed, seven or eight people stood up from the seats on the right and walked to the middle one by one to prepare for the test.

Yi Tian glanced at this rough stone and immediately understood that this thing should be used for testing.Suddenly, Mo Wentian's voice transmission came from next to his ear: "After they are finished, it will be the turn of Jiaolong King. Junior brother, you are a foreigner and you can go for the final test."

After listening, he saw the descendants of the Thunder Dragon clan step forward and start testing. Suddenly, the stone emitted an extremely dazzling blue light, and he looked closely at a young monk of the Thunder Dragon clan who was testing.As if specially arranged by the Thunder Dragon King, the audience was stunned as soon as he came up. At this time, Mo Wentian's face was not good-looking, but he just whispered: "This person's name is Lei Wanjun, and he is the youngest son of the Thunder Dragon King. Thinking of reaching the peak of the sixth-level high-level cultivation base, one foot has already stepped into the quasi-level-[-] category."

Yi Tian looked around and saw that after Lei Wanjun's blue skin transformed into shape, the entire face retained the least dragon features, only some dragon scales remained on the back of the ears, which was stronger in blood than the other descendants of thunder dragons Quite a lot.

At the same time, An'an compared him with Prince Lei Yan in his heart, only to realize that this beast should be superior in strength, but for some reason he was not named the prince, which made people wonder a little more.

After the Thunder Dragon Clan contestants finished the test, it seemed that it should be the turn of the Dragon King. Suddenly, the Thunder Dragon King said again: "Brother, forgive me for inviting foreign aid from the Blue Scale Clan this time, and now we are waiting for the test outside the hall. Look here,"

"It doesn't matter, as long as they comply with the rules, call them in." Dragon King nodded.

Yi Tian took this opportunity to directly transmit voice to Mo Wentian and said: "Senior brother, I have something unclear, please ask me to clarify."

"You want to ask about the foreign aid of the Blue Scale Clan?"

"No, it's just that the younger brother had acquainted with Prince Lei Yan before, but when he stopped, he seemed to be of the Thunder Dragon King's lineage, why did he get acquainted with the saintess of the Red Scale Race?" Yi Tian asked without knowing it.

After hearing this, Mo Wentian rationalized his thoughts before replying: "I don't know, this Prince Lei Yan was born after the marriage between the Jiaolong and Thunder Dragon clans. Because of his special status and the strengths of both clans, the Thunder Dragon King identified him as a Prince, but it seems that other members of the Thunder Dragon family have complaints about him, and I heard that Thunder Dragon King still prefers his younger son Lei Wanjun in private, but it is only because of the pressure of Jiaolong King that he has no choice but to do so."

No wonder Prince Leiyan was able to drive the red-scaled saintess, it turned out that there was still such a relationship.Just as he was thinking about it, two people walked in outside the hall. Yi Tian glanced at him and was stunned for a moment. One of the two Bluescale people who walked in turned out to be his acquaintance Lan Yu'er.

And the other party seemed to recognize him, even though they just looked at each other for a while, they already knew it in their hearts.

After the people came to the test stand and injected mana one by one, Yi Tian saw that Lan Yu'er's cultivation seemed to have reached the sixth intermediate level, ranking third among a group of Thunder Dragon candidates.

After they finished all the tests, the Jiaolong King said: "So Yanjun, you all come up to try it, and a few fellow Taoists from other races, please come forward together."

After he finished speaking, Yi Tian saw a young descendant of the dragon clan standing up on the seat on his right. It should be the Yan Jun mentioned by the Dragon King.

Suddenly, a deep and powerful sound transmission sounded in my ear: "You Daoist Yi, please help my son to pick the ambergris fruit smoothly when I go in this time. I will be grateful after it is done."

Following his gaze, Yi Tian just nodded slightly, then slowly stood up and walked to the end of the line to wait for the test.

(End of this chapter)

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